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To what extent can the Mechanicus enforce their ban on tech-heresy?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Quick-fingered Warlord Moderatus

The only thing which would hold back the mechanicum from just rocking up and saying "you have something which belongs to us..." is a potential threat to the device itself. Like a nuke attached to the casing with a tamper resistant detonator (designed by the STC itself presumeably).

House Van Sarr probably dont know there are functional STCs on board every Arc Mechanicus and do not know they form a network.

There is every likelihood that the STCs themselves make use of data-sharing in their network so the Mechanicum arent losing out on any unique info held on any specific STC device.

Then it becomes a case of holding our noses about Van Sarr using it for petty causes while planning for seizing it when house Van Sarr falls. A bit like soviet nukes.

Edit: There is also the possibility that the STC is aware that the Mechanicum tend to fit them into Arc Mechanicus but it decided that it prefers a planetside location..

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/22 20:43:51

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-px27tzAtVwZpZ4ljopV2w "ashtrays and teacups do not count as cover"
"jack of all trades, master of none; certainly better than a master of one"
The Ordo Reductor - the guy's who make wonderful things like the Landraider Achillies, but can't use them in battle..  
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Thing is? The Mechanicus don’t seem to know their own Ark Mechanicus have, or at least may have a STC aboard at its core.

Made in gb
Quick-fingered Warlord Moderatus

Any issue with the anti-tamper deadhand-trigger theory of why the Mechanicum dont just rock up and seize it?

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-px27tzAtVwZpZ4ljopV2w "ashtrays and teacups do not count as cover"
"jack of all trades, master of none; certainly better than a master of one"
The Ordo Reductor - the guy's who make wonderful things like the Landraider Achillies, but can't use them in battle..  
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Nope. However, I’m still not persuaded, deadman’s hand or not, something as precious, crucial and singularly rare as near-as-dammit-complete STC Database, on a long established and important Imperial World, which despite internal strife has always met its Tithe would ever be a simple Smash And Grab.

In the short term, there’d be some kind of negotiation and agreed access with the Ruling House - who in turn would have to deal with House Van Saar in some capacity.

Getting into the mid-term? There’s a strong argument it’s best off being kept in-situ whilst the Adepts start to figure it out, and if it is possible to now relocate it, how you go about doing that.

End of the day, House Van Saar, like all the Clan Houses, aspire to ascend to the status of a Noble House, and all the perks and advantages that come with that lofty station - including a much greater potential to, one day, become The Imperial House (remember, provided the Tithe flows, the Administratum largely doesn’t care who is fulfilling it).

Having the patronage of the Adpetus Mechanicus might very well provide that path to greater power and influence.

And there is sense, if not theocratic agreement, in the Adeptus Mechanicus keeping House Van Saar on side, because they have some working knowledge of said STC, which is not something to be lightly wasted.

Of course, just because there are routes and perceived wisdom in not just Smash And Grab doesn’t put it entirely off the table. But there are many ways it could go down in other, more polite “ultimately we all benefit” ways.

Made in us
The Conquerer

Waiting for my shill money from Spiral Arm Studios

Its plausible, but then again I don't think that would stop them from trying to get it. They'd just be a little more covert. I'm sure they could pull some strings and get the Officio Assassinorum involved.

"Hey there are some heretics withholding an STC and they've put a bomb on it. Could you send a Callidus or Vindicare to deactivate the device and murder the whole House?"

And hey, if the STC gets blown up at least it isn't in the hands of filthy heretics.

Self-proclaimed evil Cat-person. Dues Ex Felines

Cato Sicarius, after force feeding Captain Ventris a copy of the Codex Astartes for having the audacity to play Deathwatch, chokes to death on his own D-baggery after finding Calgar assembling his new Eldar army.

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Blowing it up would not be an option. In a thread discussing Tech Heresy? That’s the multi-week rollover Eurosquillions Jackpot of Tech Heresy!

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


It is preferable to having the STC in the hands of anyone who isn't the Mechanicus. Especially some lowly factory gang.

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Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

A lowly factory gang for whom it is no one else’s interest to support against the Adpetus Mechanicus.

Within the wider Hive, whilst not necessarily especially numerous, the Adepts of Mars/whichever Forgeworld could easily go on a strike to help persuade the Imperial House.

The other Clan Houses, despite their interdependence on one another, are unlikely to overly come to House Van Saar’s aid, especially against such an integral part of the overall Imperium.

But again, there are far, far more efficient ways that don’t outright risk the very prize everyone is wanting, for the Adeptus Mechanicus to take sole custodianship of the STC. Up to and including slowly (well, over a few generations) simply absorbing House Van Saar in its entirety into the Mechanicus, with any resistant getting a very special upgrade to Servitor status.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Also? “You….you do realise if we wanted to just waltz in and take it, we almost certainly could with little to no repercussions, because we wield far more political influence, and would be in a position to re-arm the entire Imperium with ownership, so maybe don’t be difficult and accept our genuinely generous offer” is about as persuasive as it gets, before you factor in most Imperial Governors are regularly breaking laws, but know as long as they pay their tithe and aren’t too blatant, nobody is going to do much, and having the Mechanicus breathing down your neck is only going to bring other eyes to your nefarious affairs and dealings.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/22 22:49:07

Made in gb
Quick-fingered Warlord Moderatus

I was just wondering to what extent house Van Sarr have agency in this situation?

