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Best troops choice for a 'nid Choir list?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

After having most of my army list ideas shredded into continually smaller pieces, I'm going to take shots at starting fresh with my 'Nids lists.

I'm seriously leaning towards a Psychic Choir, with a 2 Tyrant HQ, but I'm not sure what the best troops choices would be? Packing in Genestealers with carapace and flesh hooks seems like a good way to make sure they get across the board and make an impact, but part of me looks at how many stripped down Hormagaunts I could put onto the table at the same points costs.

Is there a general way people tend to fill choirs out?

Made in us
Automated Rubric Marine of Tzeentch

The numbers on stripped down spine gaunts are nice for the negative modifier for outnumbering, but you have to inflict more casualties than the other side to force the leadership checks. I personally would rather have some units of genestealers alog with gautns to get the outnumbering but to also inflict some casualties with the genestealers, kind of a work together approach.

Made in fi
Regular Dakkanaut

CC and choir will get you into alot of trouble.

Do you really want a 200pts stealer unit to kill 3 enemy models, have the enemy run and your stealers get stuck in the open?

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Made in us
Master of the Hunt


You might try termagants. Flesh borers, at s4 rerolling wounds, might help force those much needed morale checks. Plus they're only one point more than Spinegaunts, so it still doesn't hurt much to lose them.

Thats what I plan to do with my choir.

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It is by the seed of Arabica that thoughts acquire speed, the teeth acquire stains, the stains become a warning.
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion."
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Hmm. I think it is widely regarded that the big bugs are primarily for shooting.

This leaves you very vulnerable to close combat. Obvious answer is small packs of stealers hanging out behind the big bugs. Also, Raveners are very good as well, especially for scoring.

Now, with a choir, you have the problem that the enemy will run, leaving the very vulnerable stealers wide open.

A very tricksy thing. Maybe having spineguants and stealers, charge with both, let the stealers win and consolidate the stealers behind the guants? The target priority tests should be taking a pounding from the choir.

That seems like a lot of points though, can you find the points for all that?
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