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2nd Thoth Askaris and Forgeworld Bagwa (page 7)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Thanks, I was also trying to play around a bit with the multiple possible meanings of the title "lifeline" as in Aaliyas prophecy, the hemp rope and the line of radio transmitters reaching out to the guardsmen over the mountain side.

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

I was ill for some time, therefore the lack of updates, but here is some progress again:

Following the Night of a thousand rebellions in the Segmentum Pacificus, the Askaris fought alongside the imperial forces to stabilize their foothold in the region. During that campaign they picked up - amongst others - some Eskadrons of Attilan Rough Riders, whose regiment had been almost wiped out. Contrary to the other regiments in the area, hailing from developed worlds like Scintilia or Ventrilia, the Askaris did not mind the Attilans feral customs and both factions immediatly got along quite easily. Fortunatly the Administrativum clerk in charge had the rather simplified view, that soldiers from feral worlds are all the same anyway and approved the Askaris application to integrate the Attilans immediatly. On top of that he has since then decided that every "leftovers" from ferral and less developed feudal regiments are just send over to the Askaris. Furthermore Thoths regiment has earned the right and obligation to pick up and integrate the tithe of a dozend feral worlds in the region who by themselves can hardly send enough soldiers to form a regiment of their own - let alone a force with any use for the Imperial Guard. While other regimentos might see that ruling as an insult and ignorance towards their own proud tradition, the Askaris are quite happy about the constant reinforcements. Especially as they have a hard time getting anything from the administrativum, being a regimento with a bad standing amount the clerks, due to their short history in imperial service and lack of connections.

The models are Mongolian Heavy Cavalry from Fireforge games. I really liked the sculpts. They have a lot of detail and just look nice. I did them a bit colorful and maybe that's not everyones taste, but I like them that way. My little daughter helped me select the bushes, therefore we have some alien blue and pink around this time. I also tried a bit of Angrellan Earth instead of my usual sand bases, to have something new. All in all a nice addition to my collection.

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Beasts of war

One of the species roaming the vast savannas on both hemispheres of Thoth are enormous, thick skinned animals with tusks and trunks, that were known on old earth as elephants. Without any natural predator and a hundred times larger habitat, there numbers are enormous. The tribes in the area have used them as beasts of burden for as long as they remember and in times of conflict have also trained some of the bulls for war. While elephants are naturally hard to control and tend to panick or flee when wounded, the native flora provides the N’Go shamans with the means to tackle these problems. The dark violet broth they feed their bulls turn them into strong, fierce and painless beasts of war. Armored in leather, mail and plates over their thick hide they are surprisingly hard to kill and between their long ebony tusks, stamping feet and the power lances of the N’Go warriors in the turrets on their back, even light vehicles – let alone mere mortals – fall prey to their wrath.

The war elephant is from Warlord Games (very beautiful sculpt), the warriors are from Victoria Miniatures, the lance tips are Ruststalker Transsonic Blades. I tried something new in mixing the grey for the elephant from blue (Maccragea) and Orange (Troll Slayer), as I red that grey mixed from complementary colors looks more “alive” than from black and white.

I intend to use it as a Sentinel Power Lifter, as I wanted to include a unit of those, it has the perfect size and makes (in my opinion) even more sense as big CC unit than a civilian forklift. Here is a picture for size-comparison:

I also magnetized the back of the elephant and the floor of the turret, as I intend to build an alternative turret including the usual Scout Sentinel weaponry, so that I have an alternative use for it.

Lord Commissar Valeria Jacquard

Valeria was born on Scintilla and raised in a local schola progenium facility after her parents died fighting in one of the Imperiums countless wars. The young women proved to be exceptionally skilled in combat, disciplined, loyal, fearless – and thus was selected to serve the emperor in the commissariat. Her battle record was soon impressive – as was expected of such a gifted protegé. Yet she expressed a very limited ability, or rather willingness, to take into account the fine balanced political and diplomatic networks within the Scintillan Fusiliers and especially the heavy influence of the higher noble houses. What was first seen as a regrettable lack of tactfulness, began to be noticed as infamous stubbornness as she refused to respect the realities that not all Fusiliers were equal and thus some should be treated with more… patience than others. The last straw came in the form of the execution of the thirdborn son of a high-ranking member from house Arkelius for cowardice. While this action was justified and her status as commissar granted somewhat of protection, the infuriated noble did what he could to punish her for that insolence. And thus, she was “promoted” to the rank of lord commissar destined to supervise a new founded regiment in the Segmentum Pacificus. Valerias suspicion about this surprising promotion was soon confirmed, as she arrived at her new post at the Thoth Askaris and first inspected her new charges – many of them dressed in tribal garments with warpaint on their faces. What was intended as a punishment and humiliation was also perceived as such – at first. But in time, Valeria began to appreciate her new comrades. Here, there were no high politics, no nobles or patricians, just simple warriors and their tribes. Maybe they had some contact with the Kriegers living nearby their planet, maybe it was there own culture, but none of the guardsmen joining the Askaris expected to ever return alive. They saw themselves as already dead, just seeking a worthy one in the eyes of their revered skyfather and their ancestors. And thus, they seldom ever broke and one of them did, and she had to use her bolt pistol to reinstate morale, she learned that the N’Go and their allies had a harsh view on cowardice and did not take her actions amiss. Here she was not only feared, as she had been amongst the Scintillan Fusiliers, here she was respected as embodiment of the emperors will and as a fierce warrior.

Valeria had found, what she never even knew she was looking for.
The mini is Victoria Miniatures Commissar Anika. I exchanged her power sword for a power fist from the IG command squad sprue. This is my first take on a power fist, but I quite like it. Nice model, relatively easy to paint and looks great.

Naqib Shaka Latu

Shaka is well known amongst the different N’Go tribes as veteran of many battles and even though not really old in years has fought in almost every engagement the Askaris have been deployed in. While this has granted him the rank of Naqib, roughly equaling an imperial guard captain, he prefers to fight alongside his Askaris as he always did instead of commanding from the rear.

The model is Victoria miniatures “counts as Straken”. I currently consider running the N’Go part of my army (so all dark skinned soldiers with their CC weaponry) as separate detachment with some kind of melee approach, but I don’t like making them Catachan, even if that would be quite efficient. Instead I consider running them as Death Korps. It is quite a stretch optically, but it fits my fluff picture of the N’Go quite well. Fearless (Cult of Sacrifice), quite CC proficient (WS3+, Duty onto dead) and employing cavalry (Death riders or Rough Riders depending on what my opponent feels comfortable with.).
In that case he will likely be a Death Korps Field Officer, otherwise a Tallarn platoon commander.

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in au
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Nice war elephant, I can see that causing a bit of carnage among it's enemies

Nice Commissar and Shaka,
Nice to see your jungle themed bases, very cool to see

Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Thanks Oldmate.

By the way, the bases are from MicroArt Studio and I can really recommend them. I consider rebasing all my N'Go soldiers on those, especially to make the detachments better distinguishable.

Regarding the elephant: one minor criticism I have with the sculpt is that I'm pretty sure the neck of the elephant is too long. I think they did it, to make room for the rider that sits there in the original package (I did not use the macedonian looking guys that came with it) but if you look at pictures of african elephants they barely have a neck visible.

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in au
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

@Elephant neck, really depends what the ears are doing (in this case fanned out to intimidate) and of course where it's head is being held,

On a side note if an elephant is angry/acting aggressive(especially as in charging) their tail will be held out almost horizontally
Got a good reference pic for you Pyro

Made in no
Terrifying Doombull


Very nice work with the elephant! And also your lore is on point. Keep it up
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

While a large proportion of the N'Go tribes of Thoth lack advanced technology or the capabilities to maintain a noteworthy motor pool, the endemic Fauna provides them with a variety of useful beasts they put to good use - be it for traveling, working or for war. A significant proportion of the endemic species are decendants of old earths fauna, yet a lot of them exibit a pronounced gigantism. There are no records if this is a product of natural selection or intentional bioengineering, either way, they have proven useful. The N'Kunda tribes for example use large Lemurs as steeds that - while less fast than a horse - are much more suited to traverse through the dense jungles they call their home and also quite capable to scale ruins or the walls of buildings.

The Pygmy tribes of the Lubago river on the other hand have tamed gigantic pangolins that are not only well protected by their thick hides but also able to burrow through unfortified walls with their long, hard claws.

I wanted to try something out to give my african themed Guardsmen a little more exotic steeds for their rough riders. The Lemur and the Pangolin are both from the company Schleich and as you can see in the lower pictures they are not that much bigger than a rider on horse.
The Lemur rider is a Ghost Archipelago tribal. I cut the legs a bit so that he fit on the back but I did a bit to much so he looks a bit stubby now. I tried to sculpt the saddle out of green stuff, but it got to big. Also the rider sits very tilted. Still, its a funny conversion and I consider doing another one, next time correcting the mistakes I made. The shield is from Wargames Foundry's dark africa line (which has a lot of beautiful shields.)

The Pangolin rider is a Pygmy from Wargames foundry and the howda he is standing in was glued together from a sliced chopstick.

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in au
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

I can imagine the Lemur being quite effective as they are an extremely agile animal. You'd have to be a very skilled and fearless warrior to avoid plummeting to your death as well!

Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

And the poor guy doesn't even have stirrups, because I forgot them

I could also see them being used with optional fitting rules. Like paying for them as deathriders but dropping augmented steed and vicious claws and give the lemurs the ability to access higher levels of ruins like infantry or charge vertically. The pangolin could get the ability to go through walls of buildings if he skips his shooting phase

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Some nomenclature/explanations for further stories:

Maghrebians is a generic term for the decendants of Tallarn settlers. They mostly have tanned, light skin, dark eyes and hair that is usually worn open by women while men wear shemaghs. Their soldiers were kaki uniforms and flak vests resembling the imperial guard standard. Most Maghrebians live in feudal to early civilized societies, with a middling everyday technological level outside the production of military material. The Maghrebians provide the majority of the Askaris vehicle pool and tank crews.

Military ranks/designations
Serasker – General
Beg – Commander
Aga – Captain
Basdeli – Sergant
Hasseki – Veteran/Corporal
Müsellem/Sipahi – Rough Rider
those are osmanian military ranks

The decendants of Thoths native population living in feral to feudal societies is referred to as N'Go. They have various shades of dark skin, with dark eyes and hair. Some tribes show pronounced short growth similar to ratlings, yet are still seen and treated as normal N'Go. While they have an overall very low technology level, they make excessive use of various beasts found on Thoth and other planets. Therefore they provide the Askaris with various forms of rough riders and beasts of burden. Furthermore the pronounced warrior culture of almost all tribes lead to the N'Go Askaris being quite capable in close combat. Due to the diverse tribal backgrounds they don't use any form of uniform instead wearing their traditional clothing together with characteristic shields identifying their tribe and unit. The N'Go have shown a great ability and willingness to integrate foreign feral guardsmen into their ranks and do so regularly as the Askaris have permission to recruit on a dozen feral worlds in the segmentum pacificus.

Military ranks/designations: various, but the most common being:
Mhadi - General
Aqid- Commander (usually the chief of a large and influental tribe or coalition)
Naqib/Chief - Captain
Raqib - Sergeant
those are egyptian military ranks

The population of the megacities is also predominantly of native origin, yet are referred to as N'Go'Ni due to their quite different culture. Regular exchange with their tribal brethren leads to them being phyiscally indistinguishable from the N'Go, yet their cultural and technological level is quite advanced the latter almost reaching that of the some most developed imperial planets. Due to that the N'Go'Ni provide the bulk of Thoths production capability, therefore focussing on employing their population in the workforce instead of sending them away to the Askaris. Yet those N'Go'Ni that join the regiment make up a large part of its engineers, radio eperators, field mechanics, medics and similar Workgroups.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/02/26 11:01:10

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in de
Regular Dakkanaut


Great thread, army idea and execution!

I love how this army represents the vast diversity of African cultures and warriors and how you included minis from a variety of sources under the common theme. Especially like the guard women, the lifter elefant and the Schleich rough riders (king Julian gave me a brief lol moment, he looks great). Bet they all look superb together on a fitting board.

I also enjoyed the very well written lore and the propaganda posters (which have to be on the board you know).

You probably already know them and they are expensive, but the "Warfaces2 - African Female" from Shapeways might be of interest for characters. Considering buying them myself.

Looking forward to how this project grows!

- Even a weak lion is not bitten by a dog - Nam proverb

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/02/27 21:28:35

Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Thanks for the kind words Max and especially for the Warfaces. I did not know them and am really greatful because I was looking for something like that for some time (just not on Shapeways). The female heads look awesome and will be much more fitting than just paint "european" faces dark. Luckily the price would still be OK for me.

And looking at the rest of their stuff: the asians look also quite tempting. Maybe the Askaris will pick up some warriors from an asian themed planet in the future

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

The equipment situation of the Thoth Askaris is... a difficult one.
Some regimentos hail from hiveworlds with intense production capabilities like Armageddon or are rich enough to import the best of the best like the Ventrillian Nobles. Others have a good standing with the Adeptus Mechanicus, being supported by the cogpriests forgeworlds. But most are in one or the other form dependent on the benovelence of the Adeptus Administratum. There are various reasons for a regimento to have a good standing with this institution - a long and impressive battle record like the Cadians or highly valued special abilities like the Elysian Drop forces. Other regimentos can count on friends in high places or guard high priority targets like fleet bases or worlds harbouring astropathic chores.

Unfortunately Thoth cannot claim to be anything of that. To make matters even worse, the failure of their first regimento still sticks to their reputation within the bueaucracy and the night of the thousand rebellions has not helped to increase the trust in the worlds of the Segmentum Pacificus, even if they remained loyal so far. The forges of Thoth and Bagwa do their best to provide at least the basic vehicles, ammunition and replacement parts for the newly founded regiments, but once deployed, shortages are constant companions.
Due to that the Askaris have long stopped to be picky in what they include into their motorpool. As a scouting regiment they quite often find themselves foraging in no mans land or even behind enemy lines where they often try to capture enemy vehicles or salvage fuel, ammunition and parts from wrecks found on the battlefield. While most regiments are reluctant to include foreign vehicles due to supply issues - spare parts for non-standard IG models are rarely provided by the Administrativum - the Askaris rather use one of those until it breaks than stick to the standard and wait for months until their applications for those may be considered. At least this has turned the Askari tankers and mechanics into masters of improvisation, tinkering enough life back into wrecks too at least see the next battle.

Furthermore a variety of outphased, outdated and really old vehicles can be seen within the Askaris ranks in a proportion that is unusually high compared to other regimentos. The reason for that is similar to the above. Dealing with the Administratums supply chains, Thoth commanders soon realized that they follow a specific hacking order. While prioritized regiments will most likely get what they applied for like, lets say, a Baneblade, other regiments will have to make due with a less powerful superheavy like a Macharius. Less important regiments will at least get a fully kit out Leman Russ tank and the least liked applicants can count themselves lucky, if they are handed over an oil leaking Malcador tank lacking a main gun, with jammed autocannon sponsons instead of the beast of war they hoped to get.
Nonetheless a risk-loving commander might try to trick the system by applying directly for one of the "inferior replacements". Since rarely anybody seems to really ASK FOR a Malcador or Carnodon Battle tank as its first choice, competition for these options is low enough that even a regiment like the Askaris might get lucky. Sometimes the production stamps on them even date back to the last days of the horus heresy, having survived after being mothballed in recently discovered, vacuum sealed storage facilities. The "flaws" leading to their replacement by the easier maintained, cheaper to produce and more versatile Leman Russ are often rather obvious. Yet the Askaris hold these proud warriors of old that fought for the imperium when the Primarchs still walked amongst mortals in highest regard, showing their utmost respect by providing them with the best fuel, crews and ammunition they can get and prioritizing them when repairs are necessary. And indeed the machine spirits - eager to prove their worth after being replaced by a glorified tractor - seem to respond favourably to this received respect, so that the older tank schemes perform a lot better with the Askaris than in other regiments.

Another oddity is their paint scheme or more specifically their lack of coherency in this regard. Usually newly founded regiments are assigned specific paint mixtures and application instructions for a destinct camo- or parade-scheme. Yet due to a filing error within the Administrativum, the Askaris never received that. The larger forges have found a consensus and predominantly apply a striped, three color camo to their vehicles - brown and sand colors for the the more motorized maghrebian desert tribes, green and sand colors for the rarer vehicles of the N'Go infantry devisions. Yet there is some diversity in the shape of these stripes and wether they are sprayed with diffuse or clear borders. On top of that tank crews in the field tend to modify that even further applying dotted and other camos or mixing and stretching their paint with local mud to better match their environments color.

Carnodon Battle Tank "Kinza"
My take on the FW Carnodon. It was a real piece of work to paint, but the result looks smashing with all that bronze/gold. Tried my best to get some glow on the plasma generator in the back and the purple volkites. I also tried the first time to give the Lascannons a more heat worn look. The commander is from Maxminis Desert Dweller line. The white writing on the side of the turret is arabic for the name "Kinza", a female name meaning "hidden treasure". A fitting name as this Carnodon was produced at the end of the HH, then hidden away in a vaccuum sealed storage facility and only recently rediscovered. Now its machine spirit is eager to finally see battle...

Salamander Scout Tank "Niousha"
A Models and MInis Agrius wheeled APC. While it seems to be intended as Chimera stand in, I want to use it as a turreted Salamander scout tank proxy. The hunter killer missile and the aquillas are from GWs tank upgrade sprue, the muzzle break are literally some pieces of sprue. The white writing on the side of the turret is arabic for "Niousha", a female name meaning something along the line of "the good listener" which seemed fitting for a scout.

Two harmless bushes...

Leman Russ Decimator:
no name so far... I'm working on it

Chimera "Ghazaaleh"

Tauros Venator "Makete"


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/03/14 09:05:26

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in au
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Awesome to see your new work! Nice lore as well.

Made in au
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Kinza and Niousha are finished beautifully. Very nice to see.

Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Ashanti - a N'Go name roughly meaning "huge, strong woman" - was a wildchild from an early age on. Soon she proved to be a skilled hunter and tracker, moving like a shadow through the long dry elephant grass of her tribal lands - as patient as she could be fierce and savage if it came down to life or death. At 16 - having bested a score of the best warriors of the Akita Matriarchies and a lot of would be grooms from neighboring tribes - she joined the elite Akita Lionesses in a campaign against traitoress forces. Countless battles and fights followed, forging the prodigy into a living legend amongst her tribe. When the great King Bantu rallied the warriors of the N'Go to his banner to join the Askaris rising up to the stars, Ashanti was at his side, having grown to be his trusted companion and bodyguard. And from all his chosen warriors, the one he trusted the most to take up his spear, once he was called at to the table of the skyfather...

The mini was a Bonus on a larger order at Victoria Miniatures and to be honest, I only picked her because I ran out of options I really wanted without really liking her originally. So when I started painting her to have some variation in between painting my tanks I intended her to be merely a sergant in an infantry squad or 08/15 veteran. But then she came along looking quite cool, so she has earned a promotion. I think she is intended as a Sly Marbo style lone warrior, but fluff wise I like her more as a bodyguard/proteé/heir of King Bantu. So she will get into his command squad and watch over him.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/03/21 10:39:57

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

When the worlds of the Segmentum Pacificus went renegade one by one in the night of a thousand rebellions, few responded to the desperate calls of the remaining loyalists fighting for their life. But amongst those few were the stern soldiers of Krieg, immediately deploying their unrelenting regiments to help the surviving defenders to entrench and repell the traitors. The 856st Death Korps Infantry and 1012st Death Korps Siege regiments arrived in the Thoth system, just days before a significant invasion force of heretics made planetfall. Having lost almost all of spaceships of their small system defense flotilla in an earlier attack, the inhabitants of the system had made hasty preparations to make their last stand in the expected attack. To the battleproven Kriegers, their few prepared defense lines looked pitifull, but they found the whole population mobilized, every man, woman and child that could hold a weapon ready and willing to fight to their last breath. As they overtook control of the defenders, they were informed of large thermonuclear devices, hidden in the underbelly of Thoths Megacities and every major settling area – if the planet could not be held, it would rather burn than fall to the traitors. This found the Kriegers solemn approval and earned the N’Go and Maghrebians their trust.
Under the leadership of the Death Korps, the Defenses were strengthened one more time, and when the invaders finally came, they held the line, repelling wave after wave of crazed fanatics and rebells, lashed onwards by their demonic and possessed overseers. Nonetheless, the end seemed inevitable – until the Commonwealth arrived. A whole fleet of the imperiums allies, dropping out of the warp and driving back the traitors in orbit. And without their reinforcements and supplies, the heretecs on the planet were doomed…
In the following months, the Death Korps was tasked to oversee the training of the local regiments and their integration into the Astra Militarum. While the Askaris did not adapt the style of warfare of their gasmasked saviours, the Kriegers had a non-neglectable influence on their culture. Shovel shaped clubs gained popularity in a variety of tribes, as did warpaints and masks mimicking the skull shaped gasmasks of their unlikely new friends. Their devotion and death defying courage inspired the utmost respect into the tribesmen, and only strengthened their resolve to prove themselves worthy in the eyes of the skyfather the same way their brothers in arms in these troubling times had.
When the Death Korps were finally redeployed, they left behind a share of their vehicles as “missed in action”, knowing about the difficulties of the Askaris material procurement. Those tanks and APCs are held in greatest respect. One of these vehicles is Hami, a storm chimera used by the 23rd platoon of the 5st Askari Infantry regiment. The name given to it means something in the line of Defender or Protector, referring to its origin and the friendship with the silent warriors of the Death world. Blessed and sanctified by the witch doctors of the N'kunda tribes, Hami is adorned with the holy masks of the chiefs of four different clans, again highlighting his status and further strengthening the protection of the warriors riding within.


My take on Victoria Miniatures Kangaroo APC and her Tank Commander. As usual with Victorias stuff an awesome model. I want to use it as Storm Chimera for my N'Go guardsmen that will run with Death Korps rules. Therefore I build a Autocannon/Heavy stubber combo from spare parts as main armament. First time I tried this green/beige color scheme and I think it looks quite nice. I added some parts from the GW tank upgrade sprue and some masks from the Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago Tribals for more character.

Edit: "Hami " is a suaheli name with the mentioned meaning. The letters I used are Osmaniya, a writibg system from east africa, for the somalian language. So a bit cheating, but I wanted to variate a bit and use non arabic writing

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/03/22 08:02:19

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in de
Regular Dakkanaut


Great new tanks and background! Especially like Ashanti, lore and model that is.
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

After the recolonization during the Macharius Crusade, contact between Thoth and the Imperium was sporadic, leaving the colony mostly isolated for centuries. The reasons were manifold including lack of interest in the developing settlement, raging warp storms, disputes about sector borders and in one case a simple filing error that erased knowledge of Thoths position from imperial knowledge for a whole century. While the N’Go and Maghrebians returned to their more traditional, tribal lifestyles, the various N’GoNi cities on Thoth’s southern hemisphere thrived and grew, fusing together to form three Megacities – Nishasa, Ibotu and Kigali. Their population numbers in the tenth of millions and is still rapidly increasing, while their outskirts spread through the southern jungles like twines and have already met each other at various points. Within this vibrant conglomerate, the imperial knowledge and technology brought by the Tallarn settlers was preserved, but soon the city dwellers reached the limits of the fragmentary STC library brought from the desert world. Without the constant supervision of the servants of the Omnissiah, whose few non-lobotomized representatives were fully occupied with the development of Bagwa, the N’GoNi started to try and reconstruct damaged STCs from the library by studying the principles underlying those schematas, experimenting and – very carefully – adapting, modifying and improving them. The vast majority of the resulting “new” tech is composed of just refined, less rustical looking variants of widespread STCs and mostly comparable to products produced on worlds with more complete STC libraries. Yet due to the focus of Thoths production capabilities the technology around the collection of solar energy as well as the production of superior quality glasses and their employment in high performance optics can be counted amongst the most advanced within the Imperium. And even more importantly the N’GoNi engineers trained in the Megacities possess a level of understanding of these specific technologies that surpasses the mere reproduction of STCs – a feat rarely found even within the ranks of the servants of the machine god.

When Thoth was finally really reintegrated into the Imperium only some decades ago, they were lucky enough to not get into too much trouble with the Mechanicum, as they could present them with the fully developed power grid of Bagwa. Not being ungrateful Nac1r, the Magos in charge of the Machanicum affairs in the system declared after a short inspection that the technology on Thoth was no tech-heresy but merely an Omnissah inspired rediscovery of lost STCs. As there were no experts on the concerned fields within the whole sector that could disagree, this met with approval or rather widespread ignorance from the rest of the Imperium.

The mentioned advancements included the development of various vehicle types, mostly fast, wheeled recon and support vehicles like the Jackal Mark XI that are more practical for Thoths vast, wide-stretching savannas and half deserts due to their longer range and better fuel efficiency compared to imperial tracked vehicles. They are equipped with multiple sensor arrays including full colored night vision and wide-spectrum electromagnet detectors ranging far into the ultraviolet and infrared range. While expensive to build and maintain and prone to being damaged even by low caliber fire, these advanced optics have in various incidents been able to detect enemies hidden by camouflage or even less advanced stealth technology. Further improvements against the similar role Salamander Scout tank include a fully revolving turret, environmentally seales against ABC hazards, a more sophisticated power generator and modular weaponry packages including a plasma cannon or heavy flamethrowers.

