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Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


Just a quick couple of questions I can’t find answers to:

We’re the Kinebrach chaos worshipers to some extent and that’s how they figured out how to make weapons like the anathema?

Were they all wiped out with the interex? Would be cool if there were some hanging out in the eye of terror going back to making bonkers evil technology
Made in gb
Preparing the Invasion of Terra

The Kinebranch weren't Chaos worshipers.

The Anathame Blades weren't Chaos weapons but rather semi-sentient and would mortally wound whowevers name was spoken to the blade.
There was likely some sort of Warp based sorcery or technology used in their creation but it was not an explicitly Chaotic weapon in nature.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Seems like there must be for them to know who you are talking about. Especially if the targets name is John Smith
Made in gb
Preparing the Invasion of Terra

The power of a name is not Chaos Magic though.
Not everything Warp related is automatically Chaos my guy.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Isn’t that why cypher keeps his name a secret, because in the warp names have power and possibly power over people?
Made in gb
Preparing the Invasion of Terra

The Lord Cypher is a title that comes from the Orders of Caliban and its just tradition, like the Phoenix Lords.
Names do have real tangible power though over mortals and Daemons. It allows Daemons to be destroyed or banished for longer and for mortals to be controlled though I'm not sure if the controller has to have some form of magic or psychic power to do so in the latter case.
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Well, True Names do anyway.

Various different takes on that in real world religions and fictions.

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut


Recently saw a teaser about Interex:
Rumored that one line of a major book said they were coming back... and that's it. no new vid yet.
But- to get back to the questions, the Interex knew about Chaos and made the Anathema- my guess is they figured that Chaos weapons super-kill Daemons. Much like that one Grey Knight captain with the Chaos Sword (or, a certain Michael Moorcock character) you can use chaos to kill chaos, and not have it corrupt you.. Or, y'know, you can stab the warmaster with it and usher in a civil war that lasts 10,000 years.. w/e..
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

 TheChrispyOne wrote:

Recently saw a teaser about Interex:
Rumored that one line of a major book said they were coming back... and that's it. no new vid yet.
But- to get back to the questions, the Interex knew about Chaos and made the Anathema- my guess is they figured that Chaos weapons super-kill Daemons. Much like that one Grey Knight captain with the Chaos Sword (or, a certain Michael Moorcock character) you can use chaos to kill chaos, and not have it corrupt you.. Or, y'know, you can stab the warmaster with it and usher in a civil war that lasts 10,000 years.. w/e..

The kinebrach made the anathema weapons before they lost the war with the interex and became a client state
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut


The vid of Interex is up:

The guy conjectures the Kinebrach are still active because and Inquisitor throws an Interex weapon at someone to use.. I think it may just be an easter egg and not a "one line in one book that's really important later" JK Rowling line. (IE: Horcrux Locket.)

Made in ru
Longtime Dakkanaut

 TheChrispyOne wrote:
The vid of Interex is up:

The guy conjectures the Kinebrach are still active because and Inquisitor throws an Interex weapon at someone to use.. I think it may just be an easter egg and not a "one line in one book that's really important later" JK Rowling line. (IE: Horcrux Locket.)

I didn’t enjoy this video, I only got half way through. Wasn’t so much about lore but about why this guy thinks the eldar and the interex are F************* stupid.
Made in us
Sneaky Sniper Drone

yeah i wouldn't assume that an appearance of a weapon counts as proof they're still around.

the Kinebranch have been established as having created several items that have shown up in 40K.. like the eagle stones in the gaunts ghost series and an 'oculus' in the last book of the revenor trilogy. so the idea that some interex weaponry has been floating around and found its way into an inquisitor's collection of exotic items isn't all that weird.
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