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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/10/18 17:32:15

Post by: The Red Hobbit

Nice spaceship terrain for the Tau battle!

Looks like Skulltaker is about the remove the skull from that dread

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/10/18 18:36:13

Post by: tneva82

 The Red Hobbit wrote:
Nice spaceship terrain for the Tau battle!

Looks like Skulltaker is about the remove the skull from that dread

Roflmao no he didn't. 12 attacks, 11 hits, not single wound. Loc has to save his arse dropping about 7mw(that's how much it took with 3w remaining) to the dread who blew out killing skulltaker.

Khorne was not pleased while tzeentch was "just as planned".

Last time he did 18w to broodlord but non-character vehicles are tough nuts for him.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/10/19 16:27:29

Post by: tneva82

Skaven stopped nurgle ritual in ptg

[Thumb - IMG20221019182224.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/10/20 17:17:28

Post by: tneva82

Daemons vs imperial knights. First go was bit tougher but his attempt to kill bloodthirster failed and after 3 rounds 1 big and 1 small too little to win.

New scenario, go again. Now it was walk in park. Flamers and loc dealt with armigers, bloodthirster and skarbrand went rampage. Bloodthirster got to be safe in melee and skarbrand survived with 3 wounds. Wrecked big near dead and minimizing odds to kill after skarbrand survived knight dead and couldn't escape skarbrand so both bloodthirsters safe from shooting again.

Last knight tried to kill skarbrand with charge but lacking melee weapon failed and skarbrand said "what knight?"

[Thumb - IMG20221020173218.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG20221020192615.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/10/20 19:16:17

Post by: Sherrypie

Full on fog of war shenanigans afoot as our Kriegspielmageddon project rolls on to its sixth installment, Battle of Taranus Populus. Six players, some 20,000 points of troops on the field and all to fight for as Selen II's freedom fighters struggle for independence against the Imperial Guard and their Astartes allies.

Full report:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/10/20 20:16:43

Post by: Easy E

Darn Sherrypie, I love this project of Krieg spiel (sp) Epic.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/10/20 20:39:36

Post by: Sherrypie

 Easy E wrote:
Darn Sherrypie, I love this project of Krieg spiel (sp) Epic.

Likewise, it's intensive but fun with a solid group of roleplay-minded Death Korps of Kriegsspiel. The dream is real to one day have suitable tables, armies and housing to host such a game live over multiple days that it takes

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/10/22 15:46:53

Post by: tneva82

Small tournament. My 10 game winning streak came to end. Won first vs death guard by narrow margin. 80-70 but had last advance failed 75-75. Then crushed by tyranid monster smash and finally 8 wardog, abbadon and 15 flamers walked over.

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[Thumb - IMG20221022181302.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/10/22 22:45:01

Post by: H.B.M.C.

It's terrifying how devoid of terrain those boards are.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/10/23 14:06:07

Post by: aphyon

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
It's terrifying how devoid of terrain those boards are.

Ah but remember in that edition terrain doesn't have to make sense. the amount and type of cover it provides is based entirely on how tall it is.

Now on to my games and more of my obsession with terrain that makes sense.

Starting of some of the other games being played-

9th ed crusade games from some new players i do not really know-

BattleTech of course-

Most of the guys spent a good chunk of the night playing DnD.....so while they were at that i did-

Mobile suit Gundam converted using classic battletech rules.....the flames of war terrain worked nicely-

A small training game to teach BFG-

And finally something a friend really wanted to try out a largish 2,100 point 5th ed rules game-3.5 chaos word bearers demon heavy force VS a hybrid demon hunters/5th ed salamanders force.

With demonic incursion rules in play i barely survived. Skarbrand even showed up and got to play a bit. more on that in my other topic.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/10/23 15:37:24

Post by: lord_blackfang

Played a game of Turnip28 after a long while. Really like the system. I promise it's not just a gimmick to sell weird art, there's real meat on the bone.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/10/30 17:33:47

Post by: aphyon

Since it was Halloween weekend, we all joined in a big specter operations zombie game-

Then there was a game of flames of war.

One of the guys received a free ork army so we tooled it up and gave it a go.... killing 64 orks with cybork bodies (thanks grotsnik) is lots of work.

Then a bit of refresher-2 armies who have not seen battle in a long while-crimson fists VS my salamanders.

And since it was Halloween, this guy showed up.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/10/31 02:11:26

Post by: Just Tony

6th Ed. WFB Skaven vs. Dogs Of War

[Thumb - 20221030_101831.jpg]
[Thumb - 20221030_134518.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/10/31 14:43:51

Post by: Easy E

Always love seeing some Dogs of War on the table!

For Halloween, I got to play some Under the Martian Yoke:

If you are so inclined, you can read the details on my blog:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/10/31 15:55:14

Post by: LunarSol

Had a little launch day for Mk4 Warmachine. Got a picture of a couple of the games going:

Proxy Khador vs Crucible Guard

Tharn vs Proxy Orgoth

Also got in some Malifaux. Lady J vs Lynch

And finally, and 4 player round of MCP's Symbiote scenario

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/01 18:55:23

Post by: tneva82

Stomping through necrons in crusade. Slight cosmetic error with beefed up captain with 3++ died to lord(not even overlord).

[Thumb - IMG20221101180438.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/01 20:35:37

Post by: privateer4hire

Blood Bowl Sevens. Black Orcs v. Slann-bunnies

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/02 16:22:01

Post by: tneva82

First go with new lumineth vs new gargants.

Darn cows got glowup. Didn't even get to use some tricks good vs them but after r3 start only single mancrusher alive. I had lost 5 stoneguard, 2 from another and 6 pikes.

[Thumb - IMG20221102165616.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/03 17:25:09

Post by: tneva82

Blood angels vs ghaz, stompa, 3 mega dreads, 3 deffdreads and 5 Killakan.

Lack of saves hurt orks. Had he gone first likely change things a lot.

[Thumb - IMG20221103181802.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/05 21:39:18

Post by: lord_blackfang

Great 1000 pts intro game of Dystopian Wars with my Russian Commonwealth vs a fresh Sultanate player

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/06 14:27:15

Post by: aphyon

tonights games at the FLGS-


Classic BattleTech

And my game -warmachine MK III, 50 points-

Khador VS Crucible Guard-hard fight but my Khador managed to turn the tide at the end.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/07 14:07:35

Post by: Illumini

Got in my first game since buying a new house in March. Both of us were very rusty, but that didn't matter too much in a narrative driven chaotic battle between renegades and planetary defence forces


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/07 15:05:34

Post by: Easy E

Some Castles in the Sky from Osprey using Brigade and Spartan models.....

We used off board tracking in this game to clean up the table a bit. Mostly using a white board to keep track of altitude, speed, damage, etc. It worked pretty slick.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/07 17:42:12

Post by: aphyon

when i play castles i just use different dice. usually, a d6 for speed and a d10 for altitude next to each ship. it is probably the BattleTech player in me.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/08 18:35:04

Post by: tneva82

Daemon vs daemon in league game. Managed to sneak 57-54 win thanks to going 2nd and t1 rerolling 5+ save succeeding denying 3 pts.

And loc got to kill bloodthirster in melee

[Thumb - IMG20221108181835.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/09 08:35:32

Post by: The Red Hobbit

tneva82 wrote:
 The Red Hobbit wrote:
Nice spaceship terrain for the Tau battle!

Looks like Skulltaker is about the remove the skull from that dread

Roflmao no he didn't. 12 attacks, 11 hits, not single wound. Loc has to save his arse dropping about 7mw(that's how much it took with 3w remaining) to the dread who blew out killing skulltaker.

Khorne was not pleased while tzeentch was "just as planned".

Last time he did 18w to broodlord but non-character vehicles are tough nuts for him.

Lol I missed this last time I checked the thread. That's a very unlucky Skulltaker, but I always find death by vehicle explosion to be a 'gift' from the gods

Good to see Khorne taking on Tzeentch and pulling off a win in your most recent game

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/09 10:26:07

Post by: tneva82

 The Red Hobbit wrote:
tneva82 wrote:
 The Red Hobbit wrote:
Nice spaceship terrain for the Tau battle!

Looks like Skulltaker is about the remove the skull from that dread

Roflmao no he didn't. 12 attacks, 11 hits, not single wound. Loc has to save his arse dropping about 7mw(that's how much it took with 3w remaining) to the dread who blew out killing skulltaker.

Khorne was not pleased while tzeentch was "just as planned".

Last time he did 18w to broodlord but non-character vehicles are tough nuts for him.

Lol I missed this last time I checked the thread. That's a very unlucky Skulltaker, but I always find death by vehicle explosion to be a 'gift' from the gods

Good to see Khorne taking on Tzeentch and pulling off a win in your most recent game

Oh we both had khorne elements. I was the one with tzeentch as well.

I thought I would win easily thanks to LOC+flamers and who cares about those cannons right?

Well as it is he did have ace in the sleeve. Armour of skorn which is just EVIL vs my list. LOC throwing up MW's like no tomorrow? 4+ FNP! Flamers hit you with 30+ auto hits wounding on 4+? 3+ save and 5+ FNP from warlord trait. That thing soaked up silly amount of resources and him having 4 units in reserve made me vary of putting flamers out of box of screeners to engage skull crushers that ate up my infantry and skulltaker for lunch....

Also skull cannons did do some nice damage here and there + gave his backfield objectives cheap holders. Something I was lacking(plus him rushing in made objective campers dead campers...)

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/09 17:31:04

Post by: tneva82

Skaven vs skaven ptg.

Deployed horribly exposing myself to world of trouble if i get doubled which realized. My main punch outside heroes got vaporized and furnace locked unable to get anywhere useful.

Add to this my verminlord fluffing as usual i was lost. Then no counter double so he will simply annihilate remnants. Maybe not stormvermin due to their position and 2 plague monks as they are irrelevant but rest will die.

[Thumb - IMG20221109173957.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/09 18:03:49

Post by: infinite_array

I played in three games over the weekend at HMGS' Fall In! convention.

The first was "The Siege of the Emerald City" using Wars of Ozz, which mixes the world of Oz with 18th century technology. An alliance of Winkies and Gnomes had laid siege to the Emerald City, but were driven off by the combined brigades of Munchkins and Quadlings.

The second was "March of the Elephants" where we refought the battle between Alexander the Great of Macedonia and King Porus of India. This game started with a fun mini-campaign where the Macedonians had to cross a river and the Indian players had to guess where the crossing was going to occur. The Indian players (myself included) not only managed to counter Alexander's crossing, but captured him during a grueling, bloody battle, giving King Porus a minor victory.

The third and last game was "Counter Attack Orsha" using Breakthrough, which are still in development. Set during Operation Barbarossa in 1941, the Soviets had four divisions clashing against four German regiments. The Germans initially repulsed the Soviet attack, but a Soviet tank regiment exploited a gap in the German lines, splitting them in two. One German regiment was steamrolled and the other was set up to be badly mauled when we had to end for time, giving the Soviets a win.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/09 20:34:05

Post by: Easy E

Nice shots of Fall In! Thanks for sharing.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/09 23:26:09

Post by: KidCthulhu

So I did a playtest of a Halloweeny solo mission for my dungeon crawl:

You can see the scenario rules here and the game coverage here.

<edited for grammar>

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/11 13:55:13

Post by: LunarSol

A little more MCP. By luck, Vision got the objective early and Sam was able to evac him to safety. From there all my pushes were able to keep the Asgardians out of the game for the win.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/13 05:50:34

Post by: ccs

A 40k game from wk 1 of our current Escalation League.

Then two shots from wk 1 of our AoS Escalation League.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/13 08:22:51

Post by: lord_blackfang

Dystopian Wars, 2000 pts Commonwealth vs Enlightened

Really close game, with a Nansen Explorer (dreadnought) on 3 life the only thing left on the table in the end.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/14 03:02:02

Post by: Strombones

Ultramarines advancing

Automatically Appended Next Post:

1k Sons terminators strike back

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/14 12:34:02

Post by: aphyon

This is what 24 hours of gaming looks like.......yeah i am a little late with this update.

We had a huge FOW event that took up the store for most of the day. so, we didn't get our start until around 8pm (i usually arrive between 2-3 PM)

Many games were had till the early hours of the morning. the store re-opened for the next day and the last of the Saturday group left..... as i was getting ready to go the person i was supposed to have a game with the previous day that was delayed because of the event showed up so we had our game then. i finally finished up around 2pm the next day.

So now the pictures-
the event

There was a bit of BattleTech of course-

We did a bit of classic 5th ed 40K our crimson fist player proxied some units to try out the space wolf codex, he got his first go against a dark eldar force

I finally got my scheduled game in against the space wolves and went old school grudge match with the 3rd ed dark angels codex.

i used a single proxy land raider crusader to stand in as an Ares.