Nonetheless, when Thoth reintegrated into the Imperium and was faced with the realities of the 42nd millennium, it soon became clear that the Jackal and their similar vehicles were utterly impractical for the use in the imperial guard regiments. While nice concepts, and maybe even superior 1:1 on a fitting battlefield like Thoth, they are just too complicated to produce, maintain and pilot compared to the classical Imperial types. For the price and time it takes to produce one Jackal, three Salamanders can be build who can be crewed by basically any Guardsmen without specific training as it is required for the Mark XI. The Jackals “Multifuel” engine can run on prometium, gasoline or diesel – much more limited than the Imperial types that can consume anything flammable, including wood. And finally supply and repair is indefinitely easier with standardized imperial schemata when a regiment has to fight a segmentum away from its homeworld. Thus the large scale production for the Askaris was switched back to the production of Salamanders, Chimeras and few Leman Russ, with only small numbers of the Jackal and its vehicle family still being build – mostly for use in the domestic PDF forces. Nonetheless the few N’GoNi joining the Askaris – the majority of this population group being put to better use as skilled workforce – still prefer those home-developed types and possess the education to really bring out their advantages in the field. Therefore one can still see them from time to time, sprinkled into the mobile motorized platoons of the Maghrebians.

One of those vehicles is “Timba”, a N’GoNi name meaning “lion hunter” that is also painted in the strange, geometrical Mandombe script used by them. It got this proud name after it saved one of the regiment’s command post from being ambushed by a tiger striped, stealthed tyranid creature, picking up an odd shift in the ultraviolet range in the last minute and killing it with a lucky shot hitting a vital neural node. Produced in Nishasa, it was painted in the strange, square blocked digital camo preferred in this region to disrupt the shape and hide weak spots of the vehicle.

This is 6x6 Rapid Assault Vehicle Secret Weapons Miniatures. It comes with 7 different main weapons

In reading order: Flame Cannon, Plasma Cannon, High Velocity Cannon, Support Cannon, Twin-Autocannons, Quad-Machine gun, Multilaser, Size comparison to Leman Russ Vanquisher and Exterminator cannons. The Multilaser option might also be an alternative Quad Machinegun configuration. Note that while it seems that the options resemble the Leman Russ loadouts, they are much smaller and slimmer. The Hig Velocity Cannon looks more like a slim Autocannon and the Twin Autocannon more like a twin heavy stubber. But the Flame Cannon would make a very good Hellhound Inferno Cannon

I intended to use it as a Salamander scout tank, but the Flamecannon looks quite awesome, so it might be a Hellhound from time to time (or a Salamander with a Twin heavy flamer if my opponent is OK with that). I tried to practice and improve my lense-painting on this model, therefore the detail picture in the lower right. Also this time a digital camo scheme. The writing is Mandombe, an interesting african geometric writing system used – amongst others – for Swaheli, the language in which Timba means “lion hunter”.

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2020/04/02 18:10:37

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in au
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Very nice Pyro!

Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

For the next story, Oldmate and I got together for a little collaboration. It is told out of two perspectives, so I divide them into paragraphs.

Unlikely Allies

Hamid stood up in his Command Chimeras hatch, his face hidden within the violet shemagh exept a small slit for his eyes and took his binocular up. Finally he could make out the craggy yellowish rock formation they were looking for. About time, as the sun was about to set and it the light had already started to fade. Still they would even be a bit early for their arranged rendezvous with the commonwealth troops, some of which he could already see beside a large military truck with a tarpaulin over his cargo platform. He signaled the rest of his platoon to change course towards them and shouted down to Kamil to steer a little bit to the left. A metallic banging followed by fervent cursing was the response, as his driver knocked his head on something inside the crammed cabin of their transport. Room for the crew was sparse, as they were loaded to the brim with provisions, ammunition and other stuff they had foraged. He knew his friend long enough not to mind, Kamil was not really happy without a reason to curse. From back in the crew compartment he could hear the sonorous snoring of the other passengers, squeezing in some long overdue sleep regardless of the IFVs roaring engine.

The dry, warm wind above the plain had calmed down a bit and it was nothing like the raging sand storms on Thoth that could grind down the paint of a tank until it shone silver, but still the ockre colored fine dust it brought seemed to get into… well everywhere. Nonetheless he had little to complain about. They had been able to pick up quite some stuff slipping around the border between the no man’s land and the enemy lines on their way here and his platoon had not lost a single man so far. They had even found a barely damaged pick-up truck and somehow brought it back alive. So at the least he would not meet their allies barehanded. Speaking of which, he made eye-contact with one of the N’Go scouts on their large, ferocious looking bipedal avians they had brought as steeds and gestured him to fan out a bit, as the impressive, carnivorous terror birds tended to get… nervous… around people whose smell they did not know.

Reaching the small encampment he could make out about a score of soldiers, most of them sitting around a campfire, while some others were tinkering around a six-wheeled scout car. He held up his right hand to greet their commanding officer, who approached him, returning the friendly gesture and saying something. Hamid could not hear him over the engine sound and put his hand to his ear to underline that with a gesture. Putting his own hands to the mouth like a cone the captain shouted “Did you run in any trouble?” “No, all clear.” He shouted back, taking a small package of grubby, self-rolled cigarettes out of his pocket and fumbling for one. Meanwhile the rest of his platoon had also arrived, greeting their comrades and putting down their backpacks with relief, stretching their numb limbs after their long march. A couple of their new companions had stood up admiring the Askaris large birds speeding around in the distance to get some excitement out of their system before joining the others, while others gestured them to sit down at the fire and have some bits of roasted game. Hamid tapped his flak vest for a lighter for his smoke as the captain in front of him smiled and reached out his left hand with his own zippo shouting “I just asked because we left us waiting. Already thought the bogeymen got you…” Wondering what “bogeyman” could mean, Hamid returned the smile replying "What do you mean, I thought we were early?" and started to climb out of his turret, as he realized something… odd. He could not identify it in an instant, but something just seemed off. The chatter around him calmed down to an awkward silence, the smiles on some of the faces around the campfire seemed to cool down and freeze. He looked back to the captain and saw his gaze fixed on a point slightly under Hamid’s face, the smile faded completely and his right low-key reaching down. One foot still in the turret, the Askari aga’s hand reached up to his collar touching his medal of service – an imperial Aquilla in silver. He froze and the little cigarette stump fell out of his mouth. The quiet "click", as the captain opened his holster cut through the silence. But Hamid’s hand was already at the trigger of his heavy bolter. Screaming “F***! F***! F***!” he let himself drop down into his hatch, while the weapon roared into full auto turning the foreign captain and a dozen of his men into a bloody pulp before they could even bring their autoguns at the ready. Everyone else on their foot was punched around and deafened by the sheer momentum of the exploding bolts from barely 10 yards away. Some of the strangers dropped to the ground to find some cover, others tried to get their weapons ready, but the N’Go were at them with their spears, clubs and bush knives in the blink of an eye and - being trained in gruel melee from childhood on - made short process with their opponents. The rest of them broke and ran into the dusk or towards the rock formation. The Askaris were suspicious enough to not just blindly run after them immediatly but fanned out to encircle them.

