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Alternative Lirbrarian Power for Drop Pods  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Regular Dakkanaut

The Fury / Fear combination has been widely accepted to be the most powerful in walking Marine lists, but things might possibly change a bit when your Librarian intends to enter play via drop pod.

In this case a combination of Storm of the Emperors wrath with Fear might be even better.

Reasons to take Wrath:

- Templates that can get down anywhere on the table without warning have proven highly useful before in the form of Heavy Flamers mounted on dropping Dreads. This has 2 reasons: Opponents that await incoming Drop Pods want to castle and use cover. Both leads to closely packed troops who are vulnerable to templates. So the opponent either has to a accapt losses from the templates, or he has to spread out his whole army and becomes a lot more vulnerable to flanking.

- With Wraith, your Librarian has a Power to use, even when the enemys LD is too high to expect much from Fury or Fear, or when the opponent is fearless and immune to pinning.

- Its cheaper

- It wins the mirror match. With Pods propably becoming more common, an unpredictable AP2 Template will couse horror amongst your oppents, since it beats bunched up incoming Terminators as well as Tacticals that just disembarked.

This is just from my head and I have not played Codex Marines myself yet. Would you use Wrath in a Tourney army instead of Fury?
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

I actually always use this combination on my librarian in my drop pod army. It's especially effective against deep striking termies or drop poding troops. FotD is not that great against marines, fury is eh in my opinion because of my high mobility. Storm gives you that nice little blast marker of fun.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

San Jose, CA

Templates that can get down anywhere on the table without warning have proven highly useful before in the form of Heavy Flamers mounted on dropping Dreads. This has 2 reasons: Opponents that await incoming Drop Pods want to castle and use cover. Both leads to closely packed troops who are vulnerable to templates.

Just want to kick in a bit here, since this is "Tactics." A proper anti-Drop Pod castle is NOT closely packed. Troops are at maximum dispersal, with the maximum distance between squads that still prevents a pod from landing between them.

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes? 
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Battlewagon Driver with Charged Engine

Murfreesboro, TN

That means that a "proper" castle will be more vulnerable to Fury of the Ancients, as it can cross more units in one line and eal more hits/pinning.

As a rule of thumb, the designers do not hide "easter eggs" in the rules. If clever reading is required to unlock some sort of hidden option, then it is most likely the result of wishful thinking.

But there's no sense crying over every mistake;
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

Member of the "No Retreat for Calgar" Club 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

San Jose, CA

FotA will definitely hit more than one unit; it's almost impossible to prevent that. Accept it and move on, or bring a pyschic hood.

But I don't think it's as extreme as you might think. A pod's "footprint," considering its contents have to disembark and cannot be within 1" of an enemy model, is really quite large (on the order of 5-6" diameter circle). Models in a single 10-man squad can have a frontage of just about 30" (1" wide bases, 2" between them). 3 such squads can block off an area 30" wide and 12" deep. Bring 6 squads (cheaper for some armies than others), and you've got pretty much your entire deployment zone as "no landing" areas. Heck, if you've got a couple mounted squads, they can zip forward and hop out on turn 1, and spread out on turn 2, while their vehicle pulls back.

Given that you have at least one turn before the pods land, given sufficient troops (8 squads) this can be expanded (given "normal" long-edge deployment) to an area 18" deep and ~60" wide. A little staggering in your lines, and FotA will only hit 3 units, while FotD will only affect the first couple lines of your castle.

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes? 
Made in us
Rampaging Carnifex

Never had much luck with Storm, low strength is annoying. Rather kill light armor and stuff with the fury personally
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Dakka Veteran

I almost always use FOTD, FOTA for my librarians but I will have to agree that Storm could be much better for me, especially since their are so many damn marines in my area. . .
Made in us
Rampaging Carnifex

Storm on one unit is actually inferior to 3 units being hit by fury. Unless they're deepstriking terminators or too dumb to stay fairly spaced out (even a 1" gap between models means you get 1 and 2 partials if yer lucky.

Fury on 3 units = 4.5 hits, 3 wounds, one dead marine. Storm hitting 1 and 2 partials is 2 hits, 1 dead marine, and no possible pinning test.

I'll take fury any day of the damned week. It can pop vehicles, it can kill/ potentially pin marines, and kill droves of lighter armored guys and pin them. No sale.

Fear + Storm == limiting your librarian's engagement range to 12" when he has a 24" shooting unit, and very often that 24" is your life or death range.

Fury is so damned good because it's usable anywhere and it's 9 pts. It adds a level of flexibility that's unrivalled.

If Tankhunter applies to it (questionable) it's now known as the skimmerslayer, as it deals out a d3 s6 hits to every skimmer in its line
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Also, Fear + Storm is not cheaper than Fear + Storm. Storm you have to take as your first power, not your secound power (the one that costs 3 times as much). So assuming that you take fear w/ Storm, it works out as follows:

Fear + Fury: 5+9 = 14

Storm + Fear: 0+15 = 15

So, your are actually paying more to take Storm over Fury.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut


I think it's a case of trying to make something better than something actually proven to be useful. There is a time for each skill in the game, but you want to use the skill (or in this case the power) that is MOST useful MOST of the time.


"I know what hearsay is, I do not know what a federal librarian is as I am not American and to me a librarian is a person who helps you find books and then returns them back to their shelves or stacks at night (so your credentials do not awe me, and do not impress me" -
IG fan 
Made in de
Regular Dakkanaut

ty fighter, you are misreading the Librarian entry. The more expensive Librarian allways pays the higher price (since he has LD10 which makes the power more likely to work). Thats a matter for YMDC though.

Chucky, obviously we are trying to improve an allready established concept and obviously we try to find the BEST solution, so whats your point? If you think that Wrath is no good, provide reasons.



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