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Made in ca

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Made in ca
Bounding Assault Marine

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Some very useful ideas here! I'm curious, have you tried the Vallejo Artist inks as well as the Game Colour inks, and what, if anything, is the difference?

Made in ca
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Sunny SoCal

I have Vallejo game inks, but not Artist. However, I do have other artist inks.

Just going off industry standard, the inks meant for minatures will tend to have lower surface tension (more flow aid) and higher amounts of acrylic resin, and probably finer but less pigment than artist inks. They should be more or less the same ultimately, but one is just tweaked more towards making it useful out of the bottