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Made in gb
Drooling Labmat

Just catching up on this blog and all of this is amazing. Last years minis are an incredible showcase - and that Bugbear for 48 hrs is superb...

What is up next?
Made in fi
Dipping With Wood Stain

gobert wrote:I like dwarf butts and I cannot lie! Sorry for being cheeky! seriously though, those guys were a great choice to get the year going, really great job
The year end pic looks like more than 39 to me, but I trust you’re counting more than my eyeballing . Either way, they look fantastic and even better that you’re happy with them.
Quick succession of minis now too, both look great and even more impressive for such a quick turnaround!

Haha, cheeky Cheers! Hmm... You're right, something's off... In the picture there are precisely 39 models, and so there are in my list. But there's one model missing from the pic (the elf), and also from the list (the Space Wolf). So I painted 40 models even!
Ezki wrote:The haul of 2022 looks really good! So many different colors and amazing looking models.
And you achieved the most important goal: being happy with every model you have painted!
What kind of setup do you have for group pictures like that?
The Bugbear is also looking good!
The Wizkids models are alright and quite good bang for your buck. Been buying them from the local store (Fantasiapelit) to be used in D&D and so forth.
Due to their cheap price, I can sometimes justify painting them only using washes or contrast and call it a day haha.

Much appreciated Ezki! The photo setup is very simple, even more so than for single models/squads. The models stand on a white desk (you can see faint reflections of the models on the glossy surface), and I shot the picture on a sunny day so that I got as much light as possible, but the models weren't in direct sunlight to avoid harsh shadows. For the same reason I don't use lamps for these big group shots - I try to have the light as even as possible. Then I just make the exposure time longer to get the pic as bright as it needs to be (tripod is a must of course). My camera is an old Nikon D3000 with a 50mm lense, which is otherwise fine but the 10MP resolution is a problem for these group shots.
ItsVaughany wrote:Just catching up on this blog and all of this is amazing. Last years minis are an incredible showcase - and that Bugbear for 48 hrs is superb...
What is up next?

Many thanks Vaughany, and for stopping by as well!
Now that you asked, I've been working on the next Primaris Marine: an Imperial Fist. The body's pretty much done, I'll probably just add some chips to the armor and do some minor fixing. Then there's the head and base rim to do. Shouldn't take a whole lot of painting hours, hopefully I can show the finished model in a week or two...

My P&M log here on Dakka [WIP and finished work]
My blog on Wordpress [Finished work] 
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Hehe, I love it when my count is lower than the actual number, congrats on the bonus mini!

The Imperial Fist is looking superb, the yellow practice with your Revelators has clearly paid dividends!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in fi
Dipping With Wood Stain

 gobert wrote:
Hehe, I love it when my count is lower than the actual number, congrats on the bonus mini!
The Imperial Fist is looking superb, the yellow practice with your Revelators has clearly paid dividends!

Cheers! I'm sure painting the Revelators has helped, but I used a very different technique on the Fist!


Working up the courage to paint a yellow model took some time, but using the new Contrast paint made the process almost trivial. My Primaris collection now has an Imperial Fist!

The model was built mostly from the Intercessor kit with the IF upgrade sprue. The pistol arm(+hand) are from Assault Intercessors, as I thought the pose was a more natural pair for the raised fist. I changed the "heavy bolt pistol" to a regular one though, as I like my pistols more reasonably sized I put the model on a sloped piece of cork, which made the model more upright and, to me at least, works very well with the overall pose. If you don't count the kitbashing, the one conversion I did was to remove the IF icon from the power fist. Mostly because I felt there would've been a bit too many fist icons so close to each other (I mean, just look at this), but it also gave me some room for freehanding!

As I mentioned, this was an exercise in Contrast painting. I took Aidan Daly's Imperial Fist scheme as a starting point. I zenithally primed the model with Greyseer and White Scar sprays and coated it with Imperial Fist Contrast paint. A smooth, vibrant one-coat solution! I don't have Fuegan Orange, new or old, so I used thinned Gryph-hound Orange for recess-shading instead. I then layered and highlighted using Flash Gitz Yellow, Ice Yellow and white. While I of course had to work very thin when layering (more like glazing, really), it was actually enjoyable as I had the solid IF basecoat to work on. After finishing the armor I had to paint all the black elements, which was somewhat stressful, but I managed to do it without too many slips.

