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Made in gb
Keeper of the Holy Orb of Antioch

avoiding the lorax on Crion

*Marlilania seems to pull blanket round her and keeps warm passively and protectively has one hand over her ring*

*seems happy despite being in pain and has leg resting stretched out with very little weight on and held on to Morgan to not fall off Sofa *


*Furia looks down and smiles*
This is Calluna, daughter with Thoeth...
Say hello Calluna. I think she related to you anyway...

Very smart little one. And rather spoiled by a young Princess recently with hot chocolate...
*seems not to mind*


*Vesarian heads by main room trying to work out what going on with place*
Agh.. Seems Marlin has made a few friends round here...

*heads over to grab a coffee nodding to Iris as he goes*

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/07/15 15:15:13

Sgt. Vanden - OOC Hey, that was your doing. I didn't choose to fly in the "Dongerprise'.

"May the odds be ever in your favour"

Hybrid Son Of Oxayotl wrote:
I have no clue how Dakka's moderation work. I expect it involves throwing a lot of d100 and looking at many random tables.

FudgeDumper - It could be that you are just so uncomfortable with the idea of your chapters primarch having his way with a docile tyranid spore cyst, that you must deny they have any feelings at all.  
Made in gb
The Last Chancer Who Survived

United Kingdom

OOC: We've gone quiet :c

*TC-1-ECRA maintains it's eerily motionless geostationary orbit, a shadow against the stars, its enormity bearing down oppressively upon the hapless inhabitants of Room-world*

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/07/17 15:08:11

Made in gb
Keeper of the Holy Orb of Antioch

avoiding the lorax on Crion

Ooc aye , things are quiet :(

*Marilania wakes slowly and looks over*
Hey Iris... Morning...

*yawns and moves blanket finally making ring visible *
Father.... Leave em alone ok. They friends.

*Vesarian nods*
Marinalia... seeing as you asked. I do have something we need to discuss at some point though.

*both seem pretty cool but civil and not hating each other totaly*


*Jarl walks out and looks up at shadow*
Now now... Some how we have to board that.
Only way we gonna get answers about this thing...

But how... It has to have a blind spot...

Sgt. Vanden - OOC Hey, that was your doing. I didn't choose to fly in the "Dongerprise'.

"May the odds be ever in your favour"

Hybrid Son Of Oxayotl wrote:
I have no clue how Dakka's moderation work. I expect it involves throwing a lot of d100 and looking at many random tables.

FudgeDumper - It could be that you are just so uncomfortable with the idea of your chapters primarch having his way with a docile tyranid spore cyst, that you must deny they have any feelings at all.  
Made in gb
The Last Chancer Who Survived

United Kingdom

*The Astropathic Warning is still circulating*



This is Admiral Eclipse of the 18th Battlegroup of Battlefleet Tempestus, broadcasting on all frequencies. We have been engaged by an Eldar Craftworld, designated TC-1-ECRA. in Sub-Sector Aurora Meridian. This vessel has destroyed no fewer than six battlegroups on its course, and must be considered Threat-Level: CATACLYSM. TC-1-ECRA is armed with planet-killer munitions, battleship-class port and starboard Lance Batteries, fleet-class Launch Bays, a prow Linear Accelerator and dorsal missile batteries. TC-1-ECRA is advancing on heading 371-885-774-14.

TC-1-ECRA, is not to be engaged. Repeat, TC-1-ECRA, is not to be engaged.

TC-1-ECRA has suffered cripppling damage to its port-side hull, all attempts to pass TC-1-ECRA are to consider this the only survivable vector.

TC-1-ECRA, is not to be engaged. Repeat, TC-1-ECRA, is not to be engaged.

==Repeat Transmission==

This is Admiral Eclipse of the 18th Battlegroup of Battlefleet Tempestus, broadcasting on all frequencies. We have been engaged by an Eldar Craftworld, designated TC-1-ECRA. in Sub-Sector Aurora Meridian. This vessel has destroyed no fewer than six battlegroups on its course, and must be considered Threat-Level: CATACLYSM. TC-1-ECRA is armed with planet-killer munitions, battleship-class port and starboard Lance Batteries, fleet-class Launch Bays, a prow Linear Accelerator and dorsal missile batteries. TC-1-ECRA is advancing on heading 371-885-774-14.

TC-1-ECRA, is not to be engaged. Repeat, TC-1-ECRA, is not to be engaged.

TC-1-ECRA has suffered cripppling damage to its port-side hull, all attempts to pass TC-1-ECRA are to consider this the only survivable vector.

TC-1-ECRA, is not to be engaged. Repeat, TC-1-ECRA, is not to be engaged.


Made in gb
Keeper of the Holy Orb of Antioch

avoiding the lorax on Crion

*Jarl tunes head into message and relises there may be a chance if they can get a asset that can fly and go void capable*

The vector.. Maybe... With a high rate of evasive flight.
Deploy a decoy maybe...

*sits outside thinking and voxa the other space wolf the idea*
We might have a plan brother. It has a weakness...

Sgt. Vanden - OOC Hey, that was your doing. I didn't choose to fly in the "Dongerprise'.

"May the odds be ever in your favour"

Hybrid Son Of Oxayotl wrote:
I have no clue how Dakka's moderation work. I expect it involves throwing a lot of d100 and looking at many random tables.

FudgeDumper - It could be that you are just so uncomfortable with the idea of your chapters primarch having his way with a docile tyranid spore cyst, that you must deny they have any feelings at all.  
Made in us
Hangin' with Gork & Mork

The Ruins of the Boston Commonwealth

*Iris sits with Hanna in the kitchen, still hurting a little bit from a wounded leg*
Iris: So Hanna, I was thinking we'd go somewhere when Horus gets back... Somewhere nice and safe

*Macha talks a bit more with Calluna and Furia, eventually deciding to let them stay and see what goes on*

*Dria goes to Gharn and sits with him, talking for a long time about her being so shut down. Finally she hugs him tightly, whispers for him never to leave her and they enjoy a night of passion together*

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/07/18 03:07:03

Made in gb
Keeper of the Holy Orb of Antioch

avoiding the lorax on Crion

*Furia holds Calluna bouncing her slightly to keep her happy*
Thankyou.. For safe place, Calluna no trouble.

*heads off to tell Thoeth the good news and if he needs to have a word with the sisters as he one who seems to have the issues, slightly annoyed he could not have told her more before she went as nearly undid everything*

*Marinalia looks over seeing Iris seeming happy anyway *
They seem cute...

*looks over her father more cooly*
So what is it. I thought we where being open...

*nods and notices her new ring carrying a hidden meaning*
Agh, I see Maria has made sure your Martian... But not quite...
*glances over to still sleeping Morgan*
Heirloom indeed.

There is someone I need you to help... It without not entirely without risk.. To both of you.
I came for reasons of import. A life hangs in the balance.

Now do you believe im not entirely evil?


*Marla and Maria sat chatting outside trying to work out what to do about Marlins father and there whole family cold war*

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/07/18 14:05:40

Sgt. Vanden - OOC Hey, that was your doing. I didn't choose to fly in the "Dongerprise'.

"May the odds be ever in your favour"

Hybrid Son Of Oxayotl wrote:
I have no clue how Dakka's moderation work. I expect it involves throwing a lot of d100 and looking at many random tables.

FudgeDumper - It could be that you are just so uncomfortable with the idea of your chapters primarch having his way with a docile tyranid spore cyst, that you must deny they have any feelings at all.  
Made in us
Hangin' with Gork & Mork

The Ruins of the Boston Commonwealth

*Morgan is still fast asleep, exhausted*

*Gharn and Dria lie in bed together, sleeping the day away with each other*

*The two sisters head back to the ranch to prepare for Furia and Thoth's arrival*

*Horus comes back and he and Iris have a serious talk then Iris gets up to find Maria, leaving Horus with Hanna*
Horus: Alright Hanna, you sure you've got everything?
*He makes sure she does and starts packing up what few possessions he and Iris still have between them*

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/07/18 14:36:49

Made in gb
Keeper of the Holy Orb of Antioch

avoiding the lorax on Crion

*Maria looks up from chatting with Marla*

Hey, what's up Iris?
Trouble? Someone hurt?


A life... What you on about.. Who. Who you hurt...

No one.. Not by choice or direct action.
You have a Half sister... She has a aging illness, your my daughter and a close match. You from what Maria told me age Far slower.. The two counteract...

What... And you never told me...
A what... Why did you never saay before..

I could not risk it... Till I was sure... Now as you can understand, I had very good reason yo come here...

Sgt. Vanden - OOC Hey, that was your doing. I didn't choose to fly in the "Dongerprise'.

"May the odds be ever in your favour"

Hybrid Son Of Oxayotl wrote:
I have no clue how Dakka's moderation work. I expect it involves throwing a lot of d100 and looking at many random tables.

FudgeDumper - It could be that you are just so uncomfortable with the idea of your chapters primarch having his way with a docile tyranid spore cyst, that you must deny they have any feelings at all.  
Made in us
Hangin' with Gork & Mork

The Ruins of the Boston Commonwealth

*Morgan stirs slightly and mumbles in a doze*
Morgan: No more waffles...

*Iris smiles faintly and hugs both sisters tightly*
Iris: I'm... saying goodbye. Horus, Hanna and I are going leave for greener pastures... maybe settle down, maybe see if we can find some children in need of parents, like with Hanna.
*She sighs sadly*
Iris: But... we're going to need to leave this place, for somewhere less dangerous... so we're heading out in a day or too, once we've said our goodbyes...
*As she hugs Maria she whispers "My offer still stands, should you ever want, call on me, I'll hear you."*

Made in gb
Keeper of the Holy Orb of Antioch

avoiding the lorax on Crion

*Marinalia looks down at Morgan and up at Verias*
Il have to talk to... Well Mprgan and Maria...

Partly in still recovering myself...
*smiles slightly at Morgan thinking to make pancakes of she can stand long ernough at stove and keeps arm round *

As expected, but I am unwilling to wait to long. Her aging rate is 12 times that of normal... Some illness, this is my last chance...

Her name is Victoria. Quite the athlete not unlike yourself...
You might get on...


*Maria hugs Iris *
*quietly* maybe, hell, can,t hurt once...

Well stay safe, and of you ever...
Well if you cannot contact direct. *gives details of a fake ID, and that gets back to them via quiet means with own funds and layers of discreet agreements*

Bit slower, but I'm sure we can find you space on the quiet estates out in the quieter systems if ever want to visit...

*Marla offers a hug*
Not goodbye. Just going away for awhile Iris...

We survive, we always managed between the family some how!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/07/18 15:14:49

Sgt. Vanden - OOC Hey, that was your doing. I didn't choose to fly in the "Dongerprise'.

"May the odds be ever in your favour"

Hybrid Son Of Oxayotl wrote:
I have no clue how Dakka's moderation work. I expect it involves throwing a lot of d100 and looking at many random tables.

FudgeDumper - It could be that you are just so uncomfortable with the idea of your chapters primarch having his way with a docile tyranid spore cyst, that you must deny they have any feelings at all.  
Made in us
Hangin' with Gork & Mork

The Ruins of the Boston Commonwealth

*Iris of course hugs Marla tightly and smiles faintly down at the pair of sisters*
Iris: If you should need me, or Horus, just call on us... We'll here you.
*She smiles again, pulls them both into one last hug, wipes a tear away and waves as she goes to find others to say goodbye to*

*Morgan stirs agian*
Morgan: What's... going on?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/07/18 16:05:49

Made in gb
Keeper of the Holy Orb of Antioch

avoiding the lorax on Crion

*Maria and Marla give her a wave slightly sadly as saying farewell to a freind*

Safe to say, if you need help. Just contact us.


*Marinalia looks over slightly worried *
Il.. Explain

*Vesarian nods*
Il be in kitchen if you got questions..
*heads there*

*Marinalia looks at Morgana nd hugs him*
Hey. Seems my emotional roller coaster ain't over.
.. Dad.. Can you get me coffee... Well two..

*hands her a coffee slightly suprised at word used before going back *

Real reason my father came... I have a half sister with a Aging illness, who now I'm the only cure... My blood is a match to hers and I age slower...

Hr came here to save Victoria ... *sighs * I guess he ain't all donkey-cave after all... Well still some... But ...

*sighs and looks confused*
If I do this, I'm asking you... Unfair otherwise... Risks to me... But if I don,t i....

Sgt. Vanden - OOC Hey, that was your doing. I didn't choose to fly in the "Dongerprise'.

"May the odds be ever in your favour"

Hybrid Son Of Oxayotl wrote:
I have no clue how Dakka's moderation work. I expect it involves throwing a lot of d100 and looking at many random tables.

FudgeDumper - It could be that you are just so uncomfortable with the idea of your chapters primarch having his way with a docile tyranid spore cyst, that you must deny they have any feelings at all.  
Made in us
Hangin' with Gork & Mork

The Ruins of the Boston Commonwealth

*Morgan still seems a little distrustful of Vensarian but nods*
Morgan: I think you should do it, if he's telling the truth then... well I think it should happen.

