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Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

They look great! The fluorescent paints seem to work really well for OSL. Does the glow of the paints last after they’ve been taken out of the light?

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in es
Regular Dakkanaut


So, pretty much done!
I'll be touching little details as I do a last look mini by mini before applying a varnish, and after that, some grass on the bases will finish these ones off.
I'll take proper pictures of the minis once I have finished them all off rand I am back at the UK with the rest of my army.

As one of the lasts things I went through the minis and added some eyes on them. Generally I dont paint them since there are quite closed to the point where I think they look even better without the pupils in, but I took some time with some of the more open eyes.I am not good at this and the results are not super amazing, but good enough that they might show during tabletop games.

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Pretty happy with the results. I learned a lot during this batch and I am looking foward to improve for the next ones.

Some thoughts:

- Conversions, cloned bits and custom minis worked amazingly. I need to make sure to have sharp edges where needed, but otherwhise the quality and look of the results is great. Many of the minis in this batch have several bits made out of cloned parts, and a couple minis are completely cloned and noone could tell judy by the quality of the mini.
- My bases although consistent, could have more interest, adding some 40k elements such as city ruins, concrete revarb, pipes or other urban elements. I did some of that in some of the minis, but they are still too much "stones with skulls" bases.
- Non metalic golds are great. Could be better in terms of smoothness, reflections and other advanced details, but the overall tone and look for the minis on the army hits the mark for me.
- Power swords look is spot on. Defenitely what I was looking for. OSL was amazing on the energy swords, all thanks to the paints I was using. On the thunder hammers it was much harder and I need to figure out the right consistency for glazing, since I struggle with leaving a mark on the edge of the painted area. The thunder hammer effect looks alright, with better OSL would look even better.
- First time free-handing stuff went alright. The ultramarine symbols look good for what they need to do, and the skull on my captain is not terrible, although it could have been much better with a different background, more color or some other motive, such as a sword, a fist or anything else the complement the main skull.

- Battle damage could be better. I will practice a bit on other minis before doing it on marines since I think It does not look as good as it could yet.
- Blues are alright and smooth, but could have a bit more contrast. Since these minis are so dense with other details, is not such an issue, but on more "blue" minis I need to keep that in mind.
- Text do not look great. At a distance they might have a pass, but on close up they are pretty terrible, particularly big written words.
- My edge highlighting needs to be much more fine. I went a bit too wide in a lot of areas and it shows.
- Faces are alright, but should be much better. Since I have painted primarily space marines, skin is not something I have painted often and I lack practice.
- Decal work was fun and varied, but a bit annoying to work out on curved surfaces. Thanks good most of my shoulder pads where detailed with something else. I will definitely try out some decal products on the future. I have been avoiding them, but at this point I want to see how much of a difference they make.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/02/08 10:58:18

Serve the Emperor today, for tomorrow you may be be dead.
Painting blog:
Made in es
Regular Dakkanaut


(This is a post I started time ago but left it until I finished the previous batch, but I'll move it here to have everything in the same place.)

Next batch has half juicy minis, half normal minis.
10 sternguard converted from Age of Sigmar minis, 15 tactical marines (5 of them magnetized for special weapons/torso swaps) and 3 "assault inceptors".

I had a blast conversiong bladeguards from stormcast miniatures and I just had to jump into making a sternguard unit. You can see the bladeguard conversion at the start of this blog.

For the sternguard I picked up 10 easy to build stormcast minis in Ebay, plus some shoulderpads and helmets from actual sternguard and got to build them.
My hole army is going to have primaris-sized infantry, but keeping first born elements. Not only it looks cooler and can make for some conversion work to make the minis more personal, it is also a way to use the same mini for multiple purposes.

Each of this pairs are made out of the same easy to build miniature. Was quite fun to come up with ways to make them look different. There was a particular harder one that had a female body, much thinner than the other, which needed a change on the upper body, and biggening of the legs and hips.

Last guy lacks the head of the thunderhammer since I still waiting for the bits to come through the mail :(

Some attention to the back of the minis too, having them packed with all the weapons they need to please the emperor. Backpacks, combi-weapons and bases are not glued for easier painting.

Since sternguard, sargents, etc get to use combiweapons, I got 6 of the minis equiped with a combi-weapon set up that can be swapped. This are converted intercessor bolter rifles, and I still need to add the magnets to in.
I have done this in a similar way for my tactical marines with special weapons, but with another method. That stops me from swaping special weapons from one unit to another, thus more work since I have to do 2 sets of special weapons, but it does have a better look on the completed mini.

