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Lifter dropper wagon.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in au
Been Around the Block

My kitbashed lifter dropper wagon.
[Thumb - IMG_1445.JPG]

[Thumb - IMG_1446.JPG]

[Thumb - IMG_1447.JPG]

[Thumb - IMG_1449.JPG]

Made in gb
Mighty Vampire Count


Looks cool


"Unimaginably ancient xenos artefact somewhere on the planet, hive fleet poised above our heads, hidden 'stealer broods making an early start....and now a bloody Chaos cult crawling out of the woodwork just in case we were bored. Welcome to my world, Ciaphas."
Inquisitor Amberley Vail, Ordo Xenos

"I will admit that some Primachs like Russ or Horus could have a chance against an unarmed 12 year old novice but, a full Battle Sister??!! One to one? In close combat? Perhaps three Primarchs fighting together... but just one Primarch?" da001


A Bloody Road - my Warhammer Fantasy Fiction 
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Haha that thing is amazing. Well done!
Made in au
Been Around the Block

Kind words thanks.
Made in us
Huge Hierodule

land of 10k taxes

nice kit bash

was censored by the ministry of truth 
Made in fr
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot


Great! Had you DoW3's iteration of it in minde? It's pretty resembling!

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in us
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

Nice, though I'd really really add something to the rear of the gun, as its glaringly obvious that's a toy microphone and makes it stand out a bit. It just needs a bit more greebling camouflage in that area.

Games Workshop Delenda Est.

Users on ignore- 53.

If you break apart my or anyone else's posts line by line I will not read them. 
Made in pl
Horrific Hive Tyrant

Looks great!
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