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Made in us
Gargantuan Gargant

New Bedford, MA USA

Got sidetracked from my Titan and Dred Mob by Ogres.

You can't blame me. When an Ogre comes knocking on your door, you either do what he asks or get eaten.

One of my longtime gaming buddies talked me back into playing Warhammer Fantasy. I love big models and converting so I decided to undertake an Ogre Kingdoms force.

A quick trip to ChoasOrc's store and I had a Butcher, Ninja Maneater, and 2 Battalions worth of models.

After receiving my models, I cam to the conclusion that the Ogre Kingdom Butcher is quite possibly the most FUGLY model GW has ever produced. I have never been soo upset after buying a GW model. It is soo ugly I simple refuse to field it all.I was however quite pleased to find out that for every Ogre there is a bonus Gnoblar, as well as Gnoblars on the Iron Guts and Lead Belcher sprues as well. It brings the number of Gnoblars up from 24 to something like 42 per battallion.

After a few weeks of trading on Bartertown I picked up another 3 partial battalions (2 missing Gnoblars, 1 missing Lead Belchers) and a Tryant Model.

Started with something like this
1 Tyrant
1 Butcher
30 Bulls
20 Iron Guts
16 Lead Belchers
130+ Gnoblars
1 Maneater

Butchers are firs up for conversion korner !!

Took a plastic Bull and sawed him across the waist line and top of his boots. Pinned him back together a head's height taller than he was before and went to town with the green stuff.

His head is a bull head, with beard skulls from a lead belcher, and a skull topknot from the Ork Nobz Sprue.
The weapon is a piece of Plasticard, worked into a Butcher's Cleaver, mounted into a hand weapon fixture.
The Bangstick is a cut down banner pole..
Thrown in some foodstuffs from all the ogres sprues and a GreenStuff apon and your done!

I also started work on a standard height, but extra fat Ogre Butcher with the Mask

It then occured to me that you could use Bellowers made from Bulls in your Iron guts squads to bulk them up. I'm going totally MSU so my Iron Guts swelled from 20 to 30.
I wasn't happy about them not having great weapons though, so I went about converting them some great weapons.

I haven't quite sat down and hammered out an exact army list yet, but my new force composititon looks like
1 Tyrant
4 Butchers
15 Bulls
30 Iron Guts
16 Lead Belchers
130+ Gnoblars
2 Maneaters

I plan on fielding a unit of two Ninja Ogres as a bodyguard to my Tyrant as soon as I get around to finishing converting the second one

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2008/04/08 22:15:50

Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

Awesome. The tall butcher and fat butcher are looking sweet, dig the MASK on the fatty fat one. Good call on the bellower guts, and of course standard guts can likewise just be bulls - though since you're going hardline MSU you'll probably never take a standard :S

I'll be watching, ogres are great fun and how I got back into 7th ed. fantasy.

- Salvage

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in us
Gargantuan Gargant

New Bedford, MA USA

Thanks !

I'm thinking of a Tall, Fat Ogre for the trifecta.

If it weren't for Ogres I can honestly say I most likely wouldn't have given Fantasy a second chance.

Now, I find myself torn between Ogres and VC and all it's sweet new plastic models....


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2008/03/28 04:40:14

Made in au
.. .-.. .-.. ..- -- .. -. .- - ..

Toowoomba, Australia

Man thats a huge army of ogres...

I really like the conversion for the ironguts, works a treat.

When will we start seeing painted models?

2024: Games Played:0/Models Bought:70/Sold:519/Painted: 93
2023: Games Played:0/Models Bought:287/Sold:0/Painted: 203
2020-2022: Games Played:42/Models Bought:1271/Sold:631/Painted:442
2016-19: Games Played:369/Models Bought:772/Sold:378/ Painted:268
2012-15: Games Played:412/Models Bought: 1163/Sold:730/Painted:436 
Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

adamsouza wrote:Now, I find myself torn between Ogres and VC and all it's sweet new plastic models....


Amen to that. Except add MUST FINISH NURGLISH SKAVEN and MUST START AND FINISH TOMB KINGS in there before vamps too

What you got planned for the tyrant himself?

- Salvage

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in us
Gargantuan Gargant

New Bedford, MA USA

I was originally going to go all custom on the tyrant, but after getting my hands on it, I really like the GW model.

