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Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/03 00:46:09

Post by: Carlovonsexron

I'm veeeeery looking forward to the faction with the "eye" symbol being previewed.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/03 14:37:13

Post by: Geifer

Yeah, I wonder how/when they're going to preview the remaining warbands. The AoS open day is a bit late to preview anything. Are there any more events between now and then that GW attends/hosts?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/03 14:43:41

Post by: ImAGeek

 Geifer wrote:
Yeah, I wonder how/when they're going to preview the remaining warbands. The AoS open day is a bit late to preview anything. Are there any more events between now and then that GW attends/hosts?

I don't think all the Warbands will be out at launch, so they could show the last two at the open day.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/03 14:47:54

Post by: Geifer

I try not to consider that possibility.

However, I like the Ghur guys best so far so at least I won't have to wait if that turns out to be the case.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/03 14:51:46

Post by: ImAGeek

 Geifer wrote:
I try not to consider that possibility.

However, I like the Ghur guys best so far so at least I won't have to wait if that turns out to be the case.

So far i've come to terms with the fact i'll probably be getting all of them, so I could do with them being spread out!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/03 15:08:49

Post by: Geifer

I'm basically relying on no model no rules and the idea that with the way GW showed off all warband symbols right from the start, the rulebook will have the full rules for all six warbands. That in turn means they'll have to have all six available for purchase within a reasonable timeframe. If not on the initial release day, then within, say, two weeks of it.

Hopes and speculation, of course, but I'm not seeing GW proper use the same release model as Necromunda or Blood Bowl and so far I didn't get the impression the rules were card based like Shadespire, allowing GW to spread out the bands over months and still start out with a core box at launch.

It'll definitely be interesting to see what kind of format they chose.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/20 11:46:25

Post by: Binabik15

Sooo, it looks like a full month still until we get more of an idea how Warcry works, eh? Bummer.

I started to use some of my "Skirmish" warband BoC conversions as test dummies for Contrast paints, but knowing if I should also work on my Sigmarite witch hunters would be nice.

PS: And I started to watch Spartacus again, now Splinteres Fang edged out the crow dudes on top of my wish list...but why choose when you're just, uh, supporting the positive depiction of animals in wargames as capable fighters with your purchase, right? Is that a good excuse to splurge on both?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/20 13:15:23

Post by: Carlovonsexron

the best reason to splurge on both is to send a message to GW that cool models will sell.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/20 13:34:54

Post by: Boss Salvage

 Binabik15 wrote:
PS: And I started to watch Spartacus again ...
Yeppppp just starting my rewatch too

It is a bummer that War Cry is being held off so long, but I do suppose we have Apocalypse to get through first

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/20 13:42:51

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

I'm wondering if perhaps War Cry has fallen foul of the same issues that hit Sylvaneth?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/20 13:44:26

Post by: Kanluwen

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
I'm wondering if perhaps War Cry has fallen foul of the same issues that hit Sylvaneth?

It was supposed to be hitting in July. Not June.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/20 14:27:18

Post by: fresus

Yes. And most of the hype on WarCom was about contrast, and now about Apoc.

Also, they already showed many figs (probably more than what will be available at release). Usually they only preview the game mechanics when the release date is nearing. So I expect we won't get any news until the week before it goes on pre-order, when we'll get a daily article.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/20 17:26:59

Post by: Binabik15

It feels a bit weird that they heavily previewed its models long in advance and then stopped, though. They're usually so shy about showing models way in advance thanks to their gear of copycats, but here we have FOUR warbands shown and zero idea about gameplay.

 Boss Salvage wrote:
 Binabik15 wrote:
PS: And I started to watch Spartacus again ...
Yeppppp just starting my rewatch too

It is a bummer that War Cry is being held off so long, but I do suppose we have Apocalypse to get through first

There it's worthy of song when blood rains from angry skies...in the Mortal Realms it was Tuesday.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/20 17:52:43

Post by: ImAGeek

 Binabik15 wrote:
It feels a bit weird that they heavily previewed its models long in advance and then stopped, though. They're usually so shy about showing models way in advance thanks to their gear of copycats, but here we have FOUR warbands shown and zero idea about gameplay.

 Boss Salvage wrote:
 Binabik15 wrote:
PS: And I started to watch Spartacus again ...
Yeppppp just starting my rewatch too

It is a bummer that War Cry is being held off so long, but I do suppose we have Apocalypse to get through first

There it's worthy of song when blood rains from angry skies...in the Mortal Realms it was Tuesday.

It’s a new game, they show them further in advance usually from what I remember. And there hasn’t been a preview event since they showed the last one. Gameplay stuff will be shown in the build up to the actual preorder.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/20 17:55:35

Post by: NinthMusketeer

They will probably be doing a preview article every day the week before it goes on pre-order, plus a number of them during the month. So I suspect they have plenty of slots to fill.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/20 17:58:55

Post by: Geifer

It's unusual, yes. By the time the game releases we'll be four months past the announcement. GW's hand hasn't even been forced by a leak. They decided when to start advertising this one all by themselves.

As for heavy advertising, I think the big thing for me is that they showed a warband per event, which is all good and well, but now we have a span in June where nothing happens even though two warbands are still unknown. We had a kind of deluge, and then a whole lot of nothing. Compare that to the Battle Sister Bulletin. For all its lack of truly new content, at least you know you'll get something on the same day every other week during your months-long wait. It's a much steadier approach, and I think if GW advertises Warcry so far in advance (which I approve of, by the way), maybe a similar approach wouldn't go amiss.

Rules? Yeah, GW is still very conservative there and we'll have to wait around another month in all likelihood before we get anything. Eh, what are you going to do?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/20 19:14:29

Post by: zamerion

Look at the example of apocalypse.

Advances of rules and factions 2 weeks before the pre-orders.

I think the same thing happened with killteam.

Now the question is, preorders will be on 6 with 2 weeks of preorders, on 13 with one week (and you will be able to buy it on warhammerfest) or preorders on 20..

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/25 13:41:25

Post by: Flashman

I'm sure Ms Scott has been roped in to doing a "How to Play Warcry" video that will be released the week beforehand

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/25 15:00:16

Post by: Theophony

 Flashman wrote:
I'm sure Ms Scott has been roped in to doing a "How to Play Warcry" video that will be released the week beforehand

Just as we are all sure her excitement level will be at a 12 on the 1-10 scale.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/25 15:08:29

Post by: lord_blackfang

I thought she was considerably less cringey in the Apocalypse video than in her earlier GW gigs. Still prefer being taught the game by someone who knows how to play the game rather than someone reading off a teleprompter, so I'll wait for Ash to review it on GMG.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/25 15:54:44

Post by: Albino Squirrel

Yes, I thought she was actually surprisingly tolerable in the Apocalypse video. The thing ruined that was the terrible music.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/25 18:02:24

Post by: Requizen

 Geifer wrote:
It's unusual, yes. By the time the game releases we'll be four months past the announcement. GW's hand hasn't even been forced by a leak. They decided when to start advertising this one all by themselves.

As for heavy advertising, I think the big thing for me is that they showed a warband per event, which is all good and well, but now we have a span in June where nothing happens even though two warbands are still unknown. We had a kind of deluge, and then a whole lot of nothing. Compare that to the Battle Sister Bulletin. For all its lack of truly new content, at least you know you'll get something on the same day every other week during your months-long wait. It's a much steadier approach, and I think if GW advertises Warcry so far in advance (which I approve of, by the way), maybe a similar approach wouldn't go amiss.

Rules? Yeah, GW is still very conservative there and we'll have to wait around another month in all likelihood before we get anything. Eh, what are you going to do?

Eh, they announced Underworlds and had a playable Demo at Adepticon 2017, a full 7 months before the release that October. I think for new games they like the slow drip hype buildup.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/25 18:30:21

Post by: Mr Morden

 Flashman wrote:
I'm sure Ms Scott has been roped in to doing a "How to Play Warcry" video that will be released the week beforehand

Something def to look forward to.

A clear concise summary of the game by a enthusiatstic pretty girl - what could be better.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/25 18:41:39

Post by: foenixphate

 Mr Morden wrote:
 Flashman wrote:
I'm sure Ms Scott has been roped in to doing a "How to Play Warcry" video that will be released the week beforehand

Something def to look forward to.

A clear concise summary of the game by a enthusiatstic pretty girl - what could be better.

Duncan in full chaos lord regalia, doing a clear concise summary of the game

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/25 19:26:57

Post by: Sqorgar

 Mr Morden wrote:

A clear concise summary of the game by a enthusiatstic pretty girl - what could be better.
A clear concise summary of the game by two enthusiastic pretty girls?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/25 20:54:44

Post by: Albino Squirrel

Or just one pretty girl who isn't annoying and insufferable?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/25 21:42:19

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

My hope is we see a new warband this weekend along with getting a concrete date. Maybe some more videos.

I'm getting antsy for this one.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/25 21:44:38

Post by: ImAGeek

 highlord tamburlaine wrote:
My hope is we see a new warband this weekend along with getting a concrete date. Maybe some more videos.

I'm getting antsy for this one.

I’m not expecting any previews this weekend. They haven’t said there’ll be any so not getting my hopes up.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/26 00:54:17

Post by: Carlovonsexron

Ugh. I'll be pretty disappointed if that's true- I really really want to see what the "eye" warband is all about design wise.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/26 01:08:34

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

I thought they tend to have previews of upcoming stuff at the Warhammer Days, no?

It seems like a perfect opportunity to get a captive audience salivating even more over what you've got coming soon.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/26 01:20:39

Post by: Danny76

With the amount of possible preview days remaining it seems likely that we will get one revealed here.
Then the last at that other thing between now and July, I forget what..

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/26 01:51:32

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

We have like what, a week left until July, right?

Or is this going to be like Orktober where we actually start things in November?

Should I start saving up for August then?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/26 01:58:29

Post by: Ghaz

They've already said that attendees of the Age of Sigmar Open Day on July 20th will get the chance to play Warcry.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/26 02:22:41

Post by: Carlovonsexron

 highlord tamburlaine wrote:
We have like what, a week left until July, right?

Or is this going to be like Orktober where we actually start things in November?

Should I start saving up for August then?

I think that's a fair bet. whenever I hear a gw release is in a particular month I Dave for.itnto.be at the beginning, but expect.it to.be a preorder at the end.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/26 02:50:18

Post by: Chikout

I don't know why people keep asking about Warcry's release date. It has been known for a while that warcry is coming in July which, as is always the case with GW, means perorder.
Then we have the info about the open day on the twentieth including one official email saying you would be able to 'pick up' the game on the day. That means preorder will either be the 13th or the 20th.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/26 04:50:25

Post by: ImAGeek

 highlord tamburlaine wrote:
I thought they tend to have previews of upcoming stuff at the Warhammer Days, no?

It seems like a perfect opportunity to get a captive audience salivating even more over what you've got coming soon.

We’ve haven’t had a Warhammer Day like this before, and they haven’t mentioned previews for it. This is more like a celebration day. There may well be something shown, but I’m not getting my hopes up because they usually mention in advance when previews are.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/26 11:51:48

Post by: Geifer

 ImAGeek wrote:
 highlord tamburlaine wrote:
I thought they tend to have previews of upcoming stuff at the Warhammer Days, no?

It seems like a perfect opportunity to get a captive audience salivating even more over what you've got coming soon.

We’ve haven’t had a Warhammer Day like this before, and they haven’t mentioned previews for it. This is more like a celebration day. There may well be something shown, but I’m not getting my hopes up because they usually mention in advance when previews are.

Not saying it is or isn't going to happen, but they have no reason to announce any preview because Warhammer Day is a decentralized event and they don't have that one show they want people to attend to preview stuff, do they? Or is anything special planned for Warhammer World on that day that they could take as an excuse to do a preview?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/26 12:00:00

Post by: zamerion

Chikout wrote:
I don't know why people keep asking about Warcry's release date. It has been known for a while that warcry is coming in July which, as is always the case with GW, means perorder.
Then we have the info about the open day on the twentieth including one official email saying you would be able to 'pick up' the game on the day. That means preorder will either be the 13th or the 20th.

pick the game the 20th?

I thought it was just playing.

so possibly pre-ordered will be the 6th, with 2 weeks of preorders.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/26 13:27:19

Post by: EnTyme

Carlovonsexron wrote:
 highlord tamburlaine wrote:
We have like what, a week left until July, right?

Or is this going to be like Orktober where we actually start things in November?

Should I start saving up for August then?

I think that's a fair bet. whenever I hear a gw release is in a particular month I Dave for.itnto.be at the beginning, but expect.it to.be a preorder at the end.

And when the pre-order isn't announced on 7/2, people will start accusing GW of lying.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/26 13:36:54

Post by: DaveC

Edit: scrapped my original post found the email from June 3rd

Join us at Warhammer World on the 20th of July! We've got a full day planned, with lots of things to see and do. It will also be the first chance you'll have to try out (and purchase!) Warcry, the fast-paced, skirmish-level game pitting bands of Chaos-worshipping warriors against each other.

So July 20th release preorders maybe 13th?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/26 14:15:48

Post by: zamerion

 DaveC wrote:
Edit: scrapped my original post found the email from June 3rd

Join us at Warhammer World on the 20th of July! We've got a full day planned, with lots of things to see and do. It will also be the first chance you'll have to try out (and purchase!) Warcry, the fast-paced, skirmish-level game pitting bands of Chaos-worshipping warriors against each other.

So July 20th release preorders maybe 13th?

Or 6th!
If apocalipsis are 2 weeks of preorders (or at least announced 2 weeks before).. warcry should be the same.

We will see this sunday, but i think that 6th will be for chaos knights.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/26 15:01:45

Post by: Binabik15

Pre-order on the 6th would be shiny and chrome. Even that feels like an eternity, though.

I'm unreasonably excited for Warcry. Worst case it's a slew of really good models for Chaos and exotic Inquisimunda/Skirmish conversions. Best case it's a fun skirmish game with more depth than Skirmish.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/27 07:04:28

Post by: Carlovonsexron

I think that's how alot of people feel~ I'm certain to get at least three of these warbands for RPG use (some NPCs, other conversion fodder for PCs)

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/07 01:40:48

Post by: Kanluwen

Looks like the teasing has begun.

