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Best gaming Websites and youtube channels???  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Knight of the Inner Circle

I don't have any streaming service or cable television so all my entertainment comes from the internet.
Was wondering what is everyone's favorite website (besides Dakka Dakka) / Youtube Channels that you regularly visit.

A few of my choices are.

Goonhammer - https://www.goonhammer.com/
Great information and guides to understanding games workshop games
Mini Wars - https://www.miniwars.eu/
My preferred rumor site when Dakka Dakka fails me

The Esoteric Order of Gamers https://www.youtube.com/c/OrderofGamers
Entertaining and the pdfs they have on their main site are a godsend.
The Dusted Game Shelf https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWYHJgKSCWxi4PskBmhx8WA
This old-timer deserves more subscribers and shows off some classic games that I didn't even know existed.
Not to sound morbid but I would love to inherit his collection.

So What are your favorites??

Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

There are six.

Mainly a battle report website, and despite never watching his actual reports (I watch the table set up and army sections), I appreciate his awesome tables and great looking armies.

Priority Orders Discarded
Another battle report website, posting the only batreps I can stand to watch. Short, sharp, funny, and done with stills/voice over rather than "now watch me roll 1500 dice again!". Great channel.

Hobby Night
A rapidly growing channel that is mainly focused on GW games - news and painting videos - hosted by the lovely Angela... who I may have a massive crush on . She's just about to go full time YT, so we should see an increase in videos. Has her own personal Marine Chapter, the Hobby Knights.

Midwinter Minis
Yeah I know, some of you are probably groaning at this, but despite the occasional bout of cringe-inducing footage, Guy does pretty good simple painting tutorials and interesting army/unit builds. Plus the occasional oddity, like when he rescued a big statue of a Space Marine from being thrown away.

Auspex Tactics
The man's inflections drive me up the fething wall, as it's almost like every sentence is a question. Talking to him in real life must be maddening. However, despite this, this site is good for cutting through the endless bull gak and layered rules of 9th and getting down to what units can actually do. It is more tournament focused, but the fact that it is focused and gets right to the point is very helpful. A great way to get early summaries of new rules, or more in-depth looks at obscure things from your lists. Good for when you're starting something new, picking up something old, or just want to learn something different about your army (or a friend's army!).

Music of 40k
It's just curated themed playlists of tracks from all manner of sources. Great to have on in the background whilst building piles of terrain.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/11/19 02:14:01

Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in jp
Crushing Black Templar Crusader Pilot

My faves

No.1 Leakycheese

Great videos, an absolutely avid collector from ages back, very lore-savvy, but also super au-fait with the stuff that shaped the warhammer 40k universe. His main interest is 30k, it seems, but he covers all kinds of stuff. A very calming voice, too, some gentle Yorkshire tones, and sometimes he gets his kids involved too, which is very cute. Looks at fun models outside of the Citadel bubble, too, which is nice, and has turned me on to some of my favorite non-GW companies for sure. Great bloke.

Former Weta Workshop employee, LOTR maniac and genuine evil genius when it comes to making GIGANTIC gaming tables. My only wish is that his videos were longer, because they're so impossibly fantastic. Truly inspirational builds going on there.

The last 2 are pretty similar, so I'm throwing them under the same heading of Yogscast parallel stuff.
Tom & Ben
Usually Total War content, but they've played all sorts. Two massive Warhammer fans, though very like... jovial? With it. They half-remember models and lore, and just generally are very open about what they like and like to play, which gives them a real kinda at-the-pub-with-mates feel. I always stick them on when I'm doing the dishes.
Also, their game "Lorehammer or Yourhammer" is hysterical.
Games Night - there's a bunch of stuff here, but the board games/warhammer is ace. Brilliantly filmed, and with the kind of natural camera presence that even giants of the youtube Warhammer scene, like tabletop tactics, simply don't come close to. Their Necromunda campaign was great fun, but any time they're rolling dice and playing with little men, I'm having a grand old time.
Unfortunately, they don't do that often.
Made in gb
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan

Bristol, England

That's nice to hear. We're working on more and hoping to increase our output. These things just take time and there's always some real work to do. Bleurgh.
Thanks for tuning in, Alex.