Finally, the next day's game-

1/32 scale WWII via forces of valor battle tactics.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/14 15:44:23

Post by: Easy E

Trying out some Solo-rules to play Men of Bronze that are in the Ionian Revolt supplement on the Wargame Vault.....

You can read all about it on the blog.....


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/16 19:50:35

Post by: tneva82

Ogors vs slaves to darkness. Damn the chaos is tough. Particularly nurgle warriors who took charge from 4 bounty hunter mournfang and only lost 1 guy due to mortals. But ogors meat bags and objectives on my control and him locked in combat so 25-6.

Thought i screted by overplay trying to kill be'lakor t1 with help of new 3d6 movement ramgage but failed and no double so frost lord screwed and i was locked in combat but big pile of wounds to the rescue.

(cannon is proxy for beastrider)

[Thumb - IMG20221116190917.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/17 05:59:23

Post by: ccs

My Cities of Sigmar (Hammerhall) vs Soulblight.
The Bloodnights have just failed a critical charge....
On my turn 1/2 of them are mowed down by the crossbows. The survivors are then destroyed by my own cave charge.

[Thumb - 20221116_194337.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/17 06:25:46

Post by: tneva82

Poor vampires...Naaah who am I kidding. Staves to the heart and glory to the Sigmar!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/17 08:15:02

Post by: Illumini

Beautiful dogs of war

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/17 18:45:29

Post by: ccs

 Illumini wrote:
Beautiful dogs of war


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/21 00:40:26

Post by: aphyon

Weekend store update

It was almost all BattleTech and flames of war tonight

My games-
B5 wars star trek edition-

we basically played the nemesis move with full fleets-

Then i got a quick BattleTech game in against a proxy test tank lance of ajax/Manteuffel

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/21 00:58:41

Post by: ccs

My Mech Grots trying to outrun the Black Legion in tonight's Crusade mission.
Goal: get as many grot units off the far end of the table as possible.

In the end the Black Legion ripped through a fair amount of my stuff.
But enough Grots escaped to claim victory.

Oh, and Abbadon was eaten by a Squigosaur.
His armor shall now be converted to a shiny new suite of Mega-Armor.

[Thumb - 20221120_134453.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/23 15:13:00

Post by: Skinflint Games

So much cool stuff on here!

This is our latest one, zombie game based on the Battle Of Yonkers from World War Z:


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/23 23:41:13

Post by: ccs

Pics from our latest Crusade.
My Grot tank force vs the Admech (and Freeblade Knight).
Victory: Grots

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/26 08:21:30

Post by: aphyon

So what does an extra holiday off get you? more gaming of course.

An early night and a light turnout but still games were had-


flames of war-

The games i played-

BattleTech clan honor battle

forces of valor demo game 1/32 scale

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/27 21:53:40

Post by: tneva82

Ogor vs big waagh. My start was horrible but t2 my charges were insane. When 9 is lowest and rest are 11+ when whole ogor army minus slaughtermaster and 2 mournfang charges you know it's gonna hurt. Most of his army got slaughtered.

Next gloomspite(mostly spiders) vs tzeentch. Nice matchup in that neither had unit other couldn't deal nor either side was going to cripple in on swoop so game was still going coming r5. I got sloppy thinking i had crushing vp lead as did he so we both blundered last turns. 24-23 git win but multiple times better decision or dice roll could have got game for the kid so hopefully better feeling post game than last one(where all foot ironjaw proved to be way meaner than i expected)

[Thumb - IMG20221127112320.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG20221127141719.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/28 00:56:31

Post by: aphyon

Day 2 of the holiday game sessions-

the main theme seems to be FOW and classic BattleTech-

Broke out a classic game of victory at sea-

A small battle in the pacific.

And finally, a fast game of classic BattleTech with the clan coyote doing some weapons testing with clan hells horse.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/28 15:32:10

Post by: Easy E

What game was that battle in the Pacific?

A couple of games of Kill Team at a local get-together on Small Business Saturday at a local business.


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/28 16:22:58

Post by: LunarSol

Haven't gotten in as much gaming as I'd like lately, but a bit of Warmachine Mk4 and a very bloody murderball game of MCP:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/28 17:35:30

Post by: aphyon

What game was that battle in the Pacific?

Victory at sea-mongoose version using axis & allies minis

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/29 18:34:07

Post by: tneva82

Crusade finished with 85-90 loss vs ig(old book). My list good at dealing with elite units, less so vs this unit spam. Just couldn't stop him slipping to score.

[Thumb - IMG20221129175230.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/29 20:01:14

Post by: thechosen1

Short 500 point game of Star Wars Legion. A picture of my Scout Troopers before Luke Skywalker came along and deleted them with his blaster pistol, of all things.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/30 17:23:38

Post by: tneva82

First game with new slaves to darkness. Was dropping gargants but getting objectives from them was harder. Still tabling them on t4 gave me 25-20 win.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/11/30 23:21:48

Post by: Skinflint Games

In which Da Black Ork Cav and the 1991 Blood Angels 3rd Company square off for a 1000pts of 2nd Ed...


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/12/03 12:13:32

Post by: tneva82

1k all khorne no gd list in tempest of war vs drukhari.

90-25 win as wave after wave of bloodletters ran over units. Warp storm healing my units was helpful. Just one wrack survived the game. I lost completely just 2 units of bloodletters.

[Thumb - IMG20221203120511.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/12/04 10:34:51

Post by: tneva82

This year's 100th aos game. 1st round of tournament. Ogor vs ogor. Swung hard all the time. 1st round killed 12 gluttons for 1 irongut. He rolled 1 for priority but i rolled 1 too. Double would been gg. Lost ironguts, gluttons and tyrant but killed 8 ironguts and some gluttos. R3 double and seemed gg but having to move leadbelchers reduced firepower and gluttons ate ironguts and counter double and leadbelchers dead too. Had to kill gluttons to win. Left, 5+ would flee. 4 and i lost game due to 2 battle tactrcs failed.

One of best games lately.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/12/04 13:44:53

Post by: Sherrypie

Mega-AT with 67 god-machines and 14 commanders, report in the blog


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/12/05 00:59:26

Post by: aphyon

Sherrypie...that is an amazing shot!

Game niight happenings at the FLGS

The trend of late is that FOW and classic BattleTech are the hot games to be playing-
although the flames guys were not out in force tonight, they tend to have big events on Fridays and team yankee on Sundays.

loads of battletech-

Some infinity-

Now for my games-


DUST 1947

And finally, some old hammer 40K helping a friend play test a blood angels list with some proxies.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/12/05 03:06:25

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Thor and Mongoose vs two Demolisher IIs?

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/12/05 03:21:44

Post by: aphyon

I think the tanks were custom jobs they used the demolishers as proxies
Many of the guys like using BV2. while i understand it provides a good framework for mismatched numbers. i prefer to use the basic fixed pilot skills for clan/IS and the 1/1 for same sides or the IS/clan fights of 1.3 to 1 conversion so you can just bring whatever you enjoy playing. rather it be lance on lance, star on star, or 2 lances VS 1 star. i find BV mostly pointless because the crit system exists and i also play with forced withdrawl/safecon rules.

Aside from scenarios or jokes i also do not play with any custom mech designs to prevent players from abusing the game.

Since i have been playing since 1987, and almost constantly for over the last 10 years many of the rules i use or do no use are for speed of game play.
for example-fire as you bear rules instead of an entire declare fire phase that adds extra hours to an individual games play time.

Max tech level 3 rules/charts for vehicles to actually make them viable and encourage their use, max tech ammo explosion rule for more epic explosions. etc...

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/12/05 08:29:39

Post by: Sherrypie

 aphyon wrote:
Sherrypie...that is an amazing shot!


Given that I had like two seconds to take it while playing and refereeing, I'll take that as a success
There are 20+ like it in the blog report, do have a look.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/12/11 16:48:28

Post by: aphyon

weekend update-
the other games
classic BattleTech-

Jade falcon VS sea fox

Don't know what this mess was

Star Wars legion

My games-

Started the night off with some epic scale 40K using our hybrid 5th ed rules. with ranges/movement halved and turns doubled to 10.

It was 3rd ed IG armored company VS 7th ed admech. at 2K points on a 4X4 table.

And then a rematch...er i mean weapons test with my fellow clanners (coyote)

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/12/11 19:39:08

Post by: tneva82

Pregame. Mighty general chaos lord on karkardrak calls for chaos gods!

Double 1.

Well i'm undivided. Reroll 1 dice.

And 1.

My general is now spawn.

Insult for injury i didn't have 2nd spawn so got...that thing...as proxy by host

[Thumb - IMG20221211130831.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/12/13 16:41:55

Post by: tneva82

77-51 win vs necrons in league. Maybe could have done bit more gap but whaterer. He can have few points more.

Bloodthirsters mean, khorne stratagems good, daemon save screws necrons a lot and flamers op. Had just 5 and huge impact anyway.

[Thumb - IMG20221213174616.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/12/14 12:56:12

Post by: Destroyer_742

1,500pts Eldar vanguard + superheavy auxiliary vs custodies.

Between wraithbone construct T8 and high AP high damage attacks it was a bit of a blowout. Tabled the golden boys on turn 4 and only lost one lord and 3 wraithblades.

Wraithknight survived but only killed 4 wardens and a shield captain.

A little to the left of the picture is another 4 custodian guard on their home objective and 8 terminators + terminator shield captain in deep strike reserves.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/12/14 19:19:02

Post by: tneva82

One more chance for local dok win record drop from 100% this year. Not even close though the way dices went i can't lose. I need to make 4 6's save, pass, he needs 3 2+ to wound, fail all, i get 2 saves on 6's damage 3 and pass. Same attack sequence and all game like that. Dices being this style i can't lose.

[Thumb - IMG20221214170224.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/12/14 20:26:21

Post by: infinite_array

Battlefleet Gothic, Imperium vs Chaos. We used a modified system that converted the game to a 5cm grid for movement and shooting. It worked really well, making it simple for a 7-player game to finish in a couple hours.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/12/15 16:42:15

Post by: Easy E

Grids are all the rage again!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/12/17 19:29:32

Post by: Valkyrie

Played my first game with TS today, despite having built this force up over 2 years. Played against my mate using the new Guard, armies were roughly:

Exalted Sorcerer on Disk
10x Rubrics
5x Rubrics

Command Squad w. Bullgrun Bodyguard
3x Bullgryns
5x 10 Guardsmen
10x Kasrkin
2x Bombast Guns
Leman Russ Executioner

I rolled first turn, Psychic Phase was a bit of a whiff, mainly as I completely forgot about Cabal Points, and only killed the Sentinel and a few Kasrkin. His first turn and I lose most of the 10x Rubrics. I did a bit of a Hail Mary and moved the Defiler and Helbrutes towards the centre. Defiler took out the Russ in shooting, wiped out the Kasrkin, his Castellan and Bullgryns. His Command Squad charged the Exalted Sorcerer and luckily he survived.

The key moment was the Exalted Sorcerer surviving, as he then cast Smite and Doombolt on the Command Squad, followed up with Baleful Devolution from the other Sorcerer cast on an 11 thanks to the Capricious Crest, meaning I roll 11 D6, with every 6 causing D3 Mortal Wounds. Suffice to say the squad didn't last long.

It was a very swingy game and he took a fair chunk out my army while being tabled. Here's what I had left.

Running this list and some Tzeench Daemons in a 2k small tournament over the next few weeks. I doubt it'll do as well as looking at the other lists they seem much...sweatier but wish me luck nonetheless!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/12/18 14:53:11

Post by: aphyon

Game night update

There was a mix of alpha strike and classic BattleTech tonight-

More Star Wars legion-

For me it was all 40K old hammer edition.

we first did a 3,500 point apocalypse level game in epic scale with halved ranges-3rd ed tank company VS 4th ed iyanden eldar......

And finally, a normal sized 2k game of blood angels (5th ed) VS dark angels (3.5 ed).

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/12/18 17:00:25

Post by: tneva82

Open war game. Originally was supposed to be 2vs2 but ork player got sick so after rolling i ended up with reserve deathwath force. Lol. Some handicap playing 2 new armies 1 whose rules haven't even read. Well at least marines...

After vetoes(everybodv got to veto 1 card from open war pulls) twist was -2 psychic rolls no rerolls. Loooool.

Scenario had objective that 1 side(roll off who) moves and from t3 onward score 1 from it and 2 end df game. They won first 4 roll offs so game was me hunting down objectives.

My teleport spell(and cabal points ensuring i auto cast it) was big allowing me to redeploy troops from right toward left where objective got moved.