My Skitarii partybarges arrived with the box having badges for:
Splintered Fang, Corvus Cabal, and the Ghur warband whose name eludes me.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/07 04:35:15

Post by: Sabotage!

 Kanluwen wrote:
Looks like the teasing has begun.

My Skitarii partybarges arrived with the box having badges for:
Splintered Fang, Corvus Cabal, and the Ghur warband whose name eludes me.


I hope this means Preorders on the 13th, I've been waiting for what feels like ages to get some more info on this game.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/07 07:21:32

Post by: Carlovonsexron

 Sabotage! wrote:
 Kanluwen wrote:
Looks like the teasing has begun.

My Skitarii partybarges arrived with the box having badges for:
Splintered Fang, Corvus Cabal, and the Ghur warband whose name eludes me.


I hope this means Preorders on the 13th, I've been waiting for what feels like ages to get some more info on this game.

This. Very much this.

I wish they would release images of the eye warband. I have a feeling I'm going to like the, and might find them the best conversion fodder for an RPG player character mini I have in mind.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/07 09:27:08

Post by: Overread

I'm expecting to see the pre-order hint for next week being Warcry with pre order next weekend ready for the release on the 20th

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/07 10:11:44

Post by: DaveC

Yeah we should know in 7 hours. As we haven't seen the last 2 warbands yet I think it will be a staggered release.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/07 11:39:08

Post by: zamerion

Looking at warcom, preorders for Killteam, was on 21th of july, with launch on 28. But the first article about KT was on 5th of july, with an article each day.

I expect and wish something similar for warcry. With the first article in 5/6 hours.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/07 12:49:05

Post by: Binabik15

Warcry starter on the 20th, the other previewed bands early August and rules-only support for Non-Chaos stuff in the starter or an early add-on, please.

Though of my several potential warbands I've build or half built I have painted...2.5 dudes, so no rush! Except for the starter

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/07 15:37:25

Post by: Bloodmaster

 Binabik15 wrote:
Warcry starter on the 20th, the other previewed bands early August and rules-only support for Non-Chaos stuff in the starter or an early add-on, please.

Though of my several potential warbands I've build or half built I have painted...2.5 dudes, so no rush! Except for the starter

Speculation from you side of solid info by reliable source? Don't get me wrong, it's roughly the same time frame I would have guessed, but from my side it's pure speculation.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/07 15:42:53

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

With the terrain looking good and the minis solving my, "what to buy for Frostgrave" problem, I am eager for this as well.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/07 17:06:04

Post by: DaveC

No Warcry though unless they do a separate article.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/07 17:07:02

Post by: Binabik15

Bloodmaster wrote:
 Binabik15 wrote:
Warcry starter on the 20th, the other previewed bands early August and rules-only support for Non-Chaos stuff in the starter or an early add-on, please.

Though of my several potential warbands I've build or half built I have painted...2.5 dudes, so no rush! Except for the starter

Speculation from you side of solid info by reliable source? Don't get me wrong, it's roughly the same time frame I would have guessed, but from my side it's pure speculation.

Pure wish listing based on the snippet about it being available for purchase on the event 7/20 (open day?) and Shadespire's original release of starter set with quick follow-up release.

Edit: And I guess my wishes were not heard by the gods, I was JUST on the community page and the article had not been up then. Sad day for Warcry

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/07 17:18:19

Post by: zamerion

I dont understand why GW dont give to warcry more importance.

it's a completely new game, and they should announce it with daily previews for at least 2 weeks. As they did with kill team, shadespire.. even apocalypse.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/07 17:29:52

Post by: Geifer

zamerion wrote:
I dont understand why GW dont give to warcry more importance.

it's a completely new game, and they should announce it with daily previews for at least 2 weeks. As they did with kill team, shadespire.. even apocalypse.

What are they going to show in those two weeks? Not much point showing the same four warbands we've already seen again.

A sensible guess at a week's worth of previews is how Chaos warbands play, how non-Chaos warbands play, what's up with critters, a general gameplay article and a campaign article. We will in all likelihood get the announcement for pre-orders a week from now, we're bound to see a week full of previews after that and that's immediately followed by the open day.

If the warband release is staggered, which it looks like it is, holding back the last two warbands to have something for the open day makes sense.

Overall GW has given Warcry ample attention, and I expect there will be more when the time comes. It's just that that time hasn't yet come.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/07 17:40:16

Post by: zamerion

they can divide the non-chaotic bands in little articles, as they did with kill team or apocalypse.

I hope that each one has a style of play.

only with that, they can have 13 articles.

+ lore
+basic gameplay
+ narrative rules/campaign
+tournaments games
+bands painted by members of the studio
+ideas of assembling the scenery or using another from AoS
many possibilities

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/07 18:31:08

Post by: Geifer

I guess they could split warbands up like that, but I'm not sure that they would. For Kill Team they have established factions most of which are older than a good portion of GW's customers. Warcry's faction don't have that kind of recognition and established fanbases, so I'm not sure if GW sees the need to go into such fine detail.

Lore and unboxing are good points. I don't see the point in the latter, but they started doing that lately.

Tournament opportunities, studio members painting stuff and scenery ideas seem more like post launch articles to me to keep interest up.

Anyway, it's not like they don't have two weeks to spend if they want to. Announcement on the 14th, open day and pre-order on the 20th and release on the 27th gives GW a solid two week time frame, so if they want to do it that's easily possible.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/07 21:41:48

Post by: Danny76

I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s just pre order on 20th (with a few lucky ones picking up at the day if they’re there).

I’m not so sure the preview articles will be about the non chaos stuff. I think they’ll focus on the actual game, and it’s actual warbands.
With info on them as they release the non chaos rules free online on release day.
They want to be hyping up the things they are selling, not the free rules for other stuff.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/07 21:59:03

Post by: lord_blackfang

Bah humbug. Between my vacation all August and business trip all Septemeber, looks like I won't be seeing any War Cry until September.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/08 10:47:21

Post by: TwilightSparkles

Worth noting that the event has been amended to “try” Warcry , so preorders 20th then. I have never known any GW event to allow early purchase of a GW non FW or BL product. Sometimes the demo areas for new product at WHW events are laughably small - new AoS was 2 4x4tables at that event.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/08 11:03:54

Post by: Geifer

Maybe Forge World and Black Library event presales work so well for them that they want to try that for the main games again? Certainly adds incentive to attend such an event.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 13:10:41

Post by: Insane Ivan

Next warband: the Unmade, from Shyish. Wear their own faces for belt buckles.


[Thumb - 445172B2-A0C7-4900-82C7-F92DE0295486.jpeg]
[Thumb - 097134CA-8A0A-4EA6-8882-88E2F66B9C8D.jpeg]
[Thumb - 7DB2F9BC-31C8-4A64-A4E6-403637CEE16B.jpeg]
[Thumb - 19F49064-92D7-4C7D-BDB2-8650013B2452.jpeg]

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 13:13:13

Post by: Sotahullu

Well I really like that champion.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 13:14:21

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

I for one am loving everything that’s been previewed so far.

Let’s hope the game itself is up to snuff.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 13:14:34

Post by: DaveC

Not a fan of these first real pass for me (which is good for saving money )

OP updated

Plus the video which still says Summer 2019 pushed back perhaps?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 13:17:24

Post by: Overread

They seem like the "slaanesh inspired" force considering their visual style, themes and the lore behind them that GW has posted on the community page.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 13:21:30

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

All these models are awesome.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 13:28:13

Post by: Binabik15

Heh, I find the champ quite "meh", but like the grunts. Way behind snakes and crows on my to buy list, though.

PS: i spent wayyy to much time building a mancatcher for my witchhunters and thid guy casually rocks one. Sigh. At least mine has spring-loaded comet trails to catch with.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 13:29:24

Post by: Voss

Interesting. Don't care for the one on stilts, but like the overall look.

Though I'm unclear how wearing your own face as a belt would help.

Also don't see these as slaanesh inspired at all. Just a general 'worshipping chaos makes you crazy'. Something something 'senseless downfall,' as the article puts it.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 13:30:06

Post by: Kanluwen

 Overread wrote:
They seem like the "slaanesh inspired" force considering their visual style, themes and the lore behind them that GW has posted on the community page.

Nothing about their lore makes me think of Slaanesh.

Once upon a time, the Unmade were benevolent philosopher-kings renowned across the Realm of Death for their wisdom and nobility (If you’re a long-time Warhammer lore fan, your “senseless tragic downfall” alarm is probably going off right now.) Desperate to fight back the hordes of undead, the inhabitants of this land (a place known as Tzlid) were driven to worship the Chaos Gods – who promptly rewarded them by turning them into maniacal cultists obsessed with pain and mutilation. Seriously – they’re wearing their own faces as belts.

The visual style and themes fit with the fact that it's Shyish.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 13:35:42

Post by: stahly


Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 13:36:18

Post by: Geifer

Bit meh to me. Stilt guy is in the same league as bird guy from the raven band. The rest aren't terrible, I guess, but hardly my first choice.

Voss wrote:
Though I'm unclear how wearing your own face as a belt would help.

You don't compete in the Varanspire unless you have a wrestler belt with your team logo on it. These guys, I guess, try to compete on a budget.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 13:38:33

Post by: Ghaz

Personally this is the first warband that I'm really interested in.


Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 13:38:38

Post by: Carlovonsexron

now I eagerly await the last warband!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 13:40:27

Post by: auticus

Models are awesome. But I have no idea of what the game is about still and if its centered solely on chaos, there is going to be a difficult time finding players.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 13:43:46

Post by: DaveC

There will be rules for 9 other non chaos warbands (see post #2) so whilst the boxed game is chaos focused it should have broader appeal.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 13:45:57

Post by: stonehorse

Interesting lore, but the models look a bit uninspired. Nice helmets and weapons, but nothing really jumps out to make them look different.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 13:50:58

Post by: Ghaz

 DaveC wrote:
There will be rules for 9 other non chaos warbands (see post #2) so whilst the boxed game is chaos focused it should have broader appeal.

Symbols for the non-Chaos warbands we'll see at launch...

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 13:51:42

Post by: mortar_crew

Except the purple used, I cannot see anything
Slaanesh related on these figures.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 13:53:09

Post by: GaroRobe

For once, the logo on the belt actually makes sense and doesn't look too tacked on. I'm really groovin on almost all these warbands.

So, one warband left, with two possible realms to choose from.

Seeing as how to warbands have leaders on *stilts*, what are the chances that they're are jumping mechanics in the game? Jump over this terrain, or off this ledge, etc?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 13:57:37

Post by: stonehorse

 DaveC wrote:
There will be rules for 9 other non chaos warbands (see post #2) so whilst the boxed game is chaos focused it should have broader appeal.

I'm hoping it is the Warbands from Underworld games. That way the models have a lot more use, and are already available.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 13:57:48

Post by: Cataphract

Are we just waiting on the Eye Warband? What’s the remaining Realm? Hysh?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 13:58:27

Post by: Duskweaver

I guess that's my warband decided, then. And also some new death-cult assassins for my 40K Inquisition army. And some cultists for my Night Lords...

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 14:00:01

Post by: Kanluwen

 stonehorse wrote:
 DaveC wrote:
There will be rules for 9 other non chaos warbands (see post #2) so whilst the boxed game is chaos focused it should have broader appeal.

I'm hoping it is the Warbands from Underworld games. That way the models have a lot more use, and are already available.

It's Idoneth, Nighthaunt, Daughters of Khaine, Ironjawz, Gloomspite Gitz, Flesh Eater Courts, and Legion of Nagash--with the symbol in the top right corner being the only one that can't readily be placed.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 14:00:45

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Not hugely into the aesthetic (still diving helmet guys all the way!), but thematically these guys are insane. Wearing your face as a belt? That's nuts. I love it.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 14:01:39

Post by: Overread

 Kanluwen wrote:
 Overread wrote:
They seem like the "slaanesh inspired" force considering their visual style, themes and the lore behind them that GW has posted on the community page.

Nothing about their lore makes me think of Slaanesh.

Once upon a time, the Unmade were benevolent philosopher-kings renowned across the Realm of Death for their wisdom and nobility (If you’re a long-time Warhammer lore fan, your “senseless tragic downfall” alarm is probably going off right now.) Desperate to fight back the hordes of undead, the inhabitants of this land (a place known as Tzlid) were driven to worship the Chaos Gods – who promptly rewarded them by turning them into maniacal cultists obsessed with pain and mutilation. Seriously – they’re wearing their own faces as belts.

The visual style and themes fit with the fact that it's Shyish.

Being obsessed with paint and mutilation is a very Slaanesh thing.
Whilst most Chaos Worshippers do multilate bodies and such, this kind of mutilation is almost mindless and only in the direction of excess. Embracing the pure pain and heightened experience. That's totally what Slaanesh is about. Then you add to that the use of whips and chains, the fact that they've got a generally slender and lithe build - rather than the more chunky we might see from Khorne, the more withered from Tzeentch or the more "bloated pus oozing" we'd see from Nurgle and, to my eye, these are a very Slaanesh themed force.

You can see them going to war right alongside an Infernal Enrapturess.

Of course all the Warcry clans are technically universal, but I think this clan leans more toward Slaanesh than the other three gods.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 14:02:58

Post by: Ghaz

 stonehorse wrote:
 DaveC wrote:
There will be rules for 9 other non chaos warbands (see post #2) so whilst the boxed game is chaos focused it should have broader appeal.

I'm hoping it is the Warbands from Underworld games. That way the models have a lot more use, and are already available.

All of the Underworlds warbands can be used in Age of Sigmar already.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 14:10:40

Post by: stonehorse

 Kanluwen wrote:
 stonehorse wrote:
 DaveC wrote:
There will be rules for 9 other non chaos warbands (see post #2) so whilst the boxed game is chaos focused it should have broader appeal.

I'm hoping it is the Warbands from Underworld games. That way the models have a lot more use, and are already available.

It's Idoneth, Nighthaunt, Daughters of Khaine, Ironjawz, Gloomspite Gitz, Flesh Eater Courts, and Legion of Nagash--with the symbol in the top right corner being the only one that can't readily be placed.

Of those listed only 3 haven't appeared in WU yet, I reckon by season 3 we see them introduced for both systems. I'm not too familiar with AoS, so don't recognize the newer symbols. Those that are clearly WFB I can see.

The top right symbol looks very Stormcast to me.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 14:14:10

Post by: zamerion

and we still dont know what the game is about

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 14:19:21

Post by: mortar_crew

While I would agree on the proportion thing,
I find difficult to see any Slaanesh worshipper to simply
cut his limbs to replace it with crude spikes (yes I know that one
of the original champion has a hook but still) or just remove
his face's skin (would rather use ennemies' skin and taned ones...)
to replace it... with a skull face (Khornate attribute!)
no gem, no gold, no... whip? Nooo Slaanesh boys/girls/whatever
are more refined than that!

(A bit fed up with these huge chain things as a weapon as well)

The leader's upper face has some nice Skeletor impression...

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 14:23:39

Post by: Crispy78

 Kanluwen wrote:
 stonehorse wrote:
 DaveC wrote:
There will be rules for 9 other non chaos warbands (see post #2) so whilst the boxed game is chaos focused it should have broader appeal.

I'm hoping it is the Warbands from Underworld games. That way the models have a lot more use, and are already available.

It's Idoneth, Nighthaunt, Daughters of Khaine, Ironjawz, Gloomspite Gitz, Flesh Eater Courts, and Legion of Nagash--with the symbol in the top right corner being the only one that can't readily be placed.

I'm not really happy with the idea of non-chaos being included. Thought the whole point of the game was chaos warbands battling for the favour of the gods, sort of thing.

It'd be the same as having squads of space marines or tau or something cropping up in Necromunda.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 14:26:46

Post by: EnTyme

The Unmade remind me of the Cultist from Endless Legend. Very unsettling. I must have them.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 14:27:14

Post by: Geifer

GaroRobe wrote:
For once, the logo on the belt actually makes sense and doesn't look too tacked on. I'm really groovin on almost all these warbands.

So, one warband left, with two possible realms to choose from.

Seeing as how to warbands have leaders on *stilts*, what are the chances that they're are jumping mechanics in the game? Jump over this terrain, or off this ledge, etc?

You mean falling mechanics? Yes, going by the early promotional material showing walkways I think there will be falling mechanics. And I will make excessive use of them.

Cataphract wrote:
Are we just waiting on the Eye Warband? What’s the remaining Realm? Hysh?

The Realms not covered yet are Hysh, Aqshy and Azyr. With the latter being home to Chaos tribes being a bit unlikely.

zamerion wrote:
and we still dont know what the game is about

Wrestler belts with faction iconography, of course!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 14:28:41

Post by: Overread

Crispy78 wrote:
 Kanluwen wrote:
 stonehorse wrote:
 DaveC wrote:
There will be rules for 9 other non chaos warbands (see post #2) so whilst the boxed game is chaos focused it should have broader appeal.

I'm hoping it is the Warbands from Underworld games. That way the models have a lot more use, and are already available.

It's Idoneth, Nighthaunt, Daughters of Khaine, Ironjawz, Gloomspite Gitz, Flesh Eater Courts, and Legion of Nagash--with the symbol in the top right corner being the only one that can't readily be placed.

I'm not really happy with the idea of non-chaos being included. Thought the whole point of the game was chaos warbands battling for the favour of the gods, sort of thing.

It'd be the same as having squads of space marines or tau or something cropping up in Necromunda.

I think its built off the idea we've had in a few of the Inferno stories and in the novella Warqueen = that of a powerful Khorne Warlord organising battles to the death in fighting pits. Only this one is bigger having teams instead of loan fighters. In those stories everything got thrown in the pit - whatever the warlord can capture including stormcast.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 14:31:51

Post by: Crispy78

 Overread wrote:
Crispy78 wrote:
 Kanluwen wrote:
 stonehorse wrote:
 DaveC wrote:
There will be rules for 9 other non chaos warbands (see post #2) so whilst the boxed game is chaos focused it should have broader appeal.

I'm hoping it is the Warbands from Underworld games. That way the models have a lot more use, and are already available.

It's Idoneth, Nighthaunt, Daughters of Khaine, Ironjawz, Gloomspite Gitz, Flesh Eater Courts, and Legion of Nagash--with the symbol in the top right corner being the only one that can't readily be placed.

I'm not really happy with the idea of non-chaos being included. Thought the whole point of the game was chaos warbands battling for the favour of the gods, sort of thing.

It'd be the same as having squads of space marines or tau or something cropping up in Necromunda.

I think its built off the idea we've had in a few of the Inferno stories and in the novella Warqueen = that of a powerful Khorne Warlord organising battles to the death in fighting pits. Only this one is bigger having teams instead of loan fighters. In those stories everything got thrown in the pit - whatever the warlord can capture including stormcast.

Yeah I suppose that works

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 14:35:33

Post by: Voss

 Overread wrote:
 Kanluwen wrote:
 Overread wrote:
They seem like the "slaanesh inspired" force considering their visual style, themes and the lore behind them that GW has posted on the community page.

Nothing about their lore makes me think of Slaanesh.

Once upon a time, the Unmade were benevolent philosopher-kings renowned across the Realm of Death for their wisdom and nobility (If you’re a long-time Warhammer lore fan, your “senseless tragic downfall” alarm is probably going off right now.) Desperate to fight back the hordes of undead, the inhabitants of this land (a place known as Tzlid) were driven to worship the Chaos Gods – who promptly rewarded them by turning them into maniacal cultists obsessed with pain and mutilation. Seriously – they’re wearing their own faces as belts.

The visual style and themes fit with the fact that it's Shyish.

Being obsessed with paint and mutilation is a very Slaanesh thing.
Whilst most Chaos Worshippers do multilate bodies and such, this kind of mutilation is almost mindless and only in the direction of excess. Embracing the pure pain and heightened experience. That's totally what Slaanesh is about. Then you add to that the use of whips and chains, the fact that they've got a generally slender and lithe build - rather than the more chunky we might see from Khorne, the more withered from Tzeentch or the more "bloated pus oozing" we'd see from Nurgle and, to my eye, these are a very Slaanesh themed force.

You can see them going to war right alongside an Infernal Enrapturess.

Of course all the Warcry clans are technically universal, but I think this clan leans more toward Slaanesh than the other three gods.

See, these folks come across as deadened to experience to me. They ripped off limbs and faces to better fight the undead (somehow), which suggests they don't want to feel fear, terror, or anything really. They were just desperate and didn't want to die. Heightened experience in the face of undead hordes would be pointless and detrimental.

As an aside, given the AoS tzeentch models, I'm at a loss for tzeentch followers as 'withered'. The Arcanites are rather buff and look like they oil up pretty often. We unfortunately have no slaanesh mortals to compare.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 14:37:18

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

My only minus on these new guys is the rest of the warband didn't literally follow in the leader's footsteps and replace all their legs with spiky stilt support rods.

The leader's proportions are pretty inhuman. I like it! Not that the rest of the crew isn't unsettling or anything.

Top right symbol makes me think Stormcast due to the lightning bolt, but I really just want new lizards. Even if it's just for Underworld!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 14:39:57

Post by: Chopstick

Spooky leader. rest are meh, they look like Iron Golem without armor., Even the arm holding the chain flail look like they're reusing the same arm from Iron Golem.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 14:50:27

Post by: Kanluwen

Crispy78 wrote:

I'm not really happy with the idea of non-chaos being included. Thought the whole point of the game was chaos warbands battling for the favour of the gods, sort of thing.

The initial tagline when the game was revealed as the Vegas Open was:
"The Allpoints Await"

The Allpoints are a confluence of the Realmgates, IIRC. Archaon has apparently summoned the various forces of Chaos to the Varanspire, his 'fortress' at Allpoints.

Nothing prevents anyone else from getting there to try to stop anyone from reaching the Varanspire.

It'd be the same as having squads of space marines or tau or something cropping up in Necromunda.

Considering the initial Tau army book back in the day had a Techpriest thinking the Spyrer Hunting Rigs are Tau tech this isn't an apt comparison.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 16:31:14

Post by: Sabotage!

Those Unmade.......they are utterly fantastic. I love them. I think they may be the most Grimdark models GW has ever produced.

On the topic of other non-Chaos factions being included, I personally will not be using them. I like the fluff and it doesn't really fit for any other factions to try to have small warband fight their way to the Varanspire so they can be unceremoniously murdered by Archaeon's elite (actually.....the Orc factions would totally do that, just to prove how they are the baddest......but the rest of them, not happening). That being said I think it is cool GW is making rules for these factions so that non-Chaos fans can play the game, and I would have no issue playing against them. I'm sure people can come up with a unique enough story for why their warband is involved in the Chaos squabble, even if going to the Varanspire itself doesn't make a lot of sense.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 18:48:19

Post by: Ghaz

 Sabotage! wrote:
Those Unmade.......they are utterly fantastic. I love them. I think they may be the most Grimdark models GW has ever produced.

On the topic of other non-Chaos factions being included, I personally will not be using them. I like the fluff and it doesn't really fit for any other factions to try to have small warband fight their way to the Varanspire so they can be unceremoniously murdered by Archaeon's elite (actually.....the Orc factions would totally do that, just to prove how they are the baddest......but the rest of them, not happening). That being said I think it is cool GW is making rules for these factions so that non-Chaos fans can play the game, and I would have no issue playing against them. I'm sure people can come up with a unique enough story for why their warband is involved in the Chaos squabble, even if going to the Varanspire itself doesn't make a lot of sense.

Chaos has been known to invite a few 'friends' over to play, willingly or not...

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 18:55:36

Post by: Dread Master

That skull on the leader is a headdress. There is an eye slit in the veil underneath it. That’s where her head really is.

Also, Hysh will be the last reveal, I reckon. We already know what an Aqshy chaos warband looks like in the form of the Blood bound.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 19:13:23

Post by: Barzam

Damn, I'm going to have a hard time choosing between Chaos ninjas and dudes who wear their own faces as belt buckles.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 19:13:34

Post by: Albino Squirrel

Dread Master wrote:
That skull on the leader is a headdress. There is an eye slit in the veil underneath it. That’s where her head really is.

Also, Hysh will be the last reveal, I reckon. We already know what an Aqshy chaos warband looks like in the form of the Blood bound.

That is a good point. The existing bloodreavers are already what an Aqshy warband would be, and I suppose this whole thing was an exercise in creating a design for an equivalent type of unit from the other realms.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 19:19:27

Post by: lord_blackfang

Note that some of them also wear their own amputated hands.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 19:38:20

Post by: Elbows

It smacks to me of Chaos worshippers attending a Kumite/Bloodsport...which is a bit lame, but I'm more interested in the minis than the game. The last warband is definitely "okay" but low on the list compared to the others.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 20:20:31

Post by: skullking

Really digging these guys. I think they fit the aesthetics of the game well. Looking forward to seeing more warbands.

 Kanluwen wrote:
Crispy78 wrote:

I'm not really happy with the idea of non-chaos being included. Thought the whole point of the game was chaos warbands battling for the favour of the gods, sort of thing.

The initial tagline when the game was revealed as the Vegas Open was:
"The Allpoints Await"

The Allpoints are a confluence of the Realmgates, IIRC. Archaon has apparently summoned the various forces of Chaos to the Varanspire, his 'fortress' at Allpoints.

Nothing prevents anyone else from getting there to try to stop anyone from reaching the Varanspire.

It'd be the same as having squads of space marines or tau or something cropping up in Necromunda.

Considering the initial Tau army book back in the day had a Techpriest thinking the Spyrer Hunting Rigs are Tau tech this isn't an apt comparison.

Well... Necromunda does have Genestealer cults currently. And back in the day, they had Orks, chaos cults, Spyre hunters (which used some Tau tech I believe) and even Squats!

Also, don't forget. Mordhiem (which, also being fantasy, probably has more in common with this than Necromunda) had warbands of Skaven, Undead, Chaos Cultists, High Elves, Dwarfs, Orcs & Goblins, and even a Nurgle circus! (complete with dressed up Nurglings )

So really, it's not at all strange to mix stuff up. I think it just makes things much more accessible to people who maybe aren't the biggest fans of chaos, but still want to play. I'm hoping for a lot of really random hired guns/swords to be added as well.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 20:21:17

Post by: Samko

I love those too !

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 20:32:24

Post by: Thargrim

I just can't believe this supposedly goes up for pre order in about 10 days and we still know nothing about how it plays. I don't think we even know if its a D6 game. That to me is just bad all around, bad marketing compared to shadespire. Which we got an idea of how to play that six months+ prior to release and it was demoed. As nice as the models are I don't need another game sitting on the shelf being unplayed (glances over at blackstone fortress).

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 20:33:04

Post by: Ghaz

 skullking wrote:
Well... Necromunda does have Genestealer cults currently. And back in the day, they had Orks, chaos cults, Spyre hunters (which used some Tau tech I believe) and even Squats!

Chaos Cult Gangs are current as well, not just something from back in the day.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/10 22:45:51

Post by: Marshal Loss

My favourite warband by far. Would make great cultists for my Word Bearers.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/11 00:32:19

Post by: Coolyo294

I can't stop thinking of cool guy has a chill day every time i look at that goofy guy on stilts.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/11 00:49:33

Post by: Mr.Church13

Crispy78 wrote:

I'm not really happy with the idea of non-chaos being included. Thought the whole point of the game was chaos warbands battling for the favour of the gods, sort of thing.

It'd be the same as having squads of space marines or tau or something cropping up in Necromunda.

I agree because with AOS we know how this pans out.
Initial cool chaos release

Stormcast for the next 5-10 years

Maybe something new for an existing chaos gang


Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/11 01:01:39

Post by: Unix

With regards to the Slaanesh / not Slaanesh debate I think people are arguing two different things. The Slaanesh argument is stating that the overall aesthetic, independent of the background for the game, is Slaaneshi The aesthetic of whips and intential self mutilation is very much in line with the Slaanesh motif of excess, and pleasure from pain. The stated background however is not Slaaneshi at all but more people driven mad by death who embrace it rather than be conquered by it. So while I don’t think the they are the Slaanesh warband of this game, I will use them as Slaanesh cultists, assuming a better 40k version doesn’t come out when the Emperor’s Children codex is finally released, although I’ll change out that purple for pink

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/11 01:06:19

Post by: Ghaz

 Coolyo294 wrote:
I can't stop thinking of cool guy has a chill day every time i look at that goofy guy on stilts.

Really? I think of this (but maybe not this guy in particular)...


Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/11 01:06:32

Post by: Carlovonsexron

Isnt the "slaneesh" warband the snake cultists?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/11 01:10:27

Post by: Kanluwen

Carlovonsexron wrote:
Isnt the "slaneesh" warband the snake cultists?

There aren't really any "god" warbands.

They're based off the different Realms. Snake Cultists are from the Realm of Life.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/11 01:38:54

Post by: Nostromodamus

Crispy78 wrote:
 Kanluwen wrote:
 stonehorse wrote:
 DaveC wrote:
There will be rules for 9 other non chaos warbands (see post #2) so whilst the boxed game is chaos focused it should have broader appeal.

I'm hoping it is the Warbands from Underworld games. That way the models have a lot more use, and are already available.

It's Idoneth, Nighthaunt, Daughters of Khaine, Ironjawz, Gloomspite Gitz, Flesh Eater Courts, and Legion of Nagash--with the symbol in the top right corner being the only one that can't readily be placed.

I'm not really happy with the idea of non-chaos being included. Thought the whole point of the game was chaos warbands battling for the favour of the gods, sort of thing.

It'd be the same as having squads of space marines or tau or something cropping up in Necromunda.


To be honest I think they just reacted to public bitching. Initial reveal was for the Chaos Warbands only, then people whined that their AoS faction wasn’t a thing in what they perceive to be AoS Kill Team then all of a sudden we get a revised announcement pic with other AoS faction symbols tacked on.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/11 02:00:48

Post by: AegisGrimm

I like the idea of using all the other other non-Chaos warbands to represent small skirmishes across all the realms, rather than just Chaos vs. Chaos in the Allpoints. Its a fun way of portraying fights against Chaos forces that don't involve Bloodbound Bloodthirsty Blood-ites everywhere, all the time, with the occasional Ghyran Plague-horde.

If anything, it shows even better all the flavors and forms Chaos has taken depending on which Realm it took hold.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/11 02:06:25

Post by: Kanluwen

The "initial reveal"(February) was just about the Allpoints and Varanspire as parts of the setting.

When they revealed the Iron Golems at Adepticon, they had the image with the non-Chaos warbands.

So maybe "they reacted", or more likely it was the plan all along.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/11 02:25:17

Post by: Carlovonsexron

I'm still wondering if the emphasis on chaos warbands for warcry, and on chaos guard for BSF are setting up for a big Chaos mortals release for both systems later this year/early next

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/11 04:40:54

Post by: Nostromodamus

 Kanluwen wrote:
The "initial reveal"(February) was just about the Allpoints and Varanspire as parts of the setting.

When they revealed the Iron Golems at Adepticon, they had the image with the non-Chaos warbands.

So maybe "they reacted", or more likely it was the plan all along.

There was an initial “warband faction icons” image that just had the Chaos ones. It was later replaced with a nearly identical image containing AoS faction symbols added.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/11 08:00:08

Post by: Kinetochore

Going to have to plunder some of these guys to add to my 40k Chaos Renegades.

Army list is crap but great fun to model!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/11 08:16:51

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Gotta say, the Unmade are the standout warband for me thus far, very keen on picking them up when they release.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/11 08:46:29

Post by: Crispy78

 Tyranid Horde wrote:
Gotta say, the Unmade are the standout warband for me thus far, very keen on picking them up when they release.

Tough choice for me between them and the Corvus Cabal. Although my main opponent has just massively enthused about the Unmade so that may be my decision made for me...

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/11 09:36:15

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

If memory serves, GW said from the outset rules for existing armies would be included as an extra on release?

So able to be used in the game, if not necessarily part of the setting.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/11 09:46:06

Post by: fresus

And we still don't know how much customization will be available, and if the game will be mainly campaign based.
It's still possible that the new kits will have many options, with corresponding rules, whereas the standard AoS units will only come with very limited options, which would make them extremely boring in a campaign system.

The models' poses make me think that at best we'll have something similar to the Necromunda's kits: lots of options in general, but not every body can use every weapon.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/11 09:52:11

Post by: zamerion

Do you think that the heads from the Unamed will be separated? or they will come attached to the body

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/11 10:13:00

Post by: Geifer

Crispy78 wrote:
 Tyranid Horde wrote:
Gotta say, the Unmade are the standout warband for me thus far, very keen on picking them up when they release.

Tough choice for me between them and the Corvus Cabal. Although my main opponent has just massively enthused about the Unmade so that may be my decision made for me...

So what you're saying is you're glad you didn't already choose them or else your choice would have been... Unmade!

zamerion wrote:
Do you think that the heads from the Unamed will be separated? or they will come attached to the body

I'd say the heads are separate, at least in part. The cloth and chain strips hanging from them don't connect to the torso. There's no way you can cast that in plastic as a single piece.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/11 11:30:06

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

Oh my word, some of them actually wear shoes!

GaroRobe wrote:
For once, the logo on the belt actually makes sense and doesn't look too tacked on.

My thoughts exactly! The only warband where I wouldn't scrape those team belt buckles of in an instant.

Might see myself making these into a Chaos warband for Mordheim. Certainly fit the aesthetics.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/11 12:05:55

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

So, seems pre-order next week, as it'll be on sale at the AoS Open Day at Warhammer World.

Now, my payday is the Tuesday after....reckon I might be tapping up Element Games for this puppy!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/11 13:18:13

Post by: EnTyme

 Nostromodamus wrote:
 Kanluwen wrote:
The "initial reveal"(February) was just about the Allpoints and Varanspire as parts of the setting.

When they revealed the Iron Golems at Adepticon, they had the image with the non-Chaos warbands.

So maybe "they reacted", or more likely it was the plan all along.

There was an initial “warband faction icons” image that just had the Chaos ones. It was later replaced with a nearly identical image containing AoS faction symbols added.

The image you're referring to showed up a few weeks after the initial announcement, but GW started talking about non-Chaos rules just a couple days after the first announcement. It's pretty clear to me that the plan was always to have rules for non-Chaos warbands.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/11 13:32:45

Post by: porkuslime

I LIKE the idea of the Unmade, but my "realism" brain kicks in and wonders things like.. What happens if the champion has an itch? How does she clean herself after bathroom time?

And questions like that impact my enjoyment of "the rule of cool" alas..

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/11 13:46:59

Post by: Carlovonsexron

 porkuslime wrote:
I LIKE the idea of the Unmade, but my "realism" brain kicks in and wonders things like.. What happens if the champion has an itch? How does she clean herself after bathroom time?

And questions like that impact my enjoyment of "the rule of cool" alas..

I thought about those too, but I figured that since Chaos as a whole very much follows "might makes right" they probably have slaves to do those things for therm.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/11 13:53:29

Post by: Geifer

There's a sliding scale that has realism on one end and Blanche on the other. It's kind of pointless to appreciate the latter end for anything but style. You'll just go mad.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/11 14:32:32

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

 porkuslime wrote:
I LIKE the idea of the Unmade, but my "realism" brain kicks in and wonders things like.. What happens if the champion has an itch? How does she clean herself after bathroom time?

And questions like that impact my enjoyment of "the rule of cool" alas..

Have you seen the number of spikes on those figures? Scratching themselves is the one thing they can easily do - in many different ways. Very carefully though, one imagines... or maybe that's how they end up requiring increasingly many replacement limbs.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/11 14:56:09

Post by: Chopstick

Did you guy miss the part about pain and mutilation? I'm sure they scratch each other one way or another, several time.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/11 22:54:52

Post by: Carlovonsexron

*whoops wrong.thread*

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/12 15:03:45

Post by: Kanluwen

This was added to the Community page, according to the image, on July 10th. Hadn't noticed it until today though.

Last warband this weekend, who is excited?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/12 15:13:06

Post by: Sarouan

I would be more excited if they finally reveal something about, you know, the actual rules of the damn game.

Otherwise, new miniatures are always fine. Better if we know when we can really get them in our hands.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/12 15:22:49

Post by: Geifer

The banner now reads...

Saturday, 9PM EST. Which for some of us is of course more like Sunday, but whatever. Any event happening in America that they're using EST and showing the band in the evening?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/12 15:26:59

Post by: Kanluwen

I'm fairly sure that there's something in Atlanta. Some of the Community/Studio team have tweeted about being in that area.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/12 15:45:26

Post by: AndrewGPaul

 Sarouan wrote:
I would be more excited if they finally reveal something about, you know, the actual rules of the damn game.

Otherwise, new miniatures are always fine. Better if we know when we can really get them in our hands.

Rules are always the least interesting part for me. After all, if I don't like them there's plenty of alternatives. These minis, however, and the background to them, are pretty unique.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/12 16:34:23

Post by: DaveC

The ATC - American Team Championships are on this weekend the reveal probably coincides with something there.


Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/12 16:37:33

Post by: Flashman

Rules are of interest to me as well - If it's just roll to hit, roll to wound etc, I will pass.

I'm hopefull that there is more to it however...

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/12 17:11:39

Post by: Voss

Atlanta Comic-con is this weekend. If the timing is based on Atlanta, it'd be that.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/12 17:13:02

Post by: Binabik15

So they'll reveal the band as part of a "preorder next week" thingy or what? Great, now I'll wonder all day what theme it'll be and from what realm.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/12 17:21:47

Post by: GaroRobe

 Binabik15 wrote:
So they'll reveal the band as part of a "preorder next week" thingy or what? Great, now I'll wonder all day what theme it'll be and from what realm.

The last symbol is the eye, right? I'm betting on them being from Hysh, realm of light. Maybe they'll all be blind (intentionally or otherwise) though Deepkin already have the eyeless look covered.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/12 17:28:35

Post by: Geifer

 Binabik15 wrote:
So they'll reveal the band as part of a "preorder next week" thingy or what? Great, now I'll wonder all day what theme it'll be and from what realm.

More like an article that goes up an hour after midnight on Sunday to tie in with the Atlanta event, followed by a sixteen hour gap until we get the article for the following week's pre-orders.

Which at the time of posting this should give you a cozy thirty and a half hours of wandering what the eye band is all about.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/12 17:54:13

Post by: Dread Master

*Spoiler Alert* it’s Hysh.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/12 18:10:32

Post by: Elbows

Nice to see it's a bit closer to release. May be the last GW product I buy if it's reasonable and you get some decent warbands.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/12 18:17:37

Post by: amazingturtles

The unmade guys look incredibly silly to me. And normally i like silly! but this? This is... well they are not for me.

The corvus band i like because of crows. Crows are always a plus.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/12 18:37:01

Post by: Ghaz

 Geifer wrote:
The banner now reads...


Saturday, 9PM EST. Which for some of us is of course more like Sunday, but whatever. Any event happening in America that they're using EST and showing the band in the evening?

I'm going to assume that the reveal is at 9 Eastern Daylight Time (and not Standard Time).

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/13 08:27:58

Post by: Binabik15

Dread Master wrote:
*Spoiler Alert* it’s Hysh.

But how will they look? Will the have the bone weapon or chaos-y blade from the rumour engine? Any crazy beasts or non-humans? A new HAT?!

I'm not sure what I'd actually like to see. Maybe something really different, like floating infant-sized mages with huge robes, and a few flesh-constructs they can attach to, like Stormfiends and their brainrats. That'd would be too extreme for the "beginner" bands, I guess, you could likely get into the Varanspire simply by knocking on the front door if you have such powers.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/13 11:23:57

Post by: AegisGrimm

I also would like to see something about the rules, although like others have said, there are multiple avenues a player can take for skirmish rules.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/13 12:46:24

Post by: Carlovonsexron

I want the hush guys to have a look like they are defectors from order...

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/13 13:13:27

Post by: GaroRobe

Not that its effected any of the other warbands (Save the Iron Golems, I suppose) but it would be interesting if the Hysh band is made up of more elves than humans. Chaos elves are a thing now, so Traitors of Teclis could look cool

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/13 13:45:32

Post by: Kanluwen

I would be surprised if it is Hysh...since they made a specific mention of a Varanguard warband early on.

Hysh and Azyr are supposed to be the two Realms that are effectively 'clean' when it comes to taint and civilizations at this point in the storyline.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/13 15:07:52

Post by: Cronch

Hysh and Azyr are supposed to be the two Realms that are effectively 'clean' when it comes to taint and civilizations at this point in the storyline.

Azyr yes, but this line is from the Core book about Hysh:
"Since the coming of the Age of Sigmar, Hysh has gone fom a land of logic and order to a wilderness of broken dreams and shattered statues.
That which was not cast down by the subtle curses of Chaos has been smashed in the violence of open war. It is said that Lord Tyrion musters his forces for a great reconuest- but as yet, salvation has not come"

So Hysh is pretty much as bad as any other realm at the moment.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/13 15:19:11

Post by: Mr Morden

Cronch wrote:

Hysh and Azyr are supposed to be the two Realms that are effectively 'clean' when it comes to taint and civilizations at this point in the storyline.

Azyr yes, but this line is from the Core book about Hysh:
"Since the coming of the Age of Sigmar, Hysh has gone fom a land of logic and order to a wilderness of broken dreams and shattered statues.
That which was not cast down by the subtle curses of Chaos has been smashed in the violence of open war. It is said that Lord Tyrion musters his forces for a great reconuest- but as yet, salvation has not come"

So Hysh is pretty much as bad as any other realm at the moment.

Yep Hysh is supposed to be pretty bad according to "current" fluff.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/13 17:36:37

Post by: Dread Master

I would also like to see traitor elves and Fallen paladins. We have the grimy guys covered by the other warbands. Let’s have a look at what chaos in the realm of light looks like!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/13 17:56:59

Post by: Kanluwen

 Mr Morden wrote:
Cronch wrote:

Hysh and Azyr are supposed to be the two Realms that are effectively 'clean' when it comes to taint and civilizations at this point in the storyline.

Azyr yes, but this line is from the Core book about Hysh:
"Since the coming of the Age of Sigmar, Hysh has gone fom a land of logic and order to a wilderness of broken dreams and shattered statues.
That which was not cast down by the subtle curses of Chaos has been smashed in the violence of open war. It is said that Lord Tyrion musters his forces for a great reconuest- but as yet, salvation has not come"

So Hysh is pretty much as bad as any other realm at the moment.

Yep Hysh is supposed to be pretty bad according to "current" fluff.

Not from stuff that originated in Hysh. A lot of it is Slaanesh "Invaders", same as Ulgu.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/13 17:57:05

Post by: Geifer

I could certainly get behind more Chaos elves. Honestly, more Chaos anything is welcome as far as I'm concerned. Chaos is much more fun as a threat that gnaws at the foundation of every society, not just humanity's. Same goes for undeath, not that that's relevant for Warcry though. Will be good to finally see the last warband.

3AM is a bit late/early for me, but I guess I'll have something fun to wake up to.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/13 19:00:34

Post by: lord_blackfang

Actually looking at the last faction icon... I'm gonna say Light after all.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/13 19:01:23

Post by: Dread Master

 Kanluwen wrote:
 Mr Morden wrote:
Cronch wrote:

Hysh and Azyr are supposed to be the two Realms that are effectively 'clean' when it comes to taint and civilizations at this point in the storyline.

Azyr yes, but this line is from the Core book about Hysh:
"Since the coming of the Age of Sigmar, Hysh has gone fom a land of logic and order to a wilderness of broken dreams and shattered statues.
That which was not cast down by the subtle curses of Chaos has been smashed in the violence of open war. It is said that Lord Tyrion musters his forces for a great reconuest- but as yet, salvation has not come"

So Hysh is pretty much as bad as any other realm at the moment.

Yep Hysh is supposed to be pretty bad according to "current" fluff.

Not from stuff that originated in Hysh. A lot of it is Slaanesh "Invaders", same as Ulgu.

I would suggest reading the blurb on AoS.com about Hysh in the realms section. Some “stuff “definitely originated in Hysh.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/13 19:21:08

Post by: Ghaz

 lord_blackfang wrote:

Actually looking at the last faction icon... I'm gonna say Light after all.

Mordor confirmed!...


Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/13 19:24:25

Post by: Mr Morden

Hysh Elves are singled out as ones who fell and most importantly are still falling to Slaanesh - would be a great new gang....

The Realm has not been expored much but alot of bad stuff happened there - like the other Realms - interestingly it was the setting for a meeting with the entire Grey Seer Order!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/13 22:33:02

Post by: Monkeysloth

Dread Master wrote:
 Kanluwen wrote:
 Mr Morden wrote:
Cronch wrote:

Hysh and Azyr are supposed to be the two Realms that are effectively 'clean' when it comes to taint and civilizations at this point in the storyline.

Azyr yes, but this line is from the Core book about Hysh:
"Since the coming of the Age of Sigmar, Hysh has gone fom a land of logic and order to a wilderness of broken dreams and shattered statues.
That which was not cast down by the subtle curses of Chaos has been smashed in the violence of open war. It is said that Lord Tyrion musters his forces for a great reconuest- but as yet, salvation has not come"

So Hysh is pretty much as bad as any other realm at the moment.

Yep Hysh is supposed to be pretty bad according to "current" fluff.

Not from stuff that originated in Hysh. A lot of it is Slaanesh "Invaders", same as Ulgu.

I would suggest reading the blurb on AoS.com about Hysh in the realms section. Some “stuff “definitely originated in Hysh.

The Realm of Light is, at its heart, a place of pure white magic, a beacon of light that shines across the cosmos. Yet, like all the Mortal Realms, the Ten Paradises of Hysh suffered greatly during the Age of Chaos. Ruled by the Lord of Lumination, the god Tyrion and his brother Teclis, Hysh was, for untold aeons, a safe harbour for many races of aelves and the great and wise among humans. But the insidious power of Chaos was able to corrupt even the pure light of Hysh. It became a lure for the prideful and those who sought perfection, taking their good intentions and turning them to dark thoughts and dangerous obsessions. And so it is that the light now signals danger, as much as it does knowledge and purity.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 01:05:47

Post by: DaveC

Make sure you check back later today for the Pre-order Preview,

The Cypher Lords

The Cypher Lords are a gloriously weird Warcry warband, quite different from any of their more barbaric kin. Unlike, say, the bloodthirsty Blades of Khorne or the roaming Untamed Beasts, these mysterious cultists hail from a city in the Realm of Light called Nochseed and, to the wider Mortal Realms, seem more or less ordinary – barring perhaps their taste in headgear.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The Cypher Lords are as mad as the most frothing cultist of Tzeentch, delighting in spreading mayhem and madness wherever they go. They’re deadly fighters, too, using skills earned in the martial colleges of Nochseed to deadly effect, whether they’re cutting down rivals in the streets of their city or shedding blood in the shadow of the Vararspire to catch the attention of Archaon.

The Cypher Lords are the perfect warband for players that like the seductive, almost civilised side of Chaos – the esoteric cults and shadowy gatherings of nobles within cities all across the realms, as opposed to the unwashed, screaming barbarian masses outside them. They’re also perhaps our first-ever look at just what life might look like in the Realm of Light – a place which, until now, has been associated with the ordered kingdoms of Tyrion and Teclis.


Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 01:06:37

Post by: parakuribo


Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 01:08:07

Post by: Kanluwen

Wow those Aelves sure are buff.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 01:10:25

Post by: squall018

This is my least favorite warband of the 6. Which isnt really a knock as the rest have been stunning. I think its the clean look that makes me not like them. Dont feel Chaosy. I get what they are going for. Just not my thing.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 01:10:45

Post by: Overread

I like the look of them overall and they achieve a great design, but the helms are really not my style. That said they look like a great very tzeentch inspired force.

Right now I'm thinking the Unmade and The Untamed are the two most likely to be my choices. Umnade have a bit of a Slaanesh and a twisted bloody darkness to them whilst being lithe and acrobatic in form and pose; whilst the Untamed have a more wild barbarian appeal

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 01:13:51

Post by: GaroRobe

They're cool. Very Deepkin-y. Plus, a little bit of that shadowweaver saih(?). Not my favorite band, but they're not bad.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 01:14:03

Post by: Ghaz

I see they saved the best for last...

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 01:15:28

Post by: Sqorgar

These may be my favorite yet, and that's really saying something. I like that it isn't just more leather and spikes, and the premise of "civilized chaos" is something that I'd never really thought about, but could be very cool.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 01:17:25

Post by: Dread Master

Big swing and a miss for me. Can’t tell the boys from the girls, the head dresses are silly, don’t see any Aelves..... just not my style. I had high hopes for this one but, oh well lol

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 01:21:15

Post by: parakuribo

Over- If anything, Cypher Lord's looks more Slaanesh than Unmade, which looks more Flesheater's Court. Why they made it look Tzeentch is anyone's guess. And for that matter, why'd they make them look that way when they said the bands would be from the minor gods?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 01:24:22

Post by: shinros

 parakuribo wrote:
Over- If anything, Cypher Lord's looks more Slaanesh than Unmade, which looks more Flesheater's Court. Why they made it look Tzeentch is anyone's guess. And for that matter, why'd they make them look that way when they said the bands would be from the minor gods?

Well according to the article:

The Cypher Lords are the perfect warband for players that like the seductive, almost civilised side of Chaos – the esoteric cults and shadowy gatherings of nobles within cities all across the realms, as opposed to the unwashed, screaming barbarian masses outside them.

So if you're looking for slaanesh mortal's to use/convert I think these guys will be it. I do agree with you they look far more Slaanesh than Unmade. Also all the warbands are unaligned technically, thing is though Slaanesh has no mortal units.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 01:25:34

Post by: Sasori

Probably my least favorite, but the other Warbands have looked so good.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 01:28:04

Post by: nels1031

Least fav warband, think without the helmets they’d look better.

With that said, they are growing on me as I picture heads from a few other kits in place of their helms...

Yeah, Idoneth Akhelian Ishlaen Guard heads on these guys might do the trick.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 01:38:26

Post by: GaroRobe

Worth adding the pic, since it shows off one or two unpreviewed models.

I dunno. The bodies look a bit thick, like Silver Tower Alcoytes. They seem a bit too similar to Deepkin, which I guess works, since Teclis created the ID. Still better than the snake cultist, imo, and I'd probably pick them up as either human followers of the deepkin, or even Seraphon. (possibly tomb king too, with the similar head dresses.) Honestly, my biggest complaint are the massive ponytails, and even then, it's not like it'll be difficult to cut off.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 01:38:45

Post by: plastictrees

The pseudo Egyptian elements have been part of Light magic since the first college of magic specific wizards, it's not super weird that they carried that in to the denizens of the realm of light.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 01:50:29

Post by: Thargrim

I kinda like them, they're pretty different from the other ones. I definitely get a thousand sons vibe from them a little bit.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 02:02:29

Post by: mortar_crew

At last a warband on which Slaanesh may smile upon...
I kind like the helmet, but the crest will have to go.
Or may-be another set of heads altogether.
But these bodies are serviceable.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 02:12:05

Post by: Ghaz

mortar_crew wrote:
At last a warband on which Slaanesh may smile upon...

They look more Tzeentch-like to me, being stylistically similar to the Kairic Acolytes and headdresses that any Thousand Sons marine would be proud to wear,

From the Age of Sigmar Facebook page:

Warhammer Age of Sigmar wrote: If you're wanting to play one of the nine non-Chaos warbands, you'll be able to do so using existing models. We'll be taking a closer look at exactly which ones in the near future.

I'm really looking forward to which of my Squigs I'll be able to use in Warcry!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 02:21:25

Post by: Sacredroach

Yep, these will get me into this game. I like the aesthetic of the Cypher Lords, but I may have to trim those helmets. Too grandiose for the common soldiers, but good for the upper eschalon.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 02:23:34

Post by: mortar_crew

 Ghaz wrote:
mortar_crew wrote:
At last a warband on which Slaanesh may smile upon...

They look more Tzeentch-like to me, being stylistically similar to the Kairic Acolytes and headdresses that any Thousand Sons marine would be proud to wear,

From the Age of Sigmar Facebook page:

Warhammer Age of Sigmar wrote: If you're wanting to play one of the nine non-Chaos warbands, you'll be able to do so using existing models. We'll be taking a closer look at exactly which ones in the near future.

I'm really looking forward to which of my Squigs I'll be able to use in Warcry!

I agree on the headgear, more Tzeenchian than anything in style.
So it will have to go if I ever buy them.
I feel they may be expensive for conversion fodder.

These are still more Slaaneshy than any other warband
in my book.
At first the I liked snakes, untill I looked at the priest dude...

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 02:24:53

Post by: Necros

After the coolness of the last warband, these guys look dumb. It's all cuz of the helmets. If there was a hatless version, they'd look much better

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 02:24:59

Post by: Chopstick

Nice, Japanese/middle-eastern and look much cleaner than other bands. Some of the single edge blade look beautiful.

If Iron Golem didn't have option for everyone to have a hammer, this might be my favorite band.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 02:48:14

Post by: Ghaz

mortar_crew wrote:
 Ghaz wrote:
mortar_crew wrote:
At last a warband on which Slaanesh may smile upon...

They look more Tzeentch-like to me, being stylistically similar to the Kairic Acolytes and headdresses that any Thousand Sons marine would be proud to wear,

From the Age of Sigmar Facebook page:

Warhammer Age of Sigmar wrote: If you're wanting to play one of the nine non-Chaos warbands, you'll be able to do so using existing models. We'll be taking a closer look at exactly which ones in the near future.

I'm really looking forward to which of my Squigs I'll be able to use in Warcry!

I agree on the headgear, more Tzeenchian than anything in style.
So it will have to go if I ever buy them.
I feel they may be expensive for conversion fodder.

These are still more Slaaneshy than any other warband
in my book.
At first the I liked snakes, untill I looked at the priest dude...

The helms on the Splintered Fang match the one worn by the old Lord of Slaanesh, not to mention the fact that he's riding a giant snake-thing.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 03:00:23

Post by: Voss

 Thargrim wrote:
I kinda like them, they're pretty different from the other ones. I definitely get a thousand sons vibe from them a little bit.

Well, both are using pseudo-Egyptian elements. Though the crests help too.

Honestly I kind of like these (probably the one of more interesting, alongside the serpent fangs), but they really look like some bad Wuxia films had some babies with the horrible Scorpion king film (and the terrible 'historic' flashback elements of the Mummy 1 and 2)

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 03:09:52

Post by: mortar_crew

 Ghaz wrote:
mortar_crew wrote:
 Ghaz wrote:
mortar_crew wrote:
At last a warband on which Slaanesh may smile upon...

They look more Tzeentch-like to me, being stylistically similar to the Kairic Acolytes and headdresses that any Thousand Sons marine would be proud to wear,

From the Age of Sigmar Facebook page:

Warhammer Age of Sigmar wrote: If you're wanting to play one of the nine non-Chaos warbands, you'll be able to do so using existing models. We'll be taking a closer look at exactly which ones in the near future.

I'm really looking forward to which of my Squigs I'll be able to use in Warcry!

I agree on the headgear, more Tzeenchian than anything in style.
So it will have to go if I ever buy them.
I feel they may be expensive for conversion fodder.

These are still more Slaaneshy than any other warband
in my book.
At first the I liked snakes, untill I looked at the priest dude...

The helms on the Splintered Fang match the one worn by the old Lord of Slaanesh, not to mention the fact that he's riding a giant snake-thing.

I do agree, Greek style helmet and I like the scale armor also.
They were my first choice.
A basic infantry unit for Slaanesh mortals on this basis
(but with boots/shoes/armored legs/anything but bare foots> Slaanesh is looking!)
would have my vote, with "elite" having more elements from the Helltrider armor.

Well one could still hope for proper Slaanesh mortals one day...

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 03:29:13

Post by: ecurtz

Helmets are too over the top for my taste, but maybe they'll come with alternate heads?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 03:33:04

Post by: Dread Master

One can only hope. Those headdresses alone are ott, but the plumes, ughhhhh.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 04:27:09

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Love 'em. Absolutely love 'em. Make an excellent Magister of Q'Sal and his/her bodyguard.

Easily my second fav warband after the diving helmet folks.

 Necros wrote:
If there was a hatless version, they'd look much better
If they didn't have helmets, then they'd just be buff people wearing straps and leather. The helmets give them character, give them a theme.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 04:45:00

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

I predict those helmets and plumes ending up on all sorts of other models. Those have a lot of cool conversion potential. It'll be interesting to see if the boxes end up having alternate color schemes. I feel these guys could be taken to some interesting places if you get creative with the colors.

I'm liking the straight- up Kung Fu poses too.

I may end up using these as stand in Torakage for Malifaux.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 05:16:28

Post by: Marshal Loss

Not really a a huge fan at all. Still, it's great to see the full lineup now. Look forward to seeing the preorder preview tomorrow.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 06:08:11

Post by: Gallahad

Urgh. I dig the helmet on the leader, but on people who have to move and fight the helmets just look silly. Between these guys and the Khorne Bloodwarriors it would look like a Rio De Janeiro carnival parade.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 06:10:00

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

All of these appear to possess actual footwear. What madness is this?

Headgear is a bit over the top, but some other type of mask could look nice.. Harlequins/Daughters of Khaine/Executioners/Kairic Acolytes/..?

I like how different they've made all these bands. For something called "Chaos", most mortal followers have long looked much too uniform.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 06:24:14

Post by: Flashman

I approve... bird people remain my favourite though.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 07:05:02

Post by: GoatboyBeta

Less savage tribe and more "civilised" cult makes for an interesting change. Visually I'm getting something of a Graeco-Roman and Aztec vibe from them.

I wonder if this Nochseed is an Order or Chaos city?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 07:21:58

Post by: Knight

The headgear is a bit overdesigned even for GW. I'll likely get them, they have the archetypes I enjoy although the execution leaves something to be desired.

Corvus Cabal looks to be the best of the shown.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 07:27:41

Post by: Thargrim

Voss wrote:
 Thargrim wrote:
I kinda like them, they're pretty different from the other ones. I definitely get a thousand sons vibe from them a little bit.

Well, both are using pseudo-Egyptian elements. Though the crests help too.

Honestly I kind of like these (probably the one of more interesting, alongside the serpent fangs), but they really look like some bad Wuxia films had some babies with the horrible Scorpion king film (and the terrible 'historic' flashback elements of the Mummy 1 and 2)

Yeah to me they almost seem like natives of Prospero, if that was a true high fantasy setting. They are a bit over the top though, along with most of the AoS line. Part of me prefers the days when GW put out stuff like empire halberdiers, stuff a bit more reserved and grounded. I just have no suspension of disbelief in the AoS universe.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 07:35:42

Post by: Sotahullu

Kinda like them as they are different compared to others and pretty sure all of those are actually elfs/aelfs.

Beneath all of those stupidly large helmets...

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 07:35:48

Post by: Samko

Not my favorite but still nice.
I really like the pose with the blade resting on the arm, I might try to get that arm for my esher.

My prefered bands are the unmade and the corvus cabal.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 08:14:46

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Love the exotic look to them, but not 100% convinced.

Helmets look a bit on the chunky side, but open to them looking better in person.

If I had to choose now? Toss up between the Unmade and Corvus Cabal. All the war bands look interesting, but those two really hold my interest.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 08:24:03

Post by: Binabik15

Ehhh. The poses are very nice, but overall, that's IT? No monster? No crazy specialist? At least the smoke effect could turn into a demonic fiend or something, like the smoke skull from the battle mage kit. That way they could still walk around most cities without notice, but have something interesting during combat :/ (not that most of the other crews would be all that suspicious in big towns or cities if they can stop talking about their gods, like, an Unmade is provably not that far of from a regular crazed traveler from Shysh)

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 08:46:23

Post by: ImAGeek

I think the Cypher Lords may well be my favourite of the 6.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 08:51:08

Post by: lord_blackfang

I think all the warbands are great GW sculpts, but the Corvus Cabal is a tier beyond and makes the others look lacking in comparison.

Thelast warband is pretty cool but it is held back by the lack of a crazy centrepiece model like the Corvus or Unmade leaders, the Ogre in Iron Golems or warbeast in the... warbeasty one.

If I had to sort them on looks alone:

S tier: Corvus Cabal
A tier: Untamed Beasts, Cypher Lords, Splintered Fang, The Unmade
B tier: Iron Golems
C tier: nothing!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 09:09:00

Post by: Cronch

I like them quite a lot. Probably best of the mixed bag of warbands we've seen so far.

Then again, lack of uniformity is what always stopped me from collecting Chaos, so I may not be the target audience!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 09:38:51

Post by: Darnok

I like them. Not as much as some of the others, but still good stuff.

If I had to rank them, my preferences would be:

1. Untamed Beast
2. Corvus Cabal
3. Iron Golems
4. Cypher Lords
5. The Unmade
6. Splintered Fang

What I really appreciate is the variety of preferences I have seen in others. Rarely do I read two identical listings, which to me means that GW has done a great job in catering to different tastes.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 09:39:31

Post by: Geifer

I can fund a use for these. Well, for anything below the chin anyway.

I appreciate having the assembled warband pictures side by side, all with the same background. Looks good and ties them all together in spite of all the various styles.

Looking forward to any information on the Chaos warbands now, too.

GoatboyBeta wrote:
Less savage tribe and more "civilised" cult makes for an interesting change. Visually I'm getting something of a Graeco-Roman and Aztec vibe from them.

I wonder if this Nochseed is an Order or Chaos city?

I think it's safe to say it's an Order city. Kind of pointless having Chaos cultists blend into society in a Chaos city.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 09:46:41

Post by: Sabotage!

These guys are definitely my least favorite of the six, though I think they would look markedly better if you cut their plumes off (maybe keep them on the faster?)

I will say I really love how different all the warbands look and how everybody seems to have different favorite and least favorite warbands. It shows GW did a very good job making distinctive and interesting warbands.

My personal favorite are still the Iron Golems, but I will also be picking up the Unmade and Splintered Fang on release (and the Untamed Beast because they come in the starter).

I'm sure I'll end up with Corvus Cabal sooner or later too.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 09:57:39

Post by: jullevi

I am not too fond of Cypher Lords but I intend to buy the whole range nevertheless. As a completely new project, Warcry could be perfect time to give Contrast paints a go. I have already started gathering basing materials and testing colour schemes on terrain pieces.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 10:18:55

Post by: DaveC

Not sure if I'll get the Cypher Lords yet it depends whether they have rules, tokens etc. in the warband boxes. I've been looking for an excuse to paint some Kairic Acolytes and I think they would be a good counts as. I already have some spare Bestigors and Gors that will be done up as an Untamed Beasts Warband.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 10:45:43

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

Some quick photoshoppy things for altered Cypher minis:

No plume:

No "any of that excessive headgear":

Kairic Acolyte (no idea how they will actually scale):

And finally, while I was planning to try some Daughters of Khaine mask, I figured a normal head with some sort of veil might fit the aesthetics too. Which I'd say it does:

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 10:50:47

Post by: Irbis

Man, I like these. Are they 'mad' because they are one of the few warhammer factions sane enough to wear helmets?

I think next to raven boys, it's the best band, and pretty good for Thousand Son cultists, both much better looking than the existing tzeenthy bois. Finally someone remembered chaos doesn't need to consist only of rabid cavemen swinging sticks and bones around and can be much more dangerous in a 'civilized' way...

 Thargrim wrote:
I kinda like them, they're pretty different from the other ones. I definitely get a thousand sons vibe from them a little bit.

If they are as tall as other human models are recently, the double swords guy would make perfect Thousand Son Khenetai blademaster from 30K, especially if you wanted to make a diorama with them sparring in their time off as other marines are watching.

 Kanluwen wrote:
I would be surprised if it is Hysh...

So, you were saying?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 11:02:27

Post by: Overread

One thing to consider is that most of these warbands appear to have visual styles and fluff that allows them to "flit" between chaos gods. This is likely intentional and plays on the lore established that there are mortal followers who the chaos gods (or more likely their greater demon agents) fight over for the worship of.

So if a group looks Slanneshy, but also Tzeentchy then it could be that both those dark gods have influenced that people at different times. With the peoples swapping over as their patron gods wax and wane in their support.

Chaos followers are not slaves to dead gods, they require their gods to bless them with gifts as much as they bless the gods with their patronage.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 11:11:54

Post by: SnotlingPimpWagon

First few seconds I liked them. Then.. we’ll the muscles are just horrendously sculpted. Second only to fyreslayers, I think.
The previously revealed slaaneshy warband is just much prettier.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 11:21:49

Post by: Not-not-kenny

First warband to not really do it for me, which is actually a relief 'cause it was getting a bit silly. Now a rules preview or two wouldn't go amiss.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 12:07:46

Post by: Souleater

Initially I was disappointed with these latest chaps. However, after a second look I am coming around to them.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 12:47:40

Post by: Mr Morden

Personally am pleased that we have had such variety -some I like and some I don't but at least we have some choice in appearance, gender and even race.

When I look back at the earlier AOS ranges its a very good thing.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 13:14:03

Post by: stonehorse

I may be in the minority here, but I think they are the best looking warband of the 6 shown. They offer something new and different to the usual chaos image of savagery, skulls, spikes, and leering faces. These look very much like the idea of a cult, something which can blend into their society and corrupt from within. That is a theme that has sadly been missing from the chaos range for quite some time.

After the disappointment that was the unmade, these are welcome. Now we just need to hear how the game actually plays.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 13:33:55

Post by: Carlovonsexron

is preorder confirmed for the 20th?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 13:49:43

Post by: DaveC

Starter set posted by Ben Johnson - it's on display at ATC

Looks like the warband boxes have their own cards

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 14:07:07

Post by: Chopstick

if only he had a sprue pic

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 14:10:36

Post by: Adam Spielmann

Personally I really like most of those bands. Not a huge fan of the Serpent ones, and the Corvus Cabal is a bit of a miss for me. Top ones in my opinions are the Iron Golems and the Unmade. Still, all of them look good.

The set seems awesome, and really modular. Seems like a great box.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 14:21:14

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Ok, so the vulture thinges and the Harpies appear to be in the main box. I'm guessing their random monsters/NPCs.

Terrain sure is interesting.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 14:36:58

Post by: Voss

 lord_blackfang wrote:
I think all the warbands are great GW sculpts, but the Corvus Cabal is a tier beyond and makes the others look lacking in comparison.

Thelast warband is pretty cool but it is held back by the lack of a crazy centrepiece model like the Corvus or Unmade leaders, the Ogre in Iron Golems or warbeast in the... warbeasty one.

If I had to sort them on looks alone:

S tier: Corvus Cabal
A tier: Untamed Beasts, Cypher Lords, Splintered Fang, The Unmade
B tier: Iron Golems
C tier: nothing!

Interesting, I tend to put them this way
Fang, Lords
Golems, Beasts
Corvus, Unmade

A few of the sculpts in the last two aren't terrible, but the 'centerpiece models' are exactly what drag them down for me. Entirely too silly and impractical. Some of the other Corvus models aren't great either.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 14:47:42

Post by: timetowaste85

Fangs, Corvus and Unmade at the top for me
Lords and Untamed in the middle
Golems dead last. Just...uninspired compared to the rest.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 14:50:03

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Iron Golems strike me as the most ‘vanilla’, in terms of established Chaos aesthetics.

But I really do quite like them. They look properly brutal, even if some of the poses aren’t quite to taste.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 14:57:49

Post by: Duskweaver

I'm pretty sure I'll be picking up at least one set of all six warbands, plus extra copies of those most suitable for conversion fodder. I don't dislike a single one of them.

If forced to prioritise, I think my preference ranking is probably:

The Unmade
Cypher Lords, Corvus Cabal
Iron Golems, Splintered Fang
Untamed Beasts

I'm not sold on the faux-stone-age weapons of the Beasts in a setting that has gunpowder and steampunk airships. But I certainly don't dislike them, and they'll be useful models for 13th Age even if they don't quite seem to fit AoS.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 15:05:21

Post by: Da Boss

Nothing beats the crow warband. Be interested to see what the game is like.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 15:07:47

Post by: amazingturtles

I like these guys but yes, the crow guys are the best.

I will like the unmade when i can read their background fluff without giggling.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 15:13:02

Post by: Carlovonsexron

Top Tier: splintered fangs, cypher lords
Mid Tier: corvus cabal, untamed beasts (with weapon swaps)
Low Tier: Iron Golems
Uninterested: The Unmade

that said, all of them are great conversion fodder, and I can see myself getting them all just to convert with.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 15:30:08

Post by: Not-not-kenny

Chipping in with my own ranking system:

Hot Fuzz: Corvus Cabal and the Unmade

Shaun of the Dead: Splintered Fang, Iron Golems and Untamed Beasts

World's End: Cypher Lords

(This is a system based on the cornetto trilogy films, meaning internally some are better and more imaginative than the others but in the grand scheme of things they are all masterpieces in a league of their own)

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 16:50:35

Post by: Sacredroach

That video is better than the “50 Shades” one!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 17:04:42

Post by: DaveC


Preorder July 20th release 3rd August

First Wave

Starter Set (includes core rulebook)
Core Rulebook (separate)
Cypher Lords Warband - only other warband at release
Ravaged Lands Terrain set
Warband Cards for 9 non-Chaos Warbands
Battleplan Cards
Warcry Ruler
Carry Case

Mark your calendars – you’ll be able to pre-order everything next Saturday – that’s the 20th of July. The game will be available to pre-order for two weeks, before hitting shelves on the 3rd of August. To tide you over, we’ll have LOADS of Warcry Content right here, with in-depth looks at the warbands, tactics and more – check back tomorrow when we’ll be unboxing the Starter Set in detail.


This massive boxed set (seriously, it’s huge) gives you everything you need to start fighting in the Ravaged Lands. Two warbands – the Untamed Beasts and the Iron Golem – let you battle with a friend out of the box. A selection of Chaos Beasts add extra challenges to your games, and can even be added to your warband in longer campaigns. Meanwhile, a brand-new set of scenery and a folding gaming board brings the desecrated ruins of the Bloodwind Spoil to life, designed to provide a tactically varied and thematically rich backdrop to your skirmishes.

The Core Book is included in the Starter Set, as well as being available separately at launch – perfect if you’re splitting the set with a friend and don’t want to have to share a rulebook with your new arch-nemesis!

Ravaged Lands

The Eightpoints – the heart of Archaon’s dominion and the foremost stronghold of Chaos – is a vast place with its own nations, cultures and climates. Home to choking jungles, ice-capped mountains, sprawling cities and more, this tainted landscape will form a varied background to your games both in the lore and on the tabletop, thanks to the first of the Ravaged Lands sets

The Warbands

From day one, you’ll be able to expand Warcry with another warband outside of the Starter Set – the mad duellists of the Cypher Lords.This warband set contains models plus rules for using them in your games in the form of sets of cards. An abilities card allows you to master the underhanded tactics, dazzling ploys and special moves available to the Cypher Lords. Meanwhile, a set of fighter cards make checking the characteristics for your warriors simple. These are just one of a host of new warbands on the way – some of which we’ve already seen…

Warband Cards
If you’re looking to add an army from Order, Death or Destruction your games of Warcry, you’ll need some Warband Cards. At launch, you’ll be able to get these for the following factions:

Each set contains an abilities card, plus fighter cards for every model you can use in these warbands. The scale of Warcry means that a single box of miniatures will usually give you enough fighters for a full 1000-point Warband roster, with some leftover for reserves. If you’re looking to play Warcry with forces from one of the other Grand Alliances, these are a must-have.

Battleplan Cards
Generating a battleplan in Warcry is as simple as drawing four cards! In the Battleplan Cards set, you’ll find countless combinations of deployment set-ups, challenging victory conditions and game-changing twists. Combined with the terrain cards found in Ravaged Lands sets, the possibilities are nearly endless. Seriously, there are literally millions of possible combinations!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 17:24:15

Post by: ecurtz

Odd that they're repackaging the mausoleum rather than any of the matching Azyrite terrain as the first "Warcry Zone."

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 17:38:40

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

It’s the most neutral of the terrain, to be fair.

Really hope they release the boxed set terrain separately. That’s really caught my interest.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 17:44:43

Post by: auticus

Sadly the trickle down release of factions excludes me from playing this for the forseeable future. I don't have any of the existing AOS factions it supports, and while there are a couple of factions that they showed that look cool, having to wait months to be able to play puts an end to any enthusiasm I might have had.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 17:49:14

Post by: porkuslime

So.. How MUCH for that Starter Set? The terrain.. oh my gawd the terrain!

Oh yeah.. how does the game play? How do you PLAY the game?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 17:50:13

Post by: DaveC

Well week 1 is going to be cheaper than I thought (in so far as not everything is released week 1). Hopefully the other warbands will follow quickly.

My main worry would be how much will they charge for the non-chaos warband card pack and with a lot of the parts also available separately that it doesn't end up like the Killteam starter of worse the Shadow War Armageddon set.

Pure guess at price but starter set around £105? Warbands at £30? The Ravaged Lands is easier to compare to a Killteam Killzone at £50 and the rule book at £25.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 17:54:47

Post by: Voss

 auticus wrote:
Sadly the trickle down release of factions excludes me from playing this for the forseeable future. I don't have any of the existing AOS factions it supports, and while there are a couple of factions that they showed that look cool, having to wait months to be able to play puts an end to any enthusiasm I might have had.

What? 3 of 6 new factions will be available on day one. _Nine_ more from existing armies will also be available on day 1. That isn't even vaguely a 'trickle down' release- it kicks off with 12 of 15 factions ready to go!

ecurtz wrote:
Odd that they're repackaging the mausoleum rather than any of the matching Azyrite terrain as the first "Warcry Zone."

Yeah, thought that was a weird choice myself. I could see the Azyrite terrain being off theme, but so is the graveyard of Morr. Much more so given the style of the starter box scenery

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 17:54:51

Post by: ImAGeek

 DaveC wrote:
Well week 1 is going to be cheaper than I thought (in so far as not everything is released week 1). Hopefully the other warbands will follow quickly.

My main worry would be how much will they charge for the non-chaos warband card pack and with a lot of the parts also available separately that it doesn't end up like the Killteam starter of worse the Shadow War Armageddon set.

Pure guess at price but starter set around £105? Warbands at £30? The Ravaged Lands is easier to compare to a Killteam Killzone at £50.

£105 sounds plausible. I could maybe see £95 (same price as the AoS and 40k starters) but seeing as we’ve recently had some price rises and there’s a lot of plastic in there, I could definitely see it being more than those starters.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 17:55:15

Post by: Overread

That is one epic starter box! Though it kind of makes me worried at the price point it might have, but then again the Killteam sets had very extreme discounts on their terrain as well. I can foresee that set going out of stock VERY fast upon launch. I'd sell your spare organs/first born/car/significant other/whatever this week to get the funds together because I think pre-ordering is going to be a must for that set.

Also looking at the play board and the number of models and then realising that that is all the models which come in the box its going to be one chock full of fun table!

I'd figure the box will be a bit like the Adepticus Titanicus box - really popular and sells out but then most of the content comes split up later.

A bit of a surprise that they are launching with the core and one expansion army, one would have thought they'd have launched with all or more of the starter armies (at least all not in the boxed set) just because of the previews they've been doing over the last few weeks. That said I get the feeling it won't be a huge wait until we see more.

The video also talks about the campaign system and its a neat idea to make it a system which allows the player to complete a campaign/adventure on their own whilst playing random matches. I think that's seriously going to improve the pickup rate of the game and the idea of expanding battles an telling your own story with your warbands. One of the biggest issues something like Necromunda has is that you've got to have a fixed (or at least semi fixed )organised team and someone has to "DM" the game. Now don't get me wrong it works well, but at the same time it can mess up if you miss a few weeks etc... So a singleplayer campaign that ties into random matches is going to be very neat to have a look at.

I'm guessing at least £100 for the box and that's being really generous - I'm say £120 all the way to £150 is possible for that set.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 18:00:36

Post by: lord_blackfang

I really dig this release.

Kill Team was £80, right? And this has a lot more plastic AND it's all brand new sculpts. £100ish sounds likely and reasonable.

I hope the other 3 warbands follow in just a week or two, but with 12 factions supported on launch day, there should be something for almost everyone in any case.

Mausoleum as the first Kill Zone also looks like a good sign to me - hoping they'll bring back some of the older fantasy pieces like the Witchfate Tor and Dreadstone Blight.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 18:01:44

Post by: Sotahullu

Well that looks like a amazing starter set that screams "I am expensive so buy me with a friend!"

Although interesting thing is that there is going option on taking other warbands from AoS (although I am shocked that there is no Fyreslayers!)

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 18:01:52

Post by: DaveC

I checked back and Killteam was £80 with a lot of terrain as well. With recent price rises I could see it being up to £125, but £105 is what Shadowspear cost and were I'm guessing at.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 18:09:11

Post by: ecurtz

I don't think it's actually more plastic than the Kill Team starter - that Sector Imperialis stuff is much taller than the Azyrite stuff, but I'm sure that won't stop them from increasing the price.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 18:18:13

Post by: Sqorgar

100% in. My one question is whether the battle plan card pack is the same as what’s in starter. Apparently, the kill zones include battle plan cards too - expandable open war cards is my jam.

I may try to get two starters. I wished I got two Kill Team starters, but it sold out so quickly. I’d hate to take a box from someone else too. I expect it to be about $160, but I could see it being $180.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 18:24:04

Post by: Egyptian Space Zombie

I'm guessing this will be like Killteam, where the starter sets don't get reprinted. Hopefully, I can convince a friend to get this with me.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 18:31:30

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

I am 100% scooping it all up. This is the kind of game I've been waiting for.

Been saving up for this release. The fact that I can cobble together a lot of the other factions out of models I already own is a plus.

They mentioned that a warband is going to consist of 1000 points. Seems like we'll get to have some really crunchy warband creation hopefully.

Makes me wonder how many points an average Underworlds warband will clock in at. I'm sure if it's close that'll help move even more inventory.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 18:43:26

Post by: GoatboyBeta

Oh my bank balance is not going to like this

One thing that did stand out for me in the article was this line
these are just one of a host of new warbands on the way – some of which we’ve already seen…

Maybe there will be more to see at the AoS open day?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 18:44:42

Post by: Theophony

 highlord tamburlaine wrote:
I am 100% scooping it all up. This is the kind of game I've been waiting for.

Been saving up for this release. The fact that I can cobble together a lot of the other factions out of models I already own is a plus.

They mentioned that a warband is going to consist of 1000 points. Seems like we'll get to have some really crunchy warband creation hopefully.

Makes me wonder how many points an average Underworlds warband will clock in at. I'm sure if it's close that'll help move even more inventory.

Agreed, if I can use my Underworlds gangs for this, even with just adding a couple more models, I’m sold.......

Dependent on gameplay.

Starting to worry me that we don’t have more info on that.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 19:25:47

Post by: Danny76

I mean we always knew we’d have 11 factions minimum on release, the starter and the nine, as they said playable from release.

What is most interesting.
3 bands on release.

3 more we know of from the ‘some of which you’ve seen’
This promises at least one more brand new warband factually, likely 2-4 more I’d say..
Obviously when they’d be is another question..

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 19:27:38

Post by: Overread

That is unless some of the "not yet seen" warbands are just new card sets to bring other existing armies into the game.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 19:30:03

Post by: Danny76

I thought that. But I’d argue they are ‘seen’ in the form of being existing stuff.

Also, looks like many new scenery box things like Killzones for KT.
So definitely long haul support.
So I’d say we would get more anyway based on that even without the comment..

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 19:46:15

Post by: ImAGeek

 Theophony wrote:
 highlord tamburlaine wrote:
I am 100% scooping it all up. This is the kind of game I've been waiting for.

Been saving up for this release. The fact that I can cobble together a lot of the other factions out of models I already own is a plus.

They mentioned that a warband is going to consist of 1000 points. Seems like we'll get to have some really crunchy warband creation hopefully.

Makes me wonder how many points an average Underworlds warband will clock in at. I'm sure if it's close that'll help move even more inventory.

Agreed, if I can use my Underworlds gangs for this, even with just adding a couple more models, I’m sold.......

Dependent on gameplay.

Starting to worry me that we don’t have more info on that.

There’s still 3 weeks until it’s out. Plenty of time for more info on the rules.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 19:49:48

Post by: lord_blackfang

Currently contemplating that each faction is defined by a single ability card, and squinting at the picture of a stat card looks like they're very icon driven.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 20:07:59

Post by: Davor

I am late coming here. Haven't kept up to date. Just saw this Warcry. Do we know how it plays yet? If so, what page number should I be looking at. If not, they will be mentioning it soon?

So if we don't know how it plays yet, what do we think it is? Small skirmish game? Something like 40K Kill Teams, or something totally different?

Trying to fight my depression, at a loss what to do with my unpainted stuff, so wondering just if I should start something new here that would be easy for my family to play without much complexity.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 20:36:45

Post by: Valander

Davor wrote:
I am late coming here. Haven't kept up to date. Just saw this Warcry. Do we know how it plays yet? If so, what page number should I be looking at. If not, they will be mentioning it soon?

So if we don't know how it plays yet, what do we think it is? Small skirmish game? Something like 40K Kill Teams, or something totally different?

Trying to fight my depression, at a loss what to do with my unpainted stuff, so wondering just if I should start something new here that would be easy for my family to play without much complexity.
The little video with the folks from the studio (https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/07/14/coming-soon-warcry/) mentioned it's akin to Kill Team. So skirmish with campaign rules.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 20:51:06

Post by: Sasori

Wait, so are there only 3 of the chaos Warbands available at release?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 21:01:33

Post by: Obispudkenobi

 Sasori wrote:
Wait, so are there only 3 of the chaos Warbands available at release?

Yes , the others will follow soon enough

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 21:43:02

Post by: Davor

 Valander wrote:
Davor wrote:
I am late coming here. Haven't kept up to date. Just saw this Warcry. Do we know how it plays yet? If so, what page number should I be looking at. If not, they will be mentioning it soon?

So if we don't know how it plays yet, what do we think it is? Small skirmish game? Something like 40K Kill Teams, or something totally different?

Trying to fight my depression, at a loss what to do with my unpainted stuff, so wondering just if I should start something new here that would be easy for my family to play without much complexity.
The little video with the folks from the studio (https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/07/14/coming-soon-warcry/) mentioned it's akin to Kill Team. So skirmish with campaign rules.

Thank you very much.

HEY! Is that OUR Sam?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 21:48:28

Post by: stonehorse

Still no insight in to how it plays other than being to AoS what KT is to 40k. A skirmish game, which we already knew. Nice to see Chaos being fleshed out beyond the usual skulls, spikes, evil for the sake of evil.

Hopefully some game play footage will drop soon.

As is I think I'll stick with WU as my go to skirmish fantasy game, that is unless WC offers a wonderful set of rules... might still buy a warband just to paint however.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 21:51:06

Post by: Davor

What is WU again?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 21:54:50

Post by: Irbis

I find it kind of amusing (and ironic) that warband shown only today is in fact the only starter one. Showing off stuff (people won't be able to buy anytime soon) for weeks or even months building hype for it was a genius tactical maneuver, eh?

Now I wonder why Skaven aren't there, they have better reason for it than half of 'extra' bands. Hopefully they are one of the 'next' bands mentioned in passing...

 porkuslime wrote:
Oh yeah.. how does the game play? How do you PLAY the game?

Pfft, who cares about such details, just buy models. Signed - GW execs

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 22:05:42

Post by: Ghaz

 Irbis wrote:
I find it kind of amusing (and ironic) that warband shown only today is in fact the only starter one.

You mean other than the Untamed Beasts and Iron Golems which are the first two warbands we saw and are in the starter set?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 22:08:03

Post by: callidusx3

Looks to me, Irbis, like GW thought, "well, since we are bringing in 6 chaos warbands, it would be best to have the other Grand Alliances represented at the start." I'm sure we'll see others down the road.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 23:14:07

Post by: stonehorse

Davor wrote:
What is WU again?

