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Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Preparing for a game against Necrons. I've got a Sorcerer with the crystal to get 10 flamers up into a good unit and turn off their saves turn 1, but a lot of people are putting Ahriman with them (I can see why).
If the flamers go with Ahriman, how are you delivering them, as a I don't want to walk 10 flamer marines up the board?
That does mean Ahriman is sat with 10 bolter marines instead though, which feels a bit wasteful.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/12 19:46:20

Made in us
Twisting Tzeentch Horror

KirvesUK wrote:
Preparing for a game against Necrons. I've got a Sorcerer with the crystal to get 10 flamers up into a good unit and turn off their saves turn 1, but a lot of people are putting Ahriman with them (I can see why).
If the flamers go with Ahriman, how are you delivering them, as a I don't want to walk 10 flamer marines up the board?
That does mean Ahriman is sat with 10 bolter marines instead though, which feels a bit wasteful.

Unless you are playing planet bowling ball you are usually ok to walk them. I personally usually set them up behind cover then move, then use cabal to move again. That puts them with a 22' threat range (5 + 5 +12) They do tend to get hit hard back in that situation, but I have used overwatch with them every time, so basically get two rounds of shooting. They also need a bit of focused fire to kill them unless the enemy is really good at shooting. Be careful with the warriors because if you don't kill them in one go, they will regen hard and negate your attacks.

I also put them in a Land Raider once to deliver them up the field, and I guess you could use a Rhino, but I think they don't generate Cabal in a transport, and that is 4 points.

A sorcerer goes well on the bolters, with the 18" range protection. What else are you bringing?
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Thanks you for the reply.
So originally I was thinking terminators X10 with a sorcerer to teleport in and hold the middle, the sorcerer easily pointing at a unit each turn for reroll 1s.
Magnus seems an obvious choice, get him near a front unit for the rerolls, possibly the terminators.
A unit of 10 flamers with a Sorcerer and crystal.
A unit of 10 bolters with Ahriman.

So potentially swap the sorcerer into the bolters, and walk Ahriman down the field with the flamers?
Is there any point in teleporting 10 bolter marines with the crystal at that point?

The last 465 points were currently on a Knight Lancer, I wanted to turn off the saves on a unit and charge it with a Knight. I realise this isn't the way a competitive list would work though and I'm sure open to suggestions on 465pts of something else!!!
Made in ca
Krazed Killa Kan

Claremont, ON

You can reserve Ahriman and the flamer unit and walk on a table edge turn two to flame as well. Ahriman's +1 to wound is very clutch to have on the flamers.

2500 4000 4000 5000 5000
DE 2500 TS: 2500 2500  
Made in us
Twisting Tzeentch Horror

KirvesUK wrote:
Thanks you for the reply.
So originally I was thinking terminators X10 with a sorcerer to teleport in and hold the middle, the sorcerer easily pointing at a unit each turn for reroll 1s.
Magnus seems an obvious choice, get him near a front unit for the rerolls, possibly the terminators.
A unit of 10 flamers with a Sorcerer and crystal.
A unit of 10 bolters with Ahriman.

So potentially swap the sorcerer into the bolters, and walk Ahriman down the field with the flamers?
Is there any point in teleporting 10 bolter marines with the crystal at that point?

The last 465 points were currently on a Knight Lancer, I wanted to turn off the saves on a unit and charge it with a Knight. I realise this isn't the way a competitive list would work though and I'm sure open to suggestions on 465pts of something else!!!

That looks similar to what I would bring. I would put the crystal on the 10 man terminator squad to first turn deepstrike to get into position. The bolters don't want to deep strike, only advance to the midfield and take an objective and protect it with the 18' range reduction. Is this 2000? Seems light. The knight could be good I only have the Abrohant and I have not used it yet. I actually like the bolters as 5 man with a sorcerer better as you get more cabal and the extra 5 rubrics only add a few bolter shots.

Also you don't have any unit for backfield objective. You don't want to do that with 10 Rubrics with a character, as that would be really inefficent

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/13 16:22:52

Made in ca
Krazed Killa Kan

Claremont, ON

Great backfield objective holder is The Changling. Cheap, hard to target and easy to hide.