The driver of the truck hit the gas to flee, letting the terror birds hunting instinct spring into action. They catapulted forward in pursuit of the unexpected prey that was quite unlikely to escape their blinding fast strides. Meanwhile the mechanic at the scout car was quick minded enough to button up its hatches and try to get its heavy stubber into action to suppress the Askaris. Instantly Kamil let the chimera’s engine spring into action, speeding right at the scout car to angle their best armored front hull towards the heavy machine gun to weather the small caliber bullets and shield their infantry. It tried to evade them by driving backwards but an inexperienced driver and unfortunate lack of a rear mirror haplessly stopped it on the side of the rock formation it had just moved out of. Hamid had barely enough time to brace for the impact before he was slammed around in his turret as their IFV rammed the smaller vehicle immobilizing it. Rubbing his aching… everything… he heard Kamil curse again and duck, as a lucky shot smashed through the armored glass in the vision slit of his hatch, grazing his arm. Hamid risked a look through his mirror optics and could make out his Askaris approaching the scout car from both sides of the chimera. While the chassis was seriously deformed, and thick black smoke started to rise from the engine compartment, the turret was still moving trying to keep the guardsmen away from approaching – to no avail. A moment later a determined N’Go had dodged her way forward and slammed the sharp, shovel like end of her club into the turret ring blocking its movement. Another one had grabbed a crowbar and was going to town on the hatch, while two others stood at attention with their lasguns and a grenade. Enemy or not, Hamid almost felt pity for the soldiers inside. It was one thing to die in a fight, but just sitting there, unable to do anything while waiting for the inevitable...

He could still hear shots outside, mainly coming from the rock formation – likely some left behind sentinels and survivors of their first attack but one by one, those fell silent. The loud bloodcurling screech of the terror birds, followed by the dying scream of a man told that the fleeing had not made it either. When finally all seemed clear he pulled himself up through his hatch to inspect the carnage. Fumbling for his cigarettes again, he realized his hands were shaking. He told himself that the other man had reached for his weapon first. That they definitely were not the commonwealth soldiers they were expected to meet, yet still the feeling of impending doom lingered. What would happen to them if they just killed an allied platoon? To be honest, he already knew it. Looking up to the stars in the clear night sky he send a prayer to the skyfather and his ancestors to watch over his men and don’t let them pay for his faults.

Sergeant Harry inspected his troops. He had been summoned to the company command tent and Commisar Yarvov had accompanied him. The lieutenant, master sergeant Theas was there along with corporal Dunn and sergeant Urao was there and that was never a good sign. Half of the platoon was linking with allied troops. An imperial force of some description. The briefing both said not much. But his section was to act as recon to the force. Because, well the recon company was busy duking it out against militia forces to the south.

Wasn’t their job but their armoured cars could run down enemy cars and trucks on the rugged terrain more effectively than anything else. And of course Sergeant Harry of the 132nd Rifles had formerly been in a recon company in the 921st Fusiliers, and he was one of the most experienced trooper in the company still. It also went unsaid that it would be a good trial for the new commissar.

So Sergeant Harry was to command the recon detachment in front of the platoon’s movement. He had thirteen men and women under his command, and there was also Commisar Yarvov to consider. He had a marksman, a light machine gun and a machinegun team from platoon. For mobility he had two civilian trucks and a Gailen weapons mounted patrol vehicle. Klomn manufacture, Vasterol’s lion badge on the radiator. A non too small bolt of pride shot through Harry’s chest. That vehicle had been made in Sebam, his city. He owned one of these. Albeit without the mine plating, suspended seats and machineguns.

Harry liked being out for operations like this, never mind how the last one ended. It wasn’t something you dwelled on. You just enjoyed the wind on your face, the spirit de corps and the prospect of maybe getting to brass something up. His vehicle was the leader, one of the civilian vehicles, as he could sit next to his vox operator. The Galen, was behind, ready to spring out and give the enemy a storm bolter and heavy stubber for their troubles.

Yarvov sat opposite him holding a submachinegun. It was a little bit disappointing. Harry had hoped to have another bolter in his force, but the man carried a submachine gun and his issued las pistol. The Commisar didn’t look too confident with the Ardus manufacture submachinegun with it’s top mounted magazine and with the sights on the right hand side.
“Have you fired one of those?”
The commissar boy shook his head.
As weapons went it was counter intuitive for the uninitiated. It seemed like some bad joke that someone had thought to give him one. The KSR83 was about as intuitive as firearms went.
“You want the rifle?” Harry offered. The boy nodded. Harry handed it to him and unfastened his rifle pouches.
The Commisar handed him two mag pouches and the submachinegun.
Harry was happy. Hadn’t shot one of these things since a short stint on Cadia.

He wondered what the imperial forces he’d meet with were like, they’d deployed planet side fast enough and with the threat of a contested air and space. So either they were slick or they were keen. Someone had welded a steel plate to the bull bar to protect the engine on his lead vehicle, it’d stop a bit from small arms fire. They’d stencilled an imperial eagle onto it in white paint so their allies could recognise them.
The second civilian vehicle pulled off the road so the recon force had to turn over, a punctured tyre and that had to be changed. His soldiers didn’t have to be told to dismount and spread out.

