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What do you think of Andy Chambers?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Pulsating Possessed Chaos Marine

The wind swept peaks

Andy was a great game designer. I wish he'd come back to the game.


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I'm both selfish and rational. I'm scheming, secretive and manipulative; I use knowledge as a tool for personal gain, and in turn obtaining more knowledge. At best, I am mysterious and stealthy; at worst, I am distrustful and opportunistic.
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Stalwart Veteran Guard Sergeant

Grand Prairie, Texas

Too new to this to know who the feth he is past rumors from my days in Warcraft. Not a pretty picture for what i know of him.
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Infiltrating Hawwa'


DakkaDakka wrote:

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Longtime Dakkanaut


Is Andy Chambers working for someone else now? It seems that many of the 'Old Guard' have left GW and are now doing something else:

-Alessio's working with Mantic
-Priestly's got his work with historicals
-Johnson's.... wait, what is he doing? Doesn't GW just put him in the closet between 'Standard Bearer'?

I just checked myself - Chambers is working with Blizzard, eh? Good on 'im.

Made in gb
Leaping Dog Warrior

Thornton is also working on Mantic as a Games Designer.

The Good old days were also days when gamers were more flexible, believing it was their universe too so if they wanted to field a pecuilar choice of marine chapter/ork/eldar army they could, without being screamed at by the younger 'Its not in the fluff, therefore it can't be real' gamers around now.

Tacticool always trumps tactics

Malifaux: All the Resurrectionists
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Dakka Veteran

I have mixed feelings about Mr. Chambers. Yes, he did give us BFG, but look at what he did to EPIC. Now, I'm not saying it's a bad ruleset per se. I think it's a nice set of rules that should have been done for something else (see how well it works with BFG). For EPIC, though, it killed it. So, he did alot of good and alot of bad. I'm not sure how to vote.
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Crushing Black Templar Crusader Pilot


What's he been up to these days?

Your honor is your life, let non dispute it!  
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Lieutenant Colonel

41% don't know who he is? He's like the Midge Ure of the Miniature world! What do you mean you've never heard of him either?

Man, when I voted on this i felt very old indeed. One Word "EPIC" nuff' said.

EDIT ;- My post was originally going to be a quote of everyone who was negative or never heard of him with a Huge GTFO at the bottom. Realised the MODS would probably shout Heresy and "Legal Finish" me and then charge my wife the cost of the Bolt Shell.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/09/29 13:52:16

Collecting Forge World 30k????? If you prefix any Thread Subject line on 30k or Pre-heresy or Horus Heresy with [30K] we can convince LEGO and the Admin team to create a 30K mini board if we can show there is enough interest! 
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Noise Marine Terminator with Sonic Blaster

Lincolnton, N.C.

lord_blackfang wrote:I don't really buy into this concept of a single game developer dictating GW policy at any given time. But if that were the case, I think Andy's era was worse than Jervis's era.

Sure, he was a cool guy and he had that nice personal touch. But the sins of his era include:

SM Chapter of the Month: making players believe that each chapter is deserving of special rules and there should be something new for Marines ALL THE TIME. Something the company, and the player base, has yet to recover from.
Codex Orks: already underpowered when it came out and much worse than JJ's much maligned 3.0 Chaos codex.
Codex Sprint: the stronger, faster brother of Codex Creep. I'm talking 3.0 Eldar, Nids, 3.5 Chaos here. Often a result of overcomplicated Codices with too many choices.
Pete Haines: This man, brought into the studio by Andy, did all he could to ruin the game through sheer incompetence and ignorance. Ultimately, any army with 2 wounds has a lot going for it, indeed.

Oh come on 3.0 Eldar was my first army way back when I got into this in 2000. I remember building my army, my way, taking my lumps, learning what works and how to use the pieces in the 'dex to thier best, instead of just buying what everyone else had, and use the same list as the other guys. And 3.5 Chaos was the BEST codex ever written BECAUSE of the choices. If that book was overcomplicated then please graduate from the 4th grade. (sorry but that book was so awesome, compared to the craptastic one we have now.)

Choices = variety. Variety = spice of life. And Spice of Life = Why the game is fun. And 3rd was the best version of the game before the assault rules were redone. So yeah was Chamber's perfect? No. Put history speaks for itself considering the downward spiral of things recently. Also I adored Chapter Approved as it gave players the ability to have fun new quirks in thier games, with new units (Carnosaur anybody? ) and fun scenarios and stuff.

