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Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/04 15:11:51

Post by: bortass

NM. The missing Chaos PDF has been posted...

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/04 15:13:26

Post by: Ghaz

bortass wrote:

It looks like a PDF is missing. They have Chaos 1, 3, and 8 Points. Chaos 1 is 13 pages and Chaos 3 starts on page 31. * Points starts with page 45.

Check my previous post for the link. The link is in the article but not on the Downloads page.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/04 15:18:10

Post by: bortass

A quick question in case one of you happens to know. In first edition one of the twists had chaos beasts.

Does anyone know what 2.0 has for twists that require non warband models?

I've never played Warcry nor AOS, so am starting my collection with this edition and am curious what else would be good to pick up.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/04 15:24:22

Post by: Chikout

bortass wrote:
A quick question in case one of you happens to know. In first edition one of the twists had chaos beasts.

Does anyone know what 2.0 has for twists that require non warband models?

I've never played Warcry nor AOS, so am starting my collection with this edition and am curious what else would be good to pick up.

I'm not sure if they are included in any of the twists but Savage Seraphon are the equivalent of chaos beasts in this edition. There are rules for them in the core book.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/04 16:08:04

Post by: Siygess

Boo. I just noticed the Underworlds models are not included here so I guess I will be using Khagra and co as generic Chaos Warriors. Perhaps the new edition does away with the concept of Bladeborn fighters?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/04 16:49:13

Post by: NH Gunsmith

 Siygess wrote:
Boo. I just noticed the Underworlds models are not included here so I guess I will be using Khagra and co as generic Chaos Warriors. Perhaps the new edition does away with the concept of Bladeborn fighters?

I mean, the profiles and abilities are close enough that I plan to keep using them as they were in the Tome of Champions. Really don't think anybody will make a big fuss over that for now.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/04 19:06:07

Post by: lord_blackfang

Guessing they dropped the Underworlds models because some of them are out of print entirely.

While Chikout makes an excellent retort, I worry that "AoS" factions are departing even more radically from "Warcry" factions in terms of capabilities with the inclusion of even more AoS models that seem ill suited for the scope of the game, like Mournfang Riders. The playing field is somewhat leveled with the ability to take allies, but I'd really rather not see the same crutch models showing up in every faction in every game.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/04 19:21:01

Post by: bortass

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Guessing they dropped the Underworlds models because some of them are out of print entirely.

That's too bad since we have a number of the original Underworlds sets and I was hoping to use them. But a chaos dude with no shirt can proxy as another chaos dude with no shirt if needed, lol.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/04 21:38:12

Post by: partisan_nick

Overall good balancing making the bad stuff better and some of the best stuff a bit worse.

But - beyond pets I am stunned at the nerfs to the bespoke warbands (no they where not bad before overall). None of them where overpowered outside pets. Why do that to the likes of Corvus, Cypher, Unmade and even splintered? Really hard to grasp. Good boosts to the worst of the warbands though, Spire Tyrants could have needed more help.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/05 00:15:04

Post by: NH Gunsmith

Gotta say my biggest let down is that they didn't move the Darkoath Chieftain and Queen to the... Darkoath Warband as in-faction options.

The seeming loss of the Bladeborn Fighters is pretty lame as well, but thankfully most of them are relatively easy to use as generic or upgraded fighter types.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/05 15:43:54

Post by: usernamesareannoying

no update for today?
i thought they mentioned releasing rules?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/05 15:45:32

Post by: Billicus

All the fighter cards released so far across the PDFs adds up to 823 so we've reached that "Over 800" mark, there's no bladeborn PDF coming. They may come back in white dwarf or something, who knows?

Means the Tome of Champions 2021 was only current for less than 6 months, which is a pretty poor shelf life even for a GW supplement book.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/05 19:01:32

Post by: Equinox

A couple of pages back there was mention that the basic rules were going to be made available for download. I was not able to find where that was stated, so I am wondering if that is not the case. I have some of the older sets, so I would like to try out the updated basic rules without having to buy a new boxset. Can anyone confirm one way or the other if the rules will be made available as a pdf?

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Guessing they dropped the Underworlds models because some of them are out of print entirely.
While Chikout makes an excellent retort, I worry that "AoS" factions are departing even more radically from "Warcry" factions in terms of capabilities with the inclusion of even more AoS models that seem ill suited for the scope of the game, like Mournfang Riders. The playing field is somewhat leveled with the ability to take allies, but I'd really rather not see the same crutch models showing up in every faction in every game.

Agreed. I would rather see Warcry models ported into AoS than AoS models being allowed into Warcry. With the change in setting, I am hopefully we get some non-Chaos Warcry specific kits. Would be really cool to explore the outliers of the other alliances.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/05 19:59:31

Post by: lord_blackfang

Yea no joke, of the 14 Warcry bespoke warbands so far 13 were Chaos, 3 more big boxes this season means another 6 warbands minimum, for the love of god do it like Kill Team with specialized commando teams for different factions.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/05 20:18:04

Post by: NinthMusketeer

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Sarouan wrote:
Quasistellar wrote:

You could a) provide your example politely, or b) be a gakwhole. You chose b). Time to add yet another to the ignore list.

Examples aren't hard to find, it just depends who you are listening to. The crowd of Warcry players complaining about "severe imbalance" in the game are the competitive part...mostly youtubers with a reputation to show (thus using antagonising titles and emotionnal statements because those are the ones that get more views).

However, these people play the game (or theorize it) in a very specific view, where balance is more an ideology than a real necessity. It's the same people saying point cost is the only way to balance a game and were spitting on AoS when it first came out or 40k V8 when power levels were introduced (a game without point cost ? HERESY !).

Here in the case of these poor Fyreslayer profiles, yes one is indeed more interesting than the other on the paper. Doesn't mean the axe wielding one can't be used in a game in an effective way (if you want to inflict damage, it's quite obvious these types of fighters aren't exactly here for that, they're more here to grab objectives and stand their ground). So the difference of 1 point in critical damage isn't really an important detail in itself : it only matters to people who focus on things they believe are crucial in a game while they're not.

As for why anyone would use a lesser profile instead of the other, the answer is very simple : because he wants to use the miniature. This, of course, is something the people only looking at rules will never truly understand ("why not using the better profile but the miniature you like as a proxy ?") because it simply goes against their ideology.

Yet that's still a valid answer in a game. Because the point is not to optimize at all costs...it's simply to have fun.

So how much fun is it to auto lose because the random scenario is unwinnable for your faction? Do narrative players enjoy that? Or are you gonna keep claiming that the only issue in Warcry is a 5 pts variance between identical profiles? Who are you to even claim Warcry is a narrative game? Its design ethos is clearly much closer to Underworlds than it is to Necromunda. I suggest all of you who deny criticisms without even playing the game it go join an actual Warcry community on reddit or discord and see what's what rather then just defend GW for the sake of defending GW.
My local narrative community would take one look or at most one attempt at such an impossible scenario then change it. Same thing when the randomized cards created a scenario that handed victory to one side; change it. Because that is what narrative play is about; creating fun experiences. Treating it like its matched play will inevitably result in bad experiences from time to time, because creating a system where those did not exist would also render stale many of the exciting options that are so fun when they aren't working badly. For players who want a set of reasonably balanced scenarios with straightforward setups that don't throw things through a loop, Warcry has always provided matched play scenarios for that use.

In other news, can anyone give examples of models that are extremely OP/UP? I genuinely want to know for the purposes of accounting for them in my games.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Also quoting myself from the last page to stave off this particular straw man:
 NinthMusketeer wrote:
However, extreme imbalance can still be disruptive on a narrative level and the edges of the bell curve need to be reigned in even within a narrative context.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Knight wrote:
I hope Splintered Fangs got better end of the deal.
Finally brought sneks up to a better points level (may have overdone it considering the wounds nerf), and made whip options viable. We kept our absolutely insane faction double and got a great reaction to boot. Serpent charmers are back to being extremely points efficient, I'd call them OP simply on the stats they provide relative to the cost.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/05 20:48:45

Post by: Overread

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Yea no joke, of the 14 Warcry bespoke warbands so far 13 were Chaos, 3 more big boxes this season means another 6 warbands minimum, for the love of god do it like Kill Team with specialized commando teams for different factions.

Yeah I'm all for Slaves to Darkness having lots of themed warbands - they've got them now. Branch Warcry out and make it so every faction gets their own unit like Daughters of Khaine did. I don't know why GW isn't going down that pathway. It's a no brainer. Esp when they've armies like Flesheaters and Fyreslayers that would shine with a slightly more varied unit block being added to them

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/05 21:28:19

Post by: lord_blackfang

 NinthMusketeer wrote:

In other news, can anyone give examples of models that are extremely OP/UP? I genuinely want to know for the purposes of accounting for them in my games.

As a rule of thumb, anything that's grossly outside the norm (as set by Warcry bespoke warbands) in one or more areas (mobility, hitting power, staying power).

The classic culprit has always been the Crypt Flayer, a 30 wound (40 in its Leader variant), 10" speed flyer. This bad boy is unkillable if he doesn't want to fight and will auto win any sort of scenario where the point is to survive or to hold a singular loot token unless the opponent can match speed or maaaybe with obscene shooting power (also not available to Warcry warbands). Now the rumoured core change is -2" speed and no Fly when carrying a loot token, so that should help a lot with the second type of scenario, but still not the pure survival ones. The Crypt Flayer itself went down from 30 to 28 wounds at the same cost... meh. OTOH the same model will very likely lose scenarios where you need to hold ground and his mobility is moot as he's not very punchy for his cost.

Other outliers are obscene shooters like SCE and rat ogres and automatic "impact hits" type abilities mostly found on cavalry. I haven't had a good look yet if any of that got better.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/06 12:36:21

Post by: Sarouan

 usernamesareannoying wrote:
no update for today?
i thought they mentioned releasing rules?

They already did last week, actually.

The part on reaction rules had a video showing the rules, and since they are the same...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Siygess wrote:
Boo. I just noticed the Underworlds models are not included here so I guess I will be using Khagra and co as generic Chaos Warriors. Perhaps the new edition does away with the concept of Bladeborn fighters?

It was an optional rule in the last Warcry Compendium. Since the rules are exactly the same, nothing prevents you to still use them, actually.

They can use reactions from the faction they belong, so they don't really need another for their specific underworld band.

Also, I wouldn't be surprised if GW adds more Warcry rules like they did for Kill Team in the future White Dwarf releases.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/06 15:16:07

Post by: usernamesareannoying

Oh really sarouan?
I thought there was more to it.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/06 15:45:59

Post by: NinthMusketeer

 lord_blackfang wrote:
 NinthMusketeer wrote:

In other news, can anyone give examples of models that are extremely OP/UP? I genuinely want to know for the purposes of accounting for them in my games.

As a rule of thumb, anything that's grossly outside the norm (as set by Warcry bespoke warbands) in one or more areas (mobility, hitting power, staying power).

The classic culprit has always been the Crypt Flayer, a 30 wound (40 in its Leader variant), 10" speed flyer. This bad boy is unkillable if he doesn't want to fight and will auto win any sort of scenario where the point is to survive or to hold a singular loot token unless the opponent can match speed or maaaybe with obscene shooting power (also not available to Warcry warbands). Now the rumoured core change is -2" speed and no Fly when carrying a loot token, so that should help a lot with the second type of scenario, but still not the pure survival ones. The Crypt Flayer itself went down from 30 to 28 wounds at the same cost... meh. OTOH the same model will very likely lose scenarios where you need to hold ground and his mobility is moot as he's not very punchy for his cost.

Other outliers are obscene shooters like SCE and rat ogres and automatic "impact hits" type abilities mostly found on cavalry. I haven't had a good look yet if any of that got better.
Hm. I have actually played against flayers a lot and while I agree they were definitely OP I didn't find them to be game breaking. Certainly no worse than serpent swarms. The problem was fly and treasure with very real though, and in that context they definitely were, fortunately can confirm that rumor is true.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/06 16:59:37

Post by: lord_blackfang

My meta was lucky in that nobody was willing to buy 200€ of the same box just for the snake swarms

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/06 18:40:44

Post by: NinthMusketeer

 lord_blackfang wrote:
My meta was lucky in that nobody was willing to buy 200€ of the same box just for the snake swarms
Two warbands of splintered fang, friends who played Seraphon and had extra snake bits from the Bastiladon kit, a bit of creativity = 5 snek swarms

They are probably the single most infamous unit in my local Warcry community.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/06 22:52:45

Post by: Danny76

Doing something like what Kill Team has for warbands would be pretty cool.
Touching in various factions

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/09 12:41:35

Post by: Knight

Oh, I would had loved to spam snakes but couldn't justify spending time or money looking models for them at that time. The snakes in v2 cost too much, even with bonus activations. However, I think almost all pets got increase in points.

I find v2 to be a missed shot, mostly because GW integrated AoS line too fast and greedily. It would had been totally fine dedicating more time and releasing more thematic and thought out expansions.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/09 14:44:52

Post by: NinthMusketeer

It is what people wanted though; from the launch of Warcry there were complaints that not all AoS factions were represented and people were quite happy when they all were. Even if the balance was a bit off, though much of that is because dedicated warbands are harder to spam specific models with as compared to AoS ported ones. I ripped through the AoS armies no problem with my Splintered Fang, but my composition was VERY different from what came in the box.

Balance seems to have improved with this new release, remains to be seen though. At any rate as others have mentioned as a narrative-focused game balance is less of a priority; extreme elements definitely need to be reigned in but smaller imbalances are likely to be drowned out by the dynamics of scenarios, injuries, level-up mechanics, etc.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/09 15:42:29

Post by: Knight

The narrative was flawed and didn't encourage long term playing, Ash from GMG covered it in the latest Warcry review. It's definitely bad, if the rewards are generally so weak that you consider it a waste to keep it in your head or forget to use it most of the time! Now, naturally we all have our favourites, and I am not surprised people were initially excited to play their favourites in the drama. (I swear I am not copying Ash on this, but rather have a similar take on it).

The good news is that the reviews are positive about this aspect, and it is what gives an argument some weight to give it a go.

Locally, the game set into the sun set with the introduction of AoS profiles, for reasons argued above. Personally had a mediocre run with Splintered Fangs, as stated, you need to prioritize certain profiles over what you can do with the base box and even then you'll need certain luck or error on the side of the opponent to catch the flyer or dodge his or hers most lethal vector of attack. Honestly, there are a lot of games that I could spend my time and money on... as much as I'd like to spend some weekends on the warcry drama, I feel that the game still has too many harsh penalties for people that don't focus on its mechanics but would rather play more RPG/narrative.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/09 18:17:05

Post by: NinthMusketeer

Mileage may vary I suppose. The narrative element met with great success in my community right from the start and more so after the trial of champions was introduced. Balance was never a particularly huge issue, and when faced with one-sided scenarios we'd just generate new ones. The only people who stayed away from Warcry were those who simply didn't have an interest in skirmish level games (which is totally fine) and a good number of people have stated they enjoy Warcry more than any other skirmish wargame they've played.