R5 i finally won roll off securng win as it was middle of my army. 3-1 thus. Losing roll off would have meant 2-1 at best with some chance they could deny it.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/12/20 17:32:07

Post by: jaredb

I participated in a warhammer Underworlds tournament on the weekend. I took the Exiled Dead. Played agaisnt Ylthari's Guardians, Spiteclaw Swarm, and the new Sons of Velmorn. Each in the typical best 2/3 format. I somehow managed to not drop a single game (won all 6 of my games), and took home one of the new shadeglass trophies.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/12/20 20:08:44

Post by: tneva82

Tson vs new guard. Had i went second would have been quick defeat(magnus being quite a handicap vs vanquisher) but got 1st turn but still barely won. And opponent forgot exploding 6's on kaskir.

Their shooting super scary. Even after deleting several squads they deleted 10 rubric, 2 terminator, 15/18w from magnus and 6 pink horrors.

T2 deleted huge swathes andd still they come. I learned here the tanks can shoot out of melee. Whoops. Would have stayed more out. At least teleport spell(overall big) saved my ass though.


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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/12/21 18:50:50

Post by: tneva82

So do i count my first game with tzeentch as win or loss?-)

We counted points as 19-20. Post game remembered i did have against the odds to do automatic 2 points first time ever i had this left t5...

In any case result good with shooty magic melee vs kragnos, gluttons(-1 to wound shooting) and ironguts that one shots pinks at ease.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/12/24 08:05:08

Post by: aphyon

Had a rare weekday off so i managed to get in a couple extra games-

Privateer press night this time-

first a good game of monpoc

Then a 50 point game of warmachine MK III

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/12/25 12:24:09

Post by: aphyon

As expected, it was a small turn out for game night, being Christmas eve, many of the normal crowd were away with family so we only had a few games

Specter operations-

Some oldhammer 40K-
custom chapter designed with the 4th ed trait system VS 3.5 dark angels.

And a DUST Christmas special because Cthulhu-

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2022/12/28 05:48:08

Post by: Just Tony

6th Ed. WFB Skaven vs. Dark Elves

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/02 01:38:03

Post by: aphyon

New year's game night......all classic BattleTech all the time....and some Star Wars

First a couple demo games of alpha strike-

Then some classic

Then my games-

A game of steiner VS clan hells horse.

Then finally a HUGE by B5 wars standards Star Wars imperial task force VS a rebel squadron.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/02 01:58:18

Post by: ccs

My last game of 2022.
3025 era Battletech.
My Scorpion + Enforcer vs a Hatchetman/Hunchback team.
Victory: Me.

The Hatchetman was run down & shot to pieces. (pictued)
The Scorpion, suffering 2 engine hits, pushed its luck one time too many the next round trying to kill off the Hunchback & ultimately failed a heat related ammo explosion check. :(
The Hunchback lost both its gyros though....
Leaving my Enforcer in control of the field.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/02 02:09:59

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Hmm... never seen anyone put those plastic 'Mechs on hex bases before. Interesting.

I spy with my little eye, something that isn't a BattleTech mapsheet. It's quite cool.

Any idea where it came from?

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/02 02:20:00

Post by: aphyon

One of the guys has a bunch of laminated map sheets both custom and otherwise, not sure where those 2 came from, but i remember them commenting about how hard it was to read the hexes because they were in white text on a mostly white/light blue map sheet.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/02 02:40:04

Post by: ccs

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
Hmm... never seen anyone put those plastic 'Mechs on hex bases before. Interesting.

I did that some years ago to eliminate any debates about facings/fire arcs when not playing on a hex map.
It worked. Everybody's hex sides are now equal & the arguments some of the players kept wanting to have ceased.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/04 17:04:41

Post by: tneva82

Decided to start year with army i only played once last year.

Screwed up underestimating frostlord threat range but he got greedy and tried to kill general dragon rather than unit of 2. This resulted in quick death and thanks to good turn 1 won 25-5.

3 mournfangs soloed half of my melee infantry though on my charges as i underestimated first and then had to attack elsewhere for battle tactic.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/04 18:57:51

Post by: LunarSol

Alright, time to post some holiday gaming!

Starting with some MCP: Convocation vs the Guardians and Thanos:

Military Orders sought to repel a Shesvasti incursion:

And quite a lot of Mk4 Testing:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/05 15:43:29

Post by: Easy E

Nice! Due to the weather, we could not have our annual, Holiday Total CARnage games. Almost no one managed to make it home for the Holidays.

I was sad on a number of levels.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/05 20:02:37

Post by: tneva82

Tson vs death guard using new points and dataslate. Impact of lack of aoc felt in good and bad. Think i gained more thanks to -2 bolters and 5+ inv saves.

75-36. Got solid lead on primaries thanks to go first, teleport spell and teleport artefact and his secondaries flopped hard. 8 pts from those...

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/06 16:07:23

Post by: tneva82

Playing game of keep the cat away from pokey elves...

And losing tzeentch vs lumineth and winning(with luck) std vs lumineth.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/08 13:35:34

Post by: aphyon

Game night update time-

Some team yankee



Then i helped demo 2 games of monpoc

To end out the night i got 2 games of X-wing scale with the B5 wars rules set.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/09 00:19:31

Post by: H.B.M.C.

What type of TIE is between the Interceptor and Defender in the first pic?

And is that a Gunboat in the second pic, or a Missileboat?

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/09 01:02:10

Post by: aphyon

The first pic is a TIE agressor but it was close enough to the correct look that we run it as a tie advanced.

Pic 2 is the gunboat

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/10 16:38:49

Post by: LunarSol

A little more MCP and a blast from the past:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/10 19:32:24

Post by: tneva82

First time facing custodians. We used new ca. 4+ ward vs mortals made 5 dreadnoughts and terminators hard to stop and he overran objectives hard. Attempt to use secondaries that don't require killing failed hard.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/11 18:23:19

Post by: tneva82

Gits vs nighthaunt so tough matchup. Looked baddish r3 beginning when after i gave ghosts t2 double failed to counter double. R4 however did get it and thanks to 10 bounders on rampage got solid lead with ghosts on corner.

Had i used my general conservatively almost quaranteed win but khorne mode activated and went to kill general. 6" redeploy and 11" charge failed.

However he failed to kill bounders by 1 wound failing bt quaranteeing in. 4vp lead and he can score max 4 and i score minium 2.

Had that died he won priority so game might been decided on my turn casting roll.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/13 07:54:16

Post by: ccs

Not 40k, or even minis, but still the last game I played:
Axis & Allies: 1914

The Central Powers claimed victory at the end of turn 3.
Well, actually the other team claimed defeat.....
Russia collapsed to thier own revolution, Britain was confined to its island & to limited production in India, and both France + Italy were next to shattered.
Meanwhile Germany, Austria, & the Ottomans were going full steam production wise.
The US entering play on turn 4 was not going to change the situation.

[Thumb - 20230106_143401.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/13 18:35:56

Post by: LunarSol

Big Marvel night this week.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/14 02:47:06

Post by: CptJake

Ran Fistful of Lead and demos of In Country at Siege of Augusta. Will run tomorrow too if your in the AO.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/15 17:21:13

Post by: aphyon

Quick updates-this weekends games-

classic BattleTech

The games i was in-

castles in the sky using some ctalyst ships and some 3d printed designs-

B5 wars X-wing scale-

Oldhammer 40K-guard VS dark angels-

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/16 07:54:28

Post by: Illumini

That modern setup looks amazing CptJake

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/16 19:39:37

Post by: Easy E

Castles in the Sky! Woot! Woot!

I might be getting a game of it in this week myself!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/17 03:08:40

Post by: ccs

Teaching AoS this evening:
My Khorne demons vs a mostly Elf based Cities of Sigmar force.

Game had to end on turn three.
Victory: Khorne - by 1 vp. Although that lead would have grown substantially if we'd gotten to play all 5 rounds.
And I'm sure my Elf loving opponent will improve greatly as he plays more.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/17 17:13:15

Post by: tneva82

Total lopsided win. Khorne mean hard counter. Forgot blood throne, gave him chance to kill skarbrand for lolz and still toward end of my t3 had nearly tabled him with 57-4 vp lead.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/18 00:32:26

Post by: CptJake

 Illumini wrote:
That modern setup looks amazing CptJake

Thank you. I used buildings from Sarissa, Black Site Studio, Death Ray Designs and scatter from some of those and others (like the Mantic wrecked cars). Roads were Deep Cut Studio and the mat is Battle Systems. The game needs lots of LOS breaking terrain, and since I was running demos I wanted it to look good to help attract players. I tried hard to make a cool looking but game functional setup. I have to admit the large Sarissa ruined building is one of my favorites, three levels all pretty easily accessible without having to take it apart. Very good for skirmish gaming.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/18 17:58:44

Post by: tneva82

First game with new ghb. Cos vs slaanesh. Scenario the one where r2 onward player can remove objective so as i kept winning priorities i kept refusing to take double and ensured objectives are where i am. Thanks to this r3-4 he got zero primary while i got 6.

After his t4 was over we called it. I would be 8vp lead and delete most of his army and likely score my gs(+3) which denies him of his. I estimate final score would have been 24/25-9 /11 depending t5 priority and does some units survive my charges.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/19 06:45:25

Post by: ccs

Tried 40k Boarding Action this evening.
Typhus & the Deathguard vs SM (Ravenguard).
Pictures should tell the story....

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/20 17:00:13

Post by: Easy E

Kill Team with Orks vs. Space Marines 2: Marine Harder.

I won on VPs, but lost every single one of my boyz, and killed a single Space Marine 2.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/20 17:27:12

Post by: LunarSol

Super close game of MCP. Osborn nearly had it until Cable killed 3/4's of the team with a well placed AoE:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/21 18:42:41

Post by: tneva82

Magnus to take charge from trans c'tan and skorpeks. Survived with 1 wound.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/22 14:32:36

Post by: aphyon

The games tonight-

classic BattleTech-


Monster apocalypse

I also did a game os B5 wars/star wars X-wing scale, but the pictures came out blurry.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/23 15:14:42

Post by: LunarSol

Testing out some of the upcoming Mk4 Khador releases with some of the newly released Orgoth stuff:

Got a long odds assassination in. Probably could have won the long game but it was close to dinner time:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/23 22:07:55

Post by: ccs

My 1st Bolt Action game in several years.
My newly built & partially base coated US force vs a borrowed German force run by a kid looking to try the game for the 1st time.

The US was intentionally built as inexperienced.
(I figured that was appropriate given this force didn't exist until last Tue & had never seen play. )
The Germans were a mix of regular & Vet.

Rather slow learning/re-learning game.
Where we stopped the kid was winning 4-0.

Now the kids doing his research as to what force interests him.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/24 17:52:48

Post by: Easy E

Poseidon's Warriors from Osprey games. Persians vs. Ionians during the Ionian Revolt.

You can read the gory details on the Blood and Spectacles blog:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/25 17:59:14

Post by: tneva82

Second game with new ghb. Scenario(picked by opponent) Favoured me though. He had lose-lose choice on who goes first. I go first, vp will be likely 5-1 r1 and he will strugle to get more than 1 t2 but double shooting before i hit lines. He goes first and if i get double nightmare.

Well i was made first, his t1 shooting was inefficient and he rolled 1 for r2 priority. I smashed most of his army and blood tithe used to keep thirster safe from cannons but why bother? 6 for both power and poof.

R3 prio still me and main reason he would have models left would be me keeping them alive to farm battletactics...

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/26 05:33:35

Post by: ccs

This evenings 40k game:
CSM (Iron Warriors) vs SM (Ravenguard) + a very large Freeblade Kight.

Victory: Iron Warriors - by ALOT of VP. Good game though.

In the photos:
The loyalist knight (with 4 wounds left) vs the IW relic Contemptor dreadnought (an old FW IW dread model) with 3 wounds left.
The IW dreadnought charged & tore the knight apart.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/27 16:35:07

Post by: LunarSol


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/29 17:16:15

Post by: aphyon

Game night update....well there was some RPG stuff going on and a group play MTG, but we don't need pictures of that.

Other games-infinity

Games i was in-

Classic Battle Tech-

Monster apocalypse-

And to end the night some oldhammer 3.5 ed chaos iron warriors VS 7th ed ADMECH.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/29 17:18:51

Post by: tneva82

3 games of aos and lotr. One was gitz vs tzeentch where dices caused surreal turn as kairos got outmagicked by gits, got shot by accurate arrows(huh?) And stabbed to death by spears...but boy fought well anyway exploiting my mistake. 6 enlightened getting stuck with 40 gobbos forever and ogoroit thaumaturg failing to do 8 damage to no save guys cost him game though.

Last game exhaustion settling in(4 games with goblin horde being one...) and i went all in. Either victory or death!

Well it was victory. After my t2 not much left from sigmags boys.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/29 17:38:19

Post by: CptJake

Some start positions of a hostage rescue scenario. Forgot to take in game pics. Used In Country as the rule set.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/29 22:03:01

Post by: ccs

Today's 40k game:
500 pts, painted Deathguard vs unpainted Deathguard. (Each of us brought Typhon)

Winner: painted Deathguard.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/30 17:24:54

Post by: Easy E

Good looking games, especially the In Country board. Kudos.