Oli: Can I be an orc?
Everyone: No.
Oli: But it fits through the doors, Look! 
Made in jp
Crushing Black Templar Crusader Pilot

 Alex Kolodotschko wrote:
That's nice to hear. We're working on more and hoping to increase our output. These things just take time and there's always some real work to do. Bleurgh.
Thanks for tuning in, Alex.

Not at all, I'm a huge fan
I can super tell that a ton of work goes into that sort of thing! As someone who has made some video stuff professionally (not much tho), I have a vague notion of how tricky it must be, but also know just enough to understand that I don't really have any idea just how hard it must be.
But really, whenever I see the battleboys playing with their little toys in my sub box, it's a happy day. Much love to all of you from Japan!
Made in us
Blackclad Wayfarer


Since we're shilling - I just started a Youtube. Only uploaded a few videos so far but I'm @stevefamine online. Since I'm staying work from home I'll actually have time for this

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

I've never heard of anything mentioned in this thread apart from Goonhammer.

I watch GMG and sometimes MWG I guess

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


When it comes to gaming I only watch a couple.

I watch Arvandus for lore. https://m.youtube.com/c/ArvandusTheStoryteller

I watch Wyloch, who makes all the terrain with dollar store junk and a hot glue gun. https://m.youtube.com/c/WylochsCraftingVids

That is all.

 Stevefamine wrote:
Since we're shilling - I just started a Youtube. Only uploaded a few videos so far but I'm @stevefamine online. Since I'm staying work from home I'll actually have time for this

I take it you make terrain in these videos? I’d be interested in learning some of the techniques you used building that crazy Dropzone Commander table.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/11/20 01:51:54

Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

I came across this older thread and couldn't help but empathize with your frustration about the increased number of ads on YouTube. It can be really annoying when they interrupt your video-watching experience.
Made in pl
Horrific Hive Tyrant

EmilyRussell wrote:
I came across this older thread and couldn't help but empathize with your frustration about the increased number of ads on YouTube. It can be really annoying when they interrupt your video-watching experience.

This! I cannot even express how I hate when you cannot even forward the video few minutes without those advertisements starting.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

My recommendations:

52 Miniatures: https://www.youtube.com/@52Miniatures/videos
Swedish painter who covers a lot of different topics. However, what I really like about his videos is that he is great at narrative. He shows his thought process behind his work and how he gets it done, instead of the usual base-shade-highlight videos, which are everywhere.

Lyla Mev: https://www.youtube.com/@LylaMev
A lot of great beginner tutorials + general knowledge videos. Great stuff to review before trying new techniques

Sorastro's Painting: https://www.youtube.com/@Sorastro
Wonderful Star Wars and Marvel Crisis Protocol tutorials, among others.

Erik's Hobby Workshop: https://www.youtube.com/@EricsHobbyWorkshop
Thorough and approachable terrain and conversion build videos and tutorials.

Vince Venturella: https://www.youtube.com/@VinceVenturella
Has over 400 painting tutorials. Reconsider your Patreon subscriptions.

PlayOnTabletop: https://www.youtube.com/@PlayOnTabletop
Home of the great "40k in 40 Minutes" battle reports.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/06 01:47:35

Made in ca
Grumpy Longbeard


BobtheInquisitor wrote: Iwatch Arvandus for lore. https://m.youtube.com/c/ArvandusTheStoryteller

MTMP wrote:
Vince Venturella: https://www.youtube.com/@VinceVenturella
Has over 400 painting tutorials. Reconsider your Patreon subscriptions.

I second both of these!

I also enjoy listening to Uncle Atom on Tabletop Minions.
GMG is a staple, if you have time for YouTube.

Otherwise and for podcasts I'm quite game specific, like https://dash28.org/ and Counter Charge for KoW.

Nightstalkers Dwarfs
Holy Roman Empire  
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