I put him together with the greatweapon and horned gut plate. They fit, but they don't look right.
The plan is to change the right handed weapon head into a spiked ball to match the left handed weapon head and rescult the horns coming off of the gut plate so that they curve down and away from the greatweapon's center. I'm contempating removing the wooden portion of the greatweapon and replacing it with a metal rod.

I would have prefered he was armed with a massive sword, but the model really wouldn't support it without me resculpting the entire arms and head. Maybe if I pop him apart and fiddle with some Iron Guts arms there might be something I can do.

Made in us
Gargantuan Gargant

New Bedford, MA USA

Just borke my Tryant back into his componenet pieces and took a saw to him. Going to make his gut bigger and make his gateplate suitable to double as a Gut Maw or a Bull Plate. Also looking at giving him an overhead hold on his greatweapon. If that works out I have an ornate sword I'm be repalcing it with.

Decided to build the following army list

A-Bomb's Ogres 2000pt

Tyrant 306pts Heavy Armor, Tenderizer, Gutmaw, Wyrdstone
Maneater Body Guard (x2) 180pts Heavy Armor, Great Weapons

Shooty Butcher 180pts Bangstick, Blood Cleaver
Irongut Bodyguard (x3) 154 w/bellower

Scarey Butcher 180pts SkullMantle, Siegebreaker
Irongut Bodyguard (x3) 154 w/bellower

Sneaky Butcher 180pts Skull Plucker, Greedy Fist
Irongut Bodyguard (x3) 154 w/bellower

Obligatory Bulls 117pts (x3) w/additional hand weapons

Ironguts (x3) 154 w/bellower

Leadbelcher Fireworks Technicians (x3) 175pts w/ bellower

Gnoblar Trapper War Machine Hunters (x11) 66pts

Made in us
Gargantuan Gargant

New Bedford, MA USA

Worked on the Tyrant a bit

He now has an overhead strike posture, quite different from the basi model, a huge enchanted sword, and the horns on his gut plate are out of the way enough he can actually swing his sword without hitting them.

I don't know if you can notice it in the pics, but his sword is taller than he is, even if were to stand fully erect.

The sword itself is from some cheap fantasy import action figure. I bought it years back in some discount store entirely for the weapons.

He needs a new head. I like the head that looks to the side, but it doesn't look appropriate for this pose, and I'm not much of fan of the other head, even though it's looking forward, which would be great for this pose.

Anyhow, I still need to green stuff some additional amor on his arms, and figure out how I'm going to base him.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2008/03/29 15:18:35

Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

Great start on the tyrant, I see so few tyrants with reposed arms, particularly reposed so extremely as you've done. And that's one helluva sword to rep the Good Ol' Standardizer

I fought for a long time with what head to do on my tyrant, and eventually settled on a plastic ogre head with some GS and bits attached to it. Then again my tyrant is a mawseeker so pinhead is appropriate.

adamsouza wrote:A-Bomb's Ogres 2000pt

Tyrant 306pts Heavy Armor, Tenderizer, Gutmaw, Wyrdstone
Maneater Body Guard (x2) 180pts Heavy Armor, Great Weapons

Shooty Butcher 180pts Bangstick, Blood Cleaver
Irongut Bodyguard (x3) 154 w/bellower

Scarey Butcher 180pts SkullMantle, Siegebreaker
Irongut Bodyguard (x3) 154 w/bellower

Sneaky Butcher 180pts Skull Plucker, Greedy Fist
Irongut Bodyguard (x3) 154 w/bellower

Obligatory Bulls 117pts (x3) w/additional hand weapons

Ironguts (x3) 154 w/bellower

Leadbelcher Fireworks Technicians (x3) 175pts w/ bellower

Gnoblar Trapper War Machine Hunters (x11) 66pts

First off, AWESOME on the maneater bodyguard, such a ridiculously tough unit, particularly with trollguts or toothcracker on them. Total sweetness. Also cred on the gut maw, don't see it used much and it's always seemed like a nice beefy piece of kit if you make room for it.

Scarey Butcher is a solid build, yeah for killing and scaring.
Shooty Butcher, I dunno if you want the blood cleaver on him, as it's quite easy to just bloodgruel wounds back. Also, with the bangstick you'll probably want him hanging back and banging things, say with the bulls as bodyguard. Swapping the cleaver for 1 scroll would do better in this case, making him largely support instead of a few S4 attaks in combat (where he'll be put in danger).
Sneaky Butcher, w00t for skull plucker, but as much as I like greedy fist the butcher actually can't take it as it's Magic Armor and he's a wizard. And anyway, you likely would never make the 6+ save against anything with a magic weapon, as it would no doubt be negated!

