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Had a bit of fun with a two-table megabattle of 30k, with traitors summoning the daemon lord Gra-Bul'Ah (Hung-Ov'Ah for you puntastic anglophones out there) who eventually got banished back into the Empyrean through sheer embarrassment. Fittingly, the player in control of the mighty daemon marshall after it arrived had been similarly hammered a few hours beforehand. Initially my plan was to throw my Death Guard dreadnought-only vanguard into the Blood Angels to die off in the opening moves of the game so I could then concentrate on taking pictures, but as it turned out, my commanding ancient brother was the only remaining traitor model on the ritual table at the end of it all
On the second table, Mechanicum forces struggled over the control of a possessed Warhound titan while astartes forces savaged the Chaos obelisks around the place.
On the ritual table, my dreads took the fight to the Blood Angels while skies rained fire. Ultimately, two chaplains of the Angels united to crack some heads and caused Gra-Bul'Ah to pop back into non-existence not by dying, but rather through combat resolution loss as too many World Eaters died in the same combat for the might daemon to keep up with
I'm both orderly and rational. I value control, information, and order. I love structure and hierarchy, and will actively use whatever power or knowledge I have to maintain it. At best, I am lawful and insightful; at worst, I am bureaucratic and tyrannical.