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Official Dakka Dakka Myspace group?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka


I was wondering if anyone would be interested in joining an official Dakka myspace group...  I just set my myspace area up (www.myspace.com/drakemarcus) in response to the popularity of the site within the alternative music community and its utility in communicating with other members of said community.  But I think it would be cool, and fitting, to have a Dakka group.  It's actually a great idea for finding local Dakka people to play games against.

What do you guys think?

"Nothing from the outside world can be imported into Canada without first being doused in ranch dressing. Canadian Techs have found that while this makes the internet delicious it tends to hamper the bandwidth potential. Scientists are working furiously to rectify the problem. "

--Glaive Company CO 
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka


My mistake- I thought I was in the Discussions area. Could you please move it over there Gonads?

"Nothing from the outside world can be imported into Canada without first being doused in ranch dressing. Canadian Techs have found that while this makes the internet delicious it tends to hamper the bandwidth potential. Scientists are working furiously to rectify the problem. "

--Glaive Company CO 
Made in us
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot

Maryland, USA

I'm up, I'll message you.

Codex: Soyuzki - A fluffy guidebook to my Astra Militarum subfaction. Now version 0.6!
Another way would be to simply slide the landraider sideways like a big slowed hovercraft full of eels. -pismakron
Sometimes a little murder is necessary in this hobby. -necrontyrOG

Out-of-the-loop from November 2010 - November 2017 so please excuse my ignorance!
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Do you just want us to add ourselves as friends to whatever myspace site you are using?

"Every Man Is A But Spark In The Darkness" 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Silverdale, WA

Yeah, I need more info too. I've never used myspace, or looked at a myspace thing for more than 5 seconds before. I'm down with seeing what other people are about outside of the gaming realm or trying to find other local gamers. Although, I'm not sure where this "Canada" place is you speak of.

Made in us
Madrak Ironhide

We should take cleavage shots of our minis.

btw: Added you Drake. Where's info on the grouop thing?

Get your own Dakka Code!

"...he could never understand the sense of a contest in which the two adversaries agreed upon the rules." Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude 
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka


I'm still waiting on Russ right now, but it looks like everything should be a go soon.

"Nothing from the outside world can be imported into Canada without first being doused in ranch dressing. Canadian Techs have found that while this makes the internet delicious it tends to hamper the bandwidth potential. Scientists are working furiously to rectify the problem. "

--Glaive Company CO 
Made in us
Fireknife Shas'el

A bizarre array of focusing mirrors and lenses turning my phrases into even more accurate clones of

Do you guys really want emo/goth/punk/"I'm different" kids from _Myspace_ to join it? I've seen my share in Games Days but thankfully don't have to bear having one around in my play group.

Cleavage shots on myspace aren't allowed (unwritten rule) unless you turn the contrast to maximum and shoot it from an odd angle so people don't see your butherface or the rest of your body.  It will be fun on minis though.


2009, Year of the Dog
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka


Hahaha- yeah. I know lots of normal people on Myspace. I wanna connect the Dakka gamers so playing game when you're out of town is easier.

"Nothing from the outside world can be imported into Canada without first being doused in ranch dressing. Canadian Techs have found that while this makes the internet delicious it tends to hamper the bandwidth potential. Scientists are working furiously to rectify the problem. "

--Glaive Company CO 
Made in us
Battlewagon Driver with Charged Engine

Murfreesboro, TN

MySpace: bringing impressionable young people and creepy pedophiles together for way too long.

Friends don't let friends use MySpace.

As a rule of thumb, the designers do not hide "easter eggs" in the rules. If clever reading is required to unlock some sort of hidden option, then it is most likely the result of wishful thinking.

But there's no sense crying over every mistake;
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

Member of the "No Retreat for Calgar" Club 
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka


Hahaha- yeah you can use it for that purpose. I use it because other indi punk/metal lovers all seem to converge there.

"Nothing from the outside world can be imported into Canada without first being doused in ranch dressing. Canadian Techs have found that while this makes the internet delicious it tends to hamper the bandwidth potential. Scientists are working furiously to rectify the problem. "

--Glaive Company CO 
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