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Orc & Goblin Army Deal up on advanced order...  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

I have no idea if it's a good deal or not, but here it is:


Contents are: 2 Orc Heroes, 1 Goblin Heroes, 20 Orcs, 10 Black Orcs, 40 Night Goblins, a Chariot and 10 Wolf Riders and a Special Edition Orc Shaman - plus the new Army Book.


Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in us

Amongst the Stars, In the Night

Kneejerk reaction is no, it doesn't look like a good deal at all (if even a deal). At £145, that seems pretty steep. Going by GWUK, here's the component prices using what's already available:

2 Orc Heroes : £14.00 (warlord on boar £7.00, Grimgor or Borgut, Ork Warlord on foot: £7.00)
1 Goblin Heroes: £5.00 (two shamans)
20 Orcs: £18.00 (Ork Boyz Regiment set)
10 Black Orcs: £30.00 (1x Black Orc Command blister, 4x blisters, choice of 2x hw or 1x gw)
40 Night Goblins: £36.00 (two Night Gobbo regiment boxes)
Chariot: £15.00 (one orc chariot)
10 Wolf Riders: £18.00 (Goblin Wolf Riders box regiment)
Special Edition Orc Shaman - £5.00 (shaman on foot)
Army Book: £12.00 (current armybook price)
TOTAL: £153.00

...which, on it's face, seems like "somewhat" of a deal (I mean, £8 isn't much of a deal). I wonder how much this will end up being in US dollars... However, given orks having been in the v6 Big Red Box, the gobbos in the new one, a lot of items should be easy to get at a significantly reduced price via ebay, trades, discount bins and so and so forth, all of which will reduce any value of the army box "deal." Heck, I can't even remember when they *were* deals. Unfortunately, it looks like the toothless Shaman is the special limited edition figure. I hope that isn't true, as it was a figure I'd like to pick up and no way in sam hell am I going to spend £145 (or the US equivalent) just for that miniature.

OT Zone: A More Wretched Hive of Scum and Villany
The Loyal Slave learns to Love the Lash! 
Made in us
Blood-Drenched Death Company Marine

Puget sound region, WA

US deal will go for $215 a box.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

I'm curious why they decided to include night goblins. I'd think every greenskin player is going to have them coming out their ears because of the new starter box.

"I've still got a job, so the rules must be good enough" - Design team motto.  
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka


Indeed- but they kinda had too simply to be able to say it contains new models

It's no deal for me since I've got nearly everything there - I'll just pick the shaman up on ebay or from my local shop if they split the box.

"Nothing from the outside world can be imported into Canada without first being doused in ranch dressing. Canadian Techs have found that while this makes the internet delicious it tends to hamper the bandwidth potential. Scientists are working furiously to rectify the problem. "

--Glaive Company CO 
Made in us

Amongst the Stars, In the Night

As is, it looks like the only new models will be the two new Ork Heroes, the Gobbo hero, the Ork Shaman, and the Nght Goblins. 44 new minis out of 85... Uh. What?

(ps: glad they didn't try to do new Ork Boyz Regiment, no need to fix something that ain't broke)

OT Zone: A More Wretched Hive of Scum and Villany
The Loyal Slave learns to Love the Lash! 
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka


Amen to that- I'm a huge fan of Nelson's gobbos, but it's not like they're going to be tough to find Or like I need a few more hundred of them :p

"Nothing from the outside world can be imported into Canada without first being doused in ranch dressing. Canadian Techs have found that while this makes the internet delicious it tends to hamper the bandwidth potential. Scientists are working furiously to rectify the problem. "

--Glaive Company CO 
Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

Kneejerk reaction is no, it doesn't look like a good deal at all (if even a deal).

The Army boxes are never a particularly outstanding deal. They generally work out around the price of the components, with the army book and/or special edition model for free... except for here in Oz, where we don't get the army book.

Made in ca

It's a pretty functional base for a beginner. It includes things that most players can make use of in some way.
The black orcs are the only low point, but really, what else would they have included?
Maybe fanatics...
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Black orcs will be the new hotness when the new book comes out. They're like having undispellable WAAAAGH 1/3 of the time.

"I've still got a job, so the rules must be good enough" - Design team motto.  
Made in ca

Great, more magic moves...
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

I'm curious why they decided to include night goblins. I'd think every greenskin player is going to have them coming out their ears because of the new starter box.

Uhm because thats the point. It gives you a unit in the box army so you have to buy something else outside of it....

Hope more old fools come to their senses and start giving you their money instead of those Union Jack Blood suckers...  
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