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Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Los Angeles

Now that is a rock.

Ultio et timor
Adeo mori servus Imperator Fictus
Ave Dominus Nox 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Posted By Khaines_Chosen on 07/18/2006 6:32 AM
The rock was acctually for the Warhammer Siege supplement's Siege Equiptment blister.

So it's not usable in normal games of Warhammer then? Damn!


Looking for the Empire spearmen from the Warhammer sixth edition box set (empire vs orcs) Must be unpainted and in good condition. Also looking for MIB Empire State Troops boxes.

Looking for Battle for Macragge and Black Reach Tactical squads, unpainted and unassembled. 
Made in us
Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot

In your house, rummaging through your underwear drawer

Pete Haines told me that an army with two rocks has a lot going for it...

"Seriousness is the only refuge of the shallow"~Oscar Wilde 
Made in us
Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot

In your house, rummaging through your underwear drawer

Pete Haines told me that an army with two rocks has a lot going for it...

"Seriousness is the only refuge of the shallow"~Oscar Wilde 
Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut

Over there... no, wait, AARGH!

Obviously intended to flick across the table when firing rock lobbas.

"You can shut us out, but you will never shut us up" - Sid Vicious 
Made in us
Foul Dwimmerlaik

Minneapolis, MN

Posted By Veht on 07/18/2006 2:39 AM
Here's my rock guys.

C&C appreciated.

I think this paint job has a lot going for it. Sadly, it lacks the depth of the second edition red. Perhaps you could add a wash to it to make the crevices really stand out? As it is, I can barely make out the chips in the subpar second edition blood red rock.

I dont blame you, as it is hard to squeeze blood red out of stone. That, and this is very obviously a trish morrison sculpt, which dont help matters any.

Made in us

Amongst the Stars, In the Night

Posted By Hellfury on 07/19/2006 2:48 AM
Posted" by="" veht="" on="" 07/18/2006="" 2:39="" am="">
Here's my rock guys.

C&C appreciated.

I think this paint job has a lot going for it. Sadly, it lacks the depth of the second edition red. Perhaps you could add a wash to it to make the crevices really stand out? As it is, I can barely make out the chips in the subpar second edition blood red rock.

I dont blame you, as it is hard to squeeze blood red out of stone. That, and this is very obviously a trish morrison sculpt, which dont help matters any.

It also needs some highlighting. As is, whatever highlighting you've done, if any, is too subtle. Or, worse, is it dipped? That might explain the sloppy uninspiring paint job. And, no, you can't see any of my rocks, I haven't painted them yet.

OT Zone: A More Wretched Hive of Scum and Villany
The Loyal Slave learns to Love the Lash! 
Made in ca
Dakka Veteran

Blackship Exhumation

I wonder if they called it a stone the comments we would be seeing then. Oh wait maybe that's the next big release codex:stone
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

All this time i have been picking them up from the garden when this one looks so much more real, wow do i feel stupid now!
Made in us
Fireknife Shas'el

A bizarre array of focusing mirrors and lenses turning my phrases into even more accurate clones of

The red rock is not magnified enough. I can't tell if you even have a highlight on that thing. Anyway, I think that blending and layering 50 layers on it would be a good start to a golden demon. You could even get a few more rocks and, like a good modern artist, attempt to symbolize something with your abstract piece. Anyway, go with an NMM "ore" piece. I think that might win. You can even freehand a symbol on it. Now that I think about it, I am seriously contemplating submitting a rock piece for next year's GD.

KK: Sorry but that's not a rock. That's a boulder. Way out of this league. You're comparing a terminator to a gobbo! Of course one's going to cost more and I'd pay more for the better sculpt too.


2009, Year of the Dog
Made in gb
Stitch Counter

Rowlands Gill

But where are its stats? I'm confused!

Made in us
Imperial Agent Provocateur


Still waiting for paper and scissors myself. 

 Instead of rolling a dice just rock, paper, scissors a rules dispute.

Made in us
Most Glorious Grey Seer

Everett, WA

I have a question... is this rock compatible with the Modelling Gravel?  I was told that the rock was for 40k while the gravel was Epic scale and thus not compatible.  Anyone have any experience with this?



Made in ca
Dakka Veteran

Pirate Ship Revenge

No, but the problem that I encountered was that it seems to be natural field stone and is incompatible with the Urban Basing Kit. It's too natrural and sticks out like a sore thumb.

I have nothing useful to add.
http://otzone.proboards34.com/index.cgi>the OT
Welp, that link ain't no good nomore. 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Getting my broom incase there is shenanigans.

Is it from Lord of the Rings?

I want to be able to use it for 40k. I guess because of the contract they signed, I can't use any Lord of the Rings rocks for Warhammer rocks, nor I can use them at any official GW events.

Made in us
Sneaky Lictor

What I want to know is when can I bitz it? I only need the left side, not the whole rock.

If you game in North Alabama check us out!

Rocket City Gamers 
Made in us
Raging Rat Ogre

Off Exhibit

Has Forgeworld announced the release of their rock yet?

'Give me a fragging hand, Kage. Silence the fragging woman, Kage. Fragging eat the brains, Kage'

OT Zone - a more wretched hive of scum and villainy .
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut


I'll wait for the limited edition rock in the new battleforce.

Do not use the CLEAR dice!

Dear Whiny Space Marine Players,
you get 3+ armor saves on all your troops (save scouts), Assault cannons, a huge assortment of vehicles and weapons, arguably one of the best if not THE best tank in the game, funny helmets, and a partrige in a pear tree.

suck it up, space marines. You're the emperor's chosen superhuman warriors. stop whining like a guardsmen and take it like a superman! 
Made in us
Foul Dwimmerlaik

Minneapolis, MN

Posted By stonefox on 07/19/2006 8:21 AM
 Now that I think about it, I am seriously contemplating submitting a rock piece for next year's GD.

Someone already did that this year. I think it was titled something like "Frodo and Samwise using a cloak of elvenkind." Or something like that.

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Posted By SirNotInThisFilm on 07/19/2006 4:47 PM
I'll wait for the limited edition rock in the new battleforce.

I want the special collector's edition rock from the Gotrik and Felix novels. But I'll never take it out of the mylar package so it can appreciate beyond the $29.95 retail price, at least until it gets nerfed in the next edition and I buy it on eBay for $9.95.
Made in de
Rampaging Carnifex


I think I'll do a conversion of a rolling rock by giving him a much more dynamic pose.

I know when it is closing time. - Rascal Mod

"Some people measure common sense with a ruler others with a potato."- Making Money Terry Pratchett
"what's with all the hate go paint something you lazy bastards" - NAVARRO
"You don't need pants for the victory dance." -BAWTRM
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Oklahoma City, Ok.

how much is the FW version going to run?!?!

you have to admit it does look hard!

"But i'm more than just a little curious, how you're planning to go about making your amends, to the dead?" -The Noose-APC

"Little angel go away
Come again some other day
The devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say" Weak and Powerless - APC

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut


Yeah, but you know how brittle the FW stuff is. I want the original.

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid. - Dwight D. Eisenhower 
Made in jp
Anti-piracy Officer

Somewhere in south-central England.

There was a board wargame years that used scissors/paper/stone as its combat resolution mechanism. Can anyone remember what it was called? It wasn't Panzer Pranks, was it?

I'm writing a load of fiction. My latest story starts here... This is the index of all the stories...

We're not very big on official rules. Rules lead to people looking for loopholes. What's here is about it. 
Made in ca
Fresh-Faced New User

There was a dungeon crawl game that used rock/paper/sissors as the combat mechanism. They made rock do points of damage instead just 1 to add "strategy" to the game.

I totally forget what that was called too but its dungeon tile thingies wound up being bases.

Check out my game design/publication blog:
Made in de
Fresh-Faced New User

The Dark Carnival's Shangri La

3:30 in the morning in Germany. I found this thread and giggle maniacly in the corner.

We be doin murder every day! We be good enough to get away! You won't even know a Wicked Clown had hit your door until your melon hit the floor and rolls away! 
Made in us
Winged Kroot Vulture

Ok, got a question about the rock.  What type of rock is it exactly because according to the fluff certain rocks are harder then others so that would make a difference on the T.  I mean it wouldn't make sense for a sandstone to be just as tough as a Carborundum, right?

Also, if I painted it to look like a garnet but called it a ruby could I still use the rules for lapis lazuli?

I can't wait to covert that to fight against The Emperors Pointy Sticks.  I will call my army "Chaos Rocks!" 

I'm back! 
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Spawning mat, sipping a bio-Margarita

I've said it before and I'll say it again.  It's fine for you to have fewer than three rocks in your army, but if you do, you are just begging to lose, and so I am happy to help you with your wish.  Don't start whining when I have the prime number of rocks in my army and roll right over you.  

Long live rock

I need it ev-uh-ry night ....


"Bugs thrive on carnage, Tiger"
-- Men in Black

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut


After the rock has been released, my life has changed, I rebased my 150 man guard army, just to use the new GW rocks! Oh man and don't get me started on how excited I am abouttheir net release, official GW twigs, ohh boy they will fit right in with my new rocks!

P.S. Does anyone want to join in on my pyramid scam, I promise I won't take more money from you than GW already has...

Made in us
Master of the Hunt


Posted By Archaeo on 07/19/2006 10:35 AM

Still waiting for paper and scissors myself. 

 Instead of rolling a dice just rock, paper, scissors a rules dispute.






Of course, the rules for paper are only in IA, so they may not always be allowed in tournaments. Hence the abundance of scissors armies in competitive play.

"It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
It is by the seed of Arabica that thoughts acquire speed, the teeth acquire stains, the stains become a warning.
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion."
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