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Ancient Chaos Terminator

South Pasadena

I have started to use these also and I love them. I am now looking for the Sakura white pen.

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

London, UK

I find the finish is a bit too glossy but they do have their uses. They are really good if you want a cartoon style finish on a light coloured model, and they are very good for drawing logos and text.

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Made in ca
Stealthy Dark Angels Scout with Shotgun

I would suggest using Staedtler or a refillable Koh-i-noor, as they "bleed" less. You might also want to varnish the model first so the ink cannot seep into the paint (lets you correct mistakes easier). This will prevent you from a big repaint job and save you from learning the hard way, say on a large mostly white mecha model....

Made in ca
Executing Exarch

Ive used this pens for the last 8 years and they have never let me down.

They are amazing for eldar vehicles:

Rick Priestley said it best:
Bryan always said that if the studio ever had to mix with the manufacturing and sales part of the business it would destroy the studio. And I have to say – he wasn’t wrong there! The modern studio isn’t a studio in the same way; it isn’t a collection of artists and creatives sharing ideas and driving each other on. It’s become the promotions department of a toy company – things move on!
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Bane Knight

Washington DC metro area.

I use the sakuras for more line art than minis. Invariably i find the ink bleeds into any brushed on color or varnish laid over it.

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Pho indignation *IS* the tastiest form of angry!
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Whiteshield Conscript Trooper

Williamsport, PA

These pens are perfect for labeling your mini's with names on the lip of their bases.

IG points 1600

Tau points 469
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Storm Trooper with Maglight


That looks like a tool we should all have.

1950 3385 pt 1300  
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Raging-on-the-Inside Blood Angel Sergeant

Lawrenceville, New Jersey, USA

They are excellent tools indeed. I've got several and they are great because you can then even paint over the line you've drawn to make it more crisp.

The black rage is within us all. Lies offer no shield against it. You speak of donning the black of duty for the red of brotherhood; but it is the black of rage you shall wear when the end comes.

Black Templars -
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Screaming Shining Spear

Central Coast, California USA

I've used these pens for about 5-6 years now. I love the hell out of them and think they're pretty worthwhile. From black lining armor to writing the scripts on scrolls, tabards, books and other accessories. These little guys do it all. Just be careful with the tips, they can break or flatten very easily if you're not careful about it.


Made in nl
Esteemed Veteran Space Marine

the Netherlands

i got 2 of these pens for about 3/4 months now... theyr really fine if you want to add scribbling to scrolls and books and stuff.. and because they have a little bit of an extended tip you can get them into about everywhere

Made in gt
Longtime Dakkanaut


I use Staedtler pens , I can manage with a fine brush mostly but find them useful now and again. However for dotting eyes they are absolutely priceless as my hands shake a little too much !

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Dundee, Scotland/Dharahn, Saudi Arabia

I use something similar.
Very handy things to have in the toolbox.
I use them for the writing on purity seals, marking out runes, planning out the checks and dags on my Orks.

If the thought of something makes me giggle for longer than 15 seconds, I am to assume that I am not allowed to do it.
item 87, skippys list
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Sunderland, UK.

After reading your advice and having similar thoughts about ink pens I just ordered some- also while on the site I found they sold brush tip fineline pens too same specs as the pens so grabbed a couple of these to try out as well- got red n black mainly for painting/drawing text onto purity seals and holy books etc...

Repent- For tomorrow you Die 
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Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

I use a similar pen, which has a very fine brush tip. It's similar to a Gundam RealTouch Marker.
I should pick up one of these.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/12/28 17:20:06

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Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot

Sparta, Ohio

Is there any kind of pen like this that you can use your own acrylic paint with? I swear I read about something like that 3 or 4 years ago and I can not find anything about it now. Basically you could take GW paint and fill the tube with it and it would pen the paint on. You could clean it up and use different colours of paint as well.

Now, we like big books. (And we cannot lie. You other readers can’t deny, a book flops open with an itty-bitty font, and a map that’s in your face, you get—sorry! Sorry!)  
Made in ca
Sneaky Striking Scorpion

Ontario Canada

 OIIIIIIO wrote:
Is there any kind of pen like this that you can use your own acrylic paint with? I swear I read about something like that 3 or 4 years ago and I can not find anything about it now. Basically you could take GW paint and fill the tube with it and it would pen the paint on. You could clean it up and use different colours of paint as well.

Some techincal pens (aka drafting pens, aka rapidograph pens) can be refilled. BUT the nib functions similar to an airbrush, a needle inside a tube to wick ink. Some brands go down insanely small and acrylic paints would clog them badly.

Even colored acrylic ink would be a bad idea in some of the fine tip pens. I know koh-i-noor makes a number of coloured inks specifically for drafting pens, the pigment is superfine and the medium has something similar to airbrush thinner in it.

Made in us
Focused Fire Warrior


I must say, first time I saw these... Boom. My mind blown. That was exactly what I needed for my Tau. I went to a Michael's, brought one of my models with me and ... Nope. It just didn't work. Didn't leave a single trail. I tried few more, but none left anything behind.

And I had a primer on. Nothing more.
So I gave up the idea and got myself some kick-ass thin brushes. 18/0 and 10/0. So far, those are pretty sweet.

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