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Made in us
Blood-Drenched Death Company Marine

Little Rock, Arkansas

Ultramarines Stealth Force (untargetable abuse)

Guilliman 355
10x infiltrator 180 (joined by phobos librarian)
10x sniper scout 150 (joined by phobos captain, 1 missile launcher)
10x sniper scout 150 (joined by Telion, 1 missile launcher)
10x sniper scout (1 missile launcher) 150
Phobos Captain 80
-bolter discipline 25
Phobos librarian 75
Sgt Telion 70
3 inceptors 115 (deep strike)
Whirlwind 150 (maybe strat reserve)
Whirlwind 150 (maybe strat reserve)
Whirlwind 150 (maybe strat reserve)

Vindicaire 80
Callidus 115


Woo. Missed pretty much all of 9e due to life so it’s nice to get back into things. Here’s the tactical breakdown of this hilarious unusual list:

1. The snipers start by infiltrating the center to stop enemy infiltrators. The phobos Captain will recall them to better spots after first turn is determined.
2. The infiltrators will try to stretch out up front to hold deep strikers from getting within 12” of anyone.
3. The inceptors will hang out for a scoring opportunity. Callidus can do about the same by just hanging out behind your lines and disappearing every turn only to show back up if it’s not a good time to go get something.
4. The whirlwinds will inquire if the terrain and enemy force makeup are acceptable for them to safely deploy. If not, they’ll just roll on in my movement phase turn 2 to make sure they get to shoot before getting shot.
5. Bobby deploys middleish near infiltrators. Redeployed snipers and assassins (and whirlwinds if possible) attempt to patch up any deep strike “holes” behind me so the only legal spots are in front.

The overall strategy is to get a turn or two of unanswered shooting abusing the lone operative-type abilities, with high possibility of offing characters via precision if the opponent isn’t careful with them. Ideally the opponent will be skunked on several secondaries with no units he can attack, but he (should) rush for the no man’s land objectives. Afterwards we’ll have to get into the thick of things in the middle to catch up on points, and just have to hope that the early damage to his army helps my totally healthy one win the short range scuffle for the middle. Bonus if they leave backfield things backfield, as they still won’t be able to fire at most of my army.

Obvious weaknesses:
-Big tough things. With oath and D 2 on all the rifles and whirlwinds, they can put surprising damage on vehicles, but the absolute killer is a -1 damage ability.
-3 inch deepstrike. One unit of infiltrators with a phobos Libby was fairly pricy to protect against deep strike, and while they DO technically protect against this, doing so would require the entire army to huddle in a ball in the middle of them, limiting a lot of sight lines etc.
-hyper speed armies. If most of their army can cross the table in a flash without deep strike, we have a problem. This combined with the first weakness means a stormraven full of dudes is terrifying to this list.
-kick the servo skulls mission. This mission almost seems like a lost cause unless the opponent is a really advantageous matchup. Like some slow and shooty Tau or something.

Overall i think this would be pretty fun to play. How often do you get to tell your opponent to skip their entire shooting phase?
I am also considering dropping the vindicaire (who needs a 31st sniper?) for a land speeder that would come on with the whirlwinds to provide its synergy buff with them.

20000+ points
Tournament reports:
Made in us
Bounding Assault Marine

Providence, RI

First, I love the concept. I had a similar idea (https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/810956.page and I'd really appreciate your input), but you went 300% in on it. I identified the same weaknesses and added some hard counters to my list by mostly reducing squad sizes.

I love the captain redeploy shennanigans with this list. But infiltrating units take turns deploying, right? So if your opponent has any infiltrators, they'll have a chance to deploy at least one squad before you can basically zone out the rest of the midfield. You don't need all your squads to be max sized. I'd make the 3rd sniper squad smaller, & save points for more deep strikers or outflankers.
I agree that dropping the Vindicare is the right move. Between that and a smaller 3rd scout squad, you've got yourself 155 points. Get some more deep strikers/outflankers/scorers. I think this list could really use a healthy deep strike/outflank component, to punish an opponent who doesn't screen well or splits up his forces.

Let's talk about each of your identified weak points:

b) 3" deep strike. I'd recommend breaking up the infiltrators into two 5-man squads, to help against the 3-inch deepstrike. They'll cover a lot more ground that way, and one unit can hide behind cover. If you're facing knights/indirect fire, those 5 extra bodies in the big squad won't be missed much in that matchup.

a) Big tough things. A custodes/knights player doesn't have infiltrators, or particularly snipable characters. Custodes' Dmg-1 on your oath target will make you sad, and might make it worth your while to switch targets once he uses the -1D strat. I think against this player, you deploy your damage doers far from objectives and plink. He can't leave the objectives to come after you, so you aim to score max points on secondaries like investigate signals and move onto just 1-2 objectives he'll have trouble reaching, occasionally diving in with your interceptors to contest objectives. He's going to crush you in melee on his turn even if you send in something twice as tough. Ergo, one more reason to split your infiltrator squad. You weren't really worried about the custodes firepower outside of 12" in this matchup anyway.
Similar tactics may work with knights, since they have limited numbers of units. Against both of these opponents, you want multi-damage anti-armor deep strike/outflank. Preferably units cheap enough that you won't mind using them to score instead. Inceptors may be the wrong choice, at D2, though the 3" deepstrike is very useful.

c) Hyper fast armies: yeah, you've got trouble there, but those armies tend to come at a price or be on the fragile side, ducking behind terrain on their way up the table. The whirlwinds will help with that. So will the brick at the center of your army (Bobby G), inviting the foe to give him wide berth.

d) Servo skull soccer. Game plan: Use a squad of infiltrators to kick an objective into the open where your snipers can all see it. Preferably about 15" from another similar objective and have Bobby G stick around about 15" from both. Now your opponent can't get on them without exposing themselves to shooting and assault. That's all I've got for you, sorry. You're right that your army isn't built for that mission.

10,000+ points
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