Finally, leadbelchers work their best at 2 ogres w/ bellower. 2 run up, blast something, bait-and-flee, rally-and-reload, then repeat. Without light cav they're the ogre equivalent, plus they can shoot once or twice a game.

Dropping the 3rd belcher and blood cleaver gets you 75 points to mess with, which smells like an awfully useful / useless gorger to me! I say this as he has the potential for so much mayhem / confusion, but mine fluffs like no other

- Salvage

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2008/03/31 16:30:52

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in us
Gargantuan Gargant

New Bedford, MA USA

I went with 3 lead Belchers for 2 reasons. I have 8 of them assembled, and I figured 3 more wounds would make the unit a bit more survivable.

You are correct that the save on the Greedy Fist is a joke, but I was thinking of it more as magic weapon denial. Figured if he challenged someone and got a few hits in he could rob them of their magic weapon and maybe get in a death blow.

My original list had a dispell scroll on every butcher, but I figured I'd model them with this gear, since you don't need to model scrolls. The cleaver can be nonmagical, etc...

I also wanted to be a bit different from all the other Ogre armies I see on Dakka. I find this army has the potential to be a bit shootier than average. Not fantastic at it, but I worry about all those damned VC armies suddenly unearthed.

Made in us
Infiltrating Oniwaban

That pose on the Tyrant is MONEY.

Infinity: Way, way better than 40K and more affordable to boot!

"If you gather 250 consecutive issues of White Dwarf, and burn them atop a pyre of Citadel spray guns, legend has it Gwar will appear and answer a single rules-related question. " -Ouze 
Made in us
Gargantuan Gargant

New Bedford, MA USA

I'm quite happy with the pose myself. It's pretty much impossible to rank another ogre neatly behind him that way, but I'm playing all MSU, so it's not a real concern.

I'm trying to find some fine chain, junk jewelry in a gumb ball machine, to finish off the detail work, and I'm going to try and sculpt a Spartan(300) like face plate on him, this weekend.

Made in us
Gargantuan Gargant

New Bedford, MA USA

The slavegiant isn't good enough that I would field him in a competitive game, or shell out $45 on him. I did want one however for collectable purposes. Before I broke down and bought one, my daughter handed me a McDonalds toy that she didn't want becuase she thought it was too ugly.

As it turns out, too ugly is just ugly enough.

I puttied some holes, did some dental work, gave him a gut, and a gutplate, and started work on some manicles.

Figured that Tyrant would look better with a head.

Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

@ Slave Giant -- Ha! Works though and totally appropriate price for how long it'll last in game vs any sort of shooting. One thing though, if that's all the 'gut' he's getting I think it needs work. I'm hoping that little ring of fat is just to hold on the gut plate and provide a base for the real stomach o' power to come ...

@ Tyrant's Head -- Though usually not a fan of "the other metal tyrant head" (in other words, this one ), I think it fits the bill quite nicely here. Great for such a head-on model.

- Salvage

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in us
Gargantuan Gargant

New Bedford, MA USA

I wouldn't use that head without substantial modification. For the moment, he looks better with any head rather than no head at all.

The giant will get alot more attention before he is finished. I was thinking of giving him a greater gut, manboobs, pierced nipples, and possibley a greatclub.
I'm waiting to raid a friends bitz box to see if I can get some official giant bitz.

Although I have no intention of playing him in a sanctioned tournament, the idea of plating him in GW shields and bits and then arguing that he is at least 30-50% GW bitz and therefore should be legal is just really amusing to me.

Made in ca
Regular Dakkanaut

adamsouza wrote:I wouldn't use that head without substantial modification. For the moment, he looks better with any head rather than no head at all.

The giant will get alot more attention before he is finished. I was thinking of giving him a greater gut, manboobs, pierced nipples, and possibley a greatclub.
I'm waiting to raid a friends bitz box to see if I can get some official giant bitz.

Although I have no intention of playing him in a sanctioned tournament, the idea of plating him in GW shields and bits and then arguing that he is at least 30-50% GW bitz and therefore should be legal is just really amusing to me.

What? He's only got 1 non-gw bit (The entire giant) and like 25 gw bits (Little bits and pieces)...
Made in us
Gargantuan Gargant

New Bedford, MA USA

What? He's only got 1 non-gw bit (The entire giant) and like 25 gw bits (Little bits and pieces)...