I saw that one of the other houses tried to hack the STC and it caused a bunch of industrial accidents in retaliation.

Are house Van Sarr basicly hostages to the STC?

The ones on Arc Mechanicus wipe peoples minds on disconnection and are effective enough at doing so the Mechanicum honestly beleive that the humans do not have a complete working STC device let alone understand its basicly an AI.

So maybe the Necromunda STC device prefers its underhive cover story?

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-px27tzAtVwZpZ4ljopV2w "ashtrays and teacups do not count as cover"
"jack of all trades, master of none; certainly better than a master of one"
The Ordo Reductor - the guy's who make wonderful things like the Landraider Achillies, but can't use them in battle..  
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Virtually none.

They’re not a Noble House, only a Clan House. And many Clan Houses have come and gone during Necromunda’s long history. Some became Noble Houses, others went extinct.

Yes, they’re an important part of Necromunda’s industry and society, and their removal would cause issues. But they’re still not replaceable. And frankly, The Imperial House has more to lose supporting House Van Saar than selling them out.

How intergrated the Van Saar to the STC is unclear. Sure their highest ranking ones may well have a direct interface. But by no means does that extend to the majority.

Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

What's the source for this info about an STC on the Ark Mechanicus, SirDonald? Don't think I've heard about that before.

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Gamgee on Tau Players wrote:we all kill cats and sell our own families to the devil and eat live puppies.

 Kanluwen wrote:
This is, emphatically, why I will continue suggesting nuking Guard and starting over again. It's a legacy army that needs to be rebooted with a new focal point.

Confirmation of why no-one should listen to Kanluwen when it comes to the IG - he doesn't want the IG, he want's Kan's New Model Army...

tneva82 wrote:
You aren't even trying ty pretend for honest arqument. Open bad faith trolling.
- No reason to keep this here, unless people want to use it for something... 
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

There’s at least one book in which an Adept makes the discovery, but is either mindwiped as above, or otherwise doesn’t survive to tell the tale.

Couldn’t tell you which, or whether that’s since been expanded upon.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

The responses here are interesting and I think opinions on how the Ad Mech would respond depends on what lore you’ve been exposed to.

My experience of the lore is that the religious dogma of the imperium puts the acquisition of an STC above pretty much anything and not just in the view of the Ad Mech. There is political capital and many other benefits to be had by being part of the recovery of a working STC with undiscovered plans in it.

Not saying the Ad Mechs first response would be to invade but a show of force would occur. And there’s no way the planetary governor would want to be accused of knowingly allowing one of their minor houses to hide an STC

More likely they would want to be very vocal about how instrumental they were in helping the the recovery of the STC by putting the heretics to the sword and clearing a path for the Ad mech to retrieve their holy relic.
Made in gb
Quick-fingered Warlord Moderatus

 Dysartes wrote:
What's the source for this info about an STC on the Ark Mechanicus, SirDonald? Don't think I've heard about that before.

The "Priests Of Mars" book by Graham McNeill is what youre after.

Edit: if you get given control of a planet for discovering a complete blueprint for a combat knife, house Van Sarr could leapfrog the noble houses of necromunda altogether just by giving it to the Mechanicum. Im thinking the STC device is calling the shots of their destiny, not their leader.

There is another case of a group having a hidden STC but when the Imperium rocks up its the corrupted Horus Luprecal leading the force. They straight up tell him they have an STC and he immediately murders them all and destroys the entire civilisation they built using it.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/23 19:10:28

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-px27tzAtVwZpZ4ljopV2w "ashtrays and teacups do not count as cover"
"jack of all trades, master of none; certainly better than a master of one"
The Ordo Reductor - the guy's who make wonderful things like the Landraider Achillies, but can't use them in battle..  
Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut

 SirDonlad wrote:
 Dysartes wrote:
What's the source for this info about an STC on the Ark Mechanicus, SirDonald? Don't think I've heard about that before.

The "Priests Of Mars" book by Graham McNeill is what youre after.

Edit: if you get given control of a planet for discovering a complete blueprint for a combat knife, house Van Sarr could leapfrog the noble houses of necromunda altogether just by giving it to the Mechanicum. Im thinking the STC device is calling the shots of their destiny, not their leader.

House Van Saar's highest echelons may have motives other than purely power or wealth. If one looks at their Necromunda supplement book, they pretty much have a heretical religion revolving around the STC and possibly trying to find a way to time travel back to the Dark Age of Technology since at least some of their House seem to believe they are descendants of crew from a ship of that Age that was flung forward in time. So they are trying to go back to their lost paradise.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/25 00:57:25

Made in ca
Executing Exarch

Until it suits you to get rid of them and then you decry them as a xeno fetishist heretic and thrown them into the sun

Or until the Governor's xeno bauble suddenly and inexplicably transforms him (or her) into a xeno.

Sometimes there are very good reasons for the rules on humans only using human technology.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/26 00:50:59

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