Something that might be noticeable when compared to my non-elite infantry is the size of the minis:
Sternguard left, Tactical marine-intercessor right. The sternguard are a bit bigger, but the most obvious difference is base size.

This could have some tabletop implications, but I believe it to be worth it. Here there is a comparison of squashed untis, and although there is a difference, dont think would be a problem outisde of tournament competitive matches. On the positive side, though, not obly makes the mini look so much better, but it also fits if I want to use them as characters, such as captains, luitenants, or even sargents.

Side note
Looking back I am quite happy with how I am progressing on the hobbie. Almost 10 years ago I builded the right mini as a captain (not painted), and It gets smashed by the new version

Same goes for painting. Left my first ultramarine ever painted, right a bellow average intercessor I painted a couple years ago:

Automatically Appended Next Post:

While in a pause on the previous batch I managed to get the base color and wash for this next batch. Is a nice change of rithm that helps me keep focus and motivation.

A note about the assault inceptors. This is obviously a miniature that does not exist on the tabletop, thust a conversion I will be using in the tabletop for different roles.
The main one could be vanguard veterans (I'll convert 2 more with lighting claws, probably), but they can also work as captains, sargents forjumpack units or other characters
A more complete post about the conversion here:

Automatically Appended Next Post:
A note about the tactical marines.
These are, as shows, intercessors with a different helmet, and some light conversions to make them a bit more unique.

I always looked at the art of tactical space marines and compared to the minis, they looked out of proportion. After a couple tests I decided to make my hole army's first born marines with primaris bodies. (some exceptions, such as pilots in landspeeders)
First of all, this looks soo much better. Second, it cuts in amount of work and storage. Now, instead of a unit of tactical marines and an unit of intercessors, I just use the same minis for whatever I need in the tabletop.

Comparison of old marines vs new marines:

Just as a show, this is how different some units can look with conversions:

Furthermore, I decided to magnetize most of the special weapon carriers so they can be swapped. Devastators are a clear example for this. If I need more minis on the table, I can make more magnetized legs to keep up with the upper body options.

The results are pretty seamless, and the magnets so strong that you cant separate the 2 parts by accident when playing:

A small issue with this strategy is that elements in the mini that go from the upper body to the lower body need to either match with all legs, or cant be there at all. This is a small handicap though, particularly with infantry with not as much level of decoration as these.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Finished the weekend painting the blue shading on 10 guys, 5 per day. I take around an hour/hour and a half each, but once the blue is done, 90% of the shading is done!

I'll see if I can finish up all the blues before 2 weeks time (Pretty busy between the week).

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2021/02/08 11:40:43

Serve the Emperor today, for tomorrow you may be be dead.
Painting blog:
Made in ca
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

What an update! Everything looks fantastic so far. The Inceptor idea is a great idea for making Jump characters, I might steal that. Especially since if you run squads of 5 Inceptors, that leaves you with a spare inceptor for every squad of 5.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/02/08 14:32:22

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Radukar the Wolf 
Made in es
Regular Dakkanaut


Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
What an update! Everything looks fantastic so far. The Inceptor idea is a great idea for making Jump characters, I might steal that.

If you want to try it out, make sure to glue the jetpack to the front half of the torso with a bit of an angle to give more space to the helmet area if you want it to look like in these conversions. It just happends to connect really well with the easy to buil
 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
Especially since if you run squads of 5 Inceptors, that leaves you with a spare inceptor for every squad of 5.

That was my first idea XD I just wanted to make a smash captain, but in ebay it was so much cheaper to get 3 inceptors than just 1 in the sprue. When I got them, I just converted all of them, the 2 "unwanted" ones as body guards or something (originally I had them planned for a 5 man squad of inceptors), and now I am planning on doing another 3 to complete a 5 man vanguard squad + captain
d ones, don't know how much you would need to change on the complete kit.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2021/02/08 15:21:44

Serve the Emperor today, for tomorrow you may be be dead.
Painting blog:
Made in es
Regular Dakkanaut


Cant paint that much now with work, exercice and having games over tabletop simulator on the weekends, but here is some progress.
Blues done!

Also, some white and red shading on the basic infantry, since I couldn't stop myself from trying out the latest addition to my hobbie tricks...

Micro set and micro sol, for decals.
Probably I am super late to the party, but up until now I have always applied my decals with water, and cutting them down a lot just to achieve a result that is not absolute crap, particularly on rounded surfaces such as marine shoulderpads.
I never used decals before since you could see the different shine between paint and decal. Then I learn that with varnish you solve that. Then I learned that a glaze over the decal, specially white ones, integrates them into the mini way more than left alone. And now I tried this products, which I was really skeptical about it... but I cant recommend them enough.
If you are on the verge of trying them out, particularly if you struggle with rounded surfaces and your decals, just buy them.

The results are surprisingly good, having a perfect application first try, particularly with these decals that I would have never been able with a good finish with my previous method. And I just ended up doing some more for the fun of it.

Next stop, gold non metalic metal, finish all the whites and all the reds, specially on the sternguard veterans.

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Little side project:
Since I am staying in Spain for a couple more months (Covid in the UK is getting worse), I took a look on how many minis left I have to paint before buing more (my collection is in the UK and I just brought what I though I was going to be able to paint).
The remaining minis are some orks, the first guys from my on-building and not-painted ork army.
For a while I have had a good idea of how I want them to look like (evil sunzs, got a full library of reference images for them).
On the modeling side I want to put some conversion on most of the minis of the army (I have some crazy ideas for when I come back), as well as muzzle flashes, explosions, smoke and other special effects to bring more craziness and interest to the minis, as if they where in the middle of the action.

Color scheme reference for all the infantry, with some more vibrant greens on the skin, maybe.

I started to flesh out some of the basic color scheme with some grots and orks. Base color + wash for now.
You can see in the top left a gretching skin painted with really vibrant greens (using the same fluorecent color I used for the energy swords), but I do not like it. Thus, after watching some tutorials with the results I want, I ordered a couple proper ork green paints, and as soon as I get them I will be trying recipes out.
Coming out with the right color scheme and recipes for the first minis of an army is a cool part of the process, and I learn a lot experimenting outside of my comfort zone.
Admittedly my ork army is going to be more a fun modeling and quick painting projects rather than what I am doing with my marines, where I try to put as much efford as my mental healt allows, but I still want to make them look cool on the tabletop, with some extra effort on center-pieces and characters.

Big fan of the grot with the explosion on his base, you can almost hear him screaming like a mad squig.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/02/18 22:21:42

Serve the Emperor today, for tomorrow you may be be dead.
Painting blog:
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Hmm, I might have to shell out for some micro sol/set, I’ve heard others extoll it’s virtues. As for the Orks, I really love the vibrant skinned grot, but then I finish the highlight on my works with yellow, so that’s probably why! Good luck getting through the minis you have with you

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in es
Regular Dakkanaut


Moar stuff!

Managed to get through a bunch of things this weekend and last week. Did all the non metalic metal golds, shaded the reds and whites, did all the lenses and gems, texts and scrolls and applied all the decals.
Some of these details might look a bit off right now, but with the black glaze over decals and the highlighting, particularly around the eyes, will fix most mistakes, and give more definition to the shapes, and some extra punch to the golds.

Decals were super fun to work with with the micro set and sol, specially on rounded surfaces, which I had a bunch. Having a bood library of decals makes combining them quite cool, and I am even interested on making my own ones with a printer or something. I need to look into it.
For the squad markings, since I did not had black decals, I placed the white ones as a guide, and then "free-hand" over them with black to get the desired result.

Something I would mention is that the basic troops are generally one of the first units to paint on your army and because of that sometimes can be a bit too vanilla (unless you know what you are going to be doing from the very start). My ultramarines started quite "by the book", but I have been adding some elements that now make them a bit more distinct, and I am quite happy with how unique this troops look now. Some small conversions and adding variation on the decoration of the armour while painting really makes a difference

Until now, for the texts I was using a permanent pen. It was really consistent on the results, fast and easy to work with, but it lacked a bit on getting a really fine line and making the lines with more variation to simulate texts. It also was terrible for free-handing anything. Thus, I tried to use the brush this time, and I am really happy with the result so far. I did it instead with a fine tip, with a flatten tip that made the lines on its own, controlling a bit where the contact was made to get different lines of text.
I also gave it a go with free-hand small text. Most of the time it did not work that well, but it's going to be something I'll work on.