Sculpted some chainmail on the tryants left arm, and gave the gian a greater paunch and manbewbs. I really wanted to do more, but I've been sick all weekend.

Tonight after work, I'll post some pics and hopefully get some more sculpting done.


Have a Ninja Ogre as one of my Tryants bodyguards, and I'm trying to figure out how best to convert a bull into a partner for him.
I plan on him having armor and a greatweapon, but I don't want him to just look like an IronGut with a headwrap.

Made in us
Gargantuan Gargant

New Bedford, MA USA

My WIP custom slavegiant, NOW with MORE FLAB !!

Tyrant with Chainmail added

Tyrant with Chainmail, larger armguard, and Gutplate horns smoothed out

I think both are coming along nicely.

The tyrant still needs a head, and I'll probably add more armor to him.

My insitinct is to armor the giant as well, but GW giants don't get armor saves, so I'm a bit torn on how much stuff to add to the giant.

Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

NICE fattening on the giant, stompy toy thing is coming along

Work on the tyrant is progressing nicely as well.

- Salvage

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in us
Infiltrating Oniwaban

Nice work on the tyrant indeed.

The giant is an excellent toy conversion.

Say, is that toy _currently_ available at McDonald's?

I may have to break my decade-long No-Mickey-D's streak if so.

Infinity: Way, way better than 40K and more affordable to boot!

"If you gather 250 consecutive issues of White Dwarf, and burn them atop a pyre of Citadel spray guns, legend has it Gwar will appear and answer a single rules-related question. " -Ouze 
Made in us
Gargantuan Gargant

New Bedford, MA USA

Unfortunately it's from the last McDonalds Campaign. It was from the Spiderwick Chronicles promotion.

If you ask nicely, they often have left over toys from previous campaigns ac McDonalds and they'll sometiimes let you root through them. Short of that I expect to find him again in yard sales, flea markets, and maybe even on Ebay.

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

San Jose, CA

The giant has some crazy man-boobies! Definitely fat enough.

I really enjoy your work. What's the white stuff?
Made in us
Gargantuan Gargant

New Bedford, MA USA

Thank you for the kind words.

The White Stuff is Plumber's Epoxy Putty. Works just like green stuff, but hardens in about 5 minutes. Doesn't leave you enough time for detail scuplting, but it's great for bulk work, that you'll detail over.

About $5 for a log of it at Walmart, Home Depot, etc..

Made in us
Gargantuan Gargant

New Bedford, MA USA

THe following images are not my work, but I came across them while looking for ideas for my ogres and I thought I would share them

Made in us
Gargantuan Gargant

New Bedford, MA USA

A PDF version of the army list. Mostly so I can print it out where ever I ahppen to be, but hey you might want to use it.

 Filename Army Builder - Ogre Kingdoms Roster.pdf [Disk] Download
 Description 2000pt Opre Army Roster
 File size 121 Kbytes

Made in us
Gargantuan Gargant

New Bedford, MA USA

Did some work on the giant.

It occurs to me that by time I'm finished with him, there might not be anything left of the orignal model viewable.

Also, here's a little sneak peak of another little distraction I have going on

Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

Giant continues his stroll towards excellence. Those maw symbol nips on him?

And I'm guessing that undead horse is going to be for a black knight of blackness not a bloody knight of blood?

- Salvage

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in us
Gargantuan Gargant

New Bedford, MA USA

Manly man nipples.

I picked up the new VC book, just ot keep up with the rules, but I've been seduced into turning all my Ogre victums into undead legions

Going for a solid core of Grave Guard and Black Knights.
I really don't care for the current Blank Knight models, so I need to come up with a suitable replacement.

Made in us
Gargantuan Gargant

New Bedford, MA USA

Got alot done before work today. I don't often have time in the afternoon to sculpt but today it worked out for me.

Took a saw to the giant. Removed large portions of his back and any horns I could saw off. Filled the basic body with some Das clay. Removed both the arms and mounted rare earth magnets to re-attach them. Also got some chain just right to look good on the giant finally.

Black Knight
Re-attached the Steed's head and tail. Built a Black Knight with Empire Knight and Grave Guard pieces.

Dread Mob
Got tired of seeing them all 90%+ complete so I started going insane with rivets

Tonight, after I watch Galactica, I'll upload progress pics.

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

San Jose, CA

Your work is great (as usual). If I could make a request, could you go through a little more in detail about your work? I think it'd make an informative and interesting read.
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