*Iris goes to see Morrigan and spends several hours just sitting and talking with her about things*

Made in gb
Keeper of the Holy Orb of Antioch

avoiding the lorax on Crion

*Marinalia looks worried but agrees...*

Thanks... I had to ask.

*looks over*
Father... Il do it... For her, not for you though.

*Vesarian looks back*
I thought as much... You like your mother than me...
(that was easier... No may have been a tad more messy)

*voxs over a message and a rumbling of a transport pulls up outside with a medical team a while later*
*Victoria looks pale with several medics, in tow and a fairly chunky support augment frame helping her walk with a subtle hiss of powered systems*

*Looks athletic but ill with Marlin sharing same grey eyes as a family trait and dark hair, obviously drained relying heavily on Aumented support*

Dad, and this is... Who I think.

Sister... Marinalia*
And...? *looks nervously to Morgan as total stranger*

Hello, *both look rather nervous *
Yep, Half sister Victoria...
He trusted..

*Maria walks in and suddenly looks over surprised and also frowns heavily *
You been hiding things Verris... Very much so...

*Vesarian nods*
I have been Maria... Now I ain't such a donkey-cave as I seem.
Unless I need to be...

Sgt. Vanden - OOC Hey, that was your doing. I didn't choose to fly in the "Dongerprise'.

"May the odds be ever in your favour"

Hybrid Son Of Oxayotl wrote:
I have no clue how Dakka's moderation work. I expect it involves throwing a lot of d100 and looking at many random tables.

FudgeDumper - It could be that you are just so uncomfortable with the idea of your chapters primarch having his way with a docile tyranid spore cyst, that you must deny they have any feelings at all.  
Made in us
Hangin' with Gork & Mork

The Ruins of the Boston Commonwealth

*Morgan nods politely to Vicky*
Morgan: I'm Morgan... your sister's well... We're more than boyfriend and girlfriend at this point. I'm her partner... Good to meet you.
*Tries hard to be friendly*

Made in gb
Keeper of the Holy Orb of Antioch

avoiding the lorax on Crion

*Marinalia smiles slightly *
Think that sums things up accurately... Yep, he a good egg.

*glad he trying yet both of them are rather nervous*

*Victoria quietly, but also as nervous meeting Marlin for first time, and quiet as not in best health*
Nice to meet you then. She seems to have chosen well, not one of the old familes, being a Princess. ?
You known each other a while?
*probes slightly to try and learn abit about both of them carefully*

This place has been different, normal rules do not apply as such.
Its been... Difficult, but worth it. This place is.. Interesting.

*Vesarian looks over guardedly protectively *
See Maria, my reasons now clear...

Aye. They are...
You hurt her though. We can forget our truce. She innocent unlike you though...
You be wanting my help...?

And you... We both are not Maria.
Yes. Its complex, a skilled doctor will not go amiss.

*Victoria looks over*
Least there not killing each other...

*Marinalia nods*
Yeah.. We both know one half of the story..

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/07/18 18:39:56

Sgt. Vanden - OOC Hey, that was your doing. I didn't choose to fly in the "Dongerprise'.

"May the odds be ever in your favour"

Hybrid Son Of Oxayotl wrote:
I have no clue how Dakka's moderation work. I expect it involves throwing a lot of d100 and looking at many random tables.

FudgeDumper - It could be that you are just so uncomfortable with the idea of your chapters primarch having his way with a docile tyranid spore cyst, that you must deny they have any feelings at all.  
Made in us
Hangin' with Gork & Mork

The Ruins of the Boston Commonwealth

*Morgan is kinda awkward, not knowing what to do.*

*Iris walks out of Morrigan's room, wiping her face, then pauses when she sees everything in the main room*
Iris: Uh, hello what's going on here?

Made in gb
Keeper of the Holy Orb of Antioch

avoiding the lorax on Crion

*Marinalia, Maria, VesArian and Victoria all Ummmmmm heavily. *

Marinalia, well, ummm Vearian... please Father...

*Vesarian nods*
sure Marinalia. Well, I am Marinalias father, the young Lady with dark hair is my daughter and her step sister Victoria.

aye, don;t you keep remining me Veris. what we got up to... i know you enjoy it... she not mine, born after.

*Victoria weakly relying on a augmented support frame*
Marlinalia, my half sister is key for my treatment, ... i age too fast. Illness, this is only cure.

