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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/03/04 16:40:41

Post by: LunarSol

Haven't posted in a little while. Gotten in some Judgement, MCP and Shatterpoint recently:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/03/06 05:12:42

Post by: ccs

My Drukhari have been busy these past few days.

●Game #1 (Sunday, 2k pts) they tore up an Anvil SM force.
In this game a Medusa truly earned her paint - by taking the last wound off a Landraider Redeemer in melee!

Game #2 (Tue eve, 2k pts) Vs all infantry Custodes.
Good game, but we spent more time BSing with each other & a few others than actually playing.....
Where we stopped at the bottom of T3 the Custodes had a 20pt lead on me.
Had we played it out we agreed that that was likely to be the opposite by T5 as my aircraft would take an increasing toll.
But for now, a Custode victory.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/03/06 16:27:40

Post by: tneva82

1.5 years since took out sylvaneth. Lost vs ghosts but damn what a game. Back and forth with both sides having chance. But made too many mistakes which cost me units which stopped bt's toward the end.

And boy ghosts are tough when they roll 10"+ charges. Strike last constantly on turns 2 & 3 meant couldn't teleport away losing some units i could have saved. Especially with -2 from charges to boot...

[Thumb - IMG20240306150240.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/03/10 16:02:26

Post by: aphyon

Weekend roundup time-

The games-

Some house 5th ed 40K

.IA 1 circa 3rd ed guard VS 7th ed knights-

7th ed sisters with 5th ed blood angels allies VS 4th ed space marines-

4th ed/IA 11 eldar VS 4th ed space marines-

Some classic battle tech-

random generated matchup-

Davion heavy guards tank lance VS 2nd swords of light.-Ajax spam for the win.

Post jihad silliness-

My games-

training game of monpoc GUARD VS Martian menace.

classic battle tech-

10th lyran guard/davion allies facing off against the elite nova cats Alpha galaxy

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/03/10 19:21:04

Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

Little 750 pts of Bolt action, USA vs Germany, hold until relieved, USA defended. Germany wins. Was actually playing with a friend in a rough time, so I invited him over for a game, drinks and giggles to cheer him up.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/03/11 03:43:54

Post by: ccs

Some Legion Imperialis today.
My Solar vs the SM (Raven Guard).
It was a very bloody fight but the Solar won through basic attrition.

Our 2nd game - we made less rules errors this time than last.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/03/13 15:17:00

Post by: Easy E

Looting and pillaging in Hibernia using Fury of the Northman.

The Vikings try to loot and pillage from Hibernian Irish territory. The Vikings are from Victrix and the Irish are from Wargames Atlantic.

You can read the details and see more pictures on the blog if you are interested:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/03/13 18:31:01

Post by: Boss Salvage

Tzeentch Daemons vs Orks (2000 Points)

Played my first game of 10E and my buddy's first game of 40k ever last weekend, took like 9 hours from setup to teardown Called it at the end of Turn 4 as I pulled very far ahead on primaries - while all his units felt better than mine, I had distracted his super-hammers or bogged them down in the endless goop of horror splitting for long enough to focus on the objective game. Excited for next game, which will certainly move faster

Also worth noting that my Ork opponent started hobbying on this army last September and has cracked and surpassed 2k painted now. Much respect.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/03/15 02:46:17

Post by: ccs

The valiant forces of the Solar Auxillia lay waste to the Nightlords!
A Solar victory: 55-10.

(And my opponent was even cheating x2! He doesn't own enough stuff to legally field a Reaver Titan AND he put nearly 200 pts more on the table than I did)

[Thumb - 20240314_150132.jpg]
[Thumb - 20240314_160551.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/03/16 07:43:12

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

 LunarSol wrote:
Haven't posted in a little while. Gotten in some Judgement, MCP and Shatterpoint recently:

What is Judgement? That looks really cool

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/03/16 12:21:40

Post by: ccs

Warhammer: Old World action last night.

My Beastmen (mostly Minotaurs) vs Warriors of Chaos (Khorne). 2k pts.

Solid Khorne victory.