The bit I probably enjoyed painting the most was the head. I've been really enjoying painting the Primaris heads, they're relatively large, very well defined and have some great expressions. This time I left the five-o'clock-shadow out as I imagine Imperial Fists are always properly groomed. I tried something new with the hair: some gray/white above his ear to hint at him being a "more seasoned veteran", or the light gray hair that many Fists seem to have.

There are a couple of freehand elements on the model. The first one was on the aforementioned cleaned up power fist. I try to incorporate the name of the chapter/legion, its primarch or homeworld on each of these first-founding Primaris models, and went with the primarch, Dorn, here. I wanted to try a more gothic lettering than I've previously managed to do, and after looking at a lot of references and doing some back-and-forth fixing mistakes I had the design you can see in the photo above. The position of the letters is just a tiny bit to the left of where I'd want them (in relation to those studs), but definitely not enough to repaint a black design on yellow background! I also painted the company marking on the left knee, which was a relatively quick thing to do and brought an additional point of interest to the model. Decals were used for the other details: the squad markings and the small maltese/templar cross that seems to be a popular motif even with Primaris Fists.

I tried to keep the weathering subtle on this one, to emulate the clean 'Eavy Metal-look. Of course, I did muddy up the legs like I always do, which went a bit overboard as it often does. I'm not super keen on the coffee staining that happened, but otherwise I'm happy with it. Likewise, I'm generally happy with the chipping. I'm not sure if it's weird that there's no chipping above the knees (other than on the hands), but kept it like that to mostly preserve the clean yellow armor.

As for the bingo card, I'll definitely claim the "rarely-used color scheme" with this model. While I previously haven't painted any models predominantly in yellow, I got to say that I'm pretty excited to work with the IF Contrast paint again in the future. Perhaps on some box art-scheme Orruks?

My P&M log here on Dakka [WIP and finished work]
My blog on Wordpress [Finished work] 
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

That's some nice yellow, very snazzy!
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

He turned out fantastic! The yellow is super vibrant, I’d heard IF Yellow was good, and you’ve certainly used it to good effect. The highlights are really well done too. What Chapter/Legion is next?

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in fi
Dipping With Wood Stain

aku-chan wrote:That's some nice yellow, very snazzy!

Thanks a lot aku-chan!
gobert wrote:He turned out fantastic! The yellow is super vibrant, I’d heard IF Yellow was good, and you’ve certainly used it to good effect. The highlights are really well done too. What Chapter/Legion is next?

Much appreciated! The next Chapter will most likely be Blood Angels, I have the model ready and primed already. I've also built a Salamander, but he's missing the base... However, I've painted something else this past week. I still have to take the photos, but hopefully get to show the model to you on the weekend.

My P&M log here on Dakka [WIP and finished work]
My blog on Wordpress [Finished work] 
Made in au
Alluring Mounted Daemonette


That's a beautiful yellow mate, and de-fisting the fist was a great idea.

Love the texture work on the bugbear's vest too - a very nice effect!

t z you are k 
Made in fi
Dipping With Wood Stain

 tzurk wrote:
That's a beautiful yellow mate, and de-fisting the fist was a great idea.
Love the texture work on the bugbear's vest too - a very nice effect!

Cheers, glad you like them! I was also very happy with the vest. The Contrast paint gave it a nice basecoat to work with, and I managed to keep the scratches sharp for a nice effect.


Another relatively quickly painted model today. But while it took me less than a week to paint, I built this pilot nearly two years ago!

I've already discussed the build in the previous post, but as it was so long ago I'll do it again. The model is built out of bits from the old Command Squad and some tank commander (Leman Russ, I think?). I wanted to tell a story with the figure: perhaps a Sentinel pilot who lost his walker and got injured, trying to leg it back to the friendly lines after bandaging his arm. I'm very happy with the model, the only bit that's a bit off is that the arm sling is floating a bit around his neck. I think this is because he's not wearing a flak jacket, so not much I could do without resculpting the thing. I hope it's not too obvious...

