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Fluff for my World-Eaters  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Regular Dakkanaut

OK, not so much fluff as an introduction.  Read this, then I have some questions:

Disciples of Angron

Daemon Prince Kul-Koth, Butcher of the Ar'Nath Gulf impatiently watched from a precipice as his warband cleaved the heads off the soldiers they had so recently been locked in combat with. Each black and crimson armored berzerker solemnly lifting the bloody heads high to the smoke-filled sky in honor of their god, Khorne, then dropped to ground for collection by their mindless slaves.  Thunder and explosions boomed from a nearby battlefield.
?Many ssskullsss were collected, yet many more exissst? goaded the Butcher's Demonically possessed weapon, a great cleaver of men, a mighty Berzerker Glaive of Khorne.
?YES!!!? Boomed the gigantic lord in archaic Blackened armor, black yet after their victories under Warmaster Abaddon, his cable-like muscles clenching under his red, scaly skin..
?MUCH BLOOD IS YET UNSPILT!!? With that, the monstrous lord took an arching swing at the closest slave follower, cleaving it into bloody chunks of torn flesh before it's ripped carcass could hit the dirt.
The head of the freshly minced thrall tumbled and stopped before the  terrible being, and the face still had a look of terror in it's now dead, empty eyes. Kul-Koth chuckled to himself, and his weapon now shook in expectation of more blood, more mindless rage. The two, now as one thirsted for battle and the spray of blood on their flesh.
?BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!? Bellowed the Butcher, shaking the ground, such was his power.
?BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!? roared the berzerkers below,
their gore stained axes raised unto the sky.
Within moments, lightning crackled around the Butcher and a red fog covered the battlefield, the crimson mist covering each warrior, who in turn convulsed at the prospect of what was soon to come.

When the rolling mist finally reached the Butcher, the Disciples of Angron found themselves on a new world, in a new battle, with new warriors and fresh blood to spilt in the name of their father Primarch Angron, and their ultimate master the Blood God Khorne...

OK, here's my main question:

My army is painted in a similar way as the berzerkers in the chaos codex in a Black Legion army, (ie black body, red helmets, shoulder pads)  simply because the scheme is easy to paint, and I prefer the look to all red.  I know that a loyalist space marine sometimes repaints his armor (Death Company, Deathwatch), but would World Eaters?  Especially would they honor a leader who commanded them in victories, such as Abaddon in the last Black Crusade?

The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy, but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him. 
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Rampaging Chaos Russ Driver

They have joined the 13th crusade. Black Legion is Chaos united. Many people fly under that banner. I dont see why the Khorne cult wouldnt paint thier armor and join the crusade.

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Stern Iron Priest with Thrall Bodyguard

The drinking halls of Fenris or South London as its sometimes called

khorne cult marines can be whatever colour the legion they are following is so if they were iron warriors they would be silver, id night lords they would be blue.

R.I.P Amy Winehouse

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Rampaging Chaos Russ Driver

I dont think fluff wise it would work with just any legion. Sure they may be allied with the iron warriors to be used as elite choice but the Iron warriors are about seige warfare and long range warfare where the berserkers would be more likely to bludgeon someone with a lascannon than use it properly.

Made in gb
Stern Iron Priest with Thrall Bodyguard

The drinking halls of Fenris or South London as its sometimes called

yeah they would but they would not be allied to them, some iron warriors would no doubt tread the pathe of Khorne so they would still keep their own iron warrior colours. but would dedicate themselves to khorne. they would not leave the iron warriors and set of alone. each big legion has its own little sects.

R.I.P Amy Winehouse

Made in us
Rampaging Chaos Russ Driver

Funny thing is Im reading a 40k book where some guy in Iron Warriors armor is worshiping Khorne

Made in gb
Stern Iron Priest with Thrall Bodyguard

The drinking halls of Fenris or South London as its sometimes called

thats what i was making my refernce from, not all khorne beserkers are world eaters but all worldeaters are khorne bezerkers.

R.I.P Amy Winehouse

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Fresh-Faced New User

Posted By SunTzu on 06/19/2006 11:09 AM
My army is painted in a similar way as the berzerkers in the chaos codex in a Black Legion army, (ie black body, red helmets, shoulder pads)  simply because the scheme is easy to paint, and I prefer the look to all red.  I know that a loyalist space marine sometimes repaints his armor (Death Company, Deathwatch), but would World Eaters?  Especially would they honor a leader who commanded them in victories, such as Abaddon in the last Black Crusade?

 Absolutely. If you can come up with a credible fluff rationale (and you have just about the most credible rationale Chaos could use, honoring Abbadon's Black Crusade) you could paint your Khorne loving groovesters any color from Aquamarine to Zinfandel.

I used to be chaplaingrabthar back on Old(er) Dakka, but now I am the mysterious lost_limey.

I'm returning to GW after a hiatus and starting Tau

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