[Thumb - 20240315_213841.jpg]
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[Thumb - 20240315_225456.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/03/17 09:53:41

Post by: aphyon

Life got in the way again this weekend so we were missing a bunch of players. it ended up being a really early night compared to normal.

Some of the games-

A random surprise group doing some 10th ed 40K

Some MCP games

My games-


House 5th ed 40K 4th ed black templars VS 3.5 dark angels.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/03/17 19:51:07

Post by: Sherrypie

3000 points of Legions Imperialis.

My Death Guard gave the Iron Warriors a thorough trouncing, trampling them into the dust of the city crumbling around them. As is a time-honoured tradition in Epic, things are getting wild when the skies start raining Thunderhawks full of terminators

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/03/18 15:02:00

Post by: LunarSol

 Shrapnelsmile wrote:
 LunarSol wrote:
Haven't posted in a little while. Gotten in some Judgement, MCP and Shatterpoint recently:

What is Judgement? That looks really cool

It's a MOBA inspired game by Gunmeister Games that launched a 2nd edition line by Creature Caster last year. The goal of the game is destroy the big Effigy shrine on your opponent's side of the field using a team of champions. These maps are for 3v3 games, but there's also a larger board for playing the main 5v5 version. There's no hard faction restrictions; you can play whatever 3 or 5 champions you want but you do choose a patron god that gives a playstyle bonus as well as a secondary bonus to aligned characters.

The trick to the game is the Effigy fully heals at the end of the round and is overall pretty tanky and is basically impossible to kill in one go. Defeating enemy champions binds a soul to the champion that got the kill and each bound soul reduces the opponent's Effigy's max HP to zero or to bring it to a point where it can be destroyed. There are also souls that spawn towards the center of the table that can be harvested from objective points to drive engagement. You can get your Effigy's HP back by killing a model holding a soul before they can get it back to their own Effigy and drop it off for a permanent HP reduction. Gathering souls also permanently levels your characters to unlock abilities for the remainder of the game.

The other big mechanic is the inclusion of wild monsters that spawn throughout the game and automatically attack players. You can push enemy models around as a core mechanic and try to maneuver them into the path of an enemy monster, though killing enemy monsters is also useful for gaining levels and earning a fate resource that can be used for dice rerolls and paying for particularly powerful abilities.

It's been a game I've wanted to play since I first tried it out in 2016. A lot of what I liked about Guild Ball with a theme that sticks with me better. It's main issue in the past is just being an extremely expensive line of 55 mm statues. The new creature caster sculpts are significantly more affordable 40 mm line that's made it an easy pick up and one of my top 5 games of the moment. Link to their page below:


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/03/20 08:32:22

Post by: Adrassil

We had the game day with the kids today, and after they did some mini-painting, we played a game of Grimdark Future: Firefight. It was meant to be a four-player all vs all, with each team deploying in the corners, but the kids decided it was all vs me. I played as the "Elf Pirates" and only had three units, so I was ludicrously outnumbered, but I managed to make a good account of myself. It was fun, though. The kids had a blast killing me, and it was made even better when one of the kids had his unit fire flamers on my leader, who was surrounded, so he hit the "allies" around him.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/03/20 10:56:54

Post by: Ghool

Some MCP with my son.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/03/24 17:14:03

Post by: aphyon

Weekend update time-

10th ed 40K

3rd party fantasy game-



classic battle tech-

House 5th ed 40K

3.5 witch hunters VS 4th ed black templar.

4th ed black templar VS 3.5 chaos marines (iron warriors)

My games-

Some MCP, had to give Klaw a try.

then we did a clan VS inner sphere battle of classic battle tech.-

We finished up with an inner sphere battle on(the prone mechs are all dead).

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/03/24 23:27:06

Post by: ccs

My final game in our current Escalation League.
My Drukhari vs World Eaters.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/03/25 05:29:06

Post by: ced1106

Gloomhaven: Crimson Scales. Scenario pics are of the Orchid Chieftain discovering the steampunk-ish engine room, the previous room overgrown with nasty plants, and the Ravager entering a room with proxied Living Corpses. Too bad Ravager become exhausted that turn. 😛 At least the Orchid Chieftain fulfilled her Personal Quest by finding the widget in the scenario earlier and has retired. Time for more painting for her replacement!