*looks over to Morgan with eyes rather similar to her sisters and fathers*
you seem cute anyway... got a brother?
*jokinglyy tries to break the ice abit that's rapidly forming desperately*

and i age slower... so this kinda well, is a rather bad family reunion with two split parents worthy of a holo soap...

umm... yeah, that about explains this mess...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/07/18 22:11:48

Sgt. Vanden - OOC Hey, that was your doing. I didn't choose to fly in the "Dongerprise'.

"May the odds be ever in your favour"

Hybrid Son Of Oxayotl wrote:
I have no clue how Dakka's moderation work. I expect it involves throwing a lot of d100 and looking at many random tables.

FudgeDumper - It could be that you are just so uncomfortable with the idea of your chapters primarch having his way with a docile tyranid spore cyst, that you must deny they have any feelings at all.  
Made in us
Hangin' with Gork & Mork

The Ruins of the Boston Commonwealth

*Iris blinks in surprise, sort of just standing there with a very surprised expression on her face*
Iris: Oh! I err... I see... I'll just... be over here...
*She scoots off*

*Morgan frowns slightly at Victoria*
Morgan: No. I have a twin sister, but she's spoken for. Why? I thought you had an advanced aging disease? So how old are you?

Made in gb
Keeper of the Holy Orb of Antioch

avoiding the lorax on Crion

*Victoria sighs coughing slightly*

18 . I caught it on a space station, a chemical effected me.
Its mostly made me very weak but much longer and Il have far worse effects. , I cannot walk minus support or stand now unaided. 10 months ago I could run close to a 4 minute mile.

It started slow.. It like a curve.

*weakly embarrassed and slightly sad as so weak*
Breaking the ice... Seemed to be freezing over.

*Vesarian nods*
She was normal young lady before. It was I suspect a hrud derived chemical. They are... A dangerous xeno we know little of but they leave planets a dead husk in wake.

*Marinalia feels bad for her. *
Oh sorry. Come on, Il help abit.
*helps her down and seems to deep down relise they have similarities' *
*Vesarian silences a medics protest with a shake of head instead wanting sisters to bond to make sure Marlin does not back out in mind games *

Umm yeah. Litte awkward Iris...
*Follows trusting Veasrian not be be idiot round Victoria*
Sorry about that.. Ummm.. I'm not sure how to explain. It just happened.

I dislike the man greatly but she is innocent...

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/07/18 23:17:14

Sgt. Vanden - OOC Hey, that was your doing. I didn't choose to fly in the "Dongerprise'.

"May the odds be ever in your favour"

Hybrid Son Of Oxayotl wrote:
I have no clue how Dakka's moderation work. I expect it involves throwing a lot of d100 and looking at many random tables.

FudgeDumper - It could be that you are just so uncomfortable with the idea of your chapters primarch having his way with a docile tyranid spore cyst, that you must deny they have any feelings at all.  
Made in us
Hangin' with Gork & Mork

The Ruins of the Boston Commonwealth

*Morgan frowns and nods*
Morgan: And your only solution was to come here? Get Maril's help? What do you even need from her?
*He sighs and pats Vicky's shoulder*
Morgan: Sorry just... dealing with some gak right now... Let's get you healed up and back on your own two feet.

Made in gb
Keeper of the Holy Orb of Antioch

avoiding the lorax on Crion

*Victoria nods weakly*
Yes... Only thing left. She has slowed aging.
We are half sisters. We match ernough. Thankyou.

Excuse me.. I'm rather... Tired.
*is helped off to a spare room by one of her rather overly professional medical team*

*Vesarian calmy explains*
Marinalia and her family line all age slower. There blood contains some property we cannot replicate. We tried everything else.
Maria will supervise things of course too.

*Marinalia nods nervously*
Yes... He right... It might pass on... Ernough to make normal...
We are sisters...

It can wait till morning... When we all.ready. We both need to rest for this.

Ooc night.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/07/18 23:49:00

Sgt. Vanden - OOC Hey, that was your doing. I didn't choose to fly in the "Dongerprise'.

"May the odds be ever in your favour"

Hybrid Son Of Oxayotl wrote:
I have no clue how Dakka's moderation work. I expect it involves throwing a lot of d100 and looking at many random tables.

