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Fluffiest Ork Army & Where to find more Ork Fluff  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Dives with Horses

So I have decided that once my Tau is painted and my Marines are RE-painted I am going to do an Ork army very slowly and really enjoy the modelling, probably convert just about every model and have fun with it.

Since this is really going to be a project of green stuff & fun, what I am looking for is to make a super fluffy Ork army at around 1700 - 2000pts.

So... what is the fluffiest Ork army you can imagine?

I was thinking at least 40-60 grots (in 2 squads) and then a couple of large Shoota mobs & a couple of large slugga mobs (20-25 or so in each)

Warboss with the works of course, get upgrades like big horns & iron gob and other fun little things including squigs and an ammo runt.

What elites to get I am kind of stuck on, I was thinking 1 Flash Gitz, one Kommando and one Ard boys mob but don't know if I should include some storm boys just for fun, maybe 6 of them just for giggles.

Fast attack is easy, one of each Trukk, Warbikes & Warbuggies

As for Heavy, there are so many options that I don't know what to do, are Kans fluffier than a looted vehicle? How about gun batteries?

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Drano doesn't exactly scream "toy" to me.


Made in de
Dominating Dominatrix

Piercing the heavens

that completly depends on what kind of fluf your thinking off. there are several Ork Klans, and each of them has a unique chracter. if you just want many boyz, then you could play Goffs, sort of the 40k version of Grimgorks Horde from Storm of Chaos. a lot of hard boyz, who don't like shootin' and stuff.
altough big units are a must-have for EVERY Ork army, if you like conversions you maybe should look into Bad Moons or Evil Suns.
the best sourcebook for orks is either the second edition 'Dex or the "otha book" from Gorka Morka. this should give you some ideas. if you can't get your hands those books, than try Wiki. Wiki knows all.

and if you need inspiration for conversion, you could look through here http://s44.photobucket.com/albums/f40/Dakkalord/
Made in us
Squishy Squig

See, the problem is, that orks ooze "fluff" in spades. You can do "fluffy" with just about any ork list, and you've got your choice: standard Codex Orks, the Ork Klanz optional rules for Codex Orks (free download @ the UK GW site), the Speed Freaks from Codex Armeggedon, and the Feral Orks (again, free download @ the UK GW site). Ultimately, if you're looking to create a fluffy army that's also effective in battle, you'll need to decide what approach you want to take.

For instance, I'm in the process of building a second ork army that will be very, uh... grot intensive. All 6 Troop slots filled to the gills with 180 grots, slavers with rokkit launchas, 'eavy armour, choppas, squig hounds and attack squigs. Two Heavy Support slots filled big gunz batteries (that'll probably end up being zzap guns and lobbas) with maxed-out grot krewz, slavers as above and mekboyz with 3 grot oilers. I'm going to convert up a gussied-up warboss with a grot on its shoulders directing the army (doing the Master Blaster thing from Mad Max) and take a banna wavva and a couble of ammo runtz. Not sure what I'm going to do about the rest of the army, though.

The raison d'etre for this variant list is because I really want something special to throw against button-push armies, cheats and people that irritate the crap outta me. Sure, I won't win battles with it (outside of incredible luck), but it sends the message, "All ya getz ta fight is da grots--coz dats all yer effin' army iz wurth, ya punk-arsed beetch."
Made in ca
Dakka Veteran

Lots of Boyz, Looted Tanks, Burnas, Rokkits, Big Shootas, more dakka. Death Skulls.
Made in de
Dominating Dominatrix

Piercing the heavens

@ Azzy: that is probably the coolest Ork theme army I have ever heard of. little advice from a fellow Ork Player: Ogre Kingdom Gnoblars make fantastic Grotz
Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut

Over there... no, wait, AARGH!

A quick run through of fluffy ork armies as it comes to mind:

Goffs: lots of slugga boyz, skarboyz, Trukkboyz for FA and Dreds/ kans for HS.

Bad Moons: lots of Shoota boyz, Flash Gitz, and mix of kans/ gun batteries for HS.

Deathskulls: as Donkeycannon said.

Evil Suns: Use the speed freeks list, or just max out on bikes and trukk boyz. Stormboyz too.

Blood Axes: mix of slugga and shoota boys. Lots of kommandos for elites, and a looted vehicle for HS. Try to create a more balanced army than just an assault machine, and paint lots of camo.

Snakebites: No vehicles, Dreds etc. If you want gun batteries, try and get the old squig catapult models, or even use fantasy doom divers. If you can get your hands on one, see the 3rd edition rulebook for rules on boarboyz and weirdboyz. 

"You can shut us out, but you will never shut us up" - Sid Vicious 
Made in ca
Longtime Dakkanaut

Dives with Horses

I was thinking grot intensive too but man that is NUTS!

Question though, why no power klaw on the slaver?

Drano doesn't exactly scream "toy" to me.


Made in de
Dominating Dominatrix

Piercing the heavens

all you want to do with Grotz is to annoy the enemy, not actually hurt them. 30 wounds are a nice way to block a Carnifex for a round or too
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