Especially with narrative-focused games many elements are only good or bad from a subjective perspective and if it isn't for you that's fine. It doesn't make it an inherent flaw of the game though.

As for splintered fang, always felt the warband had the tools it needed to deal with anything it came across. Even when running low-snek lists I never felt underpowered (the opposite, if anything). I hate to make the argument but there may have been a skill mismatch because certainly many of the AoS warbands are WAY easier to use as blunt instruments and can more readily be built not to require high skill thresholds for effective use. Which is/was absolutely a problem because of course players dabbling in the game aren't going to put in the time to move up the learning curve if their initial experiences are bad.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/09 20:12:45

Post by: Knight

Everything we experience is subjective, we all seek pleasant experiences, what that is, will vary. There are theories with what makes the game good, however personally wouldn't want to discuss that angle.

Speed was one thing I was missing with Splintered Fangs, however that's only against AoS, the match up with OG warbands was fine. I will finish that I am somewhat disappointed that GW also chose to release new warbands rather than dedicating some time to releasing alternative heroes or perhaps expansions with few new profiles for OG warbands (monster, thralls and allies are a rather generic bandaid with this). It always seemed like an obvious thing to do, if you want to keep people interested, rather than release and forget approach.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/09 21:19:19

Post by: McDougall Designs

Sarouan wrote:
 Hanskrampf wrote:

Yup. And that just shows how cheap it has become to make molds for HIPS injection. The often quoted "it's so expensive, so the models need to be expensive too" is just wrong.

Cheap is very arguable. Here, GW does it because given the sheer amount of production, the cost can be covered elsewhere - even if it's at a loss. Giving a free model doesn't mean it's free to produce, nor even it's cheap. It just means it's a marketing move.

They can do something like 6 of those on a standard mold. 20-25 grand on a years worth of walk in advertising at several hundred stores around the globe? feth yea that's chump change for a company of GWs size.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/09 23:50:36

Post by: NinthMusketeer

 Knight wrote:
Everything we experience is subjective, we all seek pleasant experiences, what that is, will vary. There are theories with what makes the game good, however personally wouldn't want to discuss that angle.
I find it interesting how quickly things went from 'the narrative gameplay is flawed' to 'it's all subjective so no point in discussing it'.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/09 23:58:56

Post by: Toofast

My problem with "narrative" is with GW that usually means a bunch of random upgrades where some are totally useless and some are broken OP autopicks, and people justify it by saying "well there was only a 1/6 chance of getting that option, so it's lucky and probably won't happen next time around". It also means things like random missions, win conditions, etc which I detest. Then I'm TFG if I pick the good options when being allowed to choose, like it's unrealistic for my super soldiers to want guns that actually kill stuff efficiently when they have the money to buy them. "You can't run 4 plasma on Van Saar". Well 2 of the guys just bought them after they watched 2 other guys with them nuke entire enemy gangs. You think they're gonna choose rad weapons when that guy hasn't killed anything the entire campaign? To some people, narrative just means a bunch of randomness and intentionally choosing subpar things to make sure your list isn't too good. Narrative is rarely about creating a compelling storyline that makes the games feel like a part of something bigger. I've had the same experience with 30k. "Narrative" just means "if your army has any really efficient options, you aren't allowed to take them or I'll call you names". I guess their head cannon is that primarchs 30k years in the future will voluntarily take subpar options to be more fair to their enemies.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/10 05:14:11

Post by: Knight

 NinthMusketeer wrote:
 Knight wrote:
Everything we experience is subjective, we all seek pleasant experiences, what that is, will vary. There are theories with what makes the game good, however personally wouldn't want to discuss that angle.
I find it interesting how quickly things went from 'the narrative gameplay is flawed' to 'it's all subjective so no point in discussing it'.

No, no, only a polite way of saying that I acknowladge your point of view but have no interest in childish ego bickering which should be considered correct.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/10 09:19:25

Post by: Sarouan

To be honest, I think the reason the narrative wasn't that enticing to play in the previous edition isn't really because of the Eight Point setting - but rather how the quest system worked.

It felt like everyone was playing "A Book Where You Are The Hero" without any interaction from the other bands (and killing the main antagonists of the said quests off screen, making even their narrative irrelevant...).

It's good they changed that in the new edition.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/10 13:47:25

Post by: bortass

I'm looking forward to the new edition since I never got into Warcry. Mainly because I kinda feel like I'm not starting out behind an 8 ball. The original starter and terrain not being available kinda put a damper on it. It made it seem limiting to not be able to do the map setups in the rules.

Their plan to release quarterly boxes sounds good to me since it makes it easier to get more terrain which is what skirmish games really need.

The narrative changes that I have read about seem to be pretty good. I think that will help make it interesting. My wife liked Underworlds and I think she'll like this as well. Hopefully they release rules for some of the original Underworlds teams under 2.0.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Toofast wrote:
My problem with "narrative" is with GW that usually means a bunch of random upgrades where some are totally useless and some are broken OP autopicks, and people justify it by saying "well there was only a 1/6 chance of getting that option, so it's lucky and probably won't happen next time around". It also means things like random missions, win conditions, etc which I detest. Then I'm TFG if I pick the good options when being allowed to choose, like it's unrealistic for my super soldiers to want guns that actually kill stuff efficiently when they have the money to buy them. "You can't run 4 plasma on Van Saar". Well 2 of the guys just bought them after they watched 2 other guys with them nuke entire enemy gangs. You think they're gonna choose rad weapons when that guy hasn't killed anything the entire campaign? To some people, narrative just means a bunch of randomness and intentionally choosing subpar things to make sure your list isn't too good. Narrative is rarely about creating a compelling storyline that makes the games feel like a part of something bigger. I've had the same experience with 30k. "Narrative" just means "if your army has any really efficient options, you aren't allowed to take them or I'll call you names". I guess their head cannon is that primarchs 30k years in the future will voluntarily take subpar options to be more fair to their enemies.

I get where you're coming from.

The Van Saar example sounds like a balance issue with plasma but I have not played Necromunda since 1st edition so I'm not talking from a basis of knowledge, real or imagined. I know the snowball effect was very real in earlier versions of all the GW narrative games. Eventually the leader(s) just pulled away from everyone else and things started to breakdown within that specific campaign. It could become pointless to play. No idea if that's been fixed or not within Necromunda. Sounds like if two of your guys can wipe the floor with me and that gets doubled, do I have a chance if we play? If I want to get wiped early I'll go play 40k, lol. Is that you're fault though? Not really, since it make sense to try and get the best gear possible.

For me, narrative is about consequences and a loose story of sorts. Games aren't just a one off like chess. What happens in game 1 possibly has an impact what happens in game 7. If a guy gets taken out of a game he may not be coming back in one piece. That stuff can be kinda cool. It can also suck if a key cog gets taken out and can't be replaced easily but that can be part of the challenge.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/10 14:44:54

Post by: NinthMusketeer

 Knight wrote:
 NinthMusketeer wrote:
 Knight wrote:
Everything we experience is subjective, we all seek pleasant experiences, what that is, will vary. There are theories with what makes the game good, however personally wouldn't want to discuss that angle.
I find it interesting how quickly things went from 'the narrative gameplay is flawed' to 'it's all subjective so no point in discussing it'.

No, no, only a polite way of saying that I acknowladge your point of view but have no interest in childish ego bickering which should be considered correct.
It was my polite way of saying you overstated a personal experience as meaning the entire game was flawed and when pressed refused to back your point.

"I did not have fun with this game so it is bad" is very different from "I did not have fun with this game so my experience was bad."

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/12 17:03:08

Post by: Ghaz

'The Chaos Legionnaires and Centaurion Marshal Are Blessed by Be’lakor With These Warcry Abilities' on Warhammer Community:


And the most interesting, IMHO...

And tune in next week, when we’ll have more news on the future of Warry, as well as info about Orginised Play in stores.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/12 17:15:59

Post by: Hanskrampf

Well, you can't expect the Warcom team to still be sober Friday afternoon.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/12 17:16:32

Post by: jullevi

I can't wait to hear more news on the future of Warry, as well as Orginised Play in stores.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/12 21:17:43

Post by: Sarouan

jullevi wrote:
I can't wait to hear more news on the future of Warry, as well as Orginised Play in stores.

I don't expect much, barely a trailer for the next releases and nice plans on the paper that any GW manager will struggle to fulfill in reality 'till the next big release for 40k/AoS kicks it out.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/14 17:09:10

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

I too am confused on the compendium. Maybe the ship got in soon than expected.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/14 17:20:54

Post by: SamusDrake

Surely theres been a mistake and they should be releasing the rule book instead?

Great to see the Centurion and Warband ready so soon.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/14 17:22:32

Post by: privateer4hire

Download the free stuff NOW

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/14 18:00:52

Post by: Sotahullu

Well I am bit weird but I could pick those Legionaries. Bit more "mortal" chaos fighters and could make for good painting.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/14 18:09:28

Post by: MonkeyBallistic

 Sotahullu wrote:
Well I am bit weird but I could pick those Legionaries. Bit more "mortal" chaos fighters and could make for good painting.

No, not weird at all. I didn’t like those guys at first, but they’ve really grown on me. I’m sitting out this season of Warcry because the setting just doesn’t appeal. Like you though, I think I might get some of the Legionaires to paint.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/15 06:54:34

Post by: DaveC


Legionnaires £35 €45 $60
Centurion Marshal £26 €34 $42
Compendium £27.50 €35 $45

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/15 12:40:38

Post by: SamusDrake

Cheers DaveC.

The compendium is at least an improvement over it's Kill Team equivalent. Already have the downloads but will at least pick up the rule book if similarly priced, as with indie discount that would be about £23.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/17 13:07:45

Post by: DaveC

Nice new warbands from non Chaos factions confirmed. 6 at least hopefully - Seraphon plus 5 more???

What’s more, each one will contain two brand-new warbands. Yes, brand-new – no upgrade sprues, no existing kits. These warbands are all 100% original, and they’re drawn from factions across the Mortal Realms, not just those in the thrall of Chaos.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/17 13:16:46

Post by: GaroRobe

Will they be feral? That would be cool

I’m kind of disappointed. It’s not like they released warband in the past with upgrade sprues. That’s kill team. I was hoping they meant that the new warbands would have the diversity of options kill team has :(

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/17 13:33:50

Post by: Overread

YES! Non-Chaos Warbands!

Not that I've any problem with the creativity and designs of the Chaos ones, but its high time other factions got in on the game and got their own.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/17 13:35:19

Post by: DarkStarSabre

FYI - the map that was teased a while back and appears in the Core Rulebook for Heart of Ghur?

Has a Soulblight Symbol on it and is named Count Moltaire's Bloodhunt. EDIT: On closer inspections the wings on the symbol are tattered with hook claws and spines on them. More like FEC Crypt Flayer wings if you ask me....

So second box is likely FEC

Edit: Have attached the map from the Core Rulebook. Should be likely hints as to what's coming.

Seraphon was obvious from the ruins and setting.

But from the map...

Lots of options including Ogors, Grots, Orruks, Beastmen, Fyreslayers and Soulblights...

[Thumb - 20220817_143734.jpg]

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/17 13:36:10

Post by: silverstu

I like the sound of dedicated sets for factions other than chaos. Seraphon looks interesting, would love to see a dwarf faction - maybe thats were the rumour engine with the books comes from. Bloodhunt .. wild hope a Kurnothi war band ..I too would hope they have some diversity of Killteam.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/17 14:03:32

Post by: Equinox

 DarkStarSabre wrote:
FYI - the map that was teased a while back and appears in the Core Rulebook for Heart of Ghur?

Has a Soulblight Symbol on it and is named Count Moltaire's Bloodhunt. EDIT: On closer inspections the wings on the symbol are tattered with hook claws and spines on them. More like FEC Crypt Flayer wings if you ask me....

So second box is likely FEC

Edit: Have attached the map from the Core Rulebook. Should be likely hints as to what's coming.

Seraphon was obvious from the ruins and setting.

But from the map...

Lots of options including Ogors, Grots, Orruks, Beastmen, Fyreslayers and Soulblights...

If you consider the AoS roadmap in addition to the map in the rulebook and today's preview, I would guess.

Sundered Fate: Seraphon vs Ogors or Gloomspite (Seraphon because of today's preview and Ogors/Gloomspite because of 2 D books in Autumn)

Bloodhunt: Khorne vs Ogors or Gloomspite (This box would be a Jan/Feb release. There is a Khorne outpost on the map and early 2023 looks to be SoD and Khorne releases. I think the other D faction from Autumn will be in this set. I am guessing the Soulblight icon and name on the WarCry map is a misdirect.)

Nightmare Quest: Soulblights or FEC vs CoS/Dawnbringer Crusade (A few of the unsolved Rumor Engines look to be either feral vampires like Vykos or FEC. My guess GW will start doing the weekly hints about CoS starting late Dec and ramp-up in 2023. Figure this box will be a hint of the new design and forerunner to the larger battletome in Summer.)

These warbands are all 100% original, and they’re drawn from factions across the Mortal Realms, not just those in the thrall of Chaos. Ssshh

I don't think the above statement from the article precludes there being new chaos warbands, so I suspect we will see at least 1 this season.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/17 14:14:14

Post by: Dryaktylus

 DarkStarSabre wrote:

Has a Soulblight Symbol on it and is named Count Moltaire's Bloodhunt. EDIT: On closer inspections the wings on the symbol are tattered with hook claws and spines on them. More like FEC Crypt Flayer wings if you ask me....

So second box is likely FEC

With the only decent looking ghouls (WH Underworlds) rotated out from the webstore, a Warcry warband would be nice.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/17 14:14:18

Post by: SKR.HH

I'm just curious how many warbands there will be in total and in particular whether there will be (unique and newly modeled non-chaos ones) ouside the campaign boxes.

In addition it begs the question how these can be integrated then into AOS armies.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/17 14:15:26

Post by: Kanluwen

Sundered Fate sounds like a Seraphon v Arcanites set, just sayin'.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/17 14:16:38

Post by: Overread

SKR.HH wrote:

In addition it begs the question how these can be integrated then into AOS armies.

Typically the Warcy unit has unique weapon profiles and such for each model with a handful within the team who are generic warriors

In AoS they form a single troop unit with most having a single weapon and stat profile. Of that group a couple might have something special (eg an extra wound or such) and one will have optional parts to be a leader or a warrior. They then act like regular infantry models; just with more dynamic poses and weapons.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/17 14:17:36

Post by: Kanluwen

Still the biggest cock-up of the whole concept, doing the "superduperunit" crap.

Just make them into different units and a hero.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/17 14:20:06

Post by: SKR.HH

 Overread wrote:
SKR.HH wrote:

In addition it begs the question how these can be integrated then into AOS armies.

Typically the Warcy unit has unique weapon profiles and such for each model with a handful within the team who are generic warriors

In AoS they form a single troop unit with most having a single weapon and stat profile. Of that group a couple might have something special (eg an extra wound or such) and one will have optional parts to be a leader or a warrior. They then act like regular infantry models; just with more dynamic poses and weapons.

