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Made in us
Brooding Night Goblin


Hi guys. I've been lurking around this very nice forum for about a month or two. I have read some of the threads and I think you guys are really cool people.

I have been in this hobby for about two years. I play Fantasy more then I do 40k. I love the Orcs on both games, which is the main army I use in fantasy. I'm working on the 40k Orks. Also working on a Hordes of Chaos army for a campaign me and couple friends are doing. Sometimes I just don't have all the time I would like for this hobby.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

London, UK

Welcome to dakka! Nobody has enough time for the hobby, but part of the fun is trying to make it work

Check out our new, fully plastic tabletop wargame - Maelstrom's Edge, made by Dakka!
Made in us
Speedy Swiftclaw Biker

Omaha (or West of the Mississippi and just afew miles south of Sanity)

mmmmmmmm pancakes looking seductive *drool* Welcome and I think orks would be fun to play especially in tournaments where you could relentlessly mock your opponent regardless if your winning or not and all you can say is that your going with the fluff of your army!!! Plus its always fun to talk in an annoying British accent!!!!

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