Crimson Scales. Free PnP and miniature .stl's : https://www.thecrimsonscales.com/
Wildspire Miniatures : https://www.amazon.com/stores/WildspireMiniatures/page/B343BFEF-3714-440E-9750-50FC66D51848
Archon Caves KS : https://gamefound.com/en/projects/archon-studio/caves

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/03/25 17:41:32

Post by: LunarSol

Bunch of things recently. MCP, Shatterpoint, got some AoS on the table and a bit of Malifaux:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/03/26 19:08:27

Post by: Cyel

That is very cool! Good to see some Guild Ball being played

What is the mossy stuff on the statues in th AoS picture? It looks great!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/03/26 19:44:42

Post by: LunarSol

Not sure to be honest. Only the top two are my terrain. They certainly did a nice job on that AoS terrain though.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/03/31 12:06:06

Post by: aphyon

Weekly update-

Some MCP-

A big bunch of the players were working on building characters and their mechs for a classic battle tech campaign. so not much to see there.

I ran a fellow regular through some N2 infinity-

the first game was a lasiq themed sectorial VS a combined army force.

The second game was the combined army coming out again against a muyib themed sectorial.

then we switched over to some battle tech

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/04/03 16:41:35

Post by: Easy E

A small Chariot Wars battle in 6mm scale between Hittites and Egyptians.

You can see more photos and read all about the battle on the blog if you are so inclined.


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/04/06 13:28:41

Post by: ced1106

More Gloomhaven: Crimson Scales!

If you saw my previous post (same page as this one), you saw the Chieftain and the Ruinmaw make their way into the complex. Chieftain retired, so the Artificer stepped in. Unfortunately, they didn't make it past the hallway. Ran out of mushroom men to proxy the oozes (which kept summoning more copies of themselves), using dice as proxies. The exhausted carcasses of our heroes are in the upper right.

The creator of the CS game, Addax Games, will have a KS in May for their GH-alike game, ROVE. Hopefully, it won't have oozes.
Mushroom men by Wildspire Games, from their Monster set, available retail.

WS: https://www.amazon.com/stores/WildspireMiniatures/page/B343BFEF-3714-440E-9750-50FC66D51848
Addax: https://addaxgames.com/
More pics: https://forum.reapermini.com/index.php?/topic/103935-wildspire-miniatures-gloomhaven-crimson-scales-thread/

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/04/07 00:53:21

Post by: ccs

Khorne 8bound & a Termite drill take the Votanns home objective....

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/04/07 15:43:50

Post by: aphyon

LOL i see you are also using the mantic veermyn drill for a termite. i use mine with my admech force-

The games this weekend-

Some infinity-

Classic battle tech-

House 5th ed 40K

dark eldar VS iron hands

black templar VS iron hands-

Black templar VS iron warriors

My games- dark angels VS iron warriors-up sized combat patrol scenario from the 4th ed main rulebook-convoy ambush-

Fun game but i got completely wrecked by his CC dread. he raged 3 turns in a row. managed to kill 2 of my land raiders -

Then some classic battle tech-

Steiner VS Davion civil war style- jihad era-improved heavy gauss for the pain.

the Kurita VS Davion medium/ heavy lances-

11 games in all, not a bad day.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/04/08 02:48:45

Post by: ccs

Kharn charges the Imperial Guard.
Extreme violence ensued.
8 attacks, 8 kills.

[Thumb - 20240407_175334.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/04/09 15:58:00

Post by: Easy E

I got to use my Order of St. Augustine Martyred SoB Kill Team in our Imperial vs. Chaos campaign.

You can read all about it in the Bonus Material on my blog for the week here:


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/04/11 22:32:54

Post by: Just Tony

6th Ed. WFB double header.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/04/14 13:13:50

Post by: aphyon

This weekends game night was dominated by house 5th ed 40K.