I was under the impression that the chaos warbands also got/get their respective entries in the codexes... Or was it only warscrolls?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/17 14:24:25

Post by: MonkeyBallistic

GW, if you’re going to try to sell me on this season of Warcry before the first box sells out, you’re going to have to show me some warbands. The prospect of collecting a set of meat trees just ain’t doing for me.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/17 14:26:34

Post by: Shadow Walker

Super excited for non-Chaos warbands. Good looking Ghouls, new Saurus etc. would be really welcome.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/17 15:14:30

Post by: Geifer

SKR.HH wrote:
I'm just curious how many warbands there will be in total and in particular whether there will be (unique and newly modeled non-chaos ones) ouside the campaign boxes.

I reckon that will be impossible to tell until GW drops a preview for such a warband. While we know to expect a quarterly boxed set, there was no specific need to release the Legionnaires alongside the first box that we know of. Nor is there any indication whether this is just an extra band GW made and wanted released or if any other box comes with an additional standalone warband.

We have the leak of the Slaves to Darkness book to at least suggest that no other new unaligned Chaos warbands make it into the book, so that may at least narrow down the new warbands we'll see to either non-Chaos or aligned with one of the Chaos gods like the swamp guys from the first box.

 MonkeyBallistic wrote:
GW, if you’re going to try to sell me on this season of Warcry before the first box sells out, you’re going to have to show me some warbands. The prospect of collecting a set of meat trees just ain’t doing for me.

I'm sure GW would like you to buy the first box in good faith because there might be something of interest to you in the following three boxes. Then buy the second box in good faith because there might be something of interest to you in the following two boxes. Then buy the third box in good faith because there might be something of interest to you in the remaining box. Then when the last box doesn't provide what you were looking for either, you should buy it regardless to complete your collection.

It sounds like a great plan to me.


Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/17 15:23:30

Post by: Toofast

bortass wrote:
Eventually the leader(s) just pulled away from everyone else and things started to breakdown within that specific campaign. It could become pointless to play. No idea if that's been fixed or not within Necromunda. Sounds like if two of your guys can wipe the floor with me and that gets doubled, do I have a chance if we play? If I want to get wiped early I'll go play 40k, lol. Is that you're fault though? Not really, since it make sense to try and get the best gear possible.

They didn't fix this at all. In my last campaign, I played Van Saar and another competitive type player went with corpse grinders and ogres. It didn't take long for me to get the house benefit where my plasma lose scarce and I got ocular implants so my guys are hitting on 2+ even at range through smoke. By halfway through, we each had around 3k worth of guys and upgrades, everyone else was around 1500. We tried 3 v 1 matches where our guys died permanently if they went out of action, but we both won the 3 v 1 so everyone just stopped playing. What is the point of a campaign where the winner keeps winning more stuff and the losers keep losing? There are no adequate balance mechanics to keep someone from snowballing out of control. What are you gonna do when I have 4x plasma guns hitting on 2s anywhere on the table and 2 ambots? You can't even play the mission cuz my ambots will pop up next to you, melta your face, then charge and finish you off. I probably won't lose any guys, I'll get close to max credits, you'll actually lose guys/xp/upgrades, and it will be even harder for you to beat me next time. It's just a really terrible system that inevitably ends up with unfun games for both people. I don't enjoy clubbing a seal any more than the seal enjoys it.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/17 15:26:18

Post by: Overread

SKR.HH wrote:
 Overread wrote:
SKR.HH wrote:

In addition it begs the question how these can be integrated then into AOS armies.

Typically the Warcy unit has unique weapon profiles and such for each model with a handful within the team who are generic warriors

In AoS they form a single troop unit with most having a single weapon and stat profile. Of that group a couple might have something special (eg an extra wound or such) and one will have optional parts to be a leader or a warrior. They then act like regular infantry models; just with more dynamic poses and weapons.

I was under the impression that the chaos warbands also got/get their respective entries in the codexes... Or was it only warscrolls?

They do also appear in the Battletomes with their respective warscroll entries. The models are fully fledged AoS models, just entering through AoS model line. Sometimes there is a lag though as GW doesn't want to publish Battletomes with models they don't currently sell; so sometimes the models appear and aren't added until the next round of Battletomes.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/17 20:03:09

Post by: Sarouan

 MonkeyBallistic wrote:
GW, if you’re going to try to sell me on this season of Warcry before the first box sells out, you’re going to have to show me some warbands. The prospect of collecting a set of meat trees just ain’t doing for me.

C'mon, they revealed the names of the next boxes. Isn't that a shocking revelation ?

Joke aside, I knew it would be little more than a stupid trailer.

Pretty clear now it will simply like Kill Team : the "new rules" are the ones tied to the new warbands in each box, campaign rules for them included. Nothing more, nothing less. Core rules will clearly stay the same.

As for the warbands...I think the map in the first box with names for each "camp" tied to a specific faction is already good enough as clues. They'll clearly be amongst them first.

*incredible spoiler* - "Bloodhunt" box will have a Soulblight / Khorne warband inside !

 Overread wrote:

The models are fully fledged AoS models, just entering through AoS model line.

Not really. Simply because of the different base sizes inside the same unit...which awfully translate poorly because of melee rules in AoS.

With the Gallet season, it's less annoying, but still - that was also a reason why the damage dealer bands were considered poorly. Iron Legionnaries were somewhat filling a role simply they were a cheap tank unit, and thus not really made for hitting things anyway.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/18 15:16:31

Post by: SamusDrake

This is...awesome. Okay, looking forward to giving it a shot later.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/18 15:19:42

Post by: Chikout

Not just a lite version, the full core rules from the new book. I really hope more people give warcry a try. It's a genuinely fun game.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/18 15:31:13

Post by: usernamesareannoying

well this was a nice surprise!
what's missing from the full version?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/18 15:35:24

Post by: lord_blackfang

This is combat rules, matched play list construction and 2 scenarions. Just right for a sampler.

Missing: all the marrative play / campaign stuff.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/18 15:37:36

Post by: Miguelsan

What a week of freebies. First KT, now Warcry!
Good job GW.


Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/18 16:10:57

Post by: usernamesareannoying

has anyone done a what has changed from 1.0 to 2.0 comparison?
besides reactions i was wondering if i need the new book.

sorry if this has been asked and answered already.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/18 16:26:33

Post by: SamusDrake

I remember something about the narrative rules changing a bit.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/18 16:41:58

Post by: privateer4hire

Well done for them. I’m still getting an axe since it might be a trick, though.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/18 17:13:25

Post by: Chikout

 usernamesareannoying wrote:
has anyone done a what has changed from 1.0 to 2.0 comparison?
besides reactions i was wondering if i need the new book.

sorry if this has been asked and answered already.

There are actually quite a few minor changes. You can't shoot into combat any more for example, and if you are carrying treasure your movement is reduced by two. Someone did a Twitter thread listing 17 minor changes some of which had already appeared in faqs but pretty much all of them are in the free rules they just uploaded.
The biggest change is to the campaign side of things which is pretty different.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/18 17:55:50

Post by: NinthMusketeer

Well that is goddam fantastic! Very big improvement for GW, credit where due on that one.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 usernamesareannoying wrote:
has anyone done a what has changed from 1.0 to 2.0 comparison?
besides reactions i was wondering if i need the new book.

sorry if this has been asked and answered already.
Cliffnotes version I did for my local community:
-Improved wording/clarity for rules throughout
-Reactions are a big new thing and by my initial assessment look pretty fun
-Fighters are now just split among dagger/shield/hammer as evenly as possible
-(Very straightforward) rules for using alternative terrain sets
-Impact happens after 2" of fall instead of 3"
-Can't shoot into melee
-Deadly terrian is WAY deadlier, doing an auto d6 wounds for climbing or falling within 1"
-Get cover from enemy attacks made from 2" or more vertically below
-Subtract 2 movement (min 3) from fighters carrying treasure and they can't fly
-Simplified Monster & Monster-Hunting abilities, still flavorful and fun
-Team and FFA rules that are actually good(!) they work how you think they do, but have a rule for combined initiative dice for teams and in FFA being able to negotiate with other players and give wild dice as payment(!!)
-There's 1 page of rules for Matched, 3 pages detailing the six scenarios, 2 pages of rules for tournaments. TBH I didn't read them
-Total overhaul of the Narrative system, still very much in the spirit of the old but a LOT of positive changes, seriously really cool

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/18 18:09:49

Post by: usernamesareannoying

thanks a lot ninth and chik.
ugh... looks like its definitely worth upgrading the book.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/18 22:20:56

Post by: privateer4hire

Is the core book available separately or in near future?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/19 00:03:09

Post by: usernamesareannoying

Not yet but I’m sure it will be eventually.
They did just give it away free on the community website if you want it that way.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/19 00:26:46

Post by: Danny76

 Equinox wrote:
 DarkStarSabre wrote:
FYI - the map that was teased a while back and appears in the Core Rulebook for Heart of Ghur?

Has a Soulblight Symbol on it and is named Count Moltaire's Bloodhunt. EDIT: On closer inspections the wings on the symbol are tattered with hook claws and spines on them. More like FEC Crypt Flayer wings if you ask me....

So second box is likely FEC

Edit: Have attached the map from the Core Rulebook. Should be likely hints as to what's coming.

Seraphon was obvious from the ruins and setting.

But from the map...

Lots of options including Ogors, Grots, Orruks, Beastmen, Fyreslayers and Soulblights...

If you consider the AoS roadmap in addition to the map in the rulebook and today's preview, I would guess.

Sundered Fate: Seraphon vs Ogors or Gloomspite (Seraphon because of today's preview and Ogors/Gloomspite because of 2 D books in Autumn)

Bloodhunt: Khorne vs Ogors or Gloomspite (This box would be a Jan/Feb release. There is a Khorne outpost on the map and early 2023 looks to be SoD and Khorne releases. I think the other D faction from Autumn will be in this set. I am guessing the Soulblight icon and name on the WarCry map is a misdirect.)

Nightmare Quest: Soulblights or FEC vs CoS/Dawnbringer Crusade (A few of the unsolved Rumor Engines look to be either feral vampires like Vykos or FEC. My guess GW will start doing the weekly hints about CoS starting late Dec and ramp-up in 2023. Figure this box will be a hint of the new design and forerunner to the larger battletome in Summer.)

These warbands are all 100% original, and they’re drawn from factions across the Mortal Realms, not just those in the thrall of Chaos. Ssshh

I don't think the above statement from the article precludes there being new chaos warbands, so I suspect we will see at least 1 this season.

Bring your Soulblight up to Bloodhunt, then something else in NQ. Then could be anything.
I don’t think it’s a misdirect.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/19 15:35:50

Post by: DarkStarSabre

Danny76 wrote:
 Equinox wrote:
 DarkStarSabre wrote:
FYI - the map that was teased a while back and appears in the Core Rulebook for Heart of Ghur?

Has a Soulblight Symbol on it and is named Count Moltaire's Bloodhunt. EDIT: On closer inspections the wings on the symbol are tattered with hook claws and spines on them. More like FEC Crypt Flayer wings if you ask me....

So second box is likely FEC

Edit: Have attached the map from the Core Rulebook. Should be likely hints as to what's coming.

Seraphon was obvious from the ruins and setting.

But from the map...

Lots of options including Ogors, Grots, Orruks, Beastmen, Fyreslayers and Soulblights...

If you consider the AoS roadmap in addition to the map in the rulebook and today's preview, I would guess.

Sundered Fate: Seraphon vs Ogors or Gloomspite (Seraphon because of today's preview and Ogors/Gloomspite because of 2 D books in Autumn)

Bloodhunt: Khorne vs Ogors or Gloomspite (This box would be a Jan/Feb release. There is a Khorne outpost on the map and early 2023 looks to be SoD and Khorne releases. I think the other D faction from Autumn will be in this set. I am guessing the Soulblight icon and name on the WarCry map is a misdirect.)

Nightmare Quest: Soulblights or FEC vs CoS/Dawnbringer Crusade (A few of the unsolved Rumor Engines look to be either feral vampires like Vykos or FEC. My guess GW will start doing the weekly hints about CoS starting late Dec and ramp-up in 2023. Figure this box will be a hint of the new design and forerunner to the larger battletome in Summer.)

These warbands are all 100% original, and they’re drawn from factions across the Mortal Realms, not just those in the thrall of Chaos. Ssshh

I don't think the above statement from the article precludes there being new chaos warbands, so I suspect we will see at least 1 this season.

Bring your Soulblight up to Bloodhunt, then something else in NQ. Then could be anything.
I don’t think it’s a misdirect.

You've already been misdirected.

Take a CLOSER look at the Blood Hunt symbol. Notice the tattered wings and spikes on them.

That's not a Soulblight Bloodhunt....that's Flesh Eater Courts. As I said, it shares aesthetics with a Cryptflayer....

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/08/20 15:20:28

Post by: Danny76

 DarkStarSabre wrote:
Danny76 wrote:
 Equinox wrote:
 DarkStarSabre wrote:
FYI - the map that was teased a while back and appears in the Core Rulebook for Heart of Ghur?

Has a Soulblight Symbol on it and is named Count Moltaire's Bloodhunt. EDIT: On closer inspections the wings on the symbol are tattered with hook claws and spines on them. More like FEC Crypt Flayer wings if you ask me....

So second box is likely FEC

Edit: Have attached the map from the Core Rulebook. Should be likely hints as to what's coming.

Seraphon was obvious from the ruins and setting.

But from the map...

Lots of options including Ogors, Grots, Orruks, Beastmen, Fyreslayers and Soulblights...

If you consider the AoS roadmap in addition to the map in the rulebook and today's preview, I would guess.

Sundered Fate: Seraphon vs Ogors or Gloomspite (Seraphon because of today's preview and Ogors/Gloomspite because of 2 D books in Autumn)

Bloodhunt: Khorne vs Ogors or Gloomspite (This box would be a Jan/Feb release. There is a Khorne outpost on the map and early 2023 looks to be SoD and Khorne releases. I think the other D faction from Autumn will be in this set. I am guessing the Soulblight icon and name on the WarCry map is a misdirect.)

Nightmare Quest: Soulblights or FEC vs CoS/Dawnbringer Crusade (A few of the unsolved Rumor Engines look to be either feral vampires like Vykos or FEC. My guess GW will start doing the weekly hints about CoS starting late Dec and ramp-up in 2023. Figure this box will be a hint of the new design and forerunner to the larger battletome in Summer.)

These warbands are all 100% original, and they’re drawn from factions across the Mortal Realms, not just those in the thrall of Chaos. Ssshh

I don't think the above statement from the article precludes there being new chaos warbands, so I suspect we will see at least 1 this season.

Bring your Soulblight up to Bloodhunt, then something else in NQ. Then could be anything.
I don’t think it’s a misdirect.

You've already been misdirected.

Take a CLOSER look at the Blood Hunt symbol. Notice the tattered wings and spikes on them.

That's not a Soulblight Bloodhunt....that's Flesh Eater Courts. As I said, it shares aesthetics with a Cryptflayer....

This is less a misdirect. I mean Yeah may not be Soulblight. I should have said “Vampire” which includes FEC

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/09/20 09:05:47

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Can someone tell me:

Are the Mindstealer Sphiranx and Fomoroid Crusher now OOP?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/09/20 09:07:12

Post by: Wha-Mu-077

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
Can someone tell me:

Are the Mindstealer Sphiranx and Fomoroid Crusher now OOP?

GW shop says "Temporarily out of stock online"

It's as trustworthy as anything GW has said, so who knows.


Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/09/20 09:42:07

Post by: Overread

I think there's some chaos repacking going on which means we get the joy of things being listed as sold out/out of stock on the website.

For some reason when they linked their inventory system up to their webstore they didn't give themselves a buffer. So whenever they update a product that new product gets a new warehouse code.

However the store is linked to those codes so the "old" product has to go out of production and become soldout and the new code replaces it.

Sometimes the swap over lags so the old version vanishes before the new appears; a few times the new appears alongside the old.

The result is customers see things being removed from sale and then reappearing as if by magic.
It can be further confusing when the change might be something as simple as a new assembly set of instructions (eg with the stats sheet having been updated); so the box and product remain identical.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/09/26 13:03:45

Post by: SamusDrake

DaveC, cheers again.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 H.B.M.C. wrote:
Can someone tell me:

Are the Mindstealer Sphiranx and Fomoroid Crusher now OOP?

I'd assume most of the range is being repackaged for both the new logo and included character cards...

...well, I hope so because I need a few more Sphiranx heads for my knight house!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/10 13:42:21

Post by: DaveC

Part of the next set revealed - new Chameleon Skinks

The video also shows 2 new pieces of terrain - tree on the left with a hut on the upper platform and a skull? with a platform above and drying skin. There's a temple in the background but it might be a scratch build? I wonder if the set might use part of the terrain from HoG along with 2 new sprues?

[Thumb - 9D99B860-2E77-406A-BD45-91B4E7E1C2FE.jpeg]
[Thumb - EB502740-BFBA-4B2F-9B9D-04ACCBFF9AFF.jpeg]
[Thumb - A2D1C89C-1D6F-4179-B0F4-75164241921E.jpeg]

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/10 14:14:07

Post by: ImAGeek

I like the models but I wish they’d be a bit less piecemeal about these things.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/10 14:57:45

Post by: pleasestopit

The models look interesting, can't say I am a fan of the tactical rocks. I really hope the new terrain has had tweaks, more importantly the trees. Curios to see what the versus warband is for these guys, could it be chaos dwarfs finally?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/10 15:11:52

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

No, it's FEC. We already know what the warbands are by the box names and who's listed in the rulebook.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/10 15:26:32

Post by: Quasistellar

They look. . . fine.

A little disappointed that I'm not seeing any poison frogs strapped to them like on the old models.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/10 15:29:36

Post by: jullevi

 DaveC wrote:

The video also shows 2 new pieces of terrain - tree on the left with a hut on the upper platform and a skull? with a platform above and drying skin. There's a temple in the background but it might be a scratch build? I wonder if the set might use part of the terrain from HoG along with 2 new sprues?

If I had to guess, I'd expect a terrain setup similar to Gallowdark - mostly duplicates with a new sprue or two. I could see two Gnarloaks and bridge/ruin/palisade sprue included again, Watchtower being dropped and a new item included instead. Rib platform is rather generic and I wouldn't be surprised to see it duplicated as well. If I were GW, I would recycle Megadroth remains into one of the sets too.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/10 17:01:27

Post by: GaroRobe

Quasistellar wrote:
They look. . . fine.

A little disappointed that I'm not seeing any poison frogs strapped to them like on the old models.

The one in underworlds has one at least

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/10 17:02:29

Post by: lord_blackfang

I too cannot unsee the skink's oboe clipping through the floor

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/10 17:45:05

Post by: pleasestopit

 lord_blackfang wrote:
I too cannot unsee the skink's oboe clipping through the floor

That one can be fixed by cutting the arm from the wrist and from the model's chin if its one piece... but yeah.. design flaws as always

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/10 18:00:40

Post by: Siygess

Nah, he's just, um.. leaning over the river bank and drinking from a really long straw..

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/10 18:04:04

Post by: NAVARRO

I would buy a box of 20 multipart Chameleons in a heartbeat!

A couple models is not enough.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/10 18:17:33

Post by: lord_blackfang

Could it be they're assembled with the wrong arms on the worng bodies? The downward pointed oboe would probably be fine on the other skink.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/10 18:26:09

Post by: NinthMusketeer

May be a weird camera angle, afaik GW generally avoids that? Not a fan of that pose or the less-chameleon eye design. But overall I'm loving them so far, the abundance of tactical rock/jungle works for me in the context of the unit and allows them to have crouched poses without being really short. All very IMO though.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/10 19:34:36

Post by: Sarouan

There will be a preview "hype video" soon about AoS / Warcry, anyway.

The "continuous small snipset drop" is how they operate with news since they need actual new stuff each monday now.

I just don't care anymore, the release window is way too close from the "reveals" for me to get any hype. I just take what I want when it actually releases (not pre-ordered : when it hits the shelves). If I miss something, I don't care and I move on. In the end, it's healthier that way.

That said, the new terrain sets in the video look cools to complete your Heartwood table.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/11 07:47:58

Post by: Schmapdi

Hopefully it's just the paintjob and the dark lighting in the video - but they don't look as good as the excellent Chameleon skink they just released in the Underworlds warband.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/24 14:02:27

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

New boxset reveal:


Especially like the Jade Obelisks and the Terrawings

[Thumb - 1666618244398215.jpg]
[Thumb - 1666618305788724.jpg]

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/24 14:11:39

Post by: nels1031

Really dig the Chaos Warband, though the Chaos Legionnaires are still my number one!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/24 14:15:52

Post by: Clockpunk

My word - both of those warbands look great! I wish the scatter terrain wasn't a repeat, but hopefully the next box will have something a little weirder/different as the action moves closer to the reamins of the Eye of Chotec

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/24 14:17:38

Post by: ImAGeek

I’m actually not that impressed with the Chameleon Skinks, some of them are okay but some look a bit goofy, especially compared to the underworlds one. Also why is there one repeated? Edit- do like the pterodactyl things though!

The Tzeentch guys are really cool though. Love the masks, love the armour that isn’t classically Tzeentch and love the daemon-thing.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/24 14:25:50

Post by: KidCthulhu

The Jade Obelisk guys are amazing!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/24 14:29:05

Post by: Overread

Now that's a cool set and nice to see that another regular army is getting a nice warcry warband!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/24 14:52:35

Post by: Shadow Walker

I like both warbands but JO are cooler.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/24 16:09:25

Post by: DaveC

Looks good the Jade Obelisk could use a more Tzeentch paint scheme. Looks like Shadowvault type set no rulebook and a little less terrain than HoG so possibly a £110 /£120 box set?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/24 16:09:31

Post by: GaroRobe

The Jade band is great. Eyes wide shut meets the court of owls, led by Casey Jones sans ninja turtles. Now we have the Tzeentch band to go alongside the rotmire nurglites.

I feel like some in the warband are just reskins from other warbands though. Like identical poses and proportions. Also wish that some were visibly turning to stone.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/24 16:27:01

Post by: Voss

Yeah, really like the Jade band. Nice overall look, some interesting mix of weapons.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/24 16:41:48

Post by: Geifer

Like the Chaos guys, dislike the Skinks. Still not my kind of terrain. Wallet saved once again!

 GaroRobe wrote:
Now we have the Tzeentch band to go alongside the rotmire nurglites.

Now that you mention it, with two so themed warbands and the next box called Bloodhunt, I guess there's a real chance that Nightmare Quest has Slaaneshi cultists, huh? I may actually have something to look forward to this season.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/24 16:50:05

Post by: Scrub

Yikes! Is this set likely to be released this year? There's that Slaves to Darkness army box slated for November-ish and I'm assuming the customary Christmas battleforce sets which means... along with these jade and scaled lovelies there will be some difficult choices to make in Scrub household!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/24 16:53:24

Post by: KidCthulhu

Do the little jade bird skulls on the JO archer and axemen solve a Rumor Engine image?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/24 17:57:49

Post by: jullevi

I wonder if there is another photoshop blunder in the Chameleon Skink picture as one of the models is duplicated. Great models but the lack of poisonous frogs duct taped onto them is slightly disappointing.

Looks like my prediction of recycling Gnarloaks and obstacle sprue was spot on but I didn't expect an upgrade sprue to give them larger platforms. I think I can safely sacrifice couple of ruins for basing duties now. As of now the Watchtower remains unique to Heart of Ghur.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/24 19:10:06

Post by: lord_blackfang

Liking both of them, but I do grow weary of all these random chaos subcultures. We're out of the Eight Points, why are more than half of all new warbands still chaos?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/24 20:49:55

Post by: jullevi

It looks like FB promo picture is wrong again and there are only 9 Chameleon Skinks, not 10. One is duplicated and there are only nine shown in individual pics and box content shot.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/24 21:21:32

Post by: privateer4hire

The chameleons are decent. Every other warband release for this edition just doesn’t look good to me.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/24 21:36:08

Post by: ImAGeek

jullevi wrote:
It looks like FB promo picture is wrong again and there are only 9 Chameleon Skinks, not 10. One is duplicated and there are only nine shown in individual pics and box content shot.

The duplicated one is also duplicated in the individual shots on WarCom, weirdly. Edit: and it’s missing a different one from the group shot. Good job all round.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/25 04:19:45

Post by: jullevi

Upon another look, the video shows 10 Chameleon Skinks. I also found 10th model from the battle picture. These guys blend in with the background or something.

Either way, FB promo picture is photoshopped wrong and individual pictures on Community website missed two of the models that are seen on the video.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/25 04:48:13

Post by: Carlovonsexron

I love these new chaos guys, the Skinks are good for what they are, but without any saurus warriors I don't have a real interest in them.

But if it's an excuse to make a kit of Chameleon skins ahead of a greater Seraphon release... that's okay by be

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/10/25 09:05:48

Post by: Matrindur

ImAGeek wrote:
jullevi wrote:
It looks like FB promo picture is wrong again and there are only 9 Chameleon Skinks, not 10. One is duplicated and there are only nine shown in individual pics and box content shot.

The duplicated one is also duplicated in the individual shots on WarCom, weirdly. Edit: and it’s missing a different one from the group shot. Good job all round.

jullevi wrote:Upon another look, the video shows 10 Chameleon Skinks. I also found 10th model from the battle picture. These guys blend in with the background or something.

Either way, FB promo picture is photoshopped wrong and individual pictures on Community website missed two of the models that are seen on the video.

The red one here is the one missing from the individual pictures on the Community site.

In the content shot you can see three aiming with their blowpipes with the orange ones looking like the two from the group shot but the blue one doesn't show up there

So the blue one is the one missing in the individual and group shots while the red one above is missing from the individual shots

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/20 18:08:41

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Nice, been looking forward to this one. And original scenery in a seperate release.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/20 19:10:58

Post by: lord_blackfang

I legit can't tell if any of the terrain is repeated between the previous and new box?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/20 19:26:49

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

The two tree platforms and the massive vertebrae platform are new. The scatter terrain are repeats.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/20 19:37:11

Post by: lord_blackfang

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
The two tree platforms and the massive vertebrae platform are new. The scatter terrain are repeats.

Cheers! Think I'll pick up a box then if there's just 1 old sprue.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/20 20:21:38

Post by: DaveC

 lord_blackfang wrote:
 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
The two tree platforms and the massive vertebrae platform are new. The scatter terrain are repeats.

Cheers! Think I'll pick up a box then if there's just 1 old sprue.

looks like 3 old sprues - 1 Barricades and bridges and 2 of the older trees
and 2 new sprues - the large bone piece and and an upgrade sprue that adds extra platforms to original trees.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/20 20:50:06

Post by: Gallahad

I'm not very savvy to how GW releases work. Do they display the price somewhere? How do I preorder the Warcry box? Will it arrive in time for Christmas?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/20 21:01:49

Post by: Dysartes

Today's article tells you what will go up for pre-order on Saturday. GW will not confirm the price until things go live on their site, but we're likely to get figures from stores in the next couple of days.

In terms of how to pre-order? Either use the GW site (or a LGS) next Saturday. Will it get to you for Christmas? I'd sure hope so, but after the last couple of years...

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/20 21:07:09

Post by: NinthMusketeer

Last one was $210 right?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/20 21:12:27

Post by: Shakalooloo

 NinthMusketeer wrote:
Last one was $210 right?

This one won't have the main ruebook, soi will probably be priced around similar Kill Team boxes.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/20 22:49:25

Post by: NinthMusketeer

 Shakalooloo wrote:
 NinthMusketeer wrote:
Last one was $210 right?

This one won't have the main ruebook, soi will probably be priced around similar Kill Team boxes.
Ahh, didn't note that, thank you.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/21 08:12:14

Post by: DaveC

Prices £110 it is

[Thumb - E1341D91-AA17-4D68-B5CF-934553B2E140.jpeg]

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/21 08:39:19

Post by: privateer4hire

That’s what aos extremis costs so $185 USD,

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/21 12:46:29

Post by: Gallahad

 Dysartes wrote:
Today's article tells you what will go up for pre-order on Saturday. GW will not confirm the price until things go live on their site, but we're likely to get figures from stores in the next couple of days.

In terms of how to pre-order? Either use the GW site (or a LGS) next Saturday. Will it get to you for Christmas? I'd sure hope so, but after the last couple of years...

Thank you, this was very helpful. I guess this was the announcement of the announcement!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/21 13:22:26

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

So £88 after disounters. I can live with that.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/21 14:16:59

Post by: Kanluwen

What is the Eye of Chotec?

Standing watch over these outer remnants is a great golden statue – the likeness of the Slann Starmaster Motzlpota, given command of the void-ship by Lord Kroak himself. It’s not just a pretty face – this figure will blast the life right out of any unworthy soul that gazes into its crystalline eyes. Sucks to be the jade-masked cultist ordered to smash this particular idol…


Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/22 20:47:23

Post by: gorgon


These critters are gonna be my main warband. Not sure how well they'll work...but I'll make 'em work.


Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/22 20:56:24

Post by: Quasistellar

I like the line art of the crashed Seraphon void ship. I'd like to see more full blown art of that, and more of that concept fleshed out in AoS.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/22 21:26:06

Post by: Overread

Well with that void ship detail its clear

Cities of Sigmar = Vinci

Seraphon = Cuotl

Alin -- no one is Alin yet! Which means at some point there will be a faction of scorpion riding, magic heavy, drake flying magical force from the pages of Arabian Nights ready to stride across the battlefield

*and if you don't get those references - its Rise of Legends*

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/23 00:35:56

Post by: NinthMusketeer

Yeaaahhh not seeing it. I've played the game, but the comparison is pretty rough at best. Not to mention the Lizardman style pre dates RoL by a pretty fair margin.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/24 14:24:41

Post by: Carlovonsexron

 NinthMusketeer wrote:
Yeaaahhh not seeing it. I've played the game, but the comparison is pretty rough at best. Not to mention the Lizardman style pre dates RoL by a pretty fair margin.

I kinda wish they did - those Vinci infantrymen were awesome looking.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/25 13:58:44

Post by: GaroRobe

The Jade Obelisk are described as turning into stone. So are those not masks, but actually their faces? And is anyone else going to paint their skin the same as the masks? I'm not talented enough to pull that off but I feel like that could be a cool look

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/25 15:32:04

Post by: NinthMusketeer

 GaroRobe wrote:
The Jade Obelisk are described as turning into stone. So are those not masks, but actually their faces? And is anyone else going to paint their skin the same as the masks? I'm not talented enough to pull that off but I feel like that could be a cool look
They are masks--mentioned in one of the earlier articles. I haven't spotted any flesh-to-stone aspects but then most of their bodies are covered and we don't know the specifics (could be from the inside out).

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/26 01:59:30

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Ok, let's find out if the prices for the Crusher/Sphiranx/etc. went up despite not having cards/rules in the box anymore...

[EDIT]: Yep. They've got up in price by 10%. Bloody hell GW...

[EDIT 2]: And they're now Direct Only, meaning retailers can't even order them. Good God, GW. Why are you like this?

Games Workshop LLC - 'More for less!'

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/26 05:31:32

Post by: Gallahad

The price increase is really disappointing in light of their record revenues and healthy profit growth.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/26 05:51:22

Post by: Chikout

 Gallahad wrote:
The price increase is really disappointing in light of their record revenues and healthy profit growth.

When the last big price increase was announced Australia, New Zealand and Japan were exempt. I was slightly hopeful that GW would take the chance to establish a new internal exchange rate that was less unbalanced than the old one. Unfortunately that hasn't happened. Instead new products are just as expensive as those from the rest of the world and when old products are re-released their prices are increased to 'match' the equivalent international prices. I'm pretty sure that's what has happened to the warcry stuff. I saw the same thing with Underworlds in Japan. The new cardless Vampires are more expensive than the old ones with cards.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/26 06:03:24

Post by: H.B.M.C.

It's all smoke and mirrors with GW.

It's certainly true that the existing products didn't go up, but everything that came out after that RoW increase had the same increase as everyone else. It's why special character boxes went from AUD$70 to AUD$77. It's why terrain prices on new product jumped overnight.

They didn't lie. They just didn't tell the whole truth either.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/26 06:15:27

Post by: privateer4hire

There's an old Bugs Bunny cartoon where he is caught and placed in an outdoor rabbit hutch/pen.
His human captor leaves a large dishpan full of fresh vegetables such as cabbages, carrots, etc.
Between quickly shoved down mouthfuls of this, his favorite food, Bugs complains that he'd rather starve than eat that stuff.
Next scene his belly's distended from eating all that stuff that he loudly complained and still is complaining that he'd never touch.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/26 10:23:15

Post by: stahly

Here is my unboxing of Sundered Fate: https://taleofpainters.com/2022/11/first-look-warcry-sundered-fate-unboxing/

Five sprues of Gnarlwood terrain. Three are repeated from Heart of Ghur, there is one new sprue that adds more platforms to the existing Gnarloak trees, and another new sprue that build the new platform piece.

There are some comparison pics in my review of how the new platforms combine with the existing trees.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/26 10:51:59

Post by: lord_blackfang

 stahly wrote:
Here is my unboxing of Sundered Fate: https://taleofpainters.com/2022/11/first-look-warcry-sundered-fate-unboxing/

Five sprues of Gnarlwood terrain. Three are repeated from Heart of Ghur, there is one new sprue that adds more platforms to the existing Gnarloak trees, and another new sprue that build the new platform piece.

There are some comparison pics in my review of how the new platforms combine with the existing trees.

Thanks, this answers all my questions and the comparison shots of the old/new trees are incredibly thoughtful.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/26 14:50:28

Post by: GaroRobe

Nepherite priestess has an unmasked option, different hands, and the scenic base is optional. I don't think the rest of the warband has many customization options, but at least the leader has some diversity.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/26 17:29:41

Post by: NinthMusketeer

Gotta love the unnecessary adjectives to those weapon names! I would almost be disappointed if they just said 'Desecrator with Hammer' instead of 'Desecrator with Statue-smasher Hammer'.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 stahly wrote:
Here is my unboxing of Sundered Fate: https://taleofpainters.com/2022/11/first-look-warcry-sundered-fate-unboxing/

Five sprues of Gnarlwood terrain. Three are repeated from Heart of Ghur, there is one new sprue that adds more platforms to the existing Gnarloak trees, and another new sprue that build the new platform piece.

There are some comparison pics in my review of how the new platforms combine with the existing trees.
Thanks for the helpful info!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/11/27 00:41:50

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Hmm... the masks they wear, and the statue-focus, reminds me heavily of the Order of Ivory, the defence force of Vouxis Prime in 40k (from the book Enemies Without).

Hell, the fact that they 'cast down the idols of their enemies' is exactly what the Order of Ivory does, bringing down the thousands of Ork statues across their homeworld.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2022/12/01 00:12:12

Post by: Siygess

Ah shoot, I was hoping when they updated Varanscribe they would include the old Underworlds stuff. The newer stuff is in there (Darkoath have the new guys from Gnarlwood) but I guess we will have to wait for the old stuff a little while longer

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/16 15:00:31

Post by: GaroRobe


I guess this confirms the next warband will be the "Psuedo-Khornate" worshippers. After this, we just need some Slan fans

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/16 15:13:20

Post by: DaveC

Didn’t think the right silhouette was Khorne from the preview - EDIT actually it might not be Khorne as Bloodhunt is the box name so it could be from the other warband. Looks like LVO for the reveal.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/16 15:16:38

Post by: Tsagualsa

 GaroRobe wrote:

I guess this confirms the next warband will be the "Psuedo-Khornate" worshippers. After this, we just need some Slan fans

There's an outside chance that they're something like Ghur Vampires, but yeah, it's probably more Khorne.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/16 15:21:35

Post by: straken619

I believe the left one is the leader of the khorne warband and the left one the leader of the vampire warband? Too bad they are not ghouls...

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/16 15:21:40

Post by: GaroRobe

I'd love something unique, like Ghur vampires (although bestial vampires seem to have been covered pretty well by Cursed City, so I'm not sure what they could do to make them stand out) but the running theme with this edition of warcry seems to be chaos god specific warbands.

Rotmire Creed=Nurgle
Jade Obelisk=Tzeentch

so if the new warband isn't khorne, I'll be surprised.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/16 15:29:37

Post by: Tsagualsa

 GaroRobe wrote:
I'd love something unique, like Ghur vampires (although bestial vampires seem to have been covered pretty well by Cursed City, so I'm not sure what they could do to make them stand out) but the running theme with this edition of warcry seems to be chaos god specific warbands.

Rotmire Creed=Nurgle
Jade Obelisk=Tzeentch

so if the new warband isn't khorne, I'll be surprised.

It's an expansion, that means two Warbands, right? Why not Khorne vs. Vampires, they're both hunting for blood, would explain the name and all.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/16 15:33:31

Post by: Equinox

Wasn't there a rumor in 2022 that there would be a Khorne vs Slaanesh boxset released in Q1/Q2 2023? Also, Khorne and Slaanesh are really the only two remaining chaos battletomes and both look to be coming in the Spring. Given those two points and the silhouettes looking Khornish and Slaanesh (to me), I am going to guess that this set will be their god specific warbands. If that does turnout to be the case, hopefully that means the last set will be two non-chaos warbands.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/16 15:38:03

Post by: Segersgia

 straken619 wrote:
I believe the left one is the leader of the khorne warband and the left one the leader of the vampire warband? Too bad they are not ghouls...

With the way Warcry has been expanding upon the archetypes of the Chaos Warbands, I wouldn't be surprised if the left one is some bestial Vampire character, while the right is a more slick, coniving Khornate worshipper.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/16 16:26:45

Post by: lord_blackfang

Not sure if there's anything "pseudo" about this Khorne warband!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/16 16:31:43

Post by: straken619

Equinox wrote:Wasn't there a rumor in 2022 that there would be a Khorne vs Slaanesh boxset released in Q1/Q2 2023? Also, Khorne and Slaanesh are really the only two remaining chaos battletomes and both look to be coming in the Spring. Given those two points and the silhouettes looking Khornish and Slaanesh (to me), I am going to guess that this set will be their god specific warbands. If that does turnout to be the case, hopefully that means the last set will be two non-chaos warbands.

The previous 2 boxes have a Chaos God vs a Grand Alliance.
1st: Nurgle vs Chaos
2nd: Tzeentch vs Order

So we still have Khorne and Slannesh from gods and Death and Destructions from Grand alliances. The name of the 3rd box is Bloodhunt (and Khorne is the chaos god associated with blood) and there is a Count Bloodhunt on the Heart of Ghur map with either the FEC of the soulblight symbol (They are practically the same...)

So chances are the 3rd box is Khorne vs Vampires (None of the figures in the preview look like ghouls) and the last one will be Slannesh vs Desctruction (I hope it's Ogors)

Segersgia wrote:
 straken619 wrote:
I believe the left one is the leader of the khorne warband and the left one the leader of the vampire warband? Too bad they are not ghouls...

With the way Warcry has been expanding upon the archetypes of the Chaos Warbands, I wouldn't be surprised if the left one is some bestial Vampire character, while the right is a more slick, coniving Khornate worshipper.

Honestly I don't know how I feel about that... I will have to see the miniatures to decide if I like it or not if that's the case

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/16 16:40:16

Post by: Tsagualsa

 straken619 wrote:
Equinox wrote:Wasn't there a rumor in 2022 that there would be a Khorne vs Slaanesh boxset released in Q1/Q2 2023? Also, Khorne and Slaanesh are really the only two remaining chaos battletomes and both look to be coming in the Spring. Given those two points and the silhouettes looking Khornish and Slaanesh (to me), I am going to guess that this set will be their god specific warbands. If that does turnout to be the case, hopefully that means the last set will be two non-chaos warbands.

The previous 2 boxes have a Chaos God vs a Grand Alliance.
1st: Nurgle vs Chaos
2nd: Tzeentch vs Order

So we still have Khorne and Slannesh from gods and Death and Destructions from Grand alliances. The name of the 3rd box is Bloodhunt (and Khorne is the chaos god associated with blood) and there is a Count Bloodhunt on the Heart of Ghur map with either the FEC of the soulblight symbol (They are practically the same...)

So chances are the 3rd box is Khorne vs Vampires (None of the figures in the preview look like ghouls) and the last one will be Slannesh vs Desctruction (I hope it's Ogors)

That's nicely reasoned out and probably just what this is.

 straken619 wrote:
Segersgia wrote:
 straken619 wrote:
I believe the left one is the leader of the khorne warband and the left one the leader of the vampire warband? Too bad they are not ghouls...

With the way Warcry has been expanding upon the archetypes of the Chaos Warbands, I wouldn't be surprised if the left one is some bestial Vampire character, while the right is a more slick, coniving Khornate worshipper.

Honestly I don't know how I feel about that... I will have to see the miniatures to decide if I like it or not if that's the case

With the general gist of WarCry being to present Chaos mortals in unexpected new ways i could see 'dapper Khorne' against beastly Vampires. It would certainly be a fresher wind for Khorne than yet another bunch of burly barbarians.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/16 16:48:48

Post by: Kanluwen

The boxes were specific God devoted v specific factions.

Heart of Ghur:
Rotmire Creed(Nurgle Rotbringers, once they saw their full AoS rules) v Hashut's Chosen(Slaves to Darkness)

Sundered Fate:
Jade Obelisk(Tzeentch Arcanites, once they saw their full AoS rules) v Huanchi's Hunters(Seraphon)

That's very different from Grand Alliance stuff.

It is kind of interesting to note though that the first two warbands have aligned with two of the warbands(Khagra's Ravagers and the Starblood Stalkers, respectively) released with the Direchasm season of Underworlds.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/16 18:00:36

Post by: NinthMusketeer

Keep in mind these will be regular humans--even bloodreavers are bulked up WELL beyond natural proportion.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/16 19:44:14

Post by: straken619

 Kanluwen wrote:
The boxes were specific God devoted v specific factions.

Heart of Ghur:
Rotmire Creed(Nurgle Rotbringers, once they saw their full AoS rules) v Hashut's Chosen(Slaves to Darkness)

Sundered Fate:
Jade Obelisk(Tzeentch Arcanites, once they saw their full AoS rules) v Huanchi's Hunters(Seraphon)

That's very different from Grand Alliance stuff.

It is kind of interesting to note though that the first two warbands have aligned with two of the warbands(Khagra's Ravagers and the Starblood Stalkers, respectively) released with the Direchasm season of Underworlds.

The way I see it this might be another point for my theory... The next Direchasm Warbands are Crimson Court and Hedkrakka's Madmob. So Death and Destruction.
If this is not a coincidence the next box might have Khorne vs Vampires (Death)
And the last one will have Slannesh vs Bonesplitterz (Destruction)

Or maybe GW is doing totally random stuff and I am slowly going crazy... thinking I could predict their next move...

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/16 19:55:11

Post by: Tsagualsa

 straken619 wrote:
 Kanluwen wrote:
The boxes were specific God devoted v specific factions.

Heart of Ghur:
Rotmire Creed(Nurgle Rotbringers, once they saw their full AoS rules) v Hashut's Chosen(Slaves to Darkness)

Sundered Fate:
Jade Obelisk(Tzeentch Arcanites, once they saw their full AoS rules) v Huanchi's Hunters(Seraphon)

That's very different from Grand Alliance stuff.

It is kind of interesting to note though that the first two warbands have aligned with two of the warbands(Khagra's Ravagers and the Starblood Stalkers, respectively) released with the Direchasm season of Underworlds.

The way I see it this might be another point for my theory... The next Direchasm Warbands are Crimson Court and Hedkrakka's Madmob. So Death and Destruction.
If this is not a coincidence the next box might have Khorne vs Vampires (Death)
And the last one will have Slannesh vs Bonesplitterz (Destruction)

Or maybe GW is doing totally random stuff and I am slowly going crazy... thinking I could predict their next move...

It's a bit too consistent to just be coincidence if it turns out to be true.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/16 20:30:34

Post by: Kanluwen

 straken619 wrote:

The way I see it this might be another point for my theory... The next Direchasm Warbands are Crimson Court and Hedkrakka's Madmob. So Death and Destruction.
If this is not a coincidence the next box might have Khorne vs Vampires (Death)
And the last one will have Slannesh vs Bonesplitterz (Destruction)

Or maybe GW is doing totally random stuff and I am slowly going crazy... thinking I could predict their next move...

See, I kinda thought that might be a point for your theory too...but then I went digging up the remainder of the box names.

"Bloodhunt" is making me think that it's almost an action or a ceremony/event. It's not beyond belief that vampires might be involved...but the silhouette looks more elvish. Initially I was thinking Black Ark Corsairs, but after seeing the silhouettes a bit better today? Thinking Idoneth.

The final box is titled "Nightmare Quest", which if that isn't an invitation for Slaanesh and Lumineth's much discussed but as yet unseen Vanari pathfinders/rangers to make an appearance? I don't know what else could be.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/16 20:42:51

Post by: Tsagualsa

 Kanluwen wrote:
 straken619 wrote:

The way I see it this might be another point for my theory... The next Direchasm Warbands are Crimson Court and Hedkrakka's Madmob. So Death and Destruction.
If this is not a coincidence the next box might have Khorne vs Vampires (Death)
And the last one will have Slannesh vs Bonesplitterz (Destruction)

Or maybe GW is doing totally random stuff and I am slowly going crazy... thinking I could predict their next move...

See, I kinda thought that might be a point for your theory too...but then I went digging up the remainder of the box names.

"Bloodhunt" is making me think that it's almost an action or a ceremony/event. It's not beyond belief that vampires might be involved...but the silhouette looks more elvish. Initially I was thinking Black Ark Corsairs, but after seeing the silhouettes a bit better today? Thinking Idoneth.

The final box is titled "Nightmare Quest", which if that isn't an invitation for Slaanesh and Lumineth's much discussed but as yet unseen Vanari pathfinders/rangers to make an appearance? I don't know what else could be.

''Nightmare Quest'' could involve FEC, they live in a nightmare of insanity and imagine themselves to be noble Knights, so they could very well be on some sort of deranged quest.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/16 20:50:22

Post by: JSG

Whoever keeps greenlighting DoK releases should be tarred and feathered.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/16 20:53:06

Post by: Kanluwen

That's entirely possible. I only bring up the Vanari pathfinders/rangers as they're mentioned to be "questing" throughout the Realms at large, looking for sites for the Scinari to lock down geomantic upheavals.

Worth mentioning that the two boxes so far have had names that seem to be descriptive of both factions:
"Rot and Ruin"--Rotmire Creed and Hashut's Chosen
"Sundered Fate"--Jade Obelisk and Huanchi's Hunters

"Bloodhunt" might be, as mentioned, an event or rite. Hell, if it's Idoneth like I'm thinking? It could be both. Ghur is home to one of the most bestial Enclaves, which is heavy on Akhelians("knights"/"warrior nobility")...and the Soulbound stuff has been expanding them a bit more when it comes to activities in the realms at large.

"Nightmare Quest" is likely intended to tease both factions. Slaanesh is basically a lock for the "Nightmare" side of things, leaving "Quest" open for something else.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/16 21:17:10

Post by: Dysartes

JSG wrote:
Whoever keeps greenlighting DoK releases should be tarred and feathered.

Any objection to switching out "DoK" for "any Elf"?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/16 21:28:21

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

That's not DoK. It doesn't match any style or aesthetic in the army. I'd take a bet it's a vampire.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/16 21:37:45

Post by: JSG

Dysartes wrote:
JSG wrote:
Whoever keeps greenlighting DoK releases should be tarred and feathered.

Any objection to switching out "DoK" for "any Elf"?

I'm curious about Malerions lot but in general AoS does seem to have too many flavours of Aelf... and they've only released about half of 'em! I guess they sell.

Inquisitor Gideon wrote:That's not DoK. It doesn't match any style or aesthetic in the army. I'd take a bet it's a vampire.

My point still stands.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/16 21:38:54

Post by: straken619

 Kanluwen wrote:
 straken619 wrote:

The way I see it this might be another point for my theory... The next Direchasm Warbands are Crimson Court and Hedkrakka's Madmob. So Death and Destruction.
If this is not a coincidence the next box might have Khorne vs Vampires (Death)
And the last one will have Slannesh vs Bonesplitterz (Destruction)

Or maybe GW is doing totally random stuff and I am slowly going crazy... thinking I could predict their next move...

See, I kinda thought that might be a point for your theory too...but then I went digging up the remainder of the box names.

"Bloodhunt" is making me think that it's almost an action or a ceremony/event. It's not beyond belief that vampires might be involved...but the silhouette looks more elvish. Initially I was thinking Black Ark Corsairs, but after seeing the silhouettes a bit better today? Thinking Idoneth.

The final box is titled "Nightmare Quest", which if that isn't an invitation for Slaanesh and Lumineth's much discussed but as yet unseen Vanari pathfinders/rangers to make an appearance? I don't know what else could be.

Yeah I have to admit "Nightmare Quest" doesn't sound like a box with Bonesplitterz in it...
But I will be really disappointed if the box named "Bloodhunt" does not have the Count Moltaire himself in the box.

Edit: Now that I look at the symbols again... Soulblight Gravelords in Warcry have a dragon as a symbol and not the winged skull so the count might be FEC after all but the silhouette does not look like a ghoul so I have no idea...
And there is this symbol in the map too (This name sounds more like Vampires)

The more I look into it the more confused i get

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/16 21:54:41

Post by: Dread Master

Like has been stated, blood hunt looks like Khorne and Vampires. The left silhouette is pretty clearly the Khorne WB, the right is the Vampire. Back banner on him/her seems to be a skull. Definitely not Idoneth as they don’t have hair, and the Vamp’s hair is pinned up. Would be interesting if they pulled the refined Khorne/savage vamps thing, but I don’t think the studio has the chops for that, so it’ll be the obvious.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/16 22:11:04

Post by: Kanluwen

 straken619 wrote:

Yeah I have to admit "Nightmare Quest" doesn't sound like a box with Bonesplitterz in it...
But I will be really disappointed if the box named "Bloodhunt" does not have the Count Moltaire himself in the box.

Edit: Now that I look at the symbols again... Soulblight Gravelords in Warcry have a dragon as a symbol and not the winged skull so the count might be FEC after all but the silhouette does not look like a ghoul so I have no idea...
And there is this symbol in the map too (This name sounds more like Vampires)

The more I look into it the more confused i get

Something we have missed this "season"(remember! this is only season 2 of WarCry) is NPC beasties, like the Furies and Raptoryx.

And we're in the Realm of Beasts.

Having some bestial FEC, put into grotesque mockeries through the Realmshaper Engines' malfunctions? That'd be a big interest to Khorne followers.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Dread Master wrote:
Like has been stated, blood hunt looks like Khorne and Vampires. The left silhouette is pretty clearly the Khorne WB, the right is the Vampire. Back banner on him/her seems to be a skull. Definitely not Idoneth as they don’t have hair, and the Vamp’s hair is pinned up.

It's a blacked out silhouette. How do you know it's hair?

If they did the same angle and blackout with the Akhelian Thrallmaster and his weird helm made out of Starro's cousin, it would look like a bad mohawk.
Would be interesting if they pulled the refined Khorne/savage vamps thing, but I don’t think the studio has the chops for that, so it’ll be the obvious.

You underestimate the studio then, because they literally have already done the "savage vamps" thing. Look into the Vyrkos and Avengorii.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/16 23:14:31

Post by: drbored

GW has been mighty inconsistent with winged skull symbols. Is it Night Lords? Flesh Eater Courts? Nagash? Soulblight Gravelords? Or some subfaction within any of those factions?

Here are some of the symbols according to the pin company Koyo:

If you ask me, Count Moltaire's Bloodhunt resembles more the middle pin, which iirc is Soulblight.
Meanwhile, Deadfang's Tower resembles more the higher wings on the Flesh Eater Court symbol.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/27 09:16:39

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Those Khornate dudes are spiffy. And quite fond of the Vampires as well.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/27 09:21:22

Post by: Old-Four-Arms

Eh, personally not a fan.. the only models I might pick up second hand are the Khornate spear-dudes.

Those masks might make fine Blood Pact grotesques..

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/27 09:25:42

Post by: ImAGeek

I really like both teams. The ascetic monk Vampires more, but the Khorne guys are fairly interesting for Khorne too. I like how the leader has the mask and 2 skulls to try and emulate the three heads of Karanak.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/27 09:32:09

Post by: lord_blackfang

Interesting how Khorne gets a warband that's blatanty Khrone, no is-it-or-isn't-it-god-influenced subtle design.

Vampires look damn nice, I really hope they're not ridiculously tall like Soulblight are.

Could skip the Khorne furry.

Nice terrain upgrade.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/27 09:37:27

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Wasn't sure on these initially. But the more I look at them, the more I appreciate the themes of their design. Now I love them.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/27 10:30:49

Post by: Scottywan82

The Khorne heads would make awesome Blood Pact conversion bits.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/27 14:50:11

Post by: gorgon

Nice stuff. It's cool that the terrain is evolving into more formal structures, but I'd still like to see some Seraphon ruins/chunks of the Eye of Chotec.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/27 15:36:53

Post by: Overread

I feel like we've got enough ruins - Sigmar has been building like crazy as has everyone else. It's time we got some proper buildings and structures and a sense that the Mortal Realms aren't just a blasted wasteland

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/27 15:39:21

Post by: Sacredroach

I love the designs of the new warbands, especially the Blades of Khorne. Not a huge fan of the terrain, but it does nicely fit with the previously released parts.

Also, seconding the need for more Seraphonic terrain. At least an obelisk that beeps or something.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/27 15:39:40

Post by: lord_blackfang

Non-ruined structures are either nonfunctional bricks or a total pain to game if the interior is accessible tho.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/27 16:54:16

Post by: straken619

I like both warbands but I am a little disappointed with the khorne one. I was expecting a warband that is a little different than the normal khorne guys (maybe something like the Tharn from Hordes) but other than the helmets and some weird haircuts they are pretty much regular khorne mortals. And I am especially disappointed in the beast guy... Because he is not really a beast guy, he is just dressed as a beast. Which is weird because we already have a khorne beast-man in blood bowl so why not make him like that one?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/27 18:06:21

Post by: GaroRobe

 straken619 wrote:
I like both warbands but I am a little disappointed with the khorne one. I was expecting a warband that is a little different than the normal khorne guys (maybe something like the Tharn from Hordes) but other than the helmets and some weird haircuts they are pretty much regular khorne mortals.

I was debating about that myself. The Rotmire Creed aren't exactly subtle, but they're not in your face with being Nurgle followers. Same with the stonemasks. The Corpse-grinder cults in Necromund are a nice example of Khornate cultists that aren't super khorne-y yet but are clearly worshippers. GW could have done something like insane followers of Sigmar who believe spilling blood or taking heads honors him. Or some weird cult that follows a talking skull or something.

Still, doing away with any kind of subtlety is exactly the kind of thing Khorne likes.

It's funny that GW's insistence that all the warbands have matching belt logos means that all the vampire monks have to have knotted rope around their waists. Also, are those bones on their hips? They look like bones but they're metal?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/27 18:10:44

Post by: JSG

Didn't they say the warband worship Karanak?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/27 18:14:20

Post by: Overread

Yep that's why they are all dressed with masks and elements of Flesh Hounds

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/27 18:45:46

Post by: Ignispacium

I'm sold on this next box. Samurai Vampires vs Flesh Hound cosplayers. Warcry is a great spot for some experimentation with miniature design and it has paid off from the first set.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/27 18:58:36

Post by: Mr Morden

Def one of the better reveals

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/27 19:11:29

Post by: Overread

Ignispacium wrote:
I'm sold on this next box. Samurai Vampires vs Flesh Hound cosplayers. Warcry is a great spot for some experimentation with miniature design and it has paid off from the first set.

Agreed, Warcry and Underworlds have been fantastic areas where you can tell the creative staff have enjoyed working on something wild and non-mainstream for the various forces. I am also glad to see a set that isn't chock full of more Slaves to Darkness models. A dedicated set for a chaos army outside of STD and a set of Vampires - fantastic!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/28 00:27:36

Post by: gorgon

 Overread wrote:
I feel like we've got enough ruins - Sigmar has been building like crazy as has everyone else. It's time we got some proper buildings and structures and a sense that the Mortal Realms aren't just a blasted wasteland

Thing is, the setting is the Gnarlwood, basically a death world environment with a wrecked Seraphon ship at the center. Not some kind of bustling, populated city.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/28 07:33:22

Post by: Theophony

So I have not followed Warcry, but like the Khorne guys for other uses, will they sell them later out of the big box? I have no use for the terrain or the vampire dudes and don’t want the trouble of finding someone to split a set with.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/28 07:56:48

Post by: DaveC

 Theophony wrote:
So I have not followed Warcry, but like the Khorne guys for other uses, will they sell them later out of the big box? I have no use for the terrain or the vampire dudes and don’t want the trouble of finding someone to split a set with.

Yes everything in the current box gets split down for separate sale when the next box set comes out (warbands and terrain) so you are probably looking at 3 or 4 months after Bloodhunts release.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/28 09:22:00

Post by: lord_blackfang

 DaveC wrote:

Yes everything in the current box gets split down for separate sale when the next box set comes out (warbands and terrain) so you are probably looking at 3 or 4 months after Bloodhunts release.

Good timing with the Skinks actually kinda coinciding with Seraphon reboot too. A rarity for GW.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/29 11:19:25

Post by: Geifer

 gorgon wrote:
 Overread wrote:
I feel like we've got enough ruins - Sigmar has been building like crazy as has everyone else. It's time we got some proper buildings and structures and a sense that the Mortal Realms aren't just a blasted wasteland

Thing is, the setting is the Gnarlwood, basically a death world environment with a wrecked Seraphon ship at the center. Not some kind of bustling, populated city.

Even if you move away from the specific location, Ghur may not be the best place to start introducing civilized terrain. If GW wanted to do something to that effect, it'd probably be tents and yurts and stuff.

Though it might be cool to get intact urban terrain down the line, with a more Warhammer Questy setting like the Hammerhal box. If GW can do Space Hulks, they can do sewers and tunnels. Alternatively (or additionally, if you like living in the sewers) make some workshops for open terrain and some closed buildings for LOS and movement blockers (with accessible rooftops) and you have something practical that looks like an intact settlement.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/29 11:39:11

Post by: Overread

There are cities in Ghur.

A Dynasty of Monsters has a massive city built upon vast foundations and stilts to overcome a region where the land reshapes itself on a whim.

One of the early books, Skaven Pestilens (now in the collected volume Legends of the Age of Sigmar) even has a very advanced and developed city built on the back of a vast godbeast and its listed as one of several such cities. Granted through the events of Skaven its been blighted like crazy, and they mention another was conquered by Khorne, but if it could be built ones it could be built again. Plus, once more, we see that Sigmar has been building and defending and such.

Ghur might be a land of beasts and orks and nomadic tribes, but there's also vast cities, fortifications, settlements. Heck

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/29 12:09:25

Post by: Geifer

Which is nice for a novel or RPG, but GW seems to prefer typical representation of locations over something more nuanced when it comes to its wargames. I'm not saying that with the predominant theme of savage lands there is no room for civilization in Ghur, just that it's not something I'd expect from GW because of how they tend to go about things. If Ghur was the entire setting of AoS I'd expect to see expansion into an urban environment eventually, but since GW has seven more Realms and the Eightpoints and whatever they feel like adding on top of that, there is no pressure to add something to the chosen part of the setting that is only going to dilute its theme.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/29 20:22:38

Post by: DaveC

Wednesdays Warhammer+ battle report is Warcry Bloodhunt so it must be released in the next 2 or 3 weeks.

The Khorne warband looks better with the regular heads rather than the masks glad there is that option.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/29 20:24:20

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Sounds right. It's meant to be a release every three months, so mid-Feb sounds correct.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/29 20:40:10

Post by: Kanluwen

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Sounds right. It's meant to be a release every three months, so mid-Feb sounds correct.

Sundered Fate was preorders on November 20th while Shadowvaults was preorders on October 15th. We should be getting Soulshackle stuff first, not Bloodhunt.

This may just be a tie-in to Khorne Week.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/30 00:57:10

Post by: GrosseSax

 Kanluwen wrote:
 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Sounds right. It's meant to be a release every three months, so mid-Feb sounds correct.

Sundered Fate was preorders on November 20th while Shadowvaults was preorders on October 15th. We should be getting Soulshackle stuff first, not Bloodhunt.

This may just be a tie-in to Khorne Week.

Do you think they're going to do another run/print of Shadowvaults since it sold out so quickly and Into the Dark is now OOP? Or will they go straight into Soulshackle and release the Kasrkin in a KT squad box?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/30 11:31:59

Post by: Geifer

I don't think GW has done reprints of either Warcry or Kill Team boxes once they've been replaced by the next box. With the Arbites and Dark Eldar now officially revealed and possibly a month or less until release, it's pretty unlikely that GW makes more of a prior Kill Team box.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/30 18:38:39

Post by: NinthMusketeer

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Interesting how Khorne gets a warband that's blatanty Khrone, no is-it-or-isn't-it-god-influenced subtle design.
Khorne is not a subtle god

Vampires look damn nice, I really hope they're not ridiculously tall like Soulblight are.
Dam straight. At reasonable proportions they would make for FANTASTIC

Nice terrain upgrade.
Yup. Liking it.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/01/31 17:43:06

Post by: DaveC

Bladeborn from ToC 2021 still useable with the rules from WD 482 (the WH+ vault currently has up to 480). While similar there are some differences in the rules from ToC to WD.

Q: Can I use Bladeborn fighters from the Tome of Champions
or White Dwarf in Warcry?
A: Yes; use the rules found on page 91 of White Dwarf 482 to
do so.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/02/01 01:12:47

Post by: NinthMusketeer

Hm, interesting changes to undead model revival. Other than that mostly just clarifications/better wording.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/02/01 09:26:08

Post by: Siygess

Interesting. I wonder if this means the ToC profiles are now more.. or less.. likely to get an update since this confirms we can use them exactly as they are right now.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/02/02 15:08:20

Post by: Binabik15

I want to paint the Vamps like Airbenders. Imagine the werewolfbat...thing riding around on a bubble of air and being really happy.

Creature Caster is doing STL files now and their first offering would make a really nice Warcry band if they print well (and no risk of super delayed miniature delivery when it's digital files over MyMiniFactory...well, small risk ). I haven't ever played with my copy of the first Warcry starter, but I think there's rules to make your own warbands? Otherwise Unmade might be a good fit to run as proxies.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/02/03 21:42:52

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

Well huh. Didn't even know Creature Caster were doing a tribe.

Those figures would definitely fit in for WarCry!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/02/06 08:15:16

Post by: DaveC

Just confirmation that prices stay the same

£110, €145, $185 for Bloodhunt
£40, €50, $60 for the warbands

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/02/06 12:18:34

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Thanks Dave. Nice to see they haven't tacked another fiver onto it again.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/02/06 20:53:59

Post by: Gallahad

Man, just two copy pasted trees a two little two wall shacks in a $185 box...

I'm gonna pass on this one. Each successive release just contains less and less. Heart of Ghur gave you a good amount of scenery, Sundered fate gave you two less sprues of terrain but you still had three large things to put on the table and a couple cool little terradactyl things..

Bloodhunt we are down to just two trees...

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/02/08 01:01:42

Post by: NinthMusketeer

Regarding price/value... I dunno. A lot of Warcry figures I've gotten from box sets have ended up resold individually so maybe it is because of that, but I look at (almost) every model in (almost) every warband and see an RPG character people would gladly shell out $5 to get in worse material with worse detail.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/02/11 10:01:03

Post by: stahly

Here is my unboxing & review of the new Bloodhunt box, including size comparisons of both the Trueblades and Claws of Kharanak with various other Soulblight and Khorne models, and we also built the terrain to demonstrate how the new palisade sprues interact with the old Gnarloak trees:


Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/02/11 13:24:09

Post by: SamusDrake

Looking good.

Its been a while since they relaunched Warcry, and now wondering if we'll shortly see a starter set similar to Kill Team's.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/13 10:11:54

Post by: DaveC

Looking at the preview for AoS Coach’s Khorne and Slaanesh Battletomes reviews the Claws of Karanak are listed in the Khorne book but there is no new Slaanesh unit (other than the Lord of Hubris) so it looks like Nightmare Quest won’t feature Slaanesh - although it’s possible they get a separate warscroll.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/13 12:17:42

Post by: Geifer

 DaveC wrote:
Looking at the preview for AoS Coach’s Khorne and Slaanesh Battletomes reviews the Claws of Karanak are listed in the Khorne book but there is no new Slaanesh unit (other than the Lord of Hubris) so it looks like Nightmare Quest won’t feature Slaanesh - although it’s possible they get a separate warscroll.

In my opinion it is more likely that GW omitted the army book entry because the army book and Nightmare Quest were planned to be released too far apart than putting three blatantly god aligned warbands in a series of four boxes and not completing the set in the fourth one.

If you're thinking now, "but hey, screwing Slaanesh players over is GW's calling", yes. However, selling Slaanesh players an incomplete army book still satisfies that urge. In my opinion there is enough reason to pretend a little longer that we can have nice things.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/16 00:40:28

Post by: solkan

I'll be honest--I got half way through the update hoping that it was describing a new World Eater's unit that someone had forgotten to include in the codex.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/16 16:37:51

Post by: Sarouan

 DaveC wrote:
Looking at the preview for AoS Coach’s Khorne and Slaanesh Battletomes reviews the Claws of Karanak are listed in the Khorne book but there is no new Slaanesh unit (other than the Lord of Hubris) so it looks like Nightmare Quest won’t feature Slaanesh - although it’s possible they get a separate warscroll.

More likely is the Slaanesh battletome wasn't planned to be released after Nightmare Quest, so they felt like there was no need to make an unnecessary preview of what miniatures could be in the next Warcry box.

Remember, GW doesn't like to release rules without miniatures nowadays. And they don't like uncontrolled previews as well.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 17:13:23

Post by: DaveC

Warcry Crypt of Blood

Looks like some reused and some modified bits.

EDIT actually it looks like 2 products 1 with reused Underworlds warbands and a new SCE vs FEC set which might be Nightmare Quest but is literally translated as Power and Madness.


[Thumb - kn1ymillb4pa1.jpg]

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 17:38:15

Post by: Matrindur

So if I understood the google translation correctly all images are from the Crypt of Blood set with Xandires Truthseekers and the Crimson court. The nightmare quest stuff is just shown in the booklet as "you can buy this to expand your collection"

The text for the Seraphon temple also sounds like it might be an additional terrain box instead of the terrain in Nightmare quest. But the Stormcast/FEC are most likely from Nightmare Quest.
Also at first it does look identical to the normal realmshaper engine with the two platforms and a different top added but the stairs have many broken parts. So either its a bigger extra sprue with different stairs or they just reused the CAD files and made entirely new sprues

The booklet is called Power and Madness but all the others also didn't have the same name as their box so that doesn't mean anything

The images that show what is probably Nightmare Quest:

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 17:56:32

Post by: lord_blackfang

If there's a discount on the pyramid I'm in.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 17:59:50

Post by: Tsagualsa

 lord_blackfang wrote:
If there's a discount on the pyramid I'm in.

What is this, some sort of trapezoid plot?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 18:06:24

Post by: DaveC

The Realmshaper Engine looks to be a new kit there's extra damage on the panels that's not on the original kit so it's not that they put an extra sprue in it's an updated design with new sprues.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 18:24:15

Post by: Rihgu

 DaveC wrote:
The Realmshaper Engine looks to be a new kit there's extra damage on the panels that's not on the original kit so it's not that they put an extra sprue in it's an updated design with new sprues.

Looks to be just a new top plate without the portal, and an inset gem/extra damage.

edit: i'm actually taking this back. The entire kit might be brand new, just re-using 3d files as the base. There's extra damage on the stairs and the posts for the platforms go into the dirt around the base in a way that would require a new plate, basedo n the current sprue.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 18:27:24

Post by: NAVARRO

Those 6 stormcast seem to be actually just 3 different bodies with different weapons etc... Its quite visible and reminds me the reason I disliked Privateer press repeated models.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 18:58:45

Post by: GaroRobe

Ooooooooh FEC. I wonder if they think they’re animals instead of knights? I also spy what appears to be a child or a familiar…

Also I’ve waited for years for a new relictor with a skull helm. I figured GW was silently retconning them

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 19:26:17

Post by: gorgon

Very nice! I skipped the last expansion box, but will get this one for the proper Seraphon terrain instead of more bamboo structures.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 19:37:36

Post by: GaroRobe

 NAVARRO wrote:
Those 6 stormcast seem to be actually just 3 different bodies with different weapons etc... Its quite visible and reminds me the reason I disliked Privateer press repeated models.

Looks like the lightning tassel bodies used three times, the scale mail can be with daggers or without. So I guess only two bodies three times…

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 20:13:22

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Oooh... I want that new pyramid!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 20:18:59

Post by: straken619

Its weird that they decided to not stick with the pattern they had with all 4 boxes... Poor Slaanesh players...
Wonder if they will add warcry in the Adepticon Preview now or if it's too late now since we only have about one day left.
I decided that I will get only one box out of the 4 so I got Bloodhunt because I liked the warbands.
But I really like the FEC warband (even though it seems they still don't have weapons but they have some clothes at least)
And judging by the sprues you need for the realmshaper engine we are gonna get the new one and 2 trees and the scatter terrain again.
Not sure if I want more trees and the SC warband looks boring to me.. I guess I will have to wait and see more of the FEC warband....
Maybe I will get just them when they are released separately.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 20:22:39

Post by: GaroRobe

 straken619 wrote:
Its weird that they decided to not stick with the pattern they had with all 4 boxes... Poor Slaanesh players...
Wonder if they will add warcry in the Adepticon Preview now or if it's too late now since we only have about one day left.

Someone said that the name of this set translates to "Might and Madness" which I don't think was the name of the next boxset. I dunno how likely it is that a future boxset would leak this early, but there may be hope for slaanesh

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 20:25:20

Post by: Tsagualsa

 GaroRobe wrote:
 straken619 wrote:
Its weird that they decided to not stick with the pattern they had with all 4 boxes... Poor Slaanesh players...
Wonder if they will add warcry in the Adepticon Preview now or if it's too late now since we only have about one day left.

Someone said that the name of this set translates to "Might and Madness" which I don't think was the name of the next boxset. I dunno how likely it is that a future boxset would leak this early, but there may be hope for slaanesh

Well it translates to 'Power and Madness' but they seem to like their alliterations, so it could be 'Might' instead of 'Power' in english.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 20:27:40

Post by: straken619

 GaroRobe wrote:
 straken619 wrote:
Its weird that they decided to not stick with the pattern they had with all 4 boxes... Poor Slaanesh players...
Wonder if they will add warcry in the Adepticon Preview now or if it's too late now since we only have about one day left.

Someone said that the name of this set translates to "Might and Madness" which I don't think was the name of the next boxset. I dunno how likely it is that a future boxset would leak this early, but there may be hope for slaanesh

"Might and Madness" is the name of the book.
Just like "Predator and Prey" is the name of the book for Bloodhunt, so i believe it's the book from Nightmare Quest.
I doubt we are seeing leaks from the 1st box of the second season when we don't even have leaks for the 4th box of the 1st season.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 20:31:08

Post by: SamusDrake

Okay, this is looking interesting!

Guys, I'm afraid to ask; would Crypt of Blood be a B&N exclusive if it's available in spanish? My heart could be broken here...

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 20:40:44

Post by: stahly

 Rihgu wrote:
 DaveC wrote:
The Realmshaper Engine looks to be a new kit there's extra damage on the panels that's not on the original kit so it's not that they put an extra sprue in it's an updated design with new sprues.

Looks to be just a new top plate without the portal, and an inset gem/extra damage.

edit: i'm actually taking this back. The entire kit might be brand new, just re-using 3d files as the base. There's extra damage on the stairs and the posts for the platforms go into the dirt around the base in a way that would require a new plate, basedo n the current sprue.

Looks like the existing kit but with a new top plate. Probably a new accessoire sprue that also has the platforms.

The current kit has two sides you can use, one bare, and one with branches and vegetation.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 20:42:10

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Might and Madness seems to be a new mini starter with pre-existing units and new scenery. Do have to say i love that Neferata bust.

[Thumb - 1679419299652167.png]
[Thumb - 1679421108047273.jpg]

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 20:51:37

Post by: SamusDrake

Damn, I'm really excited for this...

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 20:56:02

Post by: GaroRobe

SamusDrake wrote:
Okay, this is looking interesting!

Guys, I'm afraid to ask; would Crypt of Blood be a B&N exclusive if it's available in spanish? My heart could be broken here...

No. B&N exclusives never have scenery. Those do recycle models, but they're almost exclusively types of board games

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 21:01:51

Post by: Rihgu

 stahly wrote:
 Rihgu wrote:
 DaveC wrote:
The Realmshaper Engine looks to be a new kit there's extra damage on the panels that's not on the original kit so it's not that they put an extra sprue in it's an updated design with new sprues.

Looks to be just a new top plate without the portal, and an inset gem/extra damage.

edit: i'm actually taking this back. The entire kit might be brand new, just re-using 3d files as the base. There's extra damage on the stairs and the posts for the platforms go into the dirt around the base in a way that would require a new plate, basedo n the current sprue.

Looks like the existing kit but with a new top plate. Probably a new accessoire sprue that also has the platforms.

The current kit has two sides you can use, one bare, and one with branches and vegetation.

The current kit doesn't have damage on the stairs, but looking at the sprues it looks like if there is a new sprue it could add new "dirt piles" for the platforms to plug into. But the stairs being different makes me think it's an entirely new kit, as those are completely incorporated into the facade, and an accessory sprue can't "dig out" pieces

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 21:03:34

Post by: SamusDrake

 GaroRobe wrote:

No. B&N exclusives never have scenery. Those do recycle models, but they're almost exclusively types of board games

Thank you! This is the first time I've actually been excited in a long while...

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 21:20:33

Post by: Grot 6

This looks like is should be played on a Mordheim Board.

Looks pretty neat!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 21:31:20

Post by: TalonZahn

Well, at least we know why the Crimson Court "sold out" so fast.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 21:49:37

Post by: H.B.M.C.

 DaveC wrote:
The Realmshaper Engine looks to be a new kit there's extra damage on the panels that's not on the original kit so it's not that they put an extra sprue in it's an updated design with new sprues.
At the same time there are panels that are 100% the same - right down to the number and orientation of the leaves.