The paint scheme is inspired by the classic Armageddon Steel Legion, but as the model is Cadian, I had to do some adapting. The main references were Codex Armageddon and Tyler Mengel's tutorial. The shoulder pads and pants were painted a greenish gray, and the leather cap as dark brown. I tried to keep the color palette close to the source material, but I don't know if the inspiration is clear as the model lacks the signature coat, gasmask and helmet, which messes with the color balance. To be clear, I think the color scheme works well, it's just that the model might not immediately read as a Steel Legionnaire.

My favorite part to paint was once again the face. Glazing on some stubble was as satisfying as ever, and I even tried to make the eyes look more tired by coloring the eyelids a bit. After I painted the face to look a bit weary, his bare arm looked too clean. I proceeded to try painting an impression of hair. I used Drakenhof Nightshade to paint tiny lines on the arm, after which I re-highlighted it. I don't think I was entirely successful, but it doesn't look terrible either. I'll have to keep experimenting...

I also think that the bloody bandages came out nicely. I used Vallejo's Hull Red (a brown-red) and black to paint the majority of it, and added just a couple of dots of Blood for the Blood God to imply that some fresh blood is still seeping trough. I also had to weather the model so that it would fit the narrative I wanted to tell, so I painted on some dried blood drips and tried to make the clothes look dusty, like he had had to scramble around in the wasteland. Still, I tried to keep it subtle. I know, that's what I've been saying with most of my recent models, but this time I think I pulled it off fairly successfully!

I followed Duncan's tutorial on the ash wastes base. Ever since I saw it I thought it looked amazing, and have been waiting for an opportunity to use it. And what better model than a Steel Legionnaire? But in any case, when I say followed, I mean the painting part. My base was built before the tutorial was released, and is just regular sand and stones. I actually have the "Dry Ground" texture paint, so it's a shame I didn't use it for this. Some old metal junk would've been cool too for the added color, but the 25mm base isn't really ideal for elaborate bases. I think the first gray wash I did was too heavy, which made the base more gray than in the tutorial, but I still very much like how it turned out and will surely use the tutorial again.

As for the bingo card, the pilot could be used for multiple squares, but I'll go with "accessories themed to match my army". I've always kinda picture him as the original pilot of my Astra Rodentia Sentinel, and could be used as an objective marker of some sort. I don't know if this is a 100% appropriate model for the square as my rats are not much of an army and I'm not too familiar with the rules, but I figured that this is my best chance to score one of the more exotic squares.

My P&M log here on Dakka [WIP and finished work]
My blog on Wordpress [Finished work] 
Made in es
Regular Dakkanaut

Madrid, Spain

Another superb paintjob.

Also known as KeiserS! muette is my old name.

I also have a 3d models shop, check it out here! https://cults3d.com/en/users/keiserspandp/creations 
Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

I think its instantly recognizable as a steel legion trooper!

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Radukar the Wolf 
Made in fi
Dipping With Wood Stain

muette wrote:Another superb paintjob.

Thanks, much appreciated!
Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:I think its instantly recognizable as a steel legion trooper!

Awesome! Just what I wanted to hear!


Work on the Blood Angel started!

My P&M log here on Dakka [WIP and finished work]
My blog on Wordpress [Finished work] 
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

The steel legion dude is great. The detail on his face is amazing, it nicely conveys he’s been having a hard time! That bandage looks like it could do with changing though, hope he gets to the medics soon!
Loving the Blood Angel too, the highlights are looking sharp!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in fi
Dipping With Wood Stain

 gobert wrote:
The steel legion dude is great. The detail on his face is amazing, it nicely conveys he’s been having a hard time! That bandage looks like it could do with changing though, hope he gets to the medics soon!
Loving the Blood Angel too, the highlights are looking sharp!

Much appreciated gobert! Oh yeah, blood splatter was not enough for the bandages, I threw on some Agrax for good measure


The last couple of weeks have been mostly taken up by work, but I've been chipping away at a Blood Angel when I've had the time and energy. He's done now!