Iron hands 4th VS tyranids 7th- 2k

imperial guard 5th VS tyranids 7th-2k

black templar 4th VS imperial guard armored company (imperial armor)

Witch hunters 3rd VS iron hands 4th-750pnts

3.5 khorne berserkers VS imperial guard armored company.

then we had some MCP

classic battle tech

and infinity

My games-


Did 2 games of city fight for classic battle tech, forgot to take pics of the first game. the first one was post jihad era assault lance on assault lance.

the second was all light mechs. 2 lances VS a mixed clan star of infantry and hovercraft with mech support

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/04/15 07:10:10

Post by: ccs

My WE vs Custodes this afternoon.

Kharn charges & kills some Custodes hero.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/04/16 05:59:59

Post by: RedSarge

1050pts Lost and the Damned [3rd] vs Daemonhunters [3rd] using 4-6th Edition rules (haven't played since end of 6th)
Only messed up a few things. Result: Draw!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/04/16 06:33:53

Post by: aphyon

Excellent RED welcome back to oldhammer.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/04/16 14:26:37

Post by: Boss Salvage

So many mutants Love to see it

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/04/21 14:39:16

Post by: aphyon

This weeks updates
starting with some classic battle tech-

alpha strike-

a friend brought his kids (9 and 11) in for a game-training them right

then they were running a campaign scenario-

A little Davion on Davion training match-

The the Davions took on a level 2 comstar lance-

Some house 5th ed 40K

iron hands 4th ed VS 3.5 iron warriors-

Narrow victory to the hands.

Some AOS-

Trees VS chaos warriors-

My games-

House 5th ed- 3.5 dark angels VS 4th ed iron hands-

Victory by objectives for the dark angels.

My last game-some later Jihad era lance on lance action-

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/04/22 14:10:39

Post by: Just Tony

Classichammer day April edition, a 3000 point match up between my brother Ashley's Dwarfs army and a combined Orcs and Goblins force from John and Carl. Decisive Dwarfs victory using sixth edition rules.

[Thumb - IMG_20240421_183051.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/04/23 18:51:37

Post by: Easy E

A game of Hostile Space- Space Mecha combat....

New Olympian Combat Suits escort a transport to Liberty Pointe, but they are ambushed by Unknowns.

You can see the full report on the Blood and Spectacles blog if you are interested in seeing more.


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/04/24 07:31:34

Post by: ced1106

More Gloomhaven: Crimson Scales adventuring!
Mini proxies by Wildspire Miniatures, from their Monster set.

Crimson Scales will have a KS in May for their ROVE Gloomhavenalike boardgame!

CS : https://www.thecrimsonscales.com/
Wildspire Miniatures Sets : https://www.amazon.com/stores/WildspireMiniatures/page/B343BFEF-3714-440E-9750-50FC66D51848?ref_=ast_bln

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/04/28 23:06:24

Post by: aphyon

The weekend review-

House 5th ed 40K-
4th ed iron hands VS 5th ed dark eldar-

5th Imperial guard VS 4th ed iron hands-

classic battle tech-

My games-


my 5th ed guard VS an allied 4th ed iron hands/black templar list.

Castles in the sky using 3d printed ships from last exile-

2 games of classic battle tech- first agianst comstar and second using my axe lance

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/04/29 18:23:02

Post by: LunarSol

A pile of random games:




Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/04/30 14:48:51

Post by: Easy E

Some more Hostile Space as the New Olympians raid a pirate base in an asteroid field.....

You can read all about in on the Blog if you are so inclined.....


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/05/05 02:13:57

Post by: ccs

Scenes from today's Apocalypse 40k game.

On this area of the board my World Eaters took on some Imperial Knights.

My tanks (yes, I bring tanks in my WE lists) blasted the crap out of several Knights.
Wich allowed the Jackls to Mop up.
The jackals wound up bring down a Knight Lancer & then the net turn Canis Rex!

The jackals have earned their paint.

