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Made in nz

New Zealand


i was looking around online and was surprised to find that some people are lvl 110 ish.

I thought you went up 1 level when you go up 10 major skill levels, if you have 7 major skills, wouldn't the highest you could go up be lvl 70?

unless you can surpass lvl 100 for a skill, my sneak, heavy arnour and blade are 100, and when i put on the gray cowl my sneak reaches 140.


I thought Dakka had died! All those merories gone due to all that shifty website moving business. So for 4 years I had to live without these forums.

You can imagine the look on my face when I found Dakka again on a google search the other day! 
Made in ca
Regular Dakkanaut

Ok, first question: Why would you play the game that long?

Seriously I dont understand how or why some people would try to get level 110 (without simply cheating). I believe you can get levels very slowly by increasing your secondary skills, but it would be tedious. My advice: Get to level 20-25, beat the game, and find a new game!
Made in nz

New Zealand


yes you see the only way to raise levels is by increasing your major skills, increasing minor skills only offers bonuses when you raise a level. So if you only have 7 major skills which can get up to 100 wouldn't you only be able to reach lvl 70??

I thought Dakka had died! All those merories gone due to all that shifty website moving business. So for 4 years I had to live without these forums.

You can imagine the look on my face when I found Dakka again on a google search the other day! 
Made in us
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot

Maryland, USA

Not sure about that, dude. I'm pretty sure they cheated in some way; I'll check the manual later--havn't been playing cus it always crashes bad on my system.

Codex: Soyuzki - A fluffy guidebook to my Astra Militarum subfaction. Now version 0.6!
Another way would be to simply slide the landraider sideways like a big slowed hovercraft full of eels. -pismakron
Sometimes a little murder is necessary in this hobby. -necrontyrOG

Out-of-the-loop from November 2010 - November 2017 so please excuse my ignorance!
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

St. George, UT

Ugh... I'm having a hard enough time just wanting to play the game period. For some reason it just is too slow (not physically slow, my computer is a gaming hot rod, but progression/finding stuff to do slow) to get me to turn it on. I can't imagine trudging though enough stuff to get to lv 70 let alone lv 110.

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