The model was originally built last fall or so, out of a monopose Assault Intercessor and Blood Angel upgrade bits. I made the mistake of stuffing too much bling on his waist, which made the model look a bit off from some angles. Before I primed him this spring, I decided I'd re-do the accessories, and think the model's way better for it. I also spent a lot of time deciding between a bare head and the helmet. On one hand, I like painting faces a lot, on the other I'd like to have a few helmeted warriors in my Primaris collection and I quite like the yellow helmets on Blood Angels. The helmet won in the end. The base is scratch-made, and might be my favorite infantry base I've done so far. I imagine he's charging down a space ship corridor, as a nod to the Blood Angel Terminators in Space Hulk.

I wanted some variety on the normally all-red armor, so for the paint scheme I settled on an Assault Intercessor to get the yellow helmet, and a sergeant for the black shoulder pads. Although, if I'm being honest, I really enjoy painting red so I would've happily painted everything in it. But alas, I think I did well with the yellow and black bits as well. After I had decided on the color scheme, I considered a few different styles of painting. I really like the 'Eavy Metal style, but painting the Ultramarine was plenty of that for a while. Richard Gray's and Trovarion's takes were also considered, but I didn't think this was the right model. I ended up going with something similar to the way I painted my Dark Angel, using volumetric highlighting. I didn't push the edge highlights as much, but paid more attention to the weathering. There are a couple of places where I'm not totally happy with the light placement or the chipping work, but nonetheless I thoroughly enjoyed painting the armor.

As for the detail work, I of course saw the opportunity for some hazard striping and went for it. I actually even painted the red cable on the floor in hazard stripes, but thought that was a bit too much and changed it. All of the gems, lenses and the purity seal were lots of fun to paint and among my favorite details on the model. I also continued with the script practice, writing "Baal" (Blood Angels' homeworld) on his right tasset plate. The "curly bits" didn't end up quite as nice as I would've wanted, but nice enough, and it's legible at least. Trying to do a fancy font myself really makes me admire the 'Eavy Metal paintjobs. I mean, the lines on that "blood" text are so razor thin! I'll keep on practicing...

Anyways, this Blood Angel is the fifth of nine in my Primaris first-founding chapters project, which takes me over the half-way point. That's a good excuse for a group photo, I reckon, so here you go!

A handsome bunch, no? And to finish this post off I'll claim another square on the bingo card. Again, there were multiple possibilities here, but I'll go with the "model from a faction you don't own painted models for".

My P&M log here on Dakka [WIP and finished work]
My blog on Wordpress [Finished work] 
Made in fi
Foolproof Falcon Pilot

Finland, Espoo

Wow, that group shot is like something from a box art! Stellar work.
Loving the crisp colors and clean highlights.

And thanks for the photo tips. Forgot to answer earlier.

Made in fi
Dipping With Wood Stain

 Ezki wrote:
Wow, that group shot is like something from a box art! Stellar work.
Loving the crisp colors and clean highlights.
And thanks for the photo tips. Forgot to answer earlier.

Thank you very much Ezki, and no worries! Hopefully the tips are useful to you, or anyone else.

My P&M log here on Dakka [WIP and finished work]
My blog on Wordpress [Finished work] 
Made in ca
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

They're shiny and colorful!

realism is a lie
Made in gb
Mad Gyrocopter Pilot


Your painting is just superb. Really nice work with the marines but my favourite is the Steel Legion trooper. Easily recognisable even without the mask!

One and a half feet in the hobby

My Painting Log of various minis:
# Olthannon's Oscillating Orchard of Opportunity #

Made in fi
Dipping With Wood Stain

amazingturtles wrote:They're shiny and colorful!

Cheers turtles! Just the way I like it! It's a bit of a shame there's only one colorful loyalist left, then it's on to black and white armors...
Olthannon wrote:Your painting is just superb. Really nice work with the marines but my favourite is the Steel Legion trooper. Easily recognisable even without the mask!

Thank you Olthannon, much appreciated! I'm happy that the inspiration is clear!


A quick WIP photo today. I thought I'd go after some "easy wins", and perhaps paint paint a squad (/group) instead of single minis, and decided to go back to Poxwalkers. Well, I'm painting them one by one, but I'll try to paint a few before moving on to another project. I already got one finished (the one with the yellow hazmat suit. Proper showcase photos when I have a few more finished...), and started working on another. Decided to try another skin color, I like the green so far. The next stage is layering and highlighting, then the metallics and finishing the base.

My P&M log here on Dakka [WIP and finished work]
My blog on Wordpress [Finished work] 
Made in fi
Dipping With Wood Stain

So, last week I got back to painting Poxwalkers. While this post is a bit late, I have four new models to show for my efforts!

Rather than batch painting, I painted these guys one by one. They were all started on one day and finished the next, and took roughly three hours of painting time each. While batch painting likely would've saved me some time, I thought that painting the models individually would be more enjoyable and I'd be motivated by the more apparent progress. I'm glad to say that the painting was a lot of fun and it felt great to have a new finished mini every day!

A further reason for painting them individually was that I wanted to try out new skin colors. All my previous 'walkers feature a pale Caucasian skintone, and that's where I started the first of these four models too (trying to remember how I painted these; last time I did was in 2020...). From there on I tried a couple of green tones based on Athonian Camoshade and finally a yellowish skin based on Aggaros Dunes. I got to say, I like each of them, and can see myself using the recipes for other models as well in the future. I layered all the different skintones with a lighter paint, and as previously, highlighted everything with Pallid Wych Flesh.

I had a lot of fun painting these guys, and can definitely understand why they seem to be a favorite for painting competitions - there's a whole lot of cool(/gross) details that look nice with nothing but a layer of Contrast paint, but you can spend a lot of time carefully painting those details, reinforcing the story that the models tell. There are maggots crawling everywhere: some on the models, some under their skin or clothes, and some models have their pockets stuffed with them! You can make the boils glow, or paint them as eyes! There's equipment and improvised weapons that hint at their previous lives. You can play around with basically any/every color you want for the skin, and likewise painting different corroded metals allows for orange and teal spot colors to be added. I feel like I could've happily spent twice the time painting any of these models! Also, while taking the photos I noticed there's a silly face on the hazmat guys exposed back. Hilarious!

A quick note on the photography: if you compare these photos with the previous ones, the models look a bit different. In hand the different batches look fairly close to each other, and I'd say the new photos are fairly close to reality. I doubt it's possible to take a photo that matches reality a 100%, but with my current setup I think I can get fairly accurate colors with minimal post processing.

I'll claim another bingo square with these models, this time the "over a year on the to-do pile". Perusing my eBay history, it seems I bought these models in 2020, and if memory serves, primed them a year ago. I still have six of them primed waiting for paint, and another set of ten unassembled. I don't know if I get to continue this project this summer, as I and the family will be on the move most of the time, but these feel like good models to paint when work starts again...

My P&M log here on Dakka [WIP and finished work]
My blog on Wordpress [Finished work] 
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

They look very gross and pus-filled, nice job!
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Just catching up, that Blood Angel is absolutely stonking! I’ve always loved a good bit of black on them, so I’m really pleased you went for a sergeant. That yellow helmet is phenomenal too! The whole gang is just cracking, hopefully you’ve got a good spot to display them all? Maybe a nice wall box display of them all?

The Poxwalkers are amazing too. The different skin tones turned out great. finishing a mini every day must be a great feeling, I might have to give that a try at some point.

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in fi
Dipping With Wood Stain

aku-chan wrote:They look very gross and pus-filled, nice job!

Thank you very much aku-chan!
gobert wrote:Just catching up, that Blood Angel is absolutely stonking! I’ve always loved a good bit of black on them, so I’m really pleased you went for a sergeant. That yellow helmet is phenomenal too! The whole gang is just cracking, hopefully you’ve got a good spot to display them all? Maybe a nice wall box display of them all?
The Poxwalkers are amazing too. The different skin tones turned out great. finishing a mini every day must be a great feeling, I might have to give that a try at some point.

That's high praise indeed, thank you so much gobert! I've got my Detolf cabinet for display (well, at the moment it's in storage, but when I eventually get back to "normal"...), which has served me well so far, but I've been dreaming of a some kind of a wall-mounted box as you suggested. It would be cool to have one with a separate compartment for each mini from the 18 legions (when I some day get them all finished...).


