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Bungie's announced a new Marathon game. There's a non-gameplay footage trailer that doesn't reveal much about the game (though likely has lots of hidden teases for those who want to analyze it; this is Bungie, after all), and a website - www.marathonthegame.com

From the website -
a massive ghost ship hangs in low orbit over a lost colony on tau ceti iv. the 30,000 souls who call this place home have disappeared without a trace. strange signals hint at mysterious artifacts, long-dormant ai, and troves of untold riches. you are a runner, venturing into the unknown in a fight for fame… and infamy. who among you will write their names across the stars?

Elsewhere on the site, the game is described as
become a runner in bungie’s new sci-fi pvp extraction shooter. compete for survival, riches, and renown in a world of evolving, persistent zones, where any run can lead to greatness.

Obviously this isn't the original game updated for the 2020s. That's going to cause a bit of a furor among the original fans, I suspect. This could still be in-continuity, though. Presumably the ghost ship is Marathon. The pfor attack during the first game has been beaten off, and Durandal has kidnapped the surviving colonists as revealed at the start of the second game. You and everyone else play as human treasure hunters who compete against each other to get in, find goodies left behind in the aftermath of the pfor attack, and get back out with them before some other treasure hunter takes them from you.

That's assuming, of course, that Bungie is maintaining (loose) continuity between the new game and the originals.

In any case, the link between the new game and the old trilogy feels a bit tenuous. But it's early yet. We'll see what Bungie reveals as time goes on.
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