Warhammer Underworlds.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/14 23:49:09

Post by: Overread

callidusx3 wrote:
Looks to me, Irbis, like GW thought, "well, since we are bringing in 6 chaos warbands, it would be best to have the other Grand Alliances represented at the start." I'm sure we'll see others down the road.

We don't really know what's GW's plan is. We know that right now they view it like Killteam. Now a cornerstone of killteam wasn't in providing lots of alternate sculpts for 40K armies, but instead providing a small game format that coaxed players in with a single box of troops from an army; then using that as a gateway into 500point and beyond games. Now GW has just thrown revised 1K rules at us and now a Killteam inspired game.

I'd not bet on seeing warbands for "every army" and would instead think most will use what they've got already and bring them into Killteam. The current Chaos Warbands are a curious addition, perhaps added to mask over the fact that not all armies in AoS have Battletomes at present. Indeed its VERY interesting to see that several of the starting warbands are in fact from armies without 2.0 Battletomes. I would take that as a big hint that we will see 1 or 2 Orruk Battletomes released in the very near future.

Now as for the current Chaos Warbands we might well see them slip into Slaves to Darkness. I'd not expect GW to make 6 full Chaos mortal armies from them, nice idea but its far too much faction bloat. I'd wager we see them added to Slaves to Darkness or GW creates two Chaos Mortals Battletomes. One focused on the more Chaos Warrior types - those fully devoted to the Dark Gods; and a "Dark Oath" style which is more akin to the warbands in being mortals who are tempted by the Chaos Gods.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/15 01:47:14

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Can we talk about this for a moment:

These aren't blind buy/booster pack things, are they? They sure look like them.

ecurtz wrote:
Odd that they're repackaging the mausoleum rather than any of the matching Azyrite terrain as the first "Warcry Zone."
Probably because it's quite similar to this new terrain. That'd be my guess.

 Sasori wrote:
Wait, so are there only 3 of the chaos Warbands available at release?
They don't want to make Necromunda look foolish by releasing things too quickly.

 stonehorse wrote:
Still no insight in to how it plays other than being to AoS what KT is to 40k.
Well, how does AoS and 40K play nower days? Set To Hit and To Wound rolls, Rend/Damage results, oodles of aura abilities, and points to spend on stratagems that are on cards. GW's apples don't fall far from their trees.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/15 01:56:23

Post by: Ghaz

Warband Cards
If you’re looking to add an army from Order, Death or Destruction your games of Warcry, you’ll need some Warband Cards. At launch, you’ll be able to get these for the following factions:

Each set contains an abilities card, plus fighter cards for every model you can use in these warbands. The scale of Warcry means that a single box of miniatures will usually give you enough fighters for a full 1000-point Warband roster, with some leftover for reserves. If you’re looking to play Warcry with forces from one of the other Grand Alliances, these are a must-have.

Would you rather they use the Kill Team format and be forced to purchase the cards with miniatures you may already have? That is if they haven't already discontinued the box with the cards you needed for your warband.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/15 02:02:25

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Anyway, with my above question asked, my reactions:

Very cool.

That starter set is filled with all sorts of crazy stuff (so happy the Harpies/Vultures are in there, even if there are only 3 sculpts of each) and the terrain is perhaps a little bit bland, but fits the setting quite well.

It'll certainly work with the "overgrown ruins" part of the deathworld table I'm making. Just need more and more and more of these.

I like the inclusion of the other races from the get go, using existing miniatures (I could do Iron Jawz right away, and depending on what they can take, probably Savage Orcs, and a friend of mine could do Goblins immediately as well).

Are the rules on the cards in the core book however?

As for the release itself, odd that the Cypher group are the only one's coming out alongside the main release. I mean, fine by me, them and the Iron Golems are the ones I like the most, but I really do hope that GW doesn't do what Specialist did with Necromunda and wait a fething year to release the game's core warbands.

Unsurprising that we're getting new "Killzone"-esque releases. Fantasy doesn't have the depth of terrain however, so this might make GW release a bunch of new stuff, rather than repackaged old stuff.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/15 02:13:11

Post by: Voss

As for the release itself, odd that the Cypher group are the only one's coming out alongside the main release. I mean, fine by me, them and the Iron Golems are the ones I like the most, but I really do hope that GW doesn't do what Specialist did with Necromunda and wait a fething year to release the game's core warbands.

Well, given that its coming out alongside the box, I doubt they are going to follow the Necromunda model with the other three.

I could see some rational financial arguments as to why you don't want to one-shot a new game's releases. (Like not wanting everyone to skip on the box set and just buy the one warband they really want). It doesn't necessarily always work, but they at least hope people will dive in and buy more later. [Though on that score I suspect we will see Warcry: Heroes and Warcry: Elites before warbands after the first 6]

GW also seems to feel uncomfortable releasing too much at once. This just past release- the bloated 'something for everyone' release, only happened because of customs problems, not something they planned.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/15 03:14:49

Post by: Elbows

If it is indeed simply the AoS Killteam, I'll pass on the game - but I was expecting to do that anyway. Will snag some of the warbands as intended though - assuming prices don't go stupid (about 50/50 chance. If they're Underworlds style, I could see $35-40...or they'll go full slow $60 and I'll skip it).

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/15 03:39:36

Post by: Sqorgar

Looking at the character card in the preview, this doesn't look like it uses AoS' rules AT ALL. And it doesn't appear that the models are that customizable from the cards, which makes me wonder if these warbands are set (unlike Necromunda, which has many options for their models). So what's the expansion options here? Will Iron Golems get any more models, or is it like Underworlds where the teams are set.

Similarly, the inclusion of the beasts strikes me as kind of weird, since Kill Team doesn't have anything like that. They seem to show up in battles, separately from recruiting them to your warband, so are these neutral AI driven opponents? Does Warcry have a solo or cooperative option? Or are they neutral enemies that the warbands can activate? Will future beast sets be coming?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/15 03:55:43

Post by: Chopstick

Looking at those potato quality pic of the display cabinet that had sprues I don't think they got that many weapon options to choose.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/15 05:05:32

Post by: Elbows

Yeah, and that's unfortunately kind of the death knell of any "campaign" game supposedly based around warbands. Admittedly there are some positives (theoretically you could easier balance things that way). But from a modeling, storyline, etc....that's a terrible decision.

Unfortunately with the way GW writes games now I gave up on the idea of playing the actual game before they even showed it. I do really like some of the minis, but I just know it'll be a DLC/dripfeed/half game like a lot of the other stuff they've been doing. Trying to draw out purchases with mediocre content for 18 months or so. There is just zero impetus to buy into a game like that.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/15 06:41:31

Post by: Togusa

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
Can we talk about this for a moment:

These aren't blind buy/booster pack things, are they? They sure look like them.

ecurtz wrote:
Odd that they're repackaging the mausoleum rather than any of the matching Azyrite terrain as the first "Warcry Zone."
Probably because it's quite similar to this new terrain. That'd be my guess.

 Sasori wrote:
Wait, so are there only 3 of the chaos Warbands available at release?
They don't want to make Necromunda look foolish by releasing things too quickly.

 stonehorse wrote:
Still no insight in to how it plays other than being to AoS what KT is to 40k.
Well, how does AoS and 40K play nower days? Set To Hit and To Wound rolls, Rend/Damage results, oodles of aura abilities, and points to spend on stratagems that are on cards. GW's apples don't fall far from their trees.

That...that looks like trading cards to me. Hmmm, I'm not sure how I feel about this.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/15 07:11:16

Post by: Umbros

If only they'd explained what those cards were in the article:

Each set contains an abilities card, plus fighter cards for every model you can use in these warbands. The scale of Warcry means that a single box of miniatures will usually give you enough fighters for a full 1000-point Warband roster, with some leftover for reserves. If you’re looking to play Warcry with forces from one of the other Grand Alliances, these are a must-have.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/15 07:12:39

Post by: DaveC

I think it’s just the packaging they opted for the text says

Each set contains an abilities card, plus fighter cards for every model you can use in these warbands.

The every model part there suggests to me that it’s a full set for that warband and the abilities card probably covers the whole warband.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/15 07:15:45

Post by: stonehorse

 H.B.M.C. wrote:

 stonehorse wrote:
Still no insight in to how it plays other than being to AoS what KT is to 40k.
Well, how does AoS and 40K play nower days? Set To Hit and To Wound rolls, Rend/Damage results, oodles of aura abilities, and points to spend on stratagems that are on cards. GW's apples don't fall far from their trees.

True enough, I just wish GW would show off more of their creative ideas when it comes to game design. We have seen several smaller games produced that broke away from the tired dice mechanics, and those were and remain a joy to behold.

I wonder if the game is complete at sale, or is it going to be another excuse to sell additional rule books later on like with KT? I do think that GW are taking a lesson from the likes of the video game industry and selling half finished rules that later on have the rest of the rules sold across several products, 40K and KT seem to be following this pattern.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/15 07:30:11

Post by: frozenwastes

40k has more game content in the first core rulebook than the average gamer ever uses. Our group intentionally decided to play through all the scenarios in Open, Narrative and Matched play sections and it took us a long, long time. The first Chapter Approved was out and then we just kept on going playing everything through that. And Open War cards have produced so much good gaming for us that it's caused us some serious delays in getting through the matched play rules in the first rulebook. AoS is the same. The new GHB has so much useful game content that it's going to take a long time to get through everything. And so much of all this stuff has great replay value.

I think the average gamer only plays a subset of viable armies and then only a subset of viable units within those armies and then only plays a few scenarios (usually only from the matched play/pitched battle section) from a given book and then what? Complains you don't get a full game experience off the bat?


The vast majority of KT that happens around here is basically core rulebook stuff. This idea that GW is not giving a complete game without purchasing future products is just laughable. Kill Team Elites did indeed add a ton of stuff, but Kill Team is a complete game even without it.

Go ahead and make a list of 40k, AoS and KT scenarios and related rules and start checking off the ones you've actually tried and you'll see GW is packing their stuff full of useful game content that most people will never have enough time to get through.

Though the criticism would be fair of both Necromunda and Bloodbowl. The original Necromunda rules in pretty much every edition came with most of the gang rules. Same with Blood Bowl and the teams. Instead Forgeworld decided to spread them into multiple Gang War and Deathzone supplements. That sucked.

Warhammer Underworlds is another board game style expansion. Apparently if you want to play competitively you'll need to buy all the gangs, but locally people seem to really enjoy the game when they have maybe two or three warbands worth of cards to draw from. Like the starter and one or two other warbands. It's definitely an example of needing to get drips and drops of rules from multiple purchases though, so I guess it counts. I think Warcry is going to be more like AoS/40k/KT than Underworlds, Necromunda and Bloodbowl.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/15 07:34:31

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

any idea of price?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/15 07:42:50

Post by: Chopstick

Kill Team Elite is a product of people crying about "Muh Custode", "Muh Termie", even though they were never part of any Kill team editions.

Also "Where's my Space Marine chapter?"

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/15 07:42:59

Post by: Sabotage!

I can't imagine that we will have to wait that long for the other three warbands that aren't available at the release date. The models are already finished, the boxes are already finished (shown in the picture posted earlier in the thread from ATC). Necromunda we didn't see anything other than the first two gangs before release and we didn't see the Orlocks (the next gang released) previewed for a bit of time after that (I think in January?). I'm have a feeling that when Necromunda was released most of the gangs other than the Orlocks hadn't been finished (the concepts probably), which is why it took so long to release them. SG also has to fight for production space, while Warcry is a normal studio product. We also aren't being drip fed the core rules everything three months with this, the full core rules are included at release.

As far as the characters being customizable or not......I'm not really sure. The card shown in the start image could very well be for a "premade" character like they had in the Necromunda box.

One of the gents in the video does say something along the lines of "In the narrative campaign you gain experience, your warband grows in size and power and gets weaponry and artifacts...." (paraphrased badly), so I imagine there will be at least some sort of customization but how it's implemented who know.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/15 07:54:14

Post by: Sarouan

I suspect the cards are actually the warband lists. Instead of having it in a book, you'll have their profiles and costs on the cards...their cheap looking package is certainly to save costs (that, and certainly there aren't enough cards to justify a cardboard box).

That would explain why we have this in the book :

It looks like the entries for Kill Team lists, the part about the background and purposes with random name generator, but I found it weird it was only focusing on that without taking the opportunity to show the profiles/costs as well. If they put it all on the cards, that would explain it.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/15 08:00:12

Post by: Chopstick

 Sabotage! wrote:

One of the gents in the video does say something along the lines of "In the narrative campaign you gain experience, your warband grows in size and power and gets weaponry and artifacts...." (paraphrased badly), so I imagine there will be at least some sort of customization but how it's implemented who know.

Being familiar with how AoS/GW handle these rules, those are probably just extra rule and not modelling options. Imagine they made rule and kits so you had to switch to new models mid-campaign because he just gain new weapons, I'd love this but it's wishful thinking atm.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/15 08:03:31

Post by: Sabotage!

Chopstick wrote:
 Sabotage! wrote:

One of the gents in the video does say something along the lines of "In the narrative campaign you gain experience, your warband grows in size and power and gets weaponry and artifacts...." (paraphrased badly), so I imagine there will be at least some sort of customization but how it's implemented who know.

Being familiar with how AoS/GW handle these rules, those are probably just extra rule and not modelling options.

That is how it was handled in Kill Team, so it's a very plausible idea. Also there definitely isn't a slot on those cards for different weapons to be penciled in like in Necromunda.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/15 08:06:21

Post by: Sarouan

They're certainly just extra rules, true, but I expect they will be "encouraging" people to show the said artifact/relic on the miniature, just for the pleasure of it.

And it's better that way, IMHO. When you force players into something, it becomes something ugly.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/15 08:22:52

Post by: Sabotage!

 Sarouan wrote:
They're certainly just extra rules, true, but I expect they will be "encouraging" people to show the said artifact/relic on the miniature, just for the pleasure of it.

And it's better that way, IMHO. When you force players into something, it becomes something ugly.

I agree with that sentiment. I'm hoping the gameplay ends up being pretty good, because I'm loving everything I have seen and heard about this game so far.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/07/15 08:24:52

Post by: JSG

 stonehorse wrote:
video game industry... half finished rules.


How are the rules half finished and how is this different from rules in WD or Town Cryer twenty years ago?