A game of Homer's Heroes: Bronze Age Bad Boys:

You can see more photos and read about what happened on my blood and spectacles blog, if you are so inclined:


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/31 06:40:39

Post by: privateer4hire

We played Space Weirdos for the first time last Saturday. I took a Star Frontiers force of a human, a yazirian, a dralasite and a vrusk.

Photo shows a mutant pinning down my human and yazirian on the first turn.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/01/31 18:49:53

Post by: tneva82

76-71 daemon vs dg.

Going 2nd, both 6"charges from deepstrike, be'lakor dying to plague marines counter attack, no warp points r3 etc felt i was screwed but bad engage score(t1 teleport to his rear split his army) and scoring end of turn r5 netting me 8vp eeked close win.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/01 17:30:52

Post by: tneva82

Bloodpath game. R3 finished all but 1 minor hero but plenty of orcs died.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/02 03:57:26

Post by: ccs

Boarding Action 40k:
Mission #2
Custodes vs my Deathguard.
A good, close, & most importantly fun, game.

Victory: Custodes (25vp) to Deathguard (20vp)

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/05 04:17:32

Post by: Miguelsan

Last week I managed to meet with my mates for a couple 1000 pts games. Lost both due to the stupid Custodes' saves. Their 4+ even against MWs was beyond annoying. First game was a double GSC/Eldar count as VS said Custodes. The second was a threeway free for all with GSC spawning randomly.

First game start. I managed a first turn charge with the Scorpions for a wooping 10 wounds, that my opponent saved except for one.

Second game, my Farseer tries to fry his Magus and fails.

Second game, Hawks vs Locus didn't go well for my troops either.


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/05 05:27:37

Post by: ccs

Some Kill Team this afternoon.
Necrons vs Deathwatch.
It did not end well for the marines....

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/05 09:26:56

Post by: Insectum7

One Page Rules skirmish on a 4x4 table:

Newly painted Eldar battle line

Sides close in

Banshees sneak a flank attack on the Assault Marines

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/05 15:25:51

Post by: tneva82

2 games of lotr. Isengard vs beorlings. Quick massacre not helped that first round of combats lost every single combat. 4 vs 1 no help. Casualties like 10-0.

Then dunedain vs pirates. Closer but merciless shoot own guys in melee to get some rangers wore down. Picture of last charge of Halbarad vs last surviving pirates. Did not end well.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/05 16:19:05

Post by: aphyon

A bit of a late start for us this weekend. the early birds were 3 large DnD groups. although on the up side we had two completely new battle tech players -

Then i loaned out my monpoc stuff to teach a semi regular how to play.

They only did 1 monster and 13 units this game. Defender X with guard/green fury (that are actually painted this time) support VS tharsis 5 and more martian units.

Then the games i was directly involved in-

A pre-planned clan battle with a twist. My opponent decided to bring lights and mediums...... so i matched him in kind-

The second planned game went to the other end of the spectrum- with the Omega super heavy with lance support taking on 2 tri-pod super heavies and an advanced upgrade banshee.

The final game was a warmachine MKIII 2v2 khador/crucible guard VS menoth/cygnar.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/08 18:42:44

Post by: tneva82

Squiggy gits got beaten by troll gits.

They hit so hard and too tough for squigs. And scuttletide killed 3/5 heroes.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/08 22:44:51

Post by: Wasteland

 Insectum7 wrote:
One Page Rules skirmish on a 4x4 table:

@Insectum7 that looks like an outstanding game! Love the board - a beautiful example of the classic 40k style.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/09 14:32:49

Post by: Sherrypie

Loving the setup, Insectum7!

Here's another Epic: Armageddon batrep:


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/10 16:04:27

Post by: LunarSol

More MCP:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/10 19:50:05

Post by: tneva82

Khorne & be'lakor vs ba. Tight game. My primary initially sucked but thirster managed to heal just in time to become safe and ran over multiple units. In the end he just ran out of units. 57-50 with both having 0 vp secondary.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/12 07:05:28

Post by: ccs

A 1k pt AoO game today.
My Deathguard vs a very very new Dark Angels player.
This was far more an extended teaching 40k match than a real game.
It was his 1st game using actual objectives.

Today's lessons were:
How to effectively use Chaplains & Librarians, "Look Out Sir", reserves, & the basic core strats.

Next time we'll add in strats & possibly secondaries.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/12 15:52:44

Post by: aphyon

Game night updates from the matrix, loads of game going on,

some games i was not in-

40k, probably 9th ed but i didn't ask-

A massive battle tech battle using all the toys-

A guard on guard training game armored company VS normal guard.

IG were victorious well specifically the red ones.

The player with the red army had just did a test game of 9th and then learned our 5th ed rule set......lets just say we will be seeing more of him in our 5th ed games.

My fist actual game was a clan on clan battle tech game with the big hitters

The second game was just over 2k admech VS IG armored company-
very close game with the IG coming out on top by 1 point.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/12 19:14:20

Post by: tneva82

Last league game vs slaanesh daemons. Tson secondaries less than optimal, went 2nd and overaggroed losing magnus and half of my 10 termi squad for it causing 27-81 loss :/

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/14 18:22:05

Post by: Easy E

A game of Restless Stars using my 40K models during Operation: Hemlock setting.

This was a rather large pitched battle situation as Imperial Troops tried to push Ork forces from the island of Baron's Rest. Of note, those Chimeras are made of cardstock and printed on a Grey Scale only laser printer using stir straws as barrels.

You can read it all here: http://bloodandspectacles.blogspot.com/2023/02/restless-stars-operation-hemlock.html

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/15 19:24:56

Post by: tneva82

Rats vs ghosts. Black coach and spirit hosts making short work of claenrats but being able to kill rest and sit on objectives gave a win. Getting doubled t2 hurt but priorities t3&4 gave me huge vp lead

[Thumb - IMG20230215185232.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/16 04:21:06

Post by: ccs

This evenings 40k:
●1st was a 1500 pt AoO game. World Eaters vs Cystodes. The Custodes lost badly.
And the phone only saved one poor picture. :(

●Next was an exciting* game of...... 40k Risk.
(Exciting might be an exaggeration.)
For a moment the GSC (purple) looked like he might gain an insurmountable lead.
Then the Eldar player (yellow) spread himself too thin, getting almost wiped out by the SM (blue).
The Chaos player (red) took advantage of that, picked off the surviving Ekdar, claimed his victory cards & won the game.
And thus 40k Risk goes back onto the shelf, probably to never again be played.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/18 20:04:17

Post by: ced1106

Battle System's Maladum KS starts 3/15, so I figure I'd show off one of their other sets!

Battle System's Fantasy Village set with Ravenkeep's Terra Tiles, with the Lasting Tales (still unreleased) miniature skirmish game.

Maladum is BS's dungeon-themed miniature skirmish game, based on their Core Space mechanics. BS will also have the terrain available, for Frostgrave and RPG's.
Miniatures by Hand of Glory. You can swap their equipment!

Maladum FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/667685361187018
Terra Tiles pre-order: https://ravenkeep.net/collections/terratiles
Hand of Glory : https://www.handofglory.co/

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/19 16:22:49

Post by: aphyon

My what a day...walked into the game store to this fun madness (in a good way)

There were 2 large DnD groups playing along with

2 alpha strike tables

and 2 flames of war tables-

I arrived at my normal 2pm and i think it wasn't until 5 or 6 that the tables started to clear out for the late crew.

We then got our fill of classic battletech-

A game of epic proportions of 5th ed guard facing off against 5th ed dark eldar in our oldhammer group-narrow 1 point victory on tie breakers by the guard.

Then the game i had scheduled-

Clanners bid a trial of possession of 1 assault star. all they had to do was get a single mech across the river.....it was a close game, but the might of the lyran alliance blunted the assault-

Did one last late game getting some DUST 1947 the other player wanted a run with the Ctulhu army VS SSU-

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/19 19:35:23

Post by: Sgt. Cortez

We've been playing Grimdark Future/ OPR yesterday. Alien Hives vs. Tao Coalition. Aliens won in the end, despite not having anything to fight that Riptide that fired away every turn.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/20 02:48:50

Post by: ccs

A very good game today between the World Eaters & Slansh Demons/Belakor.
Victory: WE 69/Slanesh 65.

Many of my World Eaters, including a spawn, earned paint today.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/21 14:20:46

Post by: Stevefamine

Had friend I havent seen in years play a game yesterday at my place with some of my armies

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/21 18:07:43

Post by: Easy E

Always good to re-unite with an old friend over a game of toy soldiers.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/21 18:10:32

Post by: Stevefamine

 Easy E wrote:
Always good to re-unite with an old friend over a game of toy soldiers.

Yeah we hung out last in my early twenties. He hasn't played since 5th or 6th edition. It was a blast. We skipped Command Points/Psychic Phase and just had a basic 3 objectives all out game. Iron Hands won

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/21 18:51:49

Post by: tneva82

Eldar doing what eldar does. Move within 12"(so warpstorm useless), shoot 30-40 shots, teleporth/move to safety.

Struggled to even make contact. Then fire dragons pop out, average 0.75 past saves, he gets 4 and nukes be'lakor lol.

Without mobile firepower tricky to do anything.

[Thumb - IMG20230221180357.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/22 18:58:54

Post by: tneva82

Khainites killed vampires. After 2 rounds things were bleak looking on scoring front but double r3 and going for full strength on blood rites i started to mincemeat.

1k vs new face(his 4th aos game).

[Thumb - IMG20230222175411.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/23 04:17:35

Post by: ccs

Boarding Action: Deathguard vs Dark Angels.
Sadly you can't see the termie the spawns about to snack on. :(

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/24 22:36:43

Post by: Skinflint Games

Firefight by Alternative Armies, c1995 if I'm not mistaken... Levy squad led by Crusader Sarj (played by a GLORIOUSLY TECHNICOLOUR Blood Angel) perform a Threat Level One mission, clearing out some Shia Khan:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/25 20:56:27

Post by: tneva82

3 game tournament i was running. Took gitz. First won vs boc as trolls rampaged over. Then got stomped hard by all troll list(who won tournament). He had more optimized list(not helped i forgot 2 things so had to alter list before tournament start) that was particularly good at negating my advantages(hate scuttletide). Double might have helped but nope. And attempt to kill general failed by 1w which cost 2.5 of my 3 hammers.

Last game even worse stomping by ghosts. He got double which negated my charge advantages and tied my entire army in melee from which i couldn't fall back due to subfaction rule. This totally killed my means to generate vp's.

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[Thumb - IMG20230225144405.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG20230225184117.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/26 06:05:52

Post by: ccs

Had a good, close, game of Sigmar today.
My BoC vs Tzeentch.
I lost by 3 pts.

[Thumb - 20230225_161127.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/26 14:32:59

Post by: aphyon

Weekend game store update--

There was classic battletech

Alpha strike-

AOS rats VS chaos

My games-
B5 wars clone wars era star wars-

Capture the black knight battle tech style.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/26 14:53:59

Post by: CptJake

Hosted a couple games of the Enemy Spotted Games modern skirmish, In Country/INX.

Preparing to breach:

They thought they were gonna get to use the roof as an overwatch position:

RPG Team on that roof!

Overview of the second set up (switched up which buildings we used and changed scatter around)

SAW team on security:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/26 18:02:09

Post by: privateer4hire

Space Weirdos but using only fantasy themed forces. Demons versus dwarves.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/27 22:07:57

Post by: tneva82

Another tournament. Proved that army that can"t kill(11 models in 3 games...) can't win even with super rallies and bringing dead units back

Also archaon hard countered my army...

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[Thumb - IMG20230226172726.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/02/28 20:19:57

Post by: tneva82

1k tempest of war tson vs we.

Teleport too much for them to handle. Could have been better for we had i killed 1 model more t1 to unlock 5+++ vs mw's.

Invictus tms tanked silly amount of shots. Can't fail 4+ save eh?

Daemon prince ate squad for lunch. Regretted wasting stratagem to try to make them survive. Also shouldn't have moved awav and just deny objective. Damn surge giving them easy charge lol

[Thumb - IMG20230228175310.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/01 18:14:02

Post by: tneva82

Ogor vs std. Unusually not with ghb but big rulebook matched play. Fun anyway.

Ogors ate through metal boys.

[Thumb - IMG20230301180730.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/02 18:00:54

Post by: tneva82

1st go with new hh(played previous one years ago). Got my ass kicked btt got at least most of termies, his dreadnoughts and rhinos. But he got to his objective while autocannons and tacticals stopped my attempt for same.

[Thumb - IMG20230302181131.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/05 23:40:14

Post by: aphyon

Long night so i am a bit later on the weekend update-

The games-

Some 9th age WHFB games-

Some grim dark OPR style stuff

A small 9th ed game of 40K


And no game night would be complete without more classic battle tech

Some N4 infinity

My games-

Some classic infinity-N2 core rules (thus the larger mat) with N2/N3 army lists

i rebuilt my combined army and let a friend use one of my HAQQ lists-

Our planned assault mech clan VS inner sphere battle\\

Final battle of the night-rolly polly mech time.....scobal mech works bonanza

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/07 03:24:43

Post by: ced1106

Painted up the oak trees from Archon's Dungeons and Lasers 4!

Dungeons and Lasers 5 starts in April.
Cottage from Battle System's Village Set. Maladum dungeon-themed set coming March 15th!
Game tiles are Ravenkeep's Terra Tile set. Pre-orders still available!
Other trees are Mantic. Mini's from Fantasy Series I and Massive Darkness.
Setting up a game for Lasting Tales. Those civilians are in trouble...!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/07 11:04:29

Post by: Adrassil

Very cool thread here! I've been making a TT Skirmish game based in my Diesel Punk/Fantasy setting for my novel series The Angaran Chronicles, which I've been playtesting a lot lately, and decided to do a Battle Report of a game. The scenario is that the novel's main characters are trying to stop some Cultists from summoning one of the villainous Eldritch Abominations of the setting, a Jaroai and the game has gotten...intense, nail-biting lol. I am having fun with it despite constantly having to take notes and photos. Hopefully, the thread for the BatRep will be up soon.

The main characters of the book series, from left to right it's Emilia in werewolf form, Emilia, Anargrin, Raleas Effernetti, Wilom and Jelcine.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/09 02:50:42

Post by: Adrassil

Last night, I finished the game for the Battle Report of my Angaran Chronicles Skirmish game and I'm reading over the notes now and pleasantly surprised they're actually understandable lol. Here are more photos.

Why is Anargrin's mini not on the battlefield? He's not dead, but it's for another reason.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/09 07:03:08

Post by: ccs

We mercifully didn't take any pictures of the extreme drubbing the World Eaters (Kharn, Exalted 8bound x3, normal 8bound x3, & a spawn) inflicted upon a Custodes patrol in tonight's Boarding action game.
You'll just have to use your imaginations.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/09 07:58:32

Post by: Adrassil

ccs wrote:
We mercifully didn't take any pictures of the extreme drubbing the World Eaters (Kharn, Exalted 8bound x3, normal 8bound x3, & a spawn) inflicted upon a Custodes patrol in tonight's Boarding action game.
You'll just have to use your imaginations.

Ahh, damn I'm just building up a Custodes force so that saddens me lol

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/12 04:16:31

Post by: Dekskull

Open War Stand Off. 8th Edition Guard vs 9th Edition Ork.

9 Foot Long Board! Making Range great again. Seeing a Lemon Russ fire at 72 inches is worth it.

One old school Wartrakk managed to get all the way across the board thanks to Drive By Dakka and shoot the Guard off their main objective pulling off a 1 point win for the Evil Sunz in round 5.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/12 15:14:58

Post by: aphyon

The wekend update-

started out with some 9th age

Then loads of classic battletech-

My games-

Some oldhammer 40K 4th ed tau VS 7th ed ADMECH

Fighting off the clan invaders in battletech.

Last of the night for me was some monster apocalypse.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/13 15:28:53

Post by: infinite_array

This past weekend was HMGS' Cold Wars convention in Valley Forge, PA. I played in four games and ran one.

The first game, on Friday, was Combat Patrol, with a skirmish between British and German forces in 1940, with a pretty solid win for the Germans.

The second was Wars of Ozz, starting their Invasion of the North Pole campaign. Four Anti-Yule brigades (consisting of Krampuses, Ice Trolls, Dark Elves, and assorted other nasties) crossed a frozen river. In their way were two brigades from Santa's workshop (with Elves, Toy Soldiers, and Teddy Bears). The Anti-Yule forces just managed to eke out a win after a brutal game.

The third game, on Saturday, was Chain of Command set in Crete, 1941. A Commonwealth platoon and Fallschirmjager platoon clashed trying to secure the downed German glider. What started as a pretty solid Commonwealth defense quickly turned into a rout as the Germans brought their machine-guns to bear.

The last game was refighting Brandywine with Live Free or Die. I had to leave early, but this was probably my least enjoyed game. Started an hour late, and was resized from 10mm to 28mm without considering how that affects movement, shooting, and the space that units take up on the table. I'm not sure how it ended, but it seemed like it was going to be a solid win for the Americans without some major screwup on the American's part.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/14 20:02:21

Post by: tneva82

81 to 60-something vs orks in tempest of war. Both sides seriously depleted in the end but holdlng no man land was what carried the day.

T2 made serious goofball prioritizing lib dread vs nob squad. This gave counter charge to boyz who killed 5/6 sang guard.

Leviathan spent most of game retreating(first giving eradicators free shot at bwagon to help overwhelming firepower secondary. Then just trying to survive near death). ,

Eradicators had to charge into burnaboyz. One way for them to kill enemy

When he got capture my home objective while i had to hold it and he failed that was big.

6 sang guard and tacticals killing 1 grot? Really?

Biggest overkill having to charge 6 sang guard vs 1w big mek. Soaked up every other gun...

[Thumb - IMG20230314180717.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG20230314184415.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/15 16:39:11

Post by: tneva82

First game with kharadron. Turf war was very odd one. My 1st turn was surprisingly bad(entire army killed just 15 tzeentch warrior despite negating ward) and winning prio r2 was agonizing decision. Take double i can fix my position and kill 3 units. But then if i lose r3 prio i will lose automatically...

Took double. His t2 very bad and i won priority. Had he won he autowins.

I shot 7/10 knights and frigate charged into chosens that i killed and he didn't have much of army left so we wrapped it.

[Thumb - IMG20230315171331.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/16 05:31:22

Post by: ced1106

Posted this elsewhere, but here's a group shot of the dog-faced kobolds before the murder hobos arrive!

Battle System's Townhouse from their Village Set. The Maladum dungeon-themed miniatures game and terrain set has just started on KS.
Dungeons and Laser's Elven Woods. Next KS starts in a month.
Terra Tiles game tiles, pre-order on Ravenkeep.
Dog-faced kobolds from RBJ Games.
Ghost trees from Mantic.

D&L : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/archonstudio/dungeons-and-lasers-v-world-of-deuslair-5e?ref=dbov5y&token=e4fa4ebb
BS : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/battlesystems/maladum-dungeons-of-enveron?ref=nav_search&result=project&term=Maladum
Raven: https://ravenkeep.net/collections/terratiles

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/16 18:21:38

Post by: tneva82

Blood angel rs night lord hh. Shooty army that can't shoot and is shot at will and infantry spends time pinned=quick defeat.

[Thumb - IMG20230316175809.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/16 18:42:18

Post by: Cyel

Last week's games.

1vs1vs1 Kill team game that took almost 8 hours OO We're still learning the game but measuring precisely in such an environment just takes ages!

Warmachine games at home and the club. Damn, this game is so awesome!

Some ASOIAF at home

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/17 02:49:51

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

We're starting out next AOS escalation league.

Here's a shot from last year -- epic demon on gargaunt action.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/17 04:23:49

Post by: aphyon

Hey Shrap good to see you getting some games in.

we have more classic battle tech, N2/N3 infinity and our oldhammer 40K group planned for the coming weekend.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/17 04:40:26

Post by: Uptonius

My last game against my friends Space Wolves.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/17 19:24:20

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

 aphyon wrote:
Hey Shrap good to see you getting some games in.

we have more classic battle tech, N2/N3 infinity and our oldhammer 40K group planned for the coming weekend.

Absolutely! good to hear from you --- we're playing Konflikt '47 this weekend.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/18 04:53:52

Post by: ced1106

Just your average everyday RPG encounter with sneaky gits in the background.

Building is part of the Battle Systems "Village Set". BS has a KS for its dungeon-themed Maladum, and multilevel dungeon-themed terrain.
Tree from Archon's "Dungeons and Lasers: Elven Woods" set. Archon has a KS in April for its Deuslair multipart miniatures.
Game board is Terra Tiles, pre-order on the Ravenkeep website. 
Old school miniatures are OOP Johnny Lauck. Tiny Furniture has a line of resin sitting miniatures.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/19 04:39:37

Post by: ccs

My World Eaters vs Necrons this afternoon:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/19 16:55:58

Post by: aphyon

I see i am not the only one who snagged a Veer-myn tunneler to use in 40K games.

The early crew had some flames of war and 40K running when we got there.

Then there was some battle tech-

I did a game of infinity combined army VS HAQQISLAM

The nomad player jumped in to take my place while i set up city terrain for more battle tech games so i didn't get a picture of the action, but it sounded like a really close game.

Then it was battle tech time for me-

First a 2v2 training game to teach using aerospace fighters on ground maps

Then a little inner sphere assault lance tango.

Then finally a clan V clan battle using mostly clan invasion era chassis.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/19 17:23:01

Post by: ccs

 aphyon wrote:
I see i am not the only one who snagged a Veer-myn tunneler to use in 40K games.

Yep. While it's not as cool looking as the actual FW Termite, it's only about 1/4 the co$t.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/19 17:34:40

Post by: Just Tony

Hot game of 6th on our first inaugural Classichammer monthly game day.

[Thumb - 20230318_123248.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/20 17:10:13

Post by: Easy E

The Battle of Ephesus using the Men of Bronze rules. My skumgrod (Ork for favored enemy) and I are playing a campaign of the Ionian Revolt, a Greek vs. Persian campaign prior to the Greco-Persian Wars. Miniatures are all from Victrix Limited.

You can read the battle report on my blog, if you that is something you are interested in.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/22 00:18:13

Post by: ced1106

Battle System's "Core Space: First Born". BS's Maladum, a dungeon-themed game using the Core Space rules, is currently on KS!

First Born tutorial map, with two crew members.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/22 05:32:36

Post by: Tawnis

Tried out the Canoptek Army of Renown against some Orks. It played real nice for a casual game, lots of neat tricks and buffs, but the heavy unit restriction kept it from feeling OP. Won 85-74.

[Thumb - DSC_0431.JPG]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/22 21:18:43

Post by: tneva82

2nd game with newest army. Forgot 3d6 charge from seraphon which put spanner to plans. Then won r2 priority. I thought i was safe from what seraphon can do to me so didn't take double.

First he nukes both my admiral and khemist plus lots of mw's. Forgot that he can cast his spells through other heroes. Oops. Loss of these was huge and big part why i refused double was because i thought these were safe...

Then i forgot he can on 3+ add inch movement to bastiladon. I had measured bastiladon is 29.25" from ironclad so safe. If he gets 3+ he easily nukes ironclad and that i can't survive. He failed...

I really did my best to lose game...banked on getting counter double which i did get which allowed me to nuke kroak(picture from my t3 after kroak removed after entire army fired at it) which sealed game. Another doubie to him allowed him to take out frigate and skywardens but ironclad, 15 thunderers, hero and 2 endrinrigger tabled lizards. 25-14.

Didn't deserve to win playing like an idiot but dices kicked in.

[Thumb - IMG20230322182918.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/25 12:03:08

Post by: Valkyrie

Scene from last nights crusade game, the orbital evacuation. Theme is the Inquisitor and her Custodes contingent are trying to evacuate the Crawlus planet with vital intel, the planets demise is inevitable.

Meanwhile the Cult of Totality has used the pandemonium on Crawlus to summon Balthazar the Tormented to aid the recovery of the forbidden tomes the Inquisitor possesses.

As the Imperial forces retreated to their ships in orbit, Balthazar and his Scarab Occult entourage followed, cutting down multiple squads of Custodes and Sisters of Silence in the process.

[Thumb - 20230324_193716.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/25 12:36:08

Post by: Comstar

FOGN 3rd edition battle report: 1809 Anglo-Portuguese vs 1812 Russian Infantry Corps

This picture is approaching the climax of the battle - My 1809 Anglo-Portuguese at the bottom vs a Russian 1812 Infantry Corps. On the left my cavalry and infantry are about to cross the river, on the right the Russians are about to assault my town.

The battle is using the Field of Glory Napoleonic rules for 3rd edition, that is still in testing.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/25 17:54:59

Post by: tneva82

First games of warcry. Conan the barbarian was cutting stuff. Kroxigor one shotted, nurgle leader likewise.

3-2. 2mirrors lost.

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[Thumb - IMG20230325161817.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/26 13:30:50

Post by: aphyon

Unfortunately a couple of the games i had planned didn't pan out...so we just played different games

Some of the action-


classic Battle Tech

My games-

A training game of infinity-nomads VS combined army

And a few Battle Tech games

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/26 15:32:46

Post by: tneva82

Lothlorien vs easterling. Leader kill count scenario. As i couldnn't soften up before combat started struggled to make a dent on easterlings(wounding on 6 sucks) so i got overrun. However Haldir managed to do 4 kills while easterling captain did 2.

Rolling 6's is awesome with fight 6 :]

[Thumb - IMG20230326123104.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/26 17:14:01

Post by: Sherrypie

XIV kicked some IV butt as the Iron Warriors' guns proved insufficient to stop the terminator tide.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/27 18:17:45

Post by: LunarSol

Sadly lost our game store. Been hard to get in games, but a little MCP and finally getting to really play Judgement!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/28 21:04:19

Post by: tneva82

Got trashed by orks. They went first so had 1 turn before 5++ waaghing orks crashed in.

Quick game and when i failed to kill ghaz and didn't even kill squig warboss gg. Only 4mw in psychic vs ghaz and makari saved 1. Then only 2 dam in melee vs ghaz and nothing vs squig warboss...that's it with 8 attacks no inv's on ghaz. Lol.

Magnus won't survive vs ghaz and squig warboss and 9 terminators and 3 heroes won't win game either. If any survives ork 3...

[Thumb - IMG20230328180011.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/03/29 18:17:43

Post by: tneva82

First game with khorne. Weird game. Looked like solid loss coming but chosens failing charge, prayers(in particular move), blood tithe(again move) and heavy use of retreat followed by rally.

6 skullcrusher nearly made it t1 charging middle of army but chosens rolling 10/37 6's for mortals killed it. 8mw fine. 10mw killed them. 2+ with +2 to save silly tough.

[Thumb - IMG20230329172447.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/02 16:54:04

Post by: aphyon

Game night updates-

star wars legion-



40K apocalypse

specter operations

Games i was involved in-

Teaching a refresher/training game of oldhammer 40k with the hybrid 5th ed rules we use- 3.5 chaos VS 3rd ed iron hands 600 points. turned out to be a tie

Another introductory game 5th ed necrons VS 7th ed admech at 1750, in our hybrid rule set-machine men VS machines. the admech got a good stomping but it was fun.

Then the pre-scheduled battle tech games-

Assault force actions IS mercenaries VS hells horses- tough fight, win for the horse with 3 mechs lost but 7 kills

death commandos VS 2nd swords of light- brutal game-win for the liao-

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/02 18:14:57

Post by: makeitorky

I played my first ever game of Grimdark Future Firefight yesterday with my partner. We ended up playing three because they were so much fun and very quick.

We definitely agreed I need to make more and more varied terrain, so that there is less line of sight because the carbine orks really shot the pistol and choppa orks to pieces. I'm going to make some wound tokens and activation tokens too this week hopefully to keep better track of things.
Also, I learned the hard way that trying to charge through dangerous terrain is not a good idea lol. Can't wait to play more

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/02 18:16:33

Post by: tneva82

Mordor vs minas tirith. Mordor won as somehow boromir kept losing vs orcs or failed to kill.

Then khorne vs nurgle. Khorne herophase movement trickery too much.

My gobbos got crushed by tzeentch. Had slim chance for comeback but losing r5 prio was too much.

Flying boat pirate dwarves vs big waagh. Orcs too eager going first getting slapped hard in melee.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/03 18:13:11

Post by: LunarSol

Been getting in quite a bit of Judgement. Absolutely loving it.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/05 16:59:16

Post by: tneva82

Cos vs std.

Was going to fail tactic t1 so made panic charge into therions. This turned big as this resulted in death of therions, sorcerer lord and general and stole home objective.

Multiple screens and steady firepower grinded him down.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/07 17:47:20

Post by: Sherrypie

2500 p DG vs Mechanicum, tried out two squads of five possessed librarian aspirant with bound daemon brute rules as a mobile melee element running in front of the terminator wall. They did pretty well, reaving through multiple squads of midsized robots and hanging on there causing havoc until the very end of the game where they finally died to darkfire lances. By this time I had thoroughly won on objectives already.

Here's some pictures of the midfield brawl as Scoria and two Domitars attempt to take on the whole world at once (and fail, less than surprisingly)

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/09 13:46:56

Post by: aphyon

I got a little caught up in my oldhammer game and missed some pictures of other games-infinity, heavy gear and more classic battletech. but i did manage to get these-

My games- a clan light mech battle-

Teaching how to play protomechs

Our oldhammer game-stormtrooper heavy 3rd ed demon hunters VS 7th ed admech with 3rd ed witch hunter allies. ordo malleus and ordo hereticus having a bit of a disagreement.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/12 17:14:57

Post by: tneva82

Khorne vs slaanesh. Bad scenario for me, probably wrong choice to go 2nd underestimating just how little 27" gap between is, stupid charge with bloodthirster resulting dead general, failed grand strategy, keeper unharmed. Then no r2 double to give fighting chance and no double r3 sealed. I would need to prevent him get any points t4 and t5 and score max myself to win. Too bad to do that i would need to table him t3 which is impossible...

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/12 19:02:21

Post by: LunarSol

Another round of Judgement:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/13 03:54:41

Post by: ccs

Been a while since I posted any games (there were games played!)....

Tonight's Sigmar:
2v2 team game.
An elven alliance (CoS High Elves + Idoneth vs Nighthaunt + Bonereapers)

Slow slow game as the Elf players are very inexperienced and this was my 1st time ever trying Bonereapers. Alot of looking things up. And then later realizing you still missed something.
Oh, and plenty of non-game BSing.
Things died, rules were learned, and a good time was had....
Oh, and it was a very marginal victory for the undead.

*Overall? I was not terribly impressed with the Bonereapers. They're just a collection I got awhile back for an absurdly good deal. I figured I might as well finally play them....

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/13 03:58:11

Post by: H.B.M.C.

One wonders how those forces ended up on an Imperial planet currently under Tyranid invasion.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/13 04:17:12

Post by: ccs

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
One wonders how those forces ended up on an Imperial planet currently under Tyranid invasion.

Oh the how is easy.
My Nighthaunt partner & the High Elf rolled off for attacker/defender.
My partner won the roll & chose us. to be the attacker - meaning the Elf player got to set up the terrain.
Of the several pre-set tables at the shop, the less sci-fi one was in use. So feeling lazy the Elf player pointed to the nearest open one & declared it good enough (yes, the terrain could've been swapped out).
And the Idoneth player? He was running late & got no say in the matter.

Thus ghosts & skeletal constructs battled vintage elves & flying sea life amongst odd looking ruins & spikey alien growths.....

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/13 05:33:59

Post by: tneva82

Were you using old or new obr battletome? If old maybe new one helps

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/14 16:22:23

Post by: ccs

tneva82 wrote:
Were you using old or new obr battletome? If old maybe new one helps

Old. Current when this game was played.

And sure, maybe the new one will help. But it hadn't come into the shop yet & I'm too lazy to find a leaked one on line.
If i pick up the new tome it will also increase the amount I have invested in this lot by nearly 50%.
(I did say I'd gotten a great deal)

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/14 19:26:39

Post by: Sherrypie

Played some nice E:A with NetEA lists today, a brutal showing of combined arms as my artillery and air heavy Crusade marines tore through the Orkoid menace. As the green tide rushed on, artillery prepared the targets with casualties and confusion, lighter infantry took supporting positions and a crushing air assault of terminators struck home like a rain of meteors. Prep, support, smash, repeat. Hopping on board the Hawks and crashing down again later, this methodical eradication of the greenskins concluded in a triumphant victory for the XIV.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/16 12:49:00

Post by: aphyon

Game night pics time again

some flames of war-

Classic battle tech


Oldhammer 40k 5th ed hybrid rules

dark eldar 4th ed codex VS 4th ed codex/index astartes iron hands 1,200 points

Imperial guard armored company 3rd/5th ed VS 3.5 iron warriors (obliterators have not arrived yet) 2,000 points

My games-

Infinty N2/3

haqqislam VS combined army 2 games-300 points

The new guy getting his dark eldar on, 4th ed codex VS 7th ed admech in our hybrid 5th ed rules. 1,500 points

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/16 14:12:27

Post by: privateer4hire

Played some Alpha Strike yesterday.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/17 19:16:29

Post by: Easy E

Played some Kill Team with ancient RT and 2nd Edition metal models.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/19 17:34:00

Post by: tneva82

Kharadron vs gits. Lost admiral right away so that was bad. Was 0-4 vp first turn, also bad. Deleted basically his first turn, good.

R2 double would have made short game possibly but no such thing. Lost rest of my heroes and this hurts. Vp wise behind and lost frigate but one more chance to double but no luck and now things were looking bleak as skywardens died.

Had to gamble hard but which way? One risks mortals to my remaining hammer. One risks 5+ redeploy endangering bt. Went for gamble bt as 5+ and i still had backup plan.

6, shooting failed, 3d6 charge needing 10 failed and was 2 bt and 3 primaries behind...

Got r4 double but too little too late and as no bt could be scored and he had automatic bt left game over. He will win regardless of dice rolls.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/19 19:06:53

Post by: LunarSol

Had a few solid nights of MCP lately.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/20 03:23:57

Post by: ccs

Tonight's 40k game:
Cypher & his Fallen trick the Ultramarines into working with them.
This Heresy draws the ire of a Custodes force who tries thier best (and fails HARD) to destroy the traitors - Cypher & Co and the UM alike....

It was an overwhelming loss for the Custodes.
They were tabled on turn 3 & the enemy happily proceeded to Raise Banners & Despoil objectives.

Sadly it seems my phone only stored 1 picture - wich doesn't really show much. :(

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/22 04:31:09

Post by: Adrassil

Been teaching myself Grimdark Future: Firefight with a scenario I made myself of characters being besieged. I made rules for a few of my Secret War main characters in the Army Builder app from One Page Rules. I ran the scenario a few days ago, with both sides having 300 points. This time the Attackers had 500 points. Still, it was much more one-sided for the defenders despite the attackers outnumbering the defenders by a considerable margin. The defenders are Attelus Kaltos (the dude with the powersword), Adelana Helgen (the redhead girl), Karmen Kons (the Blonde and a psyker), and Marcel Torris. It was fun; the defenders had to last until the end of the fifth turn, and it was hard yakka for the defenders. I lost Attelus due to some very lucky rolling of the attackers and never passing a Regeneration roll (which is OPR's version of a Feel No Pain/Invulnerable Save). He did manage to take down a Chaos Space Marine and several Traitor Guardsmen and Cultists before he went down. One particular Guardsman had incredible luck, working to take a wound off Attelus and Karmen despite hitting on 5's and 6's, respectively, having a single shot and no AP on his rifle. He was the MVP of their side, that's for sure.

On the fifth turn, I lost Karmen due to a lucky meltagun shot (or a "Fusion Rifle", as it's called in OPR). Only Adelana and Torris managed to survive and escape (luckily, Attelus is a Perpetual, so he'll be back, but Karmen, well, this can't be canon as she isn't immortal, and it's set between Secret War and Secret War: Upon Blood Sands and she's alive and breathing, and Attelus didn't "die" between three year time skip either so...lol). Had fun! Might play a more traditional game of Grimdark Future: Firefight soon too.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/22 10:30:01

Post by: tneva82

Ko&idoneth vs obr&soulblight in doubles tournament.

23-27 loss though we could have won. 2 mlstakes and finding out obr terrain slows charges as well cost 5 vp :(

Good game thought. Facing 120 zombies and katakros with 28 models total was scary.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/22 20:06:57

Post by: tneva82

Last 2 games. First against seraphon&lumineth. We took risk and charged in. I deletea all sentinels and hero plus we killed lots of skinks.

Had they got double things would have turned hairy but we maintained and basically deleted most of threats. My dwarves were tabled but idoneth sharks took care of rest.

Then against seraphon&cos. Started promising with 7-2 lead. We rolled 5 so anything but 6 and we hold...they got 6.

We managed to keep on killing and scoring but 2 steggie and bastilddon fired mercilessly until only dwarves left. R4 he got my admiral but resurection on 3+ for win. Fail. Heroic leadersh:p at 2+ for cp and win, 1. still if we can get priority r5 we win. Didn't get it and lost on grand strategy tie breaker(any 1 of above 3 rolls were 3vp worth...).

Fun tournament. We went 1-2 but every game both sides had shot. We even had chance to win in game 1 vs team that ended up winning tournament.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/22 21:38:07

Post by: lord_blackfang

Played two 1500 pts games of Dystopian Wars today, still learning the ways of exporting "democracy"

Union vs Alliance

Union vs Crown

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/23 08:34:14

Post by: Adrassil

Played another couple of Grimdark Future: Firefight, both being "Eldar" vs "Chaos Cultists", the same teams again. The 1st was an absolute walkover for Chaos. They completely overwhelmed the Eldar, the only survivor being the Autarch. The mistake was keeping the Autarch in reserve using his "Ambush" trait until the 3rd turn. The 2nd game was a strong victory for the Eldar, but it didn't help the Chaos Marine leading them died in the 2nd turn, being reduced to 1 wound by the "Not-Fire Dragon" and then being slayed while he was down by the Autarch with his "Fusion Rifle that's looks like a Fusion Pistol because there's no option for Fusion Pistol in the High Elf Fleets faction sheet". The Eldar only lost one Guardian, while the Cultists lost most of their men, some to failed leadership tests and ran. But they did manage to kill the Not-Fire Dragon before losing with a lucky shot. The game seems quite well-balanced, might try it again with a couple of different lists next.