[Thumb - 20240504_112558.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/05/05 10:13:15

Post by: aphyon

weekly update-

the games-

Infinity a rather sparse but nice looking table-

Flames of war-

House 5th ed-

guard VS infantry horde iron hands

Black templar VS iron hands-

my games-

House 40K guard on guard action-


Classic battle tech-

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/05/05 18:49:19

Post by: Sherrypie

Some NetEA at the club, my AdMech mauled the greenskins twice over with some dubstep goodness while the Eldar and Tyranids had a go at the demo table.

More pictures:


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/05/06 14:15:10

Post by: LunarSol

Quick paint job on Moff Gideon's team to get them on the table in time for a Star Wars day game plus a bit of 40k with my new Orks:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/05/09 10:31:38

Post by: Adrassil

Last night, I played through my 12th Encounter with my Five Parsecs from Home crew, which is made up of ripoffs of characters from my 40k/Dark Heresy fanfic series Secret War. Attelus' expy is the leader, with expies of Garrakson, Elandria, Dellenger, Adelana, and Torris. The game went well, despite me making some mistakes in the deployment and a few other things. I had to escort a civilian to the middle of the field against some Unity Grunts, also had to help a Person of Interest, which was a success.

From left to right, it's Dellenger, Elandria, Attelus, Adelana, Torris and Garrakson (for context, all Hero Forge minis)

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/05/10 09:58:03

Post by: ced1106

More excellent shenanigans with Gloomhaven: Crimson Scales!

"Behold! Ze Prestigulous Power Modulator!"
"Oh, how wonderful. Has it (ahem) been field tested to dispose of the required number of enemies?"
"Indeed! Und it has proved effective in debilitating many others!"
"Oh, how wonderful. We need a little more, um 'field testing' at the University."
"It seems that the League of Amphibious Beings weren't keen on our using their habitat as a heat sink, so have behooved themselves into taking over the Translocation Lab. It's a perfect way to impress the academics of your new invention."
"Fine. Point me to the fiends."
"Ah. There are a few little minor teensy details you should know."
"WHAT details???"
"Their teleportation has somehow made them to immune to Wounding."
"And Poison."
"And one of them has holed up in the Refractor Assembly."
"And they seemed to have let the highly secret experimental also Immobilize and Stun-proof golem loose in the Cooling Chamber."

Crimson Scales fanmade Gloomhaven expansion PnP : https://www.thecrimsonscales.com/
Enemies from WildSpire Miniature's "Monster Set". : https://www.amazon.com/stores/WildspireMiniatures/page/B343BFEF-3714-440E-9750-50FC66D51848?ref_=ast_bln
Additional terrain by Archon.
Wall by WizKids.

Coming soon! ROVE, by the creators of Crimson Scales coming this month! : https://addaxgames.com/

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/05/12 13:57:01

Post by: aphyon

another weekend of gaming-

Classic battle tech campaign mission-

House 5th ed 40K

My games-

started with some house 5th ed guard on guard rematch action -

Next up were 2 games of MCP, the first at 17 power level and the second at 20.

And finally 2 games of classic battle tech-

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/05/13 16:34:32

Post by: LunarSol

A recent round of MCP

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/05/14 16:36:36

Post by: Skinflint Games

Will stick the full bat rep in the Battle Reports thread, but for those wanting early access...


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/05/15 17:22:18

Post by: Easy E

Some Kill Team with the Order of St. Augustine Martyred, a Compilation Sister of Battle list.

I added it as bonus content on my most recent blog. Feel free to take a look if you are so inclined:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/05/19 11:33:36

Post by: aphyon

Weekend update-

Some guys were trying out blackout for the first time-

We had some classic battle tech of course-

Some MCP-

My games-
I started with MCP

Then i got 2 classic battle tech games-

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/05/25 14:25:56

Post by: ccs

Played a great game of Gaslands last night.
Much death & destruction all around the course. But the grand-finale was when the "Shell" carswerved/slide to bring its rear mounted flame thrower to bear on the other 3 active (& badly damaged) cars.
It caused an incredible amount damage.
Incinerating one outrite causing it to explode, wich in turn caused more damage to the other 2. Then we rolled damage for the black car - wich because of the explosion turned out to be just enough. It then exploded - further damaging the truck.
The truck? It ended the phase on fire & at 1 hp remaining.
As soon as it activated on the next phase the fire killed it.
It exploded! Catching the Shell car & dealing the final point of damage to it. Shell did not explode. :(

So the turn ended with nothing but piles of exploded burning wreckage just inches away from the Finnish line.

