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Good bye to all that 2022.....  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

So long 2022, we hardly knew ya'!

A personal hobby retrospective:

I was pretty happy to finish off all the major projects I started in 2022, including an Ancient Persian Army, a Dark Age Irish army, a Corsair Kill Team, 2 Trireme fleets, and my Korean Air War forces. I painted about 345 minis in 2022.

I also managed a decent amount of publishing too!

So, how did you do? How many minis painted, games played, new games tried, etc?

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Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

NE Ohio, USA

2022 was a pretty good year for me gaming wise.
* I played an average of 3 minis games per week (mostly current Sigmar & 40k in our various leagues & Crusades, but also some Kill Team, FoW, Bolt Action, BTech, & some misc stuff mixed in)
* Most Fridays a group of us were able to get together for some boardgames.
* Our D&D game ran consistently, not missing too many sessions.
* a dozen games of Axis & Allies (several versions) were played. Some even to actual victory condition conclusion!
* Finally got to try Marvel Crisis Protocol - good game.
* completed my goal of having 5 minis of each Mech that appeared in the original 3025 manual for BattleTech
* I made a nice dent in my backlog of stuff as far as getting things built & base-coated.
* I'll end the year having painted 64 models - 17 more than I did in 2021. This is spread over at least 5 games + some D&D + some random, so progress might not seem to have actually been made....
* In 40k my Grot army (grot tank/gunz/kanz based) will finish the year with a respectable 61.5% win rate. I'm very pleased with my tiny green menaces.

Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

The original plan was to paint at least ten minis and work my way out from there like the years before, I managed to finish a whopping eleven infantry models this year, which was one hell of a struggle to reach, turns out depression's still a bitch weighing heavily on my mind. But, happy that I at least got one Armsman and two poxies done in time for Halloween, not the amount I originally wanted to run my annual Halloween scenario with, but it's something!

The last moments of armsman BrookM, moments before being nommed on by a pair of happy zombies

But did wind up reading 86 novels, graphic novels and manga this year, of which only sixteen BL novels, but on the flipside I devoured an abnormal amount of 2000AD this year (Scarlet Traces, Brink, Lawless to name a few), many of whom have been inspiring reads for future hobby stuff. I may have also added way too many kits and models to the pile of shame for that future rainy day or project when I feel like sniffing glue properly again. I have done the odd bit of kitbashing here and there, but all in all, 2022 was not a great hobby year for me personally, here's to 2023 being a better one. 🥃

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Been business as usual for the most part, although I've upped the effort to work through the pile'o'shame, most noticeably...

Eldar Warwalker
A titan Legio(AT)
A Knight House(AT)

...otherwise the gaming side of things has been a bit sleepy, resorting to either games I've played for the last few years, or new ones that are just reskins.

Last project in before the end of the year is a solo-campaign for Kill Team(2018), where a lone warglaive is charged with removing a bothersome genestealer infestation, and slay a Brood lord. At first I thought it was going be crap, but each encounter is brief and what happens between those encounters is what I worked on and struck gold...but I forgot to order a Broodlord! Doh!

Book of the year has been The Solo Game Master's Guide by Geek Gamers, published by Modipheus. I use tarot cards to visualise a narrative for solo games, but it was fascinating to learn of other methods. Suddenly I found myself using them even in Warhammer and Frostgrave.

Casual gaming, mostly solo-coop these days.

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Seattle, WA USA

2022 was ok. I got around 130 minis painted (might get a couple more before official end, we'll see), and did the whole year using oil paint exclusively (well, less one accessory piece which I did with mostly an airbrush).

Gaming wise, got into Shadows of Brimstone and had a blast with that (still playing a campaign), and very recently my group jumped into Battletech; some of us haven't played since the early 90s, some have never played.

Didn't really do any dev work on any of my games, due to real life and so on getting in the way.
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

86 novels! Reading for fun has been an area I have been severely lacking in the last few years. That is impressive work BrookM.

Also, painting in oils sounds pretty challenging Valander.

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Seattle, WA USA

 Easy E wrote:

Also, painting in oils sounds pretty challenging Valander.
Actually, painting in oils is quite the opposite! It requires some different techniques to use the medium for its full advantage, but it's surprisingly easy to do. I've been following James Wappel's method, and have actually enjoyed painting again for the first time in a while. The only 'bad' thing about them is that, yeah, they take a while to dry (8-12 hours typically, unless you used a lot of white or cadmiums, then maybe a little more) so you can't really do a "throw some quick paint on there and game with it today". But the ease of blending and vibrant colors is worth every bit of that trade off.

Mostly, if you can "drybrush" and do pinline washes, that covers 85% of oil techniques. The biggest difference is using so much less paint on the brush than you might be used to with acrylics, and so much less brush pressure, too. Have a watch at some of Wappel's videos (or also Grim Nation Hobbies on YouTube does some "intro" series for painting with oils).
Made in de
Contagious Dreadnought of Nurgle

For me, painting wize it wasn't a great year because I moved and worked full time again, which, being a teacher, can mean 50+ hours at times.
But nevertheless I started and broadly finished the Aliens from my Avp project and that felt nice (49models). Also completed some 40K Orks and a Nazgul on Fell Beast.

Gaming wize our group still hasn't recovered from Corona or from having become parents . So I only had the chance to do a couple rounds of one page rules and a small Oathmark-campaign.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

NE Ohio, USA

 BrookM wrote:
The original plan was to paint at least ten minis and work my way out from there like the years before, I managed to finish a whopping eleven infantry models this year, which was one hell of a struggle to reach, turns out depression's still a bitch weighing heavily on my mind. But, happy that I at least got one Armsman and two poxies done in time for Halloween, not the amount I originally wanted to run my annual Halloween scenario with, but it's something!

The last moments of armsman BrookM, moments before being nommed on by a pair of happy zombies

I love the bright yellow Poxwalker.
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

I've done okay. 127 discrete models painted (counting weapon teams, "diorama" type HQs etc. as 1, so really significantly more than 127 infantry)

Got into a new game and recruited about 10 other players to buy in

Read a bunch of new game systems

Went to gaming night almost every week

Ran a demo event at a convention

The one downside this year was I did not really advance any of my own rules writing projects - largely as those are always motivated by being exposed to bad rulesets, and all the games I played this year were good (mainly One Page Rules, Turnip28, Dystopian Wars)

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40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
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