I think I'm getting a hang of the game, and it's so quick and easy.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/23 13:23:57

Post by: aphyon

The early crew on game night were running some historicals-

A little shaka zulu

Some micro armor modern warfare


Classic battle tech

Some alpha strike games-

My games-

Some training in the aero space combat. for classic battletech.

And then i did a little oversight of a 5th ed imperial guard VS dark eldar battle for one of our oldhammer games.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/23 18:12:36

Post by: tneva82

Isengard vs ithilien rangers.

Samwise the brave man(halfling) of the match. After gollum found treasure he got isengard troll against him. Samwise rushed to fight and somehow managed to drive troll off and before troll got second chance heroic move took ring to safety.

Slaughtered gondorians though which allowed to recover draw at least.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/23 19:37:35

Post by: Cruentus

Playing a small game of Mighty Empires (1990) with my son. We’re using the quick combat resolutions, which has led to some very stubborn villages crushing my armies. He has definitely had the better rolls overall (so far!). We might eventually branch out into WHFB or Warmaster to play the battles. Click on the photo for higher res.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/24 02:35:32

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

message deleted

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/24 02:58:16

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

amazing match of Kings of War today, returning to the game.

2300 points, Nightstalkers w/ Undead filler vs. Ogres.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/25 09:58:06

Post by: Adrassil

I had a few games of Grimdark Future: Firefight playtesting the Gaunt's Ghosts rules I made in the One Page Rules Army Forge Studio. 300 points of Gaunt, Rawne, and Bragg vs Ork Kommandoes. No matter how strange and rare, such a matchup is just that one short story in Ghostmaker (one of my favourites in the book). It'd be pretty cool Was a lot of fun.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/26 14:08:10

Post by: LunarSol

A bit of Judgement and MCP last night:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/26 18:08:19

Post by: tneva82

Teaching new player aos. She made some beginner mistakes plus good chance to kill gobsprak(my mistake) missed due to 8" charge failed. I also got priority r2. Double here would have hurt due to above mistake.

That plus atrocious dice luck(when she failed 7/11 hits needing 2+ it was just yup. As usual) and it turned out pretty bad.

Hobgrots were great.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/27 10:21:33

Post by: Adrassil

Played another couple of games of Grimdark Future: FireFight today, this time using a 44x30 board. I playtested my custom-made Corsair faction vs Cultists. Fun times!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/27 10:29:26

Post by: Sherrypie

Some Epic: Armageddon once more.

4k NetEA Krieg vs. Marines, the banks of Forte-Kaysino stood firm in the Guard's hands. One of those tragicomic games where my marines just couldn't roll right to save their lives with Thunderhawks dropping down from the sky in flaming ruin with all hands lost, terminators melting under lasguns and the enemy Reaver on its last DC just not dying

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/28 03:16:29

Post by: ccs

Played an AoS game today.
2k pts, my Skaven vs an Oruk force.
Turn 3 the Skaven achieved VP dominance. And then they cemented it in turn 4.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/29 10:15:30

Post by: Gordy2000

Great photos Sherrypie!

Our long running campaign is nearing its conclusion - Imperial forces assault a traitor hive.

Things escalated somewhat…

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/30 06:22:56

Post by: Sherrypie

Cheers Gordy, quite a scrap you've got there too

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/04/30 23:21:39

Post by: aphyon

Well an apocalypse battle is a hard act to follow,

Some of the stuff happening at the store this weekend-

classic battletech

heavy gear

then it was on to classic 40K-

3rd ed guard armored company VS 4th ed dark eldar- guard victory on kill points

3.5 khorne berserkers VS 4th ed dark eldar-dark eldar victory...but really we all know khorne won in the end.

And the game i was in-

The ordo malleus (demon hunters 3rd ed) and ordo hereticus(witch hunters 3rd ed allies)/admech (7th ed) going at it again-

Close game, came down to tie breakers as the objective was contested. victory for the ordo hereticus

The drill was standing in for a lucius drop pod for his dreadnought that we forgot.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/01 07:50:38

Post by: privateer4hire

Age of Fantasy Skirmish and Space Weirdo’s from last weekend.



Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/03 15:37:44

Post by: tneva82

Soulblight vs khorne and kharadron vs khorne. Both times bit different khorne.

Both games down to wire. Win and loss. Last game i could win bt tie breaker but 25" to cover to charge with 4" skarbrand. Blood tithe and 3d6" charge was enough. Drat. Lost by 1 vp.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/03 17:27:17

Post by: LunarSol

Bit more Judgement and got my painted mk4 Khador on the table!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/03 22:50:08

Post by: Easy E

My local group is on a Kill Team bender, so I got to play some more of it. This time, I used my Corsairs and loaned my Craftworlders out to a new player.

I also started re-painting up some old Harlequins from 1989 or so. Hopefully, they will get to see some action soon. However, their rules are very confusing to me. Perhaps in use the rules will become more obvious to me?

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/04 01:36:08

Post by: ced1106

Another settlement attacked!

News from the Hamlet of Roseford is that one of our brave men went down, and another wounded. But the vermin were vanquished! Another report of fiends attacking a nearby farm was found to the north of Newhill! Stalwart heroes defended the farm, with the erstwhile baker now crossbow-woman, quoted as saying, "That stupid elf ran out of ammo on the second shot!" An arrow-wielding enemy took to the barn and tried firing from the second-story entrance, but was hit twice, once on the stairs and once from the barn door. "We would have just burned down the barn," said the woman, zealously. "Noooo, not my barn", said a villager from the cottage. (The crossbow "conversion" was a crossbow from the Bones III weapon sprue stuck to a Reaper angry villager's torch with putty! Buildings are from the Battle System's "Village Set". Note the Pathfinder 2e orc 'hero' bravely hiding behind a barn stilt for cover.)

Five Leagues thread on Reaper! : https://forum.reapermini.com/index.php?/topic/102943-five-leagues-from-the-borderlands-the-vale-of-klocke/

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/04 02:48:39

Post by: ccs

1st game of War Cry v2.
Skinks vs Orruk heroes + spider.

We got started real late, so only got 3/4 turns in.
Where we stopped, the Skinks were winning.
If we'd gotten turn 4 in I think it'd been real close. Certainly the skinks fighting in the picture would've died.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/07 14:14:41

Post by: aphyon

Mostly battle tech tonight

I had my own game of battle tech with 2 clan medium stars having a beatdown

Then there was some warmachine-this was a proxy game to help a new guy test out a rhulic army with a slew of my models and other circle models to represent all the drwarven units. turned out to be a very close game. i had to go for caster kill since he was beating down my army and i barely pulled it off.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/10 19:27:34

Post by: Sherrypie

On our Kill Team front, we had a nice evening with a casual three-way match between my wasteland guard, sadist elves and alien chickens.

After a catastrophic start for the guard against the elven meatgrinder, I managed to halt the chickens on one flank and convince them to take up arms against the elven onslaught in time to stabilise the situation and begin a counteroffensive, which saw the thin line of men ultimately triumph and throw back the xenos pirates. Tea and irradiated medals for the humble rifleman with 1 wound left standing on an objective surrounded by broken Kroot bodies

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/11 00:27:10

Post by: Stevefamine

Kill team game today. I did not win this one.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/11 03:27:47

Post by: ccs

Tried out a game called Moonstone this evening.
Interesting game.
Now I'm browsing the minis lines available for it.

The picture is pretty poor as my buddies minis are base coated white on a white table top with minimal terrain.
The game played much better than it photographed.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/11 05:10:25

Post by: tneva82

Vampires eeked out win vs slaanesh. He was left on 0 vp turn 1 thanks to skeletons. Unkillable vengorian lord tied up better than i had hoped. He nearly got him with lucky hysterical frenzy(5 6's out of 10 dice for 5d3 mw) but barely survived. Archers did 2 more. Double 6 or lose.

Double 6.

With 2nd battle tactic failing r4 he was where he can't get grand strategy and primary vp's needed for win so no matter what he does i win.

Sigvald survived silly amount. Went greedy trying to kill him, whip cavalry and lord of pain. Got just cavalry...

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/13 11:07:06

Post by: Pacific

ccs wrote:
Tried out a game called Moonstone this evening.
Interesting game.

I have heard such good things about this game! Sounds like a great deal of fun, and the miniatures are beautifully characterful.

Had a game of One Page Rules: Grimdark Future Fireteam - this is essentially a simplified version of Killteam or Necromunda, and is miniature agnostic (you can use GW ranges, Mantic ranges etc.) It's a quick skirmish game that you can play in less than an hour, with some really intuitive and fast-playing rules, but no less cinematic experience because of it. Actually as veteran Necromunda players, we found not having to constantly leaf through special rules and statlines meant we had more time to actually focus on tactics for the game, and probably had a lot more fun as a result.

Here is a link for anyone interested, where the rules are downloadable for free. There is a good online army builder too: https://www.onepagerules.com/games/grimdark-future-firefight

In this game, a 'Demiurg' (Squat/Votann) mining crew were attempting to steal valuable eggs from some indigenous aliens, who were not too pleased at the prospect. We used GW mini ranges and Necromunda terrain

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/14 15:49:40

Post by: aphyon

Busy night again, always good times-

The games-

classic battle tech

heavy gear

Old hammer 40K 5th ed blood angels VS 5th ed necrons at 1500 points

2 different games of iron warriors 3rd edition VS imperial guard armored company 3rd ed at 2k points.

My games-
Old hammer 40K 2k points 7th ed admech VS 3rd ed armored company for a very close game.

Re- learning my heavy gear army after a couple years and anew edition.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/15 13:16:24

Post by: Easy E

Did I spot a Scylla Tankette in that Armored Company?

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/15 15:20:34

Post by: LunarSol

Monthly MCP night went pretty well:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/15 19:06:38

Post by: aphyon

 Easy E wrote:
Did I spot a Scylla Tankette in that Armored Company?

Those are home made designs-3d printed to represent armored sentinels, he is going for a thematic tracked list and didn't want legs.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/15 20:24:06

Post by: Easy E

Yes, I have seen the 3D prints.

I have three homemade Scylla in my own armored company. Cool to see someone else with them!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/16 10:52:57

Post by: CragHack

30k Vyronii vs World Eaters

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/16 22:57:25

Post by: H.B.M.C.

The way those WE are standing/facing makes them all look confused.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/17 18:47:19

Post by: tneva82

Soulblight vs khorne. I was able to delete scoring units fast but thanks to terrain and blood tithe never had good chance to get at skarbrand so he was deleting my units. Picture shows t2 how i covered vengorian lord so skarbrand can't get within 2" to attack. And he had item once per game prevent hero from attacking on 3+. He opted to delete unit of 3 instead. I take that over unit of 5.

(had he went in worst case artefact works and then more blood knights charge in. Unlikely he survives that)

Got r3 double and he failed to kill skellies or heroes on t3 which cost 2vp. I got prio for r4 which put me 5vp lead. He needed super hail mary to take both objectives with skarbrand and 3 foot heroes. Failed, r5 became irrelevant. Multiple ways for me to get any vp's which scores me win.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/19 17:54:31

Post by: Sherrypie

The Iron Hands attempt a surprise strike on the Death Guard, who are priming a nuclear silo to blow up the whole continent. Though the Tenth bravely trudge through the roiling hellscape of phosphex and chemical clouds, their push is ultimately thrown back by an unyielding wall of terminators. The XIV hold their post doggedly, raise their middle-fingers to the sky and disappear in the mushroom cloud alongside the Iron Hands' hopes of a larger campaign effort.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/20 03:53:48

Post by: ccs

My WiP Skaven vs Big Waagh Orks.
A very close game.
The rats managed to eek out a minor victory as they managed to complete 1 more battle round tactic than the orks....

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/21 13:59:19

Post by: aphyon

Game night update-

classic battle tech

I let a friend borrow some of my khador to fight crucible guard

Some dark eldar fighting a guard armored company

My games-

Since i had all those new minis for warmachine it was on the menu tonight-

50 point game VS everblight very bloody game. not much left on the table at the end.

Another king of the hill battle with colossols. were were supposed to do a 4 way, but one of the guys had to leave.

The throne of everyblight battle engine is standing is and the arch angel.