Perhaps it's an add-on kit that uses part of the original?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 22:01:58

Post by: tneva82

 TalonZahn wrote:
Well, at least we know why the Crimson Court "sold out" so fast.

People knew in advance to hoard them?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 H.B.M.C. wrote:
 DaveC wrote:
The Realmshaper Engine looks to be a new kit there's extra damage on the panels that's not on the original kit so it's not that they put an extra sprue in it's an updated design with new sprues.
At the same time there are panels that are 100% the same - right down to the number and orientation of the leaves.

Perhaps it's an add-on kit that uses part of the original?

Or copy&paste cad work.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 22:04:10

Post by: lord_blackfang

So an upgrade sprue for the Garden of Morr and an upgrade sprue for the pyramid?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/21 22:52:26

Post by: H.B.M.C.

tneva82 wrote:
Or copy&paste cad work.
If you want to go to the expense of tooling a new mould for something you already make. Might be easier to make an add-on sprue.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 00:17:54

Post by: Gallahad

Add on sprues for the Garden of Morr look great. Would be nice to have a chance to buy Crimson court models...

I dislike the Stormcast, but the FEC seems exciting

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 02:31:25

Post by: Dread Master

Wow, GW is getting really lazy with these kits. Those Stormcasts are straight trashbags.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 03:29:40

Post by: PenitentJake

Do the warbands come out as single boxes eventually?

I like the Claws of Karanak. I'm not much of Khorne guy.. but I dig on dog models, so I am likely to get a detachment that's just Karanak and hounds at some point, but I like the idea of these guys for counts-as cultists that run with Karanak and the flesh hounds.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 03:38:58

Post by: Laughing Man

PenitentJake wrote:
Do the warbands come out as single boxes eventually?

I like the Claws of Karanak. I'm not much of Khorne guy.. but I dig on dog models, so I am likely to get a detachment that's just Karanak and hounds at some point, but I like the idea of these guys for counts-as cultists that run with Karanak and the flesh hounds.

They usually come out on their own around the same time the next starter box comes out, so the Claws should drop pretty soon.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 04:14:51

Post by: Gallahad

Dread Master wrote:
Wow, GW is getting really lazy with these kits. Those Stormcasts are straight trashbags.

You are right. I just noticed the Stormcast are just two bodies with alternate arms and heads..

At least the only duplicate terrain this time might be the one with the bamboo bridges?

But they have definitely been cheaping out a lot lately. Everything from copy paste terrain, super embarrassing box quality, no dice in some big boxes, etc.

I skipped Ghur and Bloodhunt... this is likely going to be a skip as well unless the value is really good like Red Harvest which had a ton of unique/interesting terrain

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 05:20:33

Post by: Matrindur

Some more images for Crypt of Blood, nothing new for Nightmare Quest.
Very much looks like either a cheap starter or one of the simpler versions for shops like Barnes&Noble since there isn't much terrain, the teams are just underworlds and the board is paper.

Also that makes me think the Stormcast/FEC box might not be Nightmare Quest after all but the first set of the next cycle since why would you advertise the fourth set in your cycle instead of the first of the next for new players? The Seraphon temple does fit the current terrain but the next season could also use similar terrain with this season being more in the woods with the different kind of trees and the next one moving over to the crashed Seraphon ship we heard about before. Stormcast would also fit the first set more and the timing could line up nicely with a future FEC Battletome.

Also you can see in the table of contents that the cut off text from one of the last batch of images which I thought could be búsqueda de pesadilla (Nightmare quest) was continúa tu búsqueda instead which just means continue your quest. This should be where the other images came from.


Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 06:19:21

Post by: tneva82

 Matrindur wrote:
Also that makes me think the Stormcast/FEC box might not be Nightmare Quest after all but the first set of the next cycle since why would you advertise the fourth set in your cycle instead of the first of the next for new players?

Well for one these are not official previews but leaks...Unless GW themselves leaked these then these were unintended leaks. GW might not have been wanting to preview these.

Also do you think GW would skip hyping next box set entirely? Has GW ever NOT advertised their release? Especially box set.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 06:38:59

Post by: Matrindur

tneva82 wrote:
 Matrindur wrote:
Also that makes me think the Stormcast/FEC box might not be Nightmare Quest after all but the first set of the next cycle since why would you advertise the fourth set in your cycle instead of the first of the next for new players?

Well for one these are not official previews but leaks...Unless GW themselves leaked these then these were unintended leaks. GW might not have been wanting to preview these.

Also do you think GW would skip hyping next box set entirely? Has GW ever NOT advertised their release? Especially box set.

I was talking about the advertisment inside the Crypt of blood booklet. That one seems to be a starter for new players so it would make sense to me to advertise the first set of the next cycle which should include the full rulebook instead of the fourth set of this cycle which doesn't have the full rules and is building on the other three sets you can't get anymore whenever Crypt of Blood will release

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 15:48:13

Post by: straken619

The guy that leaked this, posted some more pictures and the ghouls are looking really cool.
Some have swords and skulls as helmets. I can count at least 8 including one smaller, one King or whatever and a weird hairy beast that is part of an older rumor engine with a skeleton tangled in some hair.
I really like them.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 17:08:13

Post by: rybackstun

Wait isn't that Stormcast group the Harrowdeep Warband from Underworlds?

I know people are usually down on Sigmarines, but honestly i love the look of these guys and might offload the FEC part to someone else.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 17:20:28

Post by: Rihgu

 rybackstun wrote:
Wait isn't that Stormcast group the Harrowdeep Warband from Underworlds?

I know people are usually down on Sigmarines, but honestly i love the look of these guys and might offload the FEC part to someone else.

So there's 2 things being shown.

A set that is the Stormcast Underworld band vs the Soulblight underworld band set in a crypt with a statue of Neferata.

A set that is new Stormcast vs new Ghouls/FEC set around a Seraphon temple.

All of the images of both are being jumbled together and tons of people are getting confused as to what they're looking at.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 17:21:54

Post by: rybackstun

 Rihgu wrote:
 rybackstun wrote:
Wait isn't that Stormcast group the Harrowdeep Warband from Underworlds?

I know people are usually down on Sigmarines, but honestly i love the look of these guys and might offload the FEC part to someone else.

So there's 2 things being shown.

A set that is the Stormcast Underworld band vs the Soulblight underworld band set in a crypt with a statue of Neferata.

A set that is new Stormcast vs new Ghouls/FEC set around a Seraphon temple.

All of the images of both are being jumbled together and tons of people are getting confused as to what they're looking at.

It me! Am confused!

Regardless tho both sets of Stormcast look great, IMO, and I'm down to grab whatever when it shows up. I've always wanted to play Warcry so why not start now?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 17:54:59

Post by: Souleater

The ghouls look very good. Better than the previous UW band.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 18:04:43

Post by: Goose LeChance

They look like a more cartoonish version of the previous Ghouls, like everything else they do now.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 19:03:50

Post by: gorgon

 Souleater wrote:
The ghouls look very good. Better than the previous UW band.

Yeah, they look nice! I don't know if I'll keep that band, but I'm definitely getting this box (again the terrain being a big factor for me).

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 19:45:53

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Goose LeChance wrote:
They look like a more cartoonish version of the previous Ghouls, like everything else they do now.

Do you have an off switch, per chance?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 19:55:19

Post by: angryboy2k

If the FEC and the new Stormcast are what's in the fourth Gnarlwood box then GW missed an opportunity imo. Coming from Underworlds I'm heartily sick of Stormcast anyway and I'd much rather have seen a continuation of the exciting and different stuff we've been getting this season: thinking out loud here we could have had tree-worshipping slaaneshi cultists who sacrifice their prisoners to the trees in twisted rituals and a new bunch of crazed seraphon defending their ship. The Stormcast don't spark joy in me at all. :(

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 20:32:48

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Someone's managed to clean up the ghoul shots a fair bit. And that looks like a rumour engine in the bottom middle.

[Thumb - 1679503666175379.jpg]

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 20:36:57

Post by: Kanluwen

angryboy2k wrote:
If the FEC and the new Stormcast are what's in the fourth Gnarlwood box then GW missed an opportunity imo. Coming from Underworlds I'm heartily sick of Stormcast anyway and I'd much rather have seen a continuation of the exciting and different stuff we've been getting this season: thinking out loud here we could have had tree-worshipping slaaneshi cultists who sacrifice their prisoners to the trees in twisted rituals and a new bunch of crazed seraphon defending their ship. The Stormcast don't spark joy in me at all. :(

We got Seraphon earlier. Hunters of Huanchi.

You can be as sick of Stormcast as you want, it won't change the fact that this is their first actual WarCry warband.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 20:52:30

Post by: angryboy2k

 Kanluwen wrote:
angryboy2k wrote:
If the FEC and the new Stormcast are what's in the fourth Gnarlwood box then GW missed an opportunity imo. Coming from Underworlds I'm heartily sick of Stormcast anyway and I'd much rather have seen a continuation of the exciting and different stuff we've been getting this season: thinking out loud here we could have had tree-worshipping slaaneshi cultists who sacrifice their prisoners to the trees in twisted rituals and a new bunch of crazed seraphon defending their ship. The Stormcast don't spark joy in me at all. :(

We got Seraphon earlier. Hunters of Huanchi.

You can be as sick of Stormcast as you want, it won't change the fact that this is their first actual WarCry warband.

I am aware of the earlier release of Seraphon and fwiw I think it was a mistake to bring them out before the finale.

The stormcast are a total misplay - they don't fit the feeling of the season to date at all. Opinion of course.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 21:17:02

Post by: lord_blackfang

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Goose LeChance wrote:
They look like a more cartoonish version of the previous Ghouls, like everything else they do now.

Do you have an off switch, per chance?

He's right tho, they look considerably worse - more cartoony and with softer detail - than the 20 year old ghoul sprue I have on my desk.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 21:19:03

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

 lord_blackfang wrote:
 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Goose LeChance wrote:
They look like a more cartoonish version of the previous Ghouls, like everything else they do now.

Do you have an off switch, per chance?

He's right tho, they look considerably worse - more cartoony and with softer detail - than the 20 year old ghoul sprue I have on my desk.

i'll wait until i have them in hand to judge. And if you mean those god awful old metal ones, well, there's no accounting for taste.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 21:35:45

Post by: Kanluwen

angryboy2k wrote:

I am aware of the earlier release of Seraphon and fwiw I think it was a mistake to bring them out before the finale.

I mean, I think it was a mistake to have the opening box for Ghur as Chaos v Chaos. Every box should have had a Seraphon warband.

The stormcast are a total misplay - they don't fit the feeling of the season to date at all. Opinion of course.

The "feeling of the season" is that it's groups poking around in a crashed spaceship made by lizard people to fly their frog wizards around in.

Anything is possible!

Weird that nobody complained about samurai vampires, but Stormcast in a warband that apparently talks about them being pseudo-questing knights being involved is a bridge too far?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 21:38:37

Post by: angryboy2k

 Kanluwen wrote:
angryboy2k wrote:

I am aware of the earlier release of Seraphon and fwiw I think it was a mistake to bring them out before the finale.

I mean, I think it was a mistake to have the opening box for Ghur as Chaos v Chaos. Every box should have had a Seraphon warband.

Y'know, I would have been on-board with that.

 Kanluwen wrote:
angryboy2k wrote:

The stormcast are a total misplay - they don't fit the feeling of the season to date at all. Opinion of course.

The "feeling of the season" is that it's groups poking around in a crashed spaceship made by lizard people to fly their frog wizards around in.

Anything is possible.

And anything might have been better than the golden boys. Oh well!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 21:42:42

Post by: Kanluwen

Hard disagree. Chaos, at this point, is wildly overrepresented in WarCry. It was one thing when we were in the Eightpoints, but once we left that? Way overrepresented.

The first season gave us all those cool, initial warbands that all were realm specific. They could easily be reused without needing to throw in god specific ones.

I'll grant you that the Stormcast are overrepped elsewhere, but that's the way it's gonna happen when you're developing a new army from the ground up and halfway through that development starting over(which is what Thunderstrike stuff is).

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 21:45:33

Post by: angryboy2k

 Kanluwen wrote:
Hard disagree. Chaos, at this point, is wildly overrepresented in WarCry.

The first season gave us all those cool, initial warbands that all were realm specific. They could easily be reused without needing to throw in god specific ones.

I meant that I'd have been on-board with every box having a (different) seraphon warband.

I think I'm going to end up selling both warbands from the final box and making my own Seraphon defenders.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 21:51:04

Post by: Kanluwen

I got that. I just think it's daft to say that Stormcast are overrepresented here in WarCry, where this is their first bespoked warband.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/22 22:05:46

Post by: angryboy2k

 Kanluwen wrote:
I got that. I just think it's daft to say that Stormcast are overrepresented here in WarCry, where this is their first bespoked warband.

While I don't disagree with your point that this is their first bespoke warband, I never said they were over-represented in Warcry. I said I'm sick of them because I'm an Underworlds player (I have all 48 warbands and six of them are Stormcast). I also don't feel they are a good thematic match for the season, though this is pure opinion.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/23 00:09:53

Post by: Dread Master

If you’re going to do SE’s in a game like Warcry, at least put some effort in. These are boring minimum effort kits with lame poses and weirdly incongruous weapon designs. The halberds or two handed axes have a rough hewn look that jars agains the clean symmetry of the new SE design. They’re just trashbags.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/23 00:34:23

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Ghouls look pretty cool to me.

Nice if FEC got some real support though, rather than being a whole faction based around some leftover 8th Edition kits.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/23 05:06:29

Post by: angryboy2k

I know it’s off-topic but I must have invited some god’s wrath with my comment above because GW just announced a seventh stormcast warband for underworlds.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/23 05:23:45

Post by: NinthMusketeer

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
Ghouls look pretty cool to me.

Nice if FEC got some real support though, rather than being a whole faction based around some leftover 8th Edition kits.
I absolutely agree with this sentiment. While I LOVE that they allowed us to do so many character builds from unit boxes with FEC, almost the entire army comes from 3 unit boxes! (ghouls, monstrous ghouls, ZD/Terry)

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Someone's managed to clean up the ghoul shots a fair bit. And that looks like a rumour engine in the bottom middle.
Now THESE guys are looking real nice!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/24 03:39:49

Post by: Dread Master

I really hope the next season of Warcry shifts the focus to Dawnbringer Crusades. The potential to bring out kits that showcase The peoples and races involved and preferably a movement away from almost all chaos almost all the time would do it some good.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/24 19:32:14

Post by: NinthMusketeer

Yeah I'm getting real board of reading about how super-instant-death-deadly the Gnarlwood is, so deadly that there's innumerable warbands running around in it >.>

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/24 23:47:09

Post by: MajorWesJanson

 NinthMusketeer wrote:
Yeah I'm getting real board of reading about how super-instant-death-deadly the Gnarlwood is, so deadly that there's innumerable warbands running around in it >.>

What if those warbands are half the reason it is so deadly?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone reveal (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2023/03/26 11:48:25

Post by: NinthMusketeer

Wouldn't be nearly as bad were that the case.