What is next?
Shading only needs the light black glaze over the decals and lower legs to finish that cenital lighting and merging it all together. then the bases, which should be quite fast to paint, and the is off to highlighting, battle damage and weathering, finishing touches and done!
Quite exited to see this ones finished, my army has lacked its basic troops since scouts were moved to elites, and I quite happy with the look of this tactical marines, which I use in all TTS matches now.
The sternguard is a favorite unit of mine and it was a conversion project that worked amazingly well. The assault intercessors/captains/vanguard veterans are a great addition that started as a conversion idea, and now might show in some of my games once I have the squad completed when I get around to get the extra 3 I need.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Super quick update on the orks
New green color paints arrived and I did a quick test.
On the photo it looks a bit different from how it looks in person, but there is quite an improvement with the new recipe. More natural, the green, grounds, red and purple colors blend together quite well even though I am doing layering( from a 6 inches away it looks quite smooth), and it takes around 15 mins per mini to do all the shading on the skin, when I am being careful and slow, which is quite acceptable.
I am going to be testing a bit more, adding more tonal variation and detals on the reds and purples, but this is exacly what I was looking for to do my ork skins.

The green paints are Moot Green and Elysian green from citadel.

On the right, grethcing the the previous colors, on the left, grething with the new colors. Both orks have the new method, although one has lighter areas than the other.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/03/02 12:09:04

Serve the Emperor today, for tomorrow you may be be dead.
Painting blog:
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Beautiful ultramarines! Nice, crisp, practically glowing Grots. I like the yellow/red hair blend. I find, with my own Orks, that inconsistency is the best kind of consistency. Variety is good.

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in es
Regular Dakkanaut


 gobert wrote:
As for the Orks, I really love the vibrant skinned grot, but then I finish the highlight on my works with yellow, so that’s probably why!

Yeah, thanks. I will try to add more yellow to the sking on the lighter areas. Currently I am using bone and might not have as much punch as it could, or maybe mixed with a bit of white it would get the right in-between.

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 Warboss_Waaazag wrote:
Beautiful ultramarines! Nice, crisp, practically glowing Grots. I like the yellow/red hair blend. I find, with my own Orks, that inconsistency is the best kind of consistency. Variety is good.

Thanks! Yeah, I am planning to purposely add inconsistency on the skin of the orks (some darker or even close to brown, some greener, some with spots...), both for variety and for "lore", since "the greener the meaner".
First I want to hit a base that I am happy with and then diverge from it without making the minis look like they are out of style from eachother.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/03/02 16:25:16

Serve the Emperor today, for tomorrow you may be be dead.
Painting blog:
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Cool idea on the varying skin tones of the Orks, the bright base will be a good starting point too.

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in gb
Crushing Black Templar Crusader Pilot


Ork skin looks fantastic, and very vibrant

Thanks for sharing

Relapse wrote:
Baron, don't forget to talk about the SEALs and Marines you habitually beat up on 2 and 3 at a time, as you PM'd me about.
nareik wrote:
Perhaps it is a lube issue, seems obvious now.
Made in es
Regular Dakkanaut


Dadas las respuestas respecto a la piel de los orkos, he acabado la piel de los grething.
Espero acabarlos este fin de semana en algun tiempo muerto, y asi tener la primera unidad del ejercito acabada!
Les faltan unos toques a los rojos, amarillos, negros y metales, y luego hacer las bases.

Serve the Emperor today, for tomorrow you may be be dead.
Painting blog:
Made in es
Regular Dakkanaut


Adding more okry stuff.
Basically made some mixes with the greens and bone paints I got to make 2 or 3 different skin tones for the orks. I will be probably adding more variations as long as they look okay all together from a far.
Painting those guys is super fast compared to the ultramarines, so I get to experiment more.
I will be working on finishing the reds and yellows, but do not expect wet blending everywhere as I do with the marines.
I need to come up with a decent basing painting strategy. I want it too look like orange-yellow-pale desert without expending too much time on them.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Quick ultramarine update:
Edge highlights level 2. Did level 1 for 10 guys, level 2 for 5 guys. I hope to finish all the edge highlighlights this week, and get ready for weathering and finishing the minis soon.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/03/09 11:58:06

Serve the Emperor today, for tomorrow you may be be dead.
Painting blog:
Made in es
Regular Dakkanaut


Blue edge highlighs level 1 and 2 done. I will be doing level 3 and 4 (pure white) on the following days, hopefully also highlighting all white and golds.
Next would be small edge highlights on all other colors before moving into weathering. Its getting close to done!

Serve the Emperor today, for tomorrow you may be be dead.
Painting blog:
Made in es
Regular Dakkanaut


Well, this is the day we all have waited for: First batch finished!
Yeah, the terminator one, the one that I left to varnish and add the grass but never got around to do it.

Not too much to explain here, mostly eye candy. I just got too evolved on the new projects to completely finish the previous one. I took some nice pictures with my father's phone camera, so the quality this time should be as good as I can get it to be. Mostly general shots, not many close ups.
I had some of these terminators in a box for years and now I am glad to see it all finished and well varnished to jump into the tabletop when we get the chance to do it.
I think the painting quality could be a bit better, particularly on cleaning up some details, but as big group of minis to play with and not just for display, I am really happy on how they will pick up the attention of anyone at the other side of the table.

Hope you like them!

Some pics of the squads too

Serve the Emperor today, for tomorrow you may be be dead.
Painting blog:
Made in ca
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Absolutely gorgeous. Is that runneable as one super tough heavily armoured army?

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Radukar the Wolf 
Made in es
Regular Dakkanaut


 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
Absolutely gorgeous. Is that runneable as one super tough heavily armoured army?

On its own it would be a legal 1500 CP heavy army (needs 2 vanguard detachments), which would probably a ton of fun to play on the tabletop.
With some additions to get to the 2000 points (aphotecary specially), a couple changes and tweaks see some good play.
When I finish the batch I am currently painting I can make a 2000p force that is a bit more balanced

This ones is what I have painted back in the UK

And there are reinfercements yet to get painted when I get back. This was my army as I begun painting a couple years ago. More than half if it has been take care of already!

Serve the Emperor today, for tomorrow you may be be dead.
Painting blog:
Made in es
Regular Dakkanaut


Second batch finished!
You know the drill: Edge highlitghts, battle damage and mud, tweaks and bases.
The overall quality of this batch was a bit less demanding compared to the previous one, but still happy to get through it with this results. Sternguard could look a bit better, but I am terrible at painting white. I do like the tactical marines, thoguh, getting some uniqueness to each mini both by small conversions and paint job.
I will definitely be using this troops a lot on my games.

Some eye candy pics:

With that, in about 4 months, I got builded, converted and painted over 2000 points of marines that join the ranks of my army, thinning the amount left to do.
I have a few more projects for my ultras
- Paint Devastators and hellblasters,
- Get some primaris dreadnoughts
- Finish my bikes,
- 4 vehicle full magnetization and conversions +landraider
- Finish vanguard squad
- assault intercessors
- Heavy intercessors/erradicators

This are all the marine minis I got with me, so more ultras updates will need to wait until I go back to the UK. I'll be painting some orks (got 40 +20 gretching with me now), but I will soon need to either get more or do a quick trip to the UK.

Serve the Emperor today, for tomorrow you may be be dead.
Painting blog:
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Fantastic work as ever. The quality that you knock out at such a high rate is amazing. How many hours a week do you spend painting them? The reds on this latest batch are great, they have a very regal look, what paints did you use? The Orks won’t take long at your current pace, but hopefully travel becomes easier to allow you to collect more of your minis

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in es
Regular Dakkanaut


 gobert wrote:
Fantastic work as ever. The quality that you knock out at such a high rate is amazing. How many hours a week do you spend painting them? The reds on this latest batch are great, they have a very regal look, what paints did you use? The Orks won’t take long at your current pace, but hopefully travel becomes easier to allow you to collect more of your minis

I generally spend an hour a day 3 times during the week, and some weekends maybe 3-4 hours on the morning or evening, depends on what's on my timetable. Since I paint in batches, I can measure how long a particular step takes for mini and maybe squeeze a couple between one work and gym. It might not work for everyone, but since there is not that much decision making for most of the steps, I can just listen a potcast or some youtube while painting and blast on.
Reds were made with a blend between mechrite red and evils sunz scarlet, although there are some black blazes in the mix too. I find a bit hard to get a nice edgehighlights for reds. You generally get a shy pink or an orange, which is not necesarely what I preffer for this ultras.

Serve the Emperor today, for tomorrow you may be be dead.
Painting blog:
Made in ca
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

This really is one of the best armies that I've seen put together in such quick order. There's not a single half-assed unit in the army!

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Radukar the Wolf 
Made in es
Regular Dakkanaut


 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
This really is one of the best armies that I've seen put together in such quick order. There's not a single half-assed unit in the army!

Thanks, glad you like it

Automatically Appended Next Post:
No marines left! Running short on models, but still have 40 orks and around 20 gretching to work with.

My orks are going to be much faster to paint since I am looking for a more functional yet pleasing result rather than go for my best with every miniature. I will still put more time on some key units, but I will be focusing more on conversion and effective painting rather than

Already started some of them to find the receipt to use for the basic infantry, and I am quite happy with this first exploration. Still need to do more experiments, but looking good so far.
Skins are looking alright, explosions and muzzle flashes look decent, did some edge highlighting on the reds with oranges and yellows which looks pretty cool, and I like the overall color balance of the basic boyz.
I am mostly troubled by the bases. I did 3 versions (redish, light brown and grey stone), and so far I am not exacly decided. I believe I would like desert light brown/bone color, or red/orange dust. Suggetions and tutorials are welcomed, specially easy and fast ways to do them.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/03/22 21:21:28

Serve the Emperor today, for tomorrow you may be be dead.
Painting blog:
Made in es
Regular Dakkanaut


Quick update:
3rd placement for my bladeguard veterans on a painting contest organized by Wargames Castellano, a spanish warhammer discord group that I joinded some time ago. Great comunity to share painting, play games and discuss miniwargaming. I remecomend any spanish speakers to check it out!

Serve the Emperor today, for tomorrow you may be be dead.
Painting blog:
Made in us
Bonkers Buggy Driver with Rockets

Houston, TX

Nice work on the Orks. I like the variety of skin tones. It is of course more realistic but it can be hard to take the time when you are trying to paint huge mobs. The muzzle flares turned out nicely as well. Very fun and Orky. I can practically smell the dakka!

Xhorik 87th Drop Troops P&M blog https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/775655.page

Project log and campaign featuring Orks, Imperial Guard, Marines, Tyranids: http://www.xhorikwar.blogspot.com/
Currently focused on our Horus Heresy campaign with White Scars, Death Guard and Imperial Militia.  
Made in gb
Crushing Black Templar Crusader Pilot


I know I am a bit late, but awesome job on the ultras. Such a crazy army, and in such a short amount of time!

Thanks for sharing

Relapse wrote:
Baron, don't forget to talk about the SEALs and Marines you habitually beat up on 2 and 3 at a time, as you PM'd me about.
nareik wrote:
Perhaps it is a lube issue, seems obvious now.
Made in es
Regular Dakkanaut


Quick update.
Today I sit down and painted on a flash a couple of flashkids I had around (I'll need them for kill team games with a friend). It seems that when I am an not painting 50 mins at once I can get stuff done quite quickly!
Quality of the paintjob is not amazing, but good enough so it looks flashy on the table

Serve the Emperor today, for tomorrow you may be be dead.
Painting blog:
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Those two are certainly flashy! They really live up to their reputation

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in gb
Crushing Black Templar Crusader Pilot


Very flash, and always good to have a change of pace after a big project

Relapse wrote:
Baron, don't forget to talk about the SEALs and Marines you habitually beat up on 2 and 3 at a time, as you PM'd me about.
nareik wrote:
Perhaps it is a lube issue, seems obvious now.
Made in es
Regular Dakkanaut


I'll be going back the UK by the end of the month, back to my pile of unfinished miniatures and half-done projects. really exited for the new ork codex, and that will probably have an impact on what I will be building and painting soon.
With the lastests ork news I got myself some time to continue with the ork boyz that I got with me. Base coat, washes and first pass of cleaning of the skin. I do not want to put too much time on the basic troops (compared to my ultramarines), and but the skin is probably the most important to make look decent.
Same method as before for the base, (flat gree, brown wash and purple wash with some skin tones on elbows, lips and knuckles), and now I will be building up 3 or 4 fast layering layers on top to give contrast.
I will be experimenting a bit with the reds and yellows to see if I can get away with some quick blends to make them look better. Really happy with the result on the flaskids and I want to use the same quick tricks on the rest of the troops.

Serve the Emperor today, for tomorrow you may be be dead.
Painting blog:
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