I've been neglecting this thread (and forum) for much too long, sorry about that! Let's try to get back to updating. First of all, a little catch-up about my summer, which I wrote at the start of September. I'm a bit strapped on time so I'll not edit it. TL;DR: little hobby progress, had to move house temporarily, had a second kid, work has started again.
Alright, a quick post to show you I’m still alive! Unfortunately, this post will be light on pictures. Not much hobby progress to share, nor any new finished models 😦

So this summer was a bit different from what we’d hoped. Due to a very unfortunate issue with our apartment (more on that later, perhaps), we spent the summer mostly at the in-laws. Nothing against them, but it meant I didn’t have access to my painting desk, so no progress on that front. I did, however, build a lot of kits! For example, I built almost all my remaining Underworlds warbands (I now have 12 bands built or primed…) and a bunch of character models.

Then on to the big, good, news! At the end of July our second child – a beautiful, healthy baby girl – was born. Everything went pretty much as well as it could have, and the time with the newborn has been surprisingly easy (read: “more sleep than I thought”). As it turns out though, two kids that need pretty much constant looking after means very little free time for the parents! Now that work has started again after my paternity leave, I’ve been readjusting my schedule and spending what little free time I’ve had playing computer games (Boltgun was cool!) and watching YouTube.
Due to the apartment trouble and the new-comer, my Warhammer hobby is shelved for the moment. I’m starting to feel the itch to get back to painting and modeling, but so far haven’t had the time or energy to set up my hobby space. I’m still hoping to get some models finished before the year’s end, but try not to stress over it… We’ll see how it goes!

I’ll leave you with a WIP picture and a bit of a progress report on my Space Marine project. I’m almost finished building the four remaining loyalists! Below you can see the White Scar and the Iron Hand. Very excited to get to painting both of them, though they need bases first. The Salamander is also built, sans the base. Finally, I just received the Raven Guard upgrade kit, so I can finish assembling the model as soon as I pull my tools and the other bits from storage… I think I have a chance of finishing all the loyalists next year!

And then on to today, or at least a couple weeks ago...

The painting train is moving again, if slowly! I've dug out my models and supplies, and finished another batch of Poxwalkers.

As with the previous quartet, I used a mix of skin colors to give the eventual mob some added interest. For the other elements I pretty much used the recipes I decided on my first three 'walkers. The obvious difference is the white "lab coat", as I thought my chosen accent color of orange wouldn't make much sense. Still got to use orange on the wraps of his makeshift sledgehammer, so I think he fits in with the rest just fine.

Speaking of the sledge, it's one of the few details that I'm not so keen on these models. I just find the log very out-of-place thematically. I mean, most of these guys seem like they're from some industrial planet, which we know are pretty nasty places with their nature eradicated. Where did he find a log? But in any case, painting it proved pretty fun! I took an extra photo to show the ring pattern, which you can see below.

These guys were really enjoyable to paint (once again), and were the perfect models to ease me back to painting. With Nurgle, you can experiment with wild colors and different techniques, and don't need to be super accurate. Just the thing for some late-night painting and relaxation. I still have three 'walkers built and primed, but I'll paint some other models before getting back to Nurgle.

My P&M log here on Dakka [WIP and finished work]
My blog on Wordpress [Finished work] 
Made in es
Regular Dakkanaut

Madrid, Spain

My oh my, the skin! The rust!! In love with those.

Also known as KeiserS! muette is my old name.

I also have a 3d models shop, check it out here! https://cults3d.com/en/users/keiserspandp/creations 
Made in fi
Dipping With Wood Stain

 muette wrote:
My oh my, the skin! The rust!! In love with those.

Much appreciated muette!


It’s back to Space Marines, but second founding instead of first. Here’s my version of a Crimson Fist.