2500 4000 4000 5000 5000
DE 2500 TS: 2500 2500  
Made in gb
Crazed Spirit of the Defiler

The TOs at a the Tacoma Open (GW tournament/TOs) have supposedly ruled for that tournament only that you can multiple overwatch in a single phase (but not overwatch once in the move phase and once in the charge phase) with abilities/strats like the TS ritual.

Likely hints at what be in the first FAQ regarding this.
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Thanks for the advice chaps.
Having mulled it over, I'll probably drop the Knight. I would love to try a Lancer against an enemy with a saving throw having been removed, but they are such a huge investment (again after two weeks of being cheap!!).
So Terminators with sorcerer, crystal, turn 1 get on something important.
Thinking Arhiman with 10 flamers in a land raider, move up ten, disembark 3, move 6 with the cabal points and threaten another middle point.
Mutilex seem too cheap to ignore, like a dreadnought for 100pts less?
Two sets of 5 bolters after you guys correctly suggested backfield control.
Include Magnus for obvious reasons, move him to give support to the Terminators with the 1cp pyschic weapons getting buffed.
It feels like a fairly aggressive and fast list, what would you change or spend the last 170pts on?
Made in nl
Longtime Dakkanaut

So let me get this straight.. I believe it's possible to activate the 'echo's from the warp' ritual on Magus at the start of the enemies shooting phase. I also activate the
'weaver of fates' ritual with another psyker and do this again with another psyker with the ' lord of forbidden lore' enhancement. So when the enemy starts shooting at magus with anti-tank weapons I could reroll 2 inv.saves and use the ' destined by fate' stratagem twice to reduce the damage to 0. In combination with his -1 damage thats a nice way to make him survive a lot of shooting turn one. Apart from the cabalistic points it only cost 1 CP, so can be done turn 1, when the enemy get's to start first.

Made in fi
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

Yeah. Costs you CP and 10 cabal points but correct.

You don't try to kill Magnus with full defence mode except with spam of mortals or dam1's.

2024 painted/bought: 109/109 
Made in us
Twisting Tzeentch Horror

Played against Custodies on Sunday. Ended up winning but it was close. They are really tough to take down, basically saving on a 4 against every kind of attack at the worst. I can see why they are a top army.

My list was as follows
10 x Rubrics w/ flamers and one soul reaper
5 x Rubrics bolters and reaper
5 x Rubrics bolters and reaper
Term Sorcerer
5 x SoT with all the stuff
5 x SoT with all the stuff
5 x SoT with flamers
DP with wings

Some thoughts on the units:
Ahriman + flamers - This was the first game where I really felt the loss of the assault weapon on the flamers. After they took out a small 5 man squad, they then were pretty out of position and spent the rest of the game moving back into position, which they helped out in the final turn. This is also the first game where I did not use Twist of Fate on their targets (Magnus was using it), and they still worked really well even against Custodies. I think I still like using a transport for them to get them in position, or making sure they are in the middle as opposed to a flank if walking.

Sorcerer + 5 x Rubrics bolters and reaper - This was the first game I was a bit underwhelmed by these guys. But I think that was partly because they spent a lot of time moving around to objectives, Custodies don't have a lot of long range firepower so the 18' shoot reduction is kind of meha in this matchup, and the small amount of fighting they did do was against Custodies terminators, which are bonkers. I am thinking of only taking one of these units, maybe a larger one, and then some Tgors to hold the back objective as a cheaper alternative.

Terminators - I broke up the terminators into three units of 5. One had the crystal with a leader and the other two were just normal. While the 10 man is more efficient, I like the flexibility of 3 five man. Turn one the first unit jumped to the center and took an objective effectively scoring me 10 points of primary for two turns, and two secondaries. Considering I only won by 6 that was huge. The other two units came out of deep strike, which was great because I put them exactly where they were needed and again scored me some points. I think I am going to stick with the 3 x 5.

DP with Wings - I still thing this guy is an underrated gem. The ability to move around the battlefield is clutch. In this game my opponent went first and after the end of his turn I used the ability to put the DP in the back corner threatening his home objective. He had to turn around a big powerful squad lead by trajon to deal with it, which ultimately did, but it put trajon's squad out of position for essentially the remainder of the game. He also hits pretty good, and is reasonably tough, surviving Trajon and his squad attacks with the help of 0 damage strat, to fall back and make them move even further away from the fight.

Magnus - holy crap is this guy awesome. He is probably like 40 points too cheap. the Custodies player was forced to use his 2CP -1 damage strat every turn against Magnus' shooting, and while it did mitigate quite a bit of damage, Magnus still put out the hurt. Especially using twist of fate on his target which is not as great against Custodies, but still helped out a ton. He is also really hard to take down, although the Custodies player did not have a lot of AT shooting. He was finally felled when he wiffed on his CC attack (rolled 5 ones to hit) and then the character in the squad he was facing got lucky rolling 4 6's for Devastating Wounds (3 dam each) and was able to finish Magnus (he had lost a few wounds earlier). Overall very worth it.

I am thinking of bring a unit of 6 flamers of Tzeentch allies for my next game. Same weapon stats as the rubrics, but they have built in deep strike, and will still benefit from Twist of Fate. Hope this was helpful

Automatically Appended Next Post:
KirvesUK wrote:
Thanks for the advice chaps.
Having mulled it over, I'll probably drop the Knight. I would love to try a Lancer against an enemy with a saving throw having been removed, but they are such a huge investment (again after two weeks of being cheap!!).
So Terminators with sorcerer, crystal, turn 1 get on something important.
Thinking Arhiman with 10 flamers in a land raider, move up ten, disembark 3, move 6 with the cabal points and threaten another middle point.
Mutilex seem too cheap to ignore, like a dreadnought for 100pts less?
Two sets of 5 bolters after you guys correctly suggested backfield control.
Include Magnus for obvious reasons, move him to give support to the Terminators with the 1cp pyschic weapons getting buffed.
It feels like a fairly aggressive and fast list, what would you change or spend the last 170pts on?

for the last 170 I would think about cheap chaff to hold the backfield, or maybe flamer of tzeentch to deep strike flame attack.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/17 16:51:51

Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Really interesting write-up there. I did look at flamers actually, do they still get to deep strike closer than 9 inch like they used to?
Made in us
Twisting Tzeentch Horror

KirvesUK wrote:
Really interesting write-up there. I did look at flamers actually, do they still get to deep strike closer than 9 inch like they used to?

They can in the daemon detachment I believe but not as allied
Made in us
Pestilent Plague Marine with Blight Grenade

Has anyone here had any success allying in daemons? I'm currently putting together a list with a Lord of Change, Changecaster, and unit of Pink Horrors.
Made in ca
Arch Magos w/ 4 Meg of RAM

 ArcaneHorror wrote:
Has anyone here had any success allying in daemons? I'm currently putting together a list with a Lord of Change, Changecaster, and unit of Pink Horrors.

Lord of change is great, changecaster is kinda unplayable (as are all our heralds really) and pinks can be decent backfield screener, but i'd rather bring blues for the infiltrator utility

Oh and Changeling is almost an autotake IMO (if youre gonna soup that is)
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

 ArcaneHorror wrote:
Has anyone here had any success allying in daemons? I'm currently putting together a list with a Lord of Change, Changecaster, and unit of Pink Horrors.

Kairos + changeling is great utility

I've been trying an aggressive addition with changeling and 2 squads of 3 flamers with attached Exalted's. Neat little package for 345points that gives changeling(amazing! Always take) and quite a bit of mobility/antichaffe with flamers and 6 pseudo Las cannons on the exalteds. There is enough room for another unit of 3 flamers + Exalted I might actually add in or some horrors for obj camping, I've been liking it so far.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/18 17:38:15

Made in fi
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

Well. First go at desolators and silly amount of firepower Even terminators were being melted by the firepower.

Though it wasn't so much those than 12" deep strike bubble prevention from infiltrators that cost me. Might have been better off putting less stuff and just ram more threats at once.

Really miss the teleport spell.

Sorcerer lord in terminator armour made terminators surprisingly good overwatch unit as every hit was also automatic wound.

2024 painted/bought: 109/109 
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

If we have deep strike terminators and a unit with a crystal, do people really rate the output of 3 flamers and an exalted jumping in over, say, a maulerfiend output?
Made in us
Monster-Slaying Daemonhunter


My list is
Ahriman + 10 Flamers
Exalted + 10 Flamers (with LoFL)
Sorcerer + 5 Flamers (with Crystal)
Sorcerer + 5 Flamers (with Vortex)
Termie + 10 Termies (2 cannons and 2 missiles)

I nearly won against tripe Forgefiends, but I hadn't seen it before so was unprepared for the insane damage that list puts out, plus a follow-up punch of possessed that gave Magnus enough mortals to kill him.

My main issue that I'm trying to figure out is deployment positioning, specifically with Ahriman. Turn off saves + autohit + wound on 5+ means his unit will delete what it points at. I'm trying to predict the battlefield and put Ahriman into the thickest flank, with the Sorcerer squad on the lighter flank so as to avoid the enemy's big guns. The Sorcerer's Sustained 3 with 2d6 shots at S6 D2 does a lot of work!

The 2nd Sorcerer is for a bit of backfield play, where I can kick a small objective holder squad off the enemy stronghold, and make Engage and BEL easier to achieve.

I've played 10 games of 10e so far, lost the above-mentioned CSM match as well as my 1st game of 10e to Votann (but I'm sure I'll do better in the rematch).
So far I've beat SM, Necrons, Chaos Knights, SM, SM, Guard, World Eaters, and Sisters.

Missions are sometimes wacky, but I think the amount of firepower that flamers bring makes the book very strong. I also think that the limited 12" range of flamers isn't that bad. Even when I'm out of range, there's a good chance I will want to do a mission/secondary action, so I'm not giving up all that much because I'm too far away from a target anyhow.

LVO 2017 - Best GK Player

The Grimdark Future 8500 1500 6000 2000 5000

"[We have] an inheritance which is beyond the reach of change and decay." 1 Peter 1.4
"With the Emperor there is no variation or shadow due to change." James 1.17
“Fear the Emperor; do not associate with those who are given to change.” Proverbs 24.21 
Made in gb
Automated Rubric Marine of Tzeentch


so, im thinking of adding some more anti-tank firepower to my army as i can no longer rely on mortal wound spam to deal with vehicles, and im looking at a hellbrute as reasonably cheap option. Im planning to stick lascannons on it's right side, but im not sure about the left arm. Do i stick missles on it for pure ranged firepower, or a fist so it can still get up close if needed and i'm more likely to benefit form its cabal point regen ability?

To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be relearned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.

Coven of XVth 2000pts
The Blades of Ruin 2,000pts Watch Company Rho 1650pts
Made in us
Twisting Tzeentch Horror

xerxeskingofking wrote:
so, im thinking of adding some more anti-tank firepower to my army as i can no longer rely on mortal wound spam to deal with vehicles, and im looking at a hellbrute as reasonably cheap option. Im planning to stick lascannons on it's right side, but im not sure about the left arm. Do i stick missles on it for pure ranged firepower, or a fist so it can still get up close if needed and i'm more likely to benefit form its cabal point regen ability?

I have two LC/ML Dreadnoughts (the actual forgeworld TS ones as well) and their firepower is very underwhelming. The twin-linked is not as good as an extra shot but a long stretch. I would use the hellburte with a the LC or MM and a CC weapon if I were to use one built from scratch. For AT in my opinion you are better off with mutilith, or even a predator in my opinion. We still struggle with heavy armor in my opinion, but Magnus and Ahriman +flamers can do a lot of damage to a vehicle with twist of fate. Also a soulgrinder ally might not be a bad choice
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

xerxeskingofking wrote:
so, im thinking of adding some more anti-tank firepower to my army as i can no longer rely on mortal wound spam to deal with vehicles, and im looking at a hellbrute as reasonably cheap option. Im planning to stick lascannons on its right side, but im not sure about the left arm. Do i stick missles on it for pure ranged firepower, or a fist so it can still get up close if needed and i'm more likely to benefit from its cabal point regen ability?

I started testing out 2 wardog stalkers for some extra firepower in my list, for 135pts each I feel like they are really valuable
Made in nl
Longtime Dakkanaut

Drdotts wrote:
xerxeskingofking wrote:
so, im thinking of adding some more anti-tank firepower to my army as i can no longer rely on mortal wound spam to deal with vehicles, and im looking at a hellbrute as reasonably cheap option. Im planning to stick lascannons on its right side, but im not sure about the left arm. Do i stick missles on it for pure ranged firepower, or a fist so it can still get up close if needed and i'm more likely to benefit from its cabal point regen ability?

I started testing out 2 wardog stalkers for some extra firepower in my list, for 135pts each I feel like they are really valuable

I'am going to test the following list.

Ahriman with 10 rubric marines (bolters)
Ex sorcerer (U.Crystal) with 10 rubric marines with warp flamers
Terminator sorcerer (Lord of the forbidden lore) with 10 terminators

3x vortex beasts

I like the beasts with magnus combination. The enemy cannot ignore magnus but needs a lot of anti-MC shooting to take him down. Meanwhile the vortex beast keep shooting beam attacks. I probably need to park a single vortex beast on the home objective, and that's kind of expensive but not easy to remove when magnus and two other vortex beasts are moving closer to the enemy.

I think if you go with vehicles or MC you need to bring more or simply none.
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Hi chaps.i played Necrons tonight and got pummeled on points. Called it at the end of turn 3. I had a good chance of smashing most of the remaining Necrons, Magnus and Vortex beast untouched, but no way of catching the point deficit.

I ran;
2 X 5 Rubrics holding objectives
1 X 10 terminators with attached Sorcerer (crystal)
Vortex beast
10 flamers in a land raider with Ahriman
War dog Moirax with conversion beams

Flamers got overwatched leaving the land raider turn1. Lost 6. Even with what was left, I could see the potential with Ahriman attached. Keep.

Land raider itself. Not sure. Got smashed down to lowest bracket turn 1 and didn't really affect the game. Swap for a Rhino?

Rubrics. Held objectives, not much to say otherwise.

Magnus. Buffed the terminators turn 1, then got separated from them. Didn't even get scratched. Did he get his points back? If we played more than 3 turns, absolutely.

War dog - great shooting, felt bad it didn't give cabal points, but was pretty solid.

Vortex beast. Too cheap at 145 pts, can't see it lasting at that price. Nice to be a threat in two phases, we just got him stuck at the back dealing with a Necron unit that teleported. Probably needed chucking up the board.

Was the 125pt sorcerer in the terminator unit worth it? He carried the crystal and have rerolls on an enemy unit. Not entirely convinced though.

If I drop the land raider I can get a Rhino and another beast. Would I miss the anti tank lascannons. Probably not if I have a additional beast.

Although I'm familiar with Necrons, it was so very hard to fight through 3 blocks of 20 warriors. They really put a lot of models back on the table each turn. Big damage is fairly common on their units and extra saves, feel no pains, Invulnerables make even our firepower much less effective.

I think Thousand Sons are really quite interesting to use in tenth, compared to other armies that seem a bit point'n'click. I've not learnt them particularly well yet, but I'm assuming I should be able to beat Necrons at some point soon

Cheers for reading.
Made in us
Twisting Tzeentch Horror

Previous post, thanks for the review I agree with your assessments.

So, I had a 4000 point team battle on Saturday, with TS and Chaos Knights v two IG armies. The IG had six eathshakers (three guns and three basilisks), 3 sentinels , some horses, 5 Russ tanks, a ton of mortars and heavy weapon teams, and lots of 20 man bricks of infantry, two krieg ones arriving with the drills.

My knight ally had two big knights (desacrator and abhorrant) 4 dogs, and then some daemon allies in a LoC and Blood crushers (he actually borrowed those 2 from me)

My list was as follows
10 x Rubrics w/ flamers and one soul reaper
10 x Rubrics bolters and reaper
5 x SoT with all the stuff
5 x SoT with all the stuff
5 x SoT with flamers
DP with wings
10 x Tzgors
and 6 flamers of tzeentch.

Our strategy was to put pressure on the guard with the big units, then bring in the terminators and flamers from deepstrike. They went first. The first turn we took a pounding from all the artillery with the sentinels support and all the shooting. Turn one we lost the blood crushers, one war dog, and the Tzgors in the back. We moved into position turn one, didn't do much damage, only killing one earthshaker, the sentinels and some infantry. Turn two shooting was pretty rough as well, we lost the Knight Abhorant, and two war dogs and I lost most of Ahriman's squad. However we were in position to strike on our turn two and with the terminators deep strike and the flamers, plus shooting/charges from Magnus, the Knight Desecrator, the daemon prince, and LoC did massive damage and tied up most of their units. We did not score our first two turns, but starting turn 3 we were in a dominant position and maxed primary and scored a bunch of secondaries. Game called at top of 5 when they had nothing but a few out of position infantry units left. We still had full health Magnus, badly wounded knight, most terminators, flamers, full health LoC and wounded DP left. Plus my Rubrics which sat and did nothing.

Thoughts on opponents: I saw on Auspex tactics that Guard don't have an above 50% win rate. I find this hard to digest as their indirect fire is crazy. You basically can't start infantry on the board. And with the sentinels the artillery is really kill-y. Maybe Eldar, GSC, Imperial Knights and Custodies are that good. The lethal hits on indirect fire is a bit much to be honest. Also playing against that much indirect fire is not really engaging as they just shoot us to death until we can engage their lines and wipe them out if we have anything left. They guy who brought all the artillery is Krieg theme, and played something similar in 9th as he want's to represent a Krieg siege force, so it is not like he was power gaming. But still the indirect is not a lot of fun.

Thoughts on Allies: The Chaos Knights battle shock rules are very sub-par. I don't think they mattered once during the game. the big Knights are really tough to take down, and that is without the FnP the Imperial's get. The LoC did not do much but hold one flank, and its shooting was good, but you need to use the hazardous version every time. The Bloodcrushers got wiped turn 1, so there is that. However they did soak up 5 of the eathshakers on turn 1 so they earned their points that way.

Thoughts on my list:

Ahriman w/ 10 x Rubrics w/ flamers and one soul reaper: Solid as always, however, I will say if you foot them, they are very vulnerable to indirect fire. In an all comers list where you could face IG, Eldar, Tau, or SM with indirect you will probably need to put them in a transport or even reserve them to come in on a flank (but either way you lost 4 Cabal turn one). It sucks because armies without indirect the the transport is unnecessary as they can advance up in cover. Tough call.

Sorcerer w/ 10 x Rubrics bolters and reaper- I wanted to try to put a 10 man down but for the second game in a row they sat back, enjoyed not being able to be targeted, and they did not really do anything. And the two times they did get in range, the extra bolter shots are not worth 95 points. I would only run these guys in 5s.

5 x SoT with all the stuff, squads- So this is the first game I did not bring the terminator sorcerer with the crystal leading one of them. I actually think it may be possible to get away with not using that. I put all three in deepstrike and having three units deepstrike in on turn 2 was difficult for the opponents to deal with (I actually Rapid Ingress one of them, which took shooting, but was in a better position to charge). I think when I play TS again I am going to try more games without the terminator sorcerer.

DP with wings- As I have stated many times, I love this guy. Turn 1 he was able to teleport to the far right flank, and even after failing the 9 inch charge, he was blocked well from their AT (which did need to shoot the Knights) and is tough enough that the eathshakers did not even try to hit him. All the small arms bounced right off. He then moved into their lines, and with d4 from the enhancement, crushed the right flank killing a russ, a baslisk, and a earthshaker platform, finally finishing up killing a bunch of guardsmen. I really think there is a place for him in most lists as the ability to teleport on turn one is massive. And I have yet to get the 9 inch charge, which if you get lucky will make him a real powerhouse.

10 x Tzgors- they seem to squishy for 65 points. This game was always going to be rough on them with all the indirect, but still they went down fast.

Magnus- Ok so he is definetly 20-30 points to cheap. This game they did not even hurt him. What was really clutch in this game was using the move twice on him turn one so he was like 3" away from their line. His shooting is really good if you use twist of fate as well. With guard not able to fight him in CC, putting him in their line that early was probably the game winning move. And he cuts through anything that does not reduce damage. His sweep attack is good at clearing hoards of guardsmen as well. If you want competitive, he is probably a must take at this point.

6 flamers of tzeentch- I like these guys a lot. Only 130 for 6 and they have natural deepstrike. I think they are an excellent alternative to a second squad of flamer rubrics. Also they are three wounds, which really made a difference against the artillery being d2.

This will probably be my last report type post for TS. I just got my dark commune for CSM and I am looking forward to playing CSM for a bit, then probably Eldar for a while. If I play anymore TS games I will post them. I certainly hope others will as well as I enjoy reading those.

Made in gb
Automated Rubric Marine of Tzeentch


I've now played a couple of games against Sisters with that smaller list and won both

Ahriman on Disc of Tzeentch [115pts, 3 Cabal Points]: Warlord

Infernal Master [95pts, 2 Cabal Points]: Umbralefic Crystal

Thousand Sons Daemon Prince [225pts, 2 Cabal Points]: Arcane Vortex

Rubric Marines [190pts, 1 Cabal Points]

. Aspiring Sorcerer: Warpflame pistol
. Rubric Marine w/ soulreaper cannon
. 8x Rubric Marine w/ warpflamer: 8x Close combat weapon, 8x Warpflamer

Scarab Occult Terminators [205pts, 1 Cabal Points]: Hellfyre missile rack

. Scarab Occult Sorcerer: Inferno combi-bolter
. 3x Scarab Occult Terminator: 3x Inferno combi-bolter, 3x Prosperine khopesh
. Scarab Occult Terminator w/ soulreaper cannon, Prosperine khopesh

Thousand Sons Land Raider [250pts]: Havoc launcher, Inferno combi-weapon

++ Total: [1,080pts, 9 Cabal Points] ++

Initial thoughts:

1) Having the Infernal Master with Crystal lead the Rubrics allows them to teleport onto an objective turn 1 and then control the centre of the board.

2) The Scarabs are really tanky (and seen as quite a threat) when supported by the DP.

3) I still need to work out how to reliably get the DP into melee without getting him killed first.

4) I also need to get better at positioning Ahriman so he can be where he needs to be without getting shot off the board.

For a higher points game I think I'll ally a Chaos Knight Desecrator and see how that pans out.

This message was edited 7 times. Last update was at 2023/08/06 05:23:53

[1,800] Chaos Knights | [1,250] Thousand Sons | [1,000] Grey Knights | 40K editions: RT, 8, 9, 10 | https://www.flickr.com/photos/dreadblade/  
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Monster-Slaying Daemonhunter


 xeen wrote:

DP with wings- As I have stated many times, I love this guy. Turn 1 he was able to teleport to the far right flank, and even after failing the 9 inch charge, he was blocked well from their AT (which did need to shoot the Knights) and is tough enough that the eathshakers did not even try to hit him. All the small arms bounced right off. He then moved into their lines, and with d4 from the enhancement, crushed the right flank killing a russ, a baslisk, and a earthshaker platform, finally finishing up killing a bunch of guardsmen. I really think there is a place for him in most lists as the ability to teleport on turn one is massive. And I have yet to get the 9 inch charge, which if you get lucky will make him a real powerhouse.

I honestly don't see how, even with the enhancement, he's killing that much stuff. You said he didn't get a charge T1, so that means he's in combat at the top of T2. So let's give the benefit of the doubt and say you are in combat for 2 rounds, yours and the enemy's
DP Strike profile is A6 WS2+ S9 AP-2 D4

A Leman Russ is T11 W13 Sv2+
Hit 10 times (for 2 rounds of combat), wound 3.33 times, Russ fails 1.67 save, you do 4 or 8 dmg, which isn't enough to kill the Russ. Even if you get a DevWounds in there, for a total 8 or 12 dmg, that's still not enough to kill the Russ. You had to get really REALLY unstatistically lucky to roll this well.

A Basilisk is T9 W11 Sv3+
Hit 10 times (for 2 rounds of combat), wound 5 times, Basilisk fails 3.33 saves, you do 12dmg. So the DP can reliably kill a light vehicle over 2 rounds of combat, but again, this is just the average, so expect for you to wound less sometimes or for the enemy to make more 5+ saves.

Not sure what an Earthshaker Platform is, but I assume it's the same as a Basilisk (the name of the gun on the Basilisk is earthshaker?)
See above. I'd say it's lucky to kill two light vehicles over the course of 4 rounds of combat.

I don't think it will be nearly as good for other people, and congratulations on having Tzeentch bless your dice rolls, I guess!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/08/07 19:18:25

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"[We have] an inheritance which is beyond the reach of change and decay." 1 Peter 1.4
"With the Emperor there is no variation or shadow due to change." James 1.17
“Fear the Emperor; do not associate with those who are given to change.” Proverbs 24.21 
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Automated Rubric Marine of Tzeentch


Quick question: Echoes from the Warp says "you can select this psyker's unit at the target of this stratagem". Does that mean a character psyker not attached to a unit can use it on themselves?

[1,800] Chaos Knights | [1,250] Thousand Sons | [1,000] Grey Knights | 40K editions: RT, 8, 9, 10 | https://www.flickr.com/photos/dreadblade/  
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Regular Dakkanaut

Has anyone tried out an allied soul grinder? It seems very durable and like it could be pretty good anti tank and a distraction for Magnus
Made in us
Twisting Tzeentch Horror

 Elric Greywolf wrote:
 xeen wrote:

DP with wings- As I have stated many times, I love this guy. Turn 1 he was able to teleport to the far right flank, and even after failing the 9 inch charge, he was blocked well from their AT (which did need to shoot the Knights) and is tough enough that the eathshakers did not even try to hit him. All the small arms bounced right off. He then moved into their lines, and with d4 from the enhancement, crushed the right flank killing a russ, a baslisk, and a earthshaker platform, finally finishing up killing a bunch of guardsmen. I really think there is a place for him in most lists as the ability to teleport on turn one is massive. And I have yet to get the 9 inch charge, which if you get lucky will make him a real powerhouse.

I honestly don't see how, even with the enhancement, he's killing that much stuff. You said he didn't get a charge T1, so that means he's in combat at the top of T2. So let's give the benefit of the doubt and say you are in combat for 2 rounds, yours and the enemy's
DP Strike profile is A6 WS2+ S9 AP-2 D4

A Leman Russ is T11 W13 Sv2+
Hit 10 times (for 2 rounds of combat), wound 3.33 times, Russ fails 1.67 save, you do 4 or 8 dmg, which isn't enough to kill the Russ. Even if you get a DevWounds in there, for a total 8 or 12 dmg, that's still not enough to kill the Russ. You had to get really REALLY unstatistically lucky to roll this well.

A Basilisk is T9 W11 Sv3+
Hit 10 times (for 2 rounds of combat), wound 5 times, Basilisk fails 3.33 saves, you do 12dmg. So the DP can reliably kill a light vehicle over 2 rounds of combat, but again, this is just the average, so expect for you to wound less sometimes or for the enemy to make more 5+ saves.

Not sure what an Earthshaker Platform is, but I assume it's the same as a Basilisk (the name of the gun on the Basilisk is earthshaker?)
See above. I'd say it's lucky to kill two light vehicles over the course of 4 rounds of combat.

I don't think it will be nearly as good for other people, and congratulations on having Tzeentch bless your dice rolls, I guess!

Well no that was though the whole game. He was in combat turn 2, 3, and 4. An earthshaker plateform is just the gun, it has 6 wounds so is not nearly as durable. Also he had the enhancement with to make is attacks d4, so it doesn't take much to destroy a basilisk or LR. Also, as in every game, some of the units had been hurt already. Yea there probably were some good rolls, but that is warhammer in general. Also math hammer is all well and good, but 2+ to his is pretty reliable. It may average out at 5 hits, but that would be over hundred of rolls. Also I may have removed the LR's save, don't quite remember, which also makes a huge difference. I still think it is a good choice, even for just the disruption of him being in the lines, probably less so without the d4.
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