Harry crouched under a tree. It was a shrub really and it’s narrow leaves didn’t really provide much shade. After a short while he could hear the sound of a bike engine approaching from the rear. A cursory glance told him it was a rider from the platoon that Command had sent up by bike, as they were under vox silence. The messenger advised him that one of the trucks carrying part of the platoon had also taken a staked tyre so they’d have to wait. It was what happened with civilian stuff.

Eventually the recon troop got mounted up and got back on the road.
It was getting dark by the time they came around the corner. He saw the Chimera’s turret pointing at his vehicle. He prayed to the emperor that whoever was in there wasn’t hostile.

And then he saw the blood. This part of the desert was yellow ochre, and the blood was easily spotted where it was the dampened soil clagged together. Harry swore. The situation was less than ideal. The other vehicles were fanning out behind him. They’d do damage, some would get away to warn the column if need be.

He halted the force. He’d likely be dead if it were the enemy. They’d been in constant contact with the Commonwealth Combined Corp so they’d recognise his uniform a mile off.. He dismounted and walked to the front of the vehicle then slung his weapon over his shoulder. The Commissar jumped from the back f the car and followed him.

Hamid leaned against the side of his chimera, drinking careful, small sips of cardamom flavored tea from his canteen, watching three of his men working on the wreckage of the scout car. They had managed to put out the fire in time, yet the engine was too damaged to be of any use. Still his mechanic seemed to be able to salvage some of the parts that could prove useful later on. Meanwhile the other two were trying to remove the heavy machine gun from its turret to fix it on the improvised tripod welded on the pick-ups cargo. Watching them at least took his mind of things a bit.

Hamid looked up as he heard the characteristic mechanical sounds of Samehs kybernetic leg approaching. He was a couple of years older and arguably his most trusted Basdeli since they met during the fights of the night of a thousand rebellions. They had shared a foxwhole during the attack that had claimed Samehs leg – and would have killed him if Hamid hadn’t patched him up. “Sahib? We rounded up the last of them… even made prisoners…” “That’s… good. Have you found anything?” Hamid did not have to clarify what that “anything” was. To his dismay Sameh shook his head. “None of them had any tattoos or markings. And the two we caught claim stubbornly that they belong to an ardus militia and are no traitors.”
“… He reached for his pistol first, when he saw my Aquilla” Hamid answered solemly. His Basdeli held up his hands in a gesture of agreement “You don’t have to tell me, Sahib. I saw it in their eyes at the fireplace. Whoever those sons of hyenas were, you did the right thing.” the veteran looked up to something behind Hamid and nodded in that direction. “Problem is old friend, you don’t have to convince ME.”.

Following his gaze, Hamid stepped back from the chimera and also saw the approaching soldiers somewhat in the distance. He put up his binocular again… some vehicles, a couple of soldiers… and a black hat. “Great, just great…” he mumbled to himself. At least this time he could make out an Aquilla on one of the cars and since they did not shoot but instead seemed to slow down and wait when they saw the chimera, those were quite likely allies.

Putting down his glasses he felt Samehs hand on his shoulder, the other resting on the pommel of his long curved dagger. “You know Sahib… Just if there has been some… confusion… it might be better if there was only one story told about what has just happened.” the Basdeli raised an eyebrow and nodded in the direction of the two prisoners that were just led to them by the Sipahis on their birds, prodding them with their lances now and then. Hamid admittedly had already had this thought and considered it for another moment before shaking his head. “No. They might have some intel. And in the worst case… they can still fight for the emperor. I won’t rob him of two honest souls if we should have failed.” He took another look around his men and then ordered “I go over alone. Be on your toes, we are still on no-mans-land and have to be sure who these men are this time.” adding solemnly “And should things go the other way, tell the men to accept whatever verdict the Commissar renders in humility.” Both men saluted, before Hamid started to approach the waiting strangers.

When he reached them he saluted the commissar and the sergeant beside him and introduced himself “Aga Hamid ibn Salem, 2nd Thoth Askaris, 21st platoon. We had orders to rendezvous here with commonwealth troops.” He checked their reaction and continued his report “Upon arriving we met a force already present. When they realized we are imperials they drew their weapons, but we prevailed. My men are behind that dune over there awaiting further orders.” With that he finished, waiting for the commissars reaction and crossing his fingers hoping for the best.

From his position further up the road Harry could see a burnt out scout car. Old model, Ardus militias and some PDF units still used them and plenty others were mothballed as replacements. The Commissar voiced his concern. “Looks like there was a bit of a fight here.”
There was a flash of movement above the dune where the Chimera was parked. . To his credit the boy didn’t exactly jump at the sight of the man but there was a subtle reaction.
“Easy.” Harry whispered.

A soldier with a purple shemagh and khaki uniform started to walk over to them.
As he approached the man Harry’s eyes crossed to the bodies that littered the ground. The stranger spoke in a dialect of low gothic that he knew, Tallarns on during the campaign on Mogathe Prime. The unsettling feeling in his stomach eased a little bit. But it wasn’t completely gone. Because well they had a chimera pointing his way and in five minutes half the platoon would be riding down the road in a soft skin.
Harry introduced the Commissar and himself.
He talked to the man, who turned out to be a captain. Harry introduced himself as a sergeant. But with a few years of campaigning, which the other man respected. He didn’t state that this was the Commissar’s first deployment. It was plain enough and there was no point in the indignity of saying it aloud. His soldiers formed a half picket and his allies did likewise.
As a point of pride he didn’t even need to prompt his soldiers for one to put a brew on. It was also a point of pride in seeing they didn’t stinge on the leaf.

The officer explained that he was part of a small imperial force. That the Commonwealth had once fought on his homeworld and saved it in one of it’s darkest hours.
That got under Harry’s skin, under his scalp. It was the first thing he learnt when he joined the regiment. 132nd Commonwealth Combined Rifles first on the ground during the war on Thoth. Straight into the attack, charging from assault transports as Urothrian gunboats and monitors flew above the field laying down a sheet of heavy fire and bombardment on the heretics. Made a hell of a painting.

It gave Harry hope. The legions had served on thousands of worlds in their service to the imperium. It felt like the Commonwealth had not been forgotten, like the Commonwealth was not alone.

He drank tea with the officer and told him that it was good that his unit was here. Of their shared history. He asked two men to check the bodies and asked the officer about the prisoners he had.
He had a sure-fire test if the men were traitors.
“Get Aarri and Kamiil.”
The commissar gave Harry sideways look.
“If they see you they will be afraid.” Harry explained.
Both riflemen were from the Gauel valley. Both wore scarves pulled up over their faces similar to Hamid’s shemagh. “These men are the emperor’s justice. If they are afraid they are guilty.” He explained. “If they are not guilty they will have nothing to fear. It is a custom.”

