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What should I cut to get under 2000 points?
Inceptors & Land Speeder Typhoon
Inceptors, Servitors, Servitors
Inceptors, servitors, attack bike
Bike chaplain and his bikers

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Made in us
Bounding Assault Marine

Providence, RI

Gladius task force for an online tournament

Here's the ideal list. The problem is that I'm 215 points over and trying to decide what to cut:

Backline units. These shoot, but an opponent can't shoot back for various reasons. Their presence urges an opponent to rush forward.
150: Whirlwind
75: Scout snipers, missile launcher
75: Scout snipers, missile launcher
75: Scout snipers, missile launcher
100: Land Speeder typhoon (jump-shoot-jump, can also deep strike if an opponent has massive indirect fire)

These hide out of sight, waiting for their moment to strike:
55: Servitors, 2 plasma cannons
80 Chaplain on bike with:
135: Bike Squad w/grav guns, grav pistol, Attack bike with multimelta (amazing mortal wounds against vehicles, threat range 30" with devastator doctrine)
55: Attack bike, multimelta (cheap objective grabbing)
150: Scout bike Squad, grenade launchers, power fist on sarge

These generally hide in reserve, waiting for their moment to strike:
120: Terminator captain with chainfist, bolter discipline
430: Deathwing Command Squad, 2 TH/SS, 2 Cyclone Missile launchers (use rapid ingress to plop them down right behind/on an objective an opponent was about to charge and watch them have second thoughts - this unit heroically intervenes for free and heals a model each turn)
120: Grav cannon devastator squad
55: Servitors, 2 multimeltas
55: Servitors, 2 multimeltas (These two squads are essentially a slightly discounted devastator squad which can't be wiped out in overwatch because it's 2 units. Oath of moment can make them extremely effective for their cost.)
95: Eradicators
95: Eradicators (these can target a non-oath target without penalty)
115: Inceptors, assault bolters

These screen or try to score objective points, depending on what's needed.
90: Interceptors
90: Interceptors

General tactics:
If I win 1st turn, the scout bikers can rush to the edge of the opponent's deployment zone and prevent them from moving out to midfield objectives for a turn, or charge a shooty unit on the line. This unit's presence and threat will hopefully affect an opponent's deployment or ability to score primary on turn 2. Alternatively, they're amazing at taking down large units like GSC with their 6 blast weapons, so against certain opponents they'd hang back.

The problem is I need to cut 215 points. Options: in the poll. Happy for any comment as well.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2023/08/14 22:53:03

10,000+ points
3000+ points 
Made in ca
Sagitarius with a Big F'in Gun


You've got Legends units in your tournament list did you get that stuff cleared? If not, well that solves your points problem.

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1000pt Skitari Legion 
Made in us
Bounding Assault Marine

Providence, RI

Not legends until the new marine 'dex drops.

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