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Resources on modern dress uniforms?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

So lately I've been enjoying this book on 19th C military uniforms which is when they transitioned from glorious peacock costumes filled with historical and cultural references to the remorselessly practical uniforms of WWI and beyond.


Fun book, it has some issues but overall it's pretty good.

Obviously modern uniforms are interesting as well for different reasons but they're not going to be nearly as colorful and ornate as ones from the 19th century.

The exception however is dress uniforms, particularly the kind of parade and formal uniforms you only see for state visits, national days and such. I remember attending an Emperor's Birthday party (as one does) at the Japanese Embassy and seeing the military attaches all had tuxedos and katanas. The uniforms of various Indian states at their Republic day parade are also a treat. And of course the changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace is always worth seeing.

Dress uniforms are like a language, and if you can read it you can tell the history of a unit, culture etc, but I can't seem to find a good resource on them.

Books on the 19th C help, the Queen's Life Guard in the UK are basically wearing the same uniform, but I can't find anything modern.

Anyone know of one?

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


the only one i can find is from the mid 1970s


other than that googling images for ceremonial/parade/dress uniforms with the appropriate country/army/regiment may be your only option

Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Ceremonial Uniforms, that might be a better term yeah.

I might pick that up, after all the whole point is that ceremonial uniforms have NOT changed over the years.

Bands, bands also have very traditional and symbolic uniforms. I remember the army band in Trinidad had jaguar skins as part of the uniform.

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