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No more included decals.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in nz
Fresh-Faced New User

I don’t want decals included in boxes and who feels the same?
Think it’s safe to say decals are not a free include and they are priced into the box at a premium.
Most the time I don’t need the supplies decals and would much rather buy the faction/sun faction decals I actually want.
Warhammer is already expensive and I think this would be an easy win for us to save a little money.
The included decals are always guaranteed to be a 80% waste and we are paying for those. Personally I have a massive stack of decals I haven’t used. The decals are great when I use them but I’d much rather buy them seperate and the sheets be for just one faction not a bunch of different ones on one sheet.
Looking at the price for the decal sheets that GW does sell they are not cheap.
Made in us
Crackshot Kelermorph with 3 Pistols

most of the times that you get a decal sheet, it's coming in a specific army's kits. for example, i have a million World Eater transfer sheets laying around from buying eightbound kits. even the larger sheets, like the ones for CSM as a whole, are still limited to their specific army

even if you mean that it should be limited on a sub-faction by sub-faction basis, that's not really feasible. it's easier to print a big transfer sheet that covers every army than it is to print smaller ones for each subfaction. the number of transfers you get from each sheet wouldn't be bigger for individual transfers (for example, the Krieg transfer sheets that come with the kill team isn't a big sheet)

and finally, i doubt GW prices transfer sheets into the price of boxes because whether it's an individual kit or a value box, the price is the same. there's several specific price points they use for different kits and boxes, and they don't alter that depending on if there's a transfer sheet inside. the cost of printing paper, and even before that, creating and editing the files to be printed, is significantly smaller than the cost of making a new plastic kit, and transfer sheets have a long lifespan and will be packaged with dozens of different kits and boxes over the years, so the cost of producing them per box is insignifiant. there's no reason to want GW to stop making these because there's no issue with them. if you get a transfer sheet and you don't want it, take it to your LGS and give it away

i have played games of the current edition 
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Removing them wouldn't result in reduced prices.

The absolute last thing anyone should want is a (further) reduction in value of kits.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

NE Ohio, USA

Bignugs wrote:
I don’t want decals included in boxes and who feels the same?
Think it’s safe to say decals are not a free include and they are priced into the box at a premium.
Most the time I don’t need the supplies decals and would much rather buy the faction/sun faction decals I actually want.
Warhammer is already expensive and I think this would be an easy win for us to save a little money.
The included decals are always guaranteed to be a 80% waste and we are paying for those. Personally I have a massive stack of decals I haven’t used. The decals are great when I use them but I’d much rather buy them seperate and the sheets be for just one faction not a bunch of different ones on one sheet.
Looking at the price for the decal sheets that GW does sell they are not cheap.

Ah, new players....
If the decal sheets were to be removed from kits? You wouldn't save a dime.
Meanwhile those sheets you can buy individually? Will continue to carry thier jacked up premium price tags.
Made in de
Contagious Dreadnought of Nurgle

GW has reduced the sprue count in many boxes over the years but still priced them higher than their predecessors. You really think throwing out the decals would make anything cheaper?
If you don't need them, sell them. I've seen them for pretty eyewatering prices on eBay at times.
For me those decal sheets are like stl files. Something very cool to have and plan around but never actually get around to use
Made in gb
Preparing the Invasion of Terra

Or, just bin them.

Also the newer decal sheets are such an improvement over the older ones. You can actually put emblems and markings on Guard vehicles that aren't Cadian or super generic. Who'd think we'd ever see the day with Tallarn and Tanith transfers on main GW releases? Not me.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/02/19 08:17:58

Made in nl
Elite Tyranid Warrior

I get your logic but sadly gw's prices aren't remotely based on actual material/production costs. If anything they'd use the opportunity of the new box without decals to inflate the prices even further.

Like when they changed dire avengers from 10 models per box to 5 per box and the price stayed the same (or did it go up even? Can't remember).

It's the same old corporate greed-driven shenanigans you see everywhere.
Made in fi
Posts with Authority

Dont go giving them ideas! I don't fancy the idea of having to pay 30€ for all my transfers..
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