The men had intelligence use and would be sequestered to the rear to have their minds probed by the spooks before their summary execution.

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Progress again, even if those took me faaaar longer than I would have expected:

First of, Victoria Miniatures heavy mortar (the supersized one) with some Ghost Archipelago Tribals as crew. I felt more on the mood to build the three guys with axes and a hammer, hacking down trees and lianas to make room for the mortar, therefore they do not really look like loading it. Also tried a new color scheme with the masks on the mortar (for good luck), I'm not yet really sure of. Shields are from Wargames Foundry, rifles from Victoria

Next of three heavy weapons teems with missile launchers. The soldiers are Ghost Archipelago tribals, the missile launchers and that cool flame effect from Anvil Industries, the rifles from Victoria Miniatures. They will get a jungle base in the future but I wanted to show them of a bit now. Sorry for the pretty dark photo, I did not manage better today. Edit: now it looks better

Those were built in parallel with three further heavy weapons teams with autocannons, that I will hopefully finish the next days. The Mortar is a really nice sculpt and Anvil also did a great job on the missile launcher arms.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2020/05/08 19:41:46

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

And some more lockdown minis finished:
My Victoria Miniatures Autocannon teams.

Very nice sculpt but I forgot to test out the guns elevation on the intended base before glueing them together (which you really should do... my bad). So now they seem to target some low flyer. Also the gun handler (also from Victoria, but with GW Catachan Heavy weapons arms) could not really fit his hands anywhere sensible on the weapon. I improvised and cut the handle loose, therefore the awkward hand position on those. Maybe I will fix this later by giving them some kind of bullet they are handling. Also I had not enough minis left over to put two on every base. I will complete them when I cleared my backlog and order the next tome from Victoria. Muzzle flashes: Anvil Industry, shields and spears: Wargames Foundry, masks on the guns: Ghost Archipelago tribals.
Note that I drilled/filed down some parts of the base with a rotary tool, so that the wheels of the gun carriage have a kind of "sunk in" look. If you don't do this it looks a bit awkward as the heavy weapon seems to balance on some leafs and shrubbery.
Overall pretty satisfied with how they finished. But it took wayyy longer than I thought I would need for them.

And finally two more exotic rough riders for my "counts as Death Riders" cavalry that will count as Rider Command squad. They really look special amongst my horses. As I had two Pygmies left over I tried a "two seater" on the Pangolin, with the second guy having some poisened arrows (therefore the green tip). Should count as a Laspistol rules wise.

The racoon and the pangolin with the two riders are new and again from the company Schleich. The beautiful jungle bases from MicroArtsStudio, the Pygmies on the pangolin from Wargames Foundry and the racoon rider a mix of Victoria Miniatures and Ghost Archipelago tribals. I build the pangolin howda from some chop sticks and the improvised saddle on the racoon from green stuff. I can also wholeheartedly recommend Wargames Foundries Pygmies as Ratling proxies. They fit in size, are good value for their prize and are not that hard to kitbash into holding rifles.

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in au
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

I love the rough riders, and those heavy weapons and artillery are really cool. Starting to think I might get some more auto-cannons! They look so good.

Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Thanks Oldmate. The Rough riders were again a lot of fun to build and look really cool amongst the army. It gives a kind of lighthearted touch. As I like it a bit less grimdark, that's quite my style. If someone liked to try similar stuff I can also recommend visiting the sites of Papo
And Schleich

They all have nice animals

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

While there is no way that I can read all of this, I am very impressed by your customized, fluffy force. I wish that more people did that around here! I am particularly intrigued by the Rough Riders, as I have some as well. They are Cavalrywomen riding Spielberg Raptors, and yes, the riders are from Victoria Miniatures. I love third-party minis, and I've used them for reasons of flavor (customization) and cost (Bold Action Guardsmen, Fox Box Sisters).

Great work!

My first story, Patricia and the Black Legion:
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Thanks for the kind words. Would love to see those raptors, do you have some pictures? I ordered some Age of Sigmar Seraphon Cold Ones for cheap that will join the riders too. And Warploque miniatures has some cool giant kiwis. So in the end I will likely have a whole cavalry section.

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

So, I got a bunch of new stuff to present. First of a group shoot of my army as it was two weeks ago:

The idea for this kind of representation came from Oldmate and I think it's pretty cool to bring some order into the force from a lore perspective.

Next of: the quadcopter from Anvil Industry:

really cute mini. The camera on the left and gun on the right were in the set, the "bomb" in the mittle is a part of sprue filed in shape. The stone was placed to keep it from falling over. Luckily the piece of wire holding the drone is hidden pretty good by the high gras. I intend to use it either with the camera as Officer of the Fleet/Master of Ordnance or with the bomb as Cyclops demolition vehicle. I think it makes as much if not more sense to use a drone to call in airstrikes instead of a high ranking navy officer on the ground.

Next in line: a small ground based reccon/sniper drone:

The model is Anvils Sentry pod, which came with the cute camera (above) and a rifle mount. I did not really like the futuristic rifle it came with so fixed a long las sniper rifle from GW instead. Looks pretty cool hiding in those bushes and will serve as a ratling sniper. Or alternatively some kind of objective marker or reccon drone if I or GW come up with some funny rules.

Last but not least: the Muan Moustachioed Mongooses

My try for two squads of Tempestus Scions with Plasma Pistol on the sarge and two Hot Shot Volley guns each. The Minis are from Puppetswar, the heads, Hot Shot volley guns and their power packs (phase lance) from Anvil. had a bit of resin lumps here and there in between the arms that had to be removed. Painting them was fun, but reeeally took its time. Then when applying munitorum varnish it messed around a bit with some parts of the minis turning the red on some weapons a dull greyish tone. I did my best to fix it.

I'm not sold on the name yet, but the splendid moustaches on the sergants deserve praise, Mongooses (or Mungos? Mangustas?) fits their indian theme and so far I'm not aware of any Scions giving the humble mu the praise the letter deserves . The closest runner up so far is Xian Leopards... I don't know, any opions from the audience?
They will definitly get a short story or snippet in the future.

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in au
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Some nice additions Pyro, great conversion work and I can see those drones being employed heavily with the scion squad as part of the 'glory boys' always getting the good kit!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/05/27 12:15:27

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