This model was very much inspired by the awesome Crimson Fist by Luther from The Mighty Brush (and yeah, I'm aware that he's got a thread here on Dakka as well). The model is otherwise a standard Assault Intercessor sergeant, but I swapped out the helmet for a mk7 one, which are my favorites. I didn’t follow Luther’s painting guide (don’t have an airbrush), but instead took the palette mostly from GW/’Eavy Metal and used drybrushing to lay down the initial highlights. Of course, I didn’t leave it at just drybrushing: I recess shaded the model, glazed on some shadows and highlights and of course edged the whole thing. But, as this is only one model, all that felt very quick, and in any case, there’s not much more to paint after the blue armor is finished.

But even if the painting was fast, the decals were not! It took me three nights to get them on and flush with the shoulder pads. I used a Crimson Fist decal from a 3rd edition SM decal sheet, but I had to create the tactical arrow from two decals: the circle from the CF icon and the red arrow from a Dark Angels tactical arrow. The old decals are a bit more transparent than contemporary ones, so I painted over them, adding some shading/highlighting while I was at it.

I’m using this mini to claim another square on the bingo card, for using a technique I haven’t mastered yet. I mean, I could really use any model for this square as I feel I haven’t really mastered much, but this model had a bunch of “firsts” so I guess it’s as appropriate as it gets. In addition to using drybrushing for a marine’s flat(-ish) armor, I tried doing glowing OSL eye lenses instead of the standard gems. I also used DIY dry pigments (ground from pieces of chalk) on the base. I’m very happy with the result of all these experiments, but there’s of course room to refine the techniques.

My P&M log here on Dakka [WIP and finished work]
My blog on Wordpress [Finished work] 
Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Congrats on the new arrival! 2 is chaos at times, but soon enough they’ll be their own entertainers if you’re lucky! Hope the house stuff works out too, can’t imagine living with the in laws is much fun, though live in babysitters can’t be too bad!

Your Poxwalkers just keep on getting better. Super disgusting!

The Crimson Fist is great too, the dry brushing gives him a nice patina and the extra touches are great

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in fi
Dipping With Wood Stain

 gobert wrote:
Congrats on the new arrival! 2 is chaos at times, but soon enough they’ll be their own entertainers if you’re lucky! Hope the house stuff works out too, can’t imagine living with the in laws is much fun, though live in babysitters can’t be too bad!
Your Poxwalkers just keep on getting better. Super disgusting!
The Crimson Fist is great too, the dry brushing gives him a nice patina and the extra touches are great

Thanks for the kind words gobert!


Lately I've been able to paint somewhat regularly, and that has translated to new minis! Here's a trio of Corvus Cabalists.

It's been quite a while since I painted my previous Cabalist (or the first one, for that matter), so there might be slight differences as I don't have complete notes on all the recipes and procedures used. I did change one bit about my original method though, and that was to thin down the Nuln Oil wash after the zenithal priming, and leave it completely off from skin parts. This way the Contrast paints I used for basecoats worked better. I don't know if it had much impact on the final products, as I ended up painting over most of those initial coats, but I was happier with the approach.

All in all, these models were enjoyable to paint and felt really fast compared to the two characters I painted previously (which makes sense, obviously). They're fairly small and don't have too many details or different elements. But, there's also room for painterly flourishes such as the blends on the beaks, the eyes, and I even tried a tattoo on a bare chest! The tattoo could've been a bit better if I'd spent more time on it, but my brush was way past its prime so I didn't bother too much. Still, I think it fits the overall aesthetic and I'm happy with it for a first try!

With these three done, I'm three models away from finishing the Cabal. Unfortunately I'm not so keen on the two Spire Stalkers, I'll have to see if I can convert them in some way to be more to my liking when I get to building the remaining models... But speaking of conversions, the lady throwing a dart has had her spear swapped out for a knife, and I'll use her to claim the conversion square on the bingo card.

My P&M log here on Dakka [WIP and finished work]
My blog on Wordpress [Finished work] 
Made in fi
Posts with Authority

Superb paintjobs all round! Dunno why but only now saw this plog, will be following closely from now on. Cheers

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

The tattoo looks great!

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Radukar the Wolf 
Made in fi
Foolproof Falcon Pilot

Finland, Espoo

I second the statement: nice work on the tattoo!
These models look so great and you've done them justice!

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