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Heresy Power Armor  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Eternally-Stimulated Slaanesh Dreadnought

New York, NY

So if you were to buy forge world power armor models to make a Pre-heresy force, which pattern power armor would you buy? Any one in particular or all of them and then maybe a majority of the most recent version? Would it depend on the legion you chose? Which bolter pattern?

I have a love /hate relationship with anything green. 
Made in ca
Furious Fire Dragon

Aurora, Ontario

Um I am pretty sure this thread does not belong here, it should be in the painting and modeling fourm I believe.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/12/09 02:01:43


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Beast of Nurgle

San Diego

It would depend how far pre-heresy we are talking! If we're talking like ~ 100 years prior to the heresy, Mark III is a safe bet. Just before the Heresy, probably would go with mark IV which was the mainstay or Mark V which was a fresh release while the heresy was taking place. I think....
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