My beloved 40K armies:
Children of Stirba
Order of Saint Pan Thera

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Ultramarine Scout with Sniper Rifle


I miss Andy. Like some of the other posts on here I think back to when Andy was around and the Hobby definitely felt "happier".

Initial success, or total failure.
Made in gb
Confident Halberdier


Mick A wrote:There would be no BFG without Andy...
Gets 'two thumbs up' from me!

This. He designed Battlefleet Gothic, in my opinion the best GW game there is. So very positive.
Made in no
Terrifying Doombull


Cant say I really know anything about him, I was without acceses to White Dwarf for several years. But most likly he was a nice guy
Made in us
Frightening Flamer of Tzeentch

New York

I miss Andy Chambers.
He was definitely a big factor in the old GW that I miss.
His Chapter Approved articles were ridiculous but fun as hell.
Plus his mutton chops were godly!

Check out my commission painting service at
Malevolent Miniatures 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Only know the name and that's it.
Made in gb
Been Around the Block

he left over profit grabbing and now works at blizzard.....

out of the frying pan into the boiling inferno that is hell itself.

Made in se
Sneaky Kommando


Andy Chambers, Tuomas Pirinen, Adrian Woods, and to some extent, Paul "fat bloke" Sawyers.

I miss 'em all. The games WERE better back then. WD was worth a read, and Adrian "grand warlord" Woods lost just about every battlereport in which he played...

The fat bloke is on my list for two reasons, firstly, because he stared in the first "a tale of four gamers" article series with his beastmen, and secondly 'cause he made me look up the word "bloke" in the english-swedish dictionary...

I miss Andy for alot of reasons. But I admire him mainly for creating Gorkamorka, the best game rekeased by GW, and I still hope they'll release that and digganob again...


Made in us
Anointed Dark Priest of Chaos

Sweet facial hair.

I'd do him..

++ Death In The Dark++ A Zone Mortalis Hobby Project Log: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/663090.page#8712701
Made in gb
Lieutenant Colonel

CT GAMER wrote:Sweet facial hair.

I'd do him..

So wrong CT! But I wonder if Andy finds that a compliment? Andy Chambers now works at Blizzard Entertainment? as in the WoW people? (didn't know that)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/12/30 21:39:39

Collecting Forge World 30k????? If you prefix any Thread Subject line on 30k or Pre-heresy or Horus Heresy with [30K] we can convince LEGO and the Admin team to create a 30K mini board if we can show there is enough interest! 
Made in us
Anointed Dark Priest of Chaos

mwnciboo wrote:
CT GAMER wrote:Sweet facial hair.

I'd do him..

So wrong CT! But I wonder if Andy finds that a compliment? Andy Chambers now works at Blizzard Entertainment? as in the WoW people? (didn't know that)

All joking aside, he always seemed like a cool guy you would want to hang out/have a game with.

And tbh he wasn't the greatest painter/converter, but his orks had their own distinct charm and I always loved seeing pics of them. back then the studio guys seemed to have interesting personalities and play the game out of a love of wargaming and breathing life into the setting, etc.

Things seem so sterile and less characterful now tbh and I think losing guys like Chambers hasn't helped with that fact...

And with that I'm off to go read some old WD mags and 2nd edition codexes...

++ Death In The Dark++ A Zone Mortalis Hobby Project Log: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/663090.page#8712701
Made in gb
Courageous Grand Master


All this talk of Chambers makes me want to reach for a violin

Sure, I miss the days of Pirinen, Stillman, Chambers, Adrian Woods, Paul Sawyer et al There was always that sense of humour about the game and the magazine.

But people were saying this back in the 1980s when Jackson and Livingston sold up and left.

People don't need GW for the hobby or any individuals. Internet forums, clubs etc have made this hobby into a golden age of information and cheap stuff to buy. People these days seem to lack imagination and have too much reliance on official stuff.

I don't mean to show my age, but in my day we would have given our back teeth for access to technology that the younger generation has. You've never had it so good.

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deaths and the sun will be swept from the sky. But is it true?" - Tom Kirby, CEO, Games Workshop Ltd 
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