The other game for me was a 2K 5th ed 40K game with an assault themed salamanders army facing off against the imperial guard. it started out really bad for me, but my reserves managed to turn things around at the end. My opponent also took a risky move that didn't turn out in the end.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/22 19:42:46

Post by: LunarSol

A bit more MCP and Judgement:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/26 14:07:00

Post by: LunarSol

Had a night of Shatterpoint demos!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/26 15:21:06

Post by: Tawnis

Had a great game recently bringing my Kroot out against a Freeboota's Mech list. Was a very close game ending with my Shaper dueling Kaptin Badrukk and taking off half his wounds before she went down. Though both armies were decimated, I managed to take the Tempest of War game 100-80.

[Thumb - DSC_0429.JPG]
[Thumb - DSC_0430.JPG]
[Thumb - DSC_0433.JPG]
[Thumb - DSC_0434.JPG]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/27 04:24:46

Post by: ccs

Had a small Bolt Action game this evening.
500 pts
My (mostly Regular) US Army vs US Marines (all vets).

The game went south for the Marines on the 1st shot of the game when my heavy mortar destroyed a 1/2 track, killed 2 of the squad riding in it & doled out max pin counters to said squad....

After that the mortar hit every round of the game, eventually killing an entire Marine infantry squad.
Meanwhile heavy BAR & SMG fire, + a few airstrikes put paid to the rest of the Marines.
All my opponent & I could do was laugh about how hillariously bad a game this was.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/27 19:38:27

Post by: Stevefamine

Sherrypie that looks lovely

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/28 11:58:48

Post by: aphyon

Being a holiday weekend about half the normal crew either didn't make it in or left early, however i did manage to get 3 games in.

The first was a warmachine MKIII game, my second with my new bombardiers, and a first for a new player trying out a friends menoth list to see how it plays(he is building a rhulic/khador force).

We did a 50 point 3 flag game-

The other 2 games were all classic battletech-

A test list for an inner sphere lance VS my 10th lyran guard. he ran mostly heavies and i leaned towards the medium side.

My last game was a pre-planned clan V clan zell match. very brutal. overall i lost, but the stormcrow was my MVP taking out 2 assault and one medium mech in successive trials before being forced to withdraw. The blood asp and stone rhino were both on the other side of the rocks in the picture.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/28 12:52:17

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Well of course the Ryoken was the MVP. It's a Ryoken!

And is that a Blood Kite towards the bottom of that pic?

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/28 15:40:25

Post by: aphyon

Indeed it is, one of those less loved mechs that is actually kinda good. i ran the prime this match and did a final alpha strike before it died......only needed 3s to hit since i was short and the supernova had to spend all his movement falling down, i mean trying to stand up. so he had no mod. it was the only mech that actually was destroyed this match everything else on both sides was put into forced withdraw. the stone rhino was last man standing.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/28 16:01:33

Post by: privateer4hire

Bolt Action and Sword Weirdos

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/29 09:38:20

Post by: The Red Hobbit

Nice! Where are the skeleton models from?

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/29 23:59:54

Post by: privateer4hire

 The Red Hobbit wrote:
Nice! Where are the skeleton models from?

They are GW’s current set for AoS.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/30 02:54:29

Post by: ccs

1k pts: My Skaven (Pestilence) vs some Idoneth.
Victory: Skaven

The MVP unit was the Plague Claw. The only time it didn't devastate a target was when I fired it at the Idolon guy (the enemy leader).

The most hilarious fight was the Idolon vs a 4 base rat swarm. He couldn't manage to kill more than 1 base of rats per fight, and they just respawned.....
Meanwhile those Stormvermin kept whittling him down, forcing him to waste effort casting some healing spell. And when the Stormvermin failed the swarms would roll well enough ....
Eventually the Plague Furnace came over & ended things.

[Thumb - 20230529_154340.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/30 04:13:48

Post by: The Red Hobbit

 privateer4hire wrote:
 The Red Hobbit wrote:
Nice! Where are the skeleton models from?

They are GW’s current set for AoS.

Ah gotcha, I don't play AoS but they always have seem to have some well sculpted models.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/30 17:34:16

Post by: privateer4hire

Agreed. I don’t play AoS either but I needed skeletons so I split a box with a friend since it’s $60 for 20 models.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/30 18:20:54

Post by: LunarSol

Got in a round of Judgement and MCP this weekend:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/05/31 18:23:25

Post by: Easy E

Poseidon's Warriors

3D printed triremes face off in a battle off the coast of Cyprus. This is part of my ongoing Ionian Revolt campaign.

If you want to see more, you can find it on my Blood and Spectacles blog:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/06/01 02:32:31

Post by: ccs

Taught classic Battletech tonight at the shop

Team #1: Hatchetman, Crusader, Orion, Marauder II
Team #2: Scorpion, Crusader, Marauder, Battlemaster

Slow game
(almost everyone was new & had to keep looking up stuff - and no, it doesn't help them learn if the 3 vets were to just tell them eveything.. nope, math needs done, charts need checked, etc. It's how you memorize this stuff .)

No real winner battlewise when the shop closed, though Team #2 was in worse shape (the basic Marauder was beat to Hell).
But everyone had fun & now there's a whole new batch of players who know how to play classic Battletech.

[Thumb - Screenshot_20230531-221104_Facebook.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/06/02 01:18:18

Post by: ced1106

We Were Too Late

Another grim day on patrol. Those townsfolk are sure getting their gold mark’s worth. No mere encounter with a wandering traveler at all. Our objective was to investigate a river on our untrustworthy boat, and we saw smoke in the distance. A campsite of fellow adventurers, perhaps? But we spied as well some horrible carnivorous fiends, and not an uncorrupted man in sight. We got our crossbows ready, as our meager transport bumped aimlessly along the shores of the river…

“Five Leagues from the Borderlands” Meeting Encounter with some Fiends.
Map by Loke Battle Mats, Wilderness Map book. VTT mega-map KS coming.
Campsite terrain by Archon, Elven Woods.
Fiends are Mantic ghouls. Pain to assemble and scrape off mold lines.
Corpses are “Tiny Furniture’s Harvest of War” miniatures. Sequel campaign coming!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/06/04 14:03:33

Post by: aphyon

Game night update-

Specter operations-

Star Wars legion

I was in my own games (following) so i missed taking pics of the classic BattleTech games going on.

My games-

B5 wars original- Narn VS earth alliance.

Dust 1947-stalingrad night raid

Big 3K 5th ed game of IG VS salamanders.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/06/08 14:32:31

Post by: Easy E

I played Men of Bronze as we continue to re-fight the Ionian Revolt.

If you are so inclined, you can read the battle report here:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/06/09 16:30:17

Post by: LunarSol

Big night of MCP with a bonus demo for Shatterpoint

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/06/10 23:20:21

Post by: makeitorky

I played a few 200pt GFF games today. I think I need to get better about how to set up the terrain, and maybe make some more, but it was lots of fun regardless.

Also, grots are super cute and fun and when they get of a barrage, very useful. But they really do melt away quickly in combat.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/06/11 12:18:46

Post by: aphyon

Loads of 40K tonight-

but first some infinity-

Specter operations-

Now on to 40K

I did 2 games testing out some lists against a guard list first a side to side then end to end.

Still got some work to go.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/06/13 21:41:51

Post by: Skinflint Games

The People's State Liberation Army do battle with the nefarious do-gooders of the People's Front Of Hazzard 237th Freedom Brigade....


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/06/15 13:19:40

Post by: Easy E

Some V1 Aeronautica Imperialis....

Orks vs. Imperial PDF in the skies of Ammoriss during Operation: Hemlock.

You can read all about it here;

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/06/15 14:28:29

Post by: LunarSol

Got in a couple rounds of Shatterpoint the other day. Unfortunately my terrain isn't QUITE tall enough officially so I double stacked it. I think it ended up getting in the way so next time I'm just going to houserule it as tall enough for now. It doesn't look too short, at least until Grevious is out:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/06/15 15:16:58

Post by: H.B.M.C.

That terrain looks great. What is it???

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/06/15 15:51:22

Post by: LunarSol

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
That terrain looks great. What is it???

Strompost Alpha by Muse on Minis (not a typo, it wasdesigned by a guy named Strom).

It's really designed for Infinity; the building heights are keyed to the silhouettes from that game, but it's definitely a great set that had worked well for a bunch of different sci fi games:


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/06/16 00:03:53

Post by: H.B.M.C.

 LunarSol wrote:
Strompost Alpha by Muse on Minis (not a typo, it wasdesigned by a guy named Strom).
It looks really cool. Thanks for the link.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/06/16 10:02:47

Post by: The Red Hobbit

 LunarSol wrote:
 H.B.M.C. wrote:
That terrain looks great. What is it???

Strompost Alpha by Muse on Minis (not a typo, it wasdesigned by a guy named Strom).

It's really designed for Infinity; the building heights are keyed to the silhouettes from that game, but it's definitely a great set that had worked well for a bunch of different sci fi games:


Thanks for sharing, it definitely reminded me on Infinity when I first saw it but it still looks quite nice. I could see some Arbites prowling around there.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/06/18 04:22:21

Post by: ced1106

End of a Contract

A third ride. A third battle. The lord is indeed working us hard for his gold. The adventurers last sent to investigate these ruins and fend off the bandits have not returned. Rumors we have gathered persist that the dead are slowly taking over. Bandits alongside undead suggests more than mere bandits. And rumors also hold of enemy plans or other evidence that will aid us (or at least a more heroic “us”) to take down the threats of this valley.

Painted a whole freakin’ Archon: Encounters: Land of the Giants set for a battle in Five Leagues from the Borderlands. 😛

Map by Loke Battle Mats, Wilderness Map book and Big Book of Battle Mats. VTT mega-map KS coming.
Ruins terrain by Archon, Lands of Giants. Bridge from the Mines half-wall set, and Fantasy Dungeon terrain. Cathedral from Cursed Cathedral and Stretch Goals II sets.
“Squealers” miniatures by RBJ Games
Corpses are “Tiny Furniture’s Harvest of War” miniatures. Sequel campaign coming!
Stone walls by Acheson Creations. May be OOP.
Red-grey ruins by Secret Weapon Miniatures. OOP.
Heroes and Skeletons by Reaper, Bones.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/06/18 15:04:37

Post by: aphyon

Tonight's theme seemed to be classic battle tech-

My games-

lexington combat group VS second swords of light.

Heavy gear CEF VS southern.

And finally some warmachine MKIII Khador VS Convergence at 50 points.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/06/20 14:18:35

Post by: Tyranid Horde

First game in over a year for any tabletop stuff. A win for my Navy (white/yellow) in a 150 point dogfight.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/06/20 14:26:59

Post by: Easy E

Nice to see some AI!

We have continued to play the Ionian Revolt using Men of Bronze/Poseidon's Warriors. Today, was the Persians trying to win back cities in the Propontis and Hellespont region.

Ionian troops deploy to defend their crops.

You can read all about it on the Blood and Spectacles blog, if you are so inclined.


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/06/20 17:55:57

Post by: tneva82

Magnus came, Magnus soaked dark lance, Magnus ate everything.

R4 start in combat with 10 incubi with 1w. R4 end with 1w and wasn't even lucky.

[Thumb - IMG20230620180724.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/06/21 15:43:12

Post by: tneva82

Gargants not army i play often but noticed local store had 0 games by them so rectify. Up against ogor and in sure destruction style quick&deadly.

He traded beastrider to hurt gatebreaker hard along with cannons. My turn killed 20 gnoblars and 4 leadbelcher but gnoblars survlved long enough for warstompa be useless(2 gnoblars...).

No double so braced for near perfect situation to shoot...but somehow his dice abandoned him and all 3 mega gargants still in working shape.

This too much as i deleted most of his msu. R3 still no double but 6" redeploy and ironguts sitting duck. Counter 7" charge in and ogors tabled.

[Thumb - IMG20230621181256.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/06/21 17:40:50

Post by: The Red Hobbit

Love the spikey ball terrain

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/06/21 18:50:02

Post by: tneva82

Spikey ball terrain You mean the purple ball next to gargant? That ain't terrain but purple sun of shyish endless spell

Got it out first time I tried but on turn 3 when game was already in bag so 90 pts that literally did nothing but it was more of insurance if I face chaos warriors or some other army with good saves. As crazy as it might sound those huge gargants don't have THAT high rend so 3+ and 2+ saves can really stump them so purple sun(that worsens saves of nearby units) can be helpful.

Ogors depend on big pile of wounds over high saves though so not exactly optimal spell here.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/06/22 02:37:37

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Yeah I have one of those still on the sprue. I'm somewhat afraid to put it together.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2023/06/22 06:28:26

Post by: tneva82

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
Yeah I have one of those still on the sprue. I'm somewhat afraid to put it together.

And for a good reason The thing is nightmare. And me being generally not expert at assembling(one local guy has good time of poking fun at my models...But it's good natured one at least) unsurprisingly it had LOADS of holes. Plenty of greenstuff to fill gaps with liquid greenstuff to try to match the surface texture at least a bit.

Luckily the surface texture being what it is means that after painting it's not TOO bad.

But yeah. That thing is PITA to assemble.