FudgeDumper - It could be that you are just so uncomfortable with the idea of your chapters primarch having his way with a docile tyranid spore cyst, that you must deny they have any feelings at all.  
Made in gb
The Last Chancer Who Survived

United Kingdom

OOC: I wonder if the play's gotten stale.. There's been a lack of newcomers. I remember when people used to cycle through this thread almost weekly :/
I also managed to snooker myself by being a CW stuck in high orbit...
Probably should design a secondary character. Any proposals?
Made in gb
Keeper of the Holy Orb of Antioch

avoiding the lorax on Crion

Ooc aye. Much has gone on, and well people are people. Hard to explain indeed!
None of your fault!

And yeah, you kinda snookered being a floating celestial object.
There's a reason most people kept least 3 ideas open at once.

Umm.. Whatever you feel comfortable with. Link to plot you has, or not, feel free.
If it writes easy, just go with it.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/07/18 23:56:19

Sgt. Vanden - OOC Hey, that was your doing. I didn't choose to fly in the "Dongerprise'.

"May the odds be ever in your favour"

Hybrid Son Of Oxayotl wrote:
I have no clue how Dakka's moderation work. I expect it involves throwing a lot of d100 and looking at many random tables.

FudgeDumper - It could be that you are just so uncomfortable with the idea of your chapters primarch having his way with a docile tyranid spore cyst, that you must deny they have any feelings at all.  
Made in gb
The Last Chancer Who Survived

United Kingdom

*The Room's main entrance slams open and a haggered looking guardsman, dressed in verdant green flak armour. His left arm is in a crude sling, burnt red with dried blood, and he immediately falls to the floor*

Guardsman: Is this Medicae 14?

*His voice is that of a battle hardened soldier, rough and commanding, from him a question sounds like an order for information*

Guardsman: Is THIS Medicae 14?

OOC: An image:

Made in gb
Keeper of the Holy Orb of Antioch

avoiding the lorax on Crion

Marla! Wounded.
*goes to help solider to a chair*

*Vesarians medical team remain soley caring for Victoria and unloading equipment *
*Vesarian cooly presses the alert button in the somewhat customized garb of a navy captain*
There are available medics here guardsman.
*one keeps a eye on Victoria and helps ready her for the procedure *

*Marla heads over*
Professor Marla, head Doctor of Medicare zone 15 and senior doctor.
Want me to take a look at that arm soldier.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/07/19 07:27:49

Sgt. Vanden - OOC Hey, that was your doing. I didn't choose to fly in the "Dongerprise'.

"May the odds be ever in your favour"

Hybrid Son Of Oxayotl wrote:
I have no clue how Dakka's moderation work. I expect it involves throwing a lot of d100 and looking at many random tables.

FudgeDumper - It could be that you are just so uncomfortable with the idea of your chapters primarch having his way with a docile tyranid spore cyst, that you must deny they have any feelings at all.  
Made in us
Hangin' with Gork & Mork

The Ruins of the Boston Commonwealth

*Morgan nods to Vensarian*
Morgan: What else did you try? Anything? Or did you just come straight here?

*He sees the wounded soldier and goes to help*

OOC: Yeah things have slowed down. Most of the regulars have moved on to greener pastures. I still post a bit and Jhe does too, other than that War Kitten and Vervievadi pop in from time to time but it's not often

Made in gb
Keeper of the Holy Orb of Antioch

avoiding the lorax on Crion

*Vesarian nods*

i did, mostly juvent and other treatments that slow or counter aging. at rather high expense, we where out near the Chronos expanse.
*adds for Morgan*
its the Impirums rather frontier border, similar to Halo stars...

I headed here rather early on , as i was on the borders, and it took several months at warp to reach this system.

*Marinalia lets Morgan help and makes some food for people*
guardsman, Morgan, anyone else want somthing from the kitchen while im waiting for Victoria?

*stands uneasily but able to stand abit*

Sgt. Vanden - OOC Hey, that was your doing. I didn't choose to fly in the "Dongerprise'.

"May the odds be ever in your favour"

Hybrid Son Of Oxayotl wrote:
I have no clue how Dakka's moderation work. I expect it involves throwing a lot of d100 and looking at many random tables.

FudgeDumper - It could be that you are just so uncomfortable with the idea of your chapters primarch having his way with a docile tyranid spore cyst, that you must deny they have any feelings at all.  
Made in gb
The Last Chancer Who Survived

United Kingdom

*The Guardsman looks lost for a moment, but straightens up a little for Marla*

Guardsman: Sure. It got shot. Dunno what by. Had to strap it up myself on the way over here.
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