Technically the game couldve continued with some of the cars re-spawning.
But we decided that since it was pushing midnight, we were all hungry, & the mtg players had just wrapped up & this past turn would be hard to top action wise that this was a great time to call it.
We awarded the Shell car a posthumous victory for causing so much carnage & entertainment in 1 round.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/05/26 15:04:35

Post by: aphyon

Weekend game store update-


classic battle tech-

my games-



Classic battle tech

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/05/26 15:19:32

Post by: Sherrypie

4k of EpicAU's Heresy legion lists, Epic: Armageddon. The Death Guard gives the Iron Fourth a solid whooping, though Perturabo's disciples give a grand exit by driving down the XIV command elements with their final titan-assisted charge.

More pics:


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/05/26 21:57:14

Post by: ccs

Some 30k today

An unlikely team of Iron Warriors & Custodes vs the Militia.
Victory: IW/C alliance.

[Thumb - 20240526_132644.jpg]
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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/05/27 00:10:58

Post by: Adrassil

Finished my 13th Encounter of my Five Parsecs from Home campaign. Fun times!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/05/30 16:29:09

Post by: LunarSol

Waaagh!ed into some tanks and ultimately won by keeping them tied up. Also got in a great game with the Mandalorian and Luke taking on their dark mirrors:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/06/02 12:23:13

Post by: aphyon

game night update-

Some AOS

classic battle tech

A bunch of MCP

For me it was some classic battle tech scenario mission.

It was my only game tonight as the person i had the game scheduled with was late.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/06/03 10:28:45

Post by: Gimgamgoo

Game of Battletech Alpha Strike with my wife using hex grid rules with an attack roll for each point of damage - hence the multiple sets of coloured dice (more off table).

5th Crucis Lancers:
1st Sword of Light
Shadow Hawk

My 1st Sword of Light were finally beaten when my Locust was taken out by a badly beaten Wolverine.
At the end, my wife asked if I had any more Locusts she could add to her choice of models. I guess its speed made an impact.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/06/09 07:37:10

Post by: lord_blackfang

Last night we had the first test game of Dracula's America, the weird west skirmish game, on a board that came out rather well if I say so myself. Lovely system too.

Welcome to Perdition

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/06/09 13:39:12

Post by: Necroagogo

Great-looking board! Love the cheeky DeLorean in there too.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/06/09 15:42:26

Post by: ccs

Friday night Gaslands.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/06/09 16:01:23

Post by: aphyon

This weekend saw some regulars-
MCP games

Some classic battle tech clan on clan action-

My battle tech games

some civil war era (3067)

Some late 4th succession war era-

Then the most odd one of the night...i got to fight my former tau army i sold a decade ago that just got re-sold to a newer player in our group for our 5th ed games.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/06/09 17:49:39

Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

Game of dreadfleet this afternoon. I got utterly stomped and outplayed by my friend. Was a fun game and was well worth the 30 minutes of bike to get there!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/06/10 09:33:06

Post by: Adrassil

Played my last Encounter of Five Parsecs last week. It was a real challenge for me and not-Attelus, and his crew as it was the first game with limited ranges of 9'' due to what I decided was a sandstorm, but if units opened fire, they were fair game to shoot at within weaponry range.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/06/10 15:36:14

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Took some photos and edited them to be like a pict feed from a recent 8k vs 8k Titandeath game with some side games of Aeronautica and Titanicus.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2024/06/11 17:05:38

Post by: LunarSol

Been testing out the Waaagh quite a bit lately. Got in a few games using the War Horde: