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NOVA 2023 Video: Warmachine Narrative Event  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Whiteshield Conscript Trooper

Albuquerque, NM

Hello everyone! I was able to chat with Erica and Paul of the Delaware Warmachine Group about the awesome Narrative Event they hosted at NOVA OPEN 2023. Then I made a video of it. Here is that video

Made in no
Umber Guard

The TNT crew and their meta is an amazing bunch of people and Mk IV reinvigorating 3d terrain on Warmachine events makes me very happy

Also shoutout to the world's greatest german, Workbenchmaniac, for his Iosan terrain. Just finished one table set myself with the second on the way.
Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut

That looks so exciting!

Some nice tables as well.
Made in nz
Warrior with Repeater Crossbow


I agree, the terrain was cool.
Made in us


If MK4 does nothing else it at least has people using terrain now. I could never stand planet bowling ball.

"but my measurements!" somehow led to Warmachine having the blandest looking tables that no other game had.

Warmachine player in western Washington? Join us! https://discord.gg/CMQb3VhFCY 
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Fixture of Dakka

medikant wrote:
If MK4 does nothing else it at least has people using terrain now. I could never stand planet bowling ball.

"but my measurements!" somehow led to Warmachine having the blandest looking tables that no other game had.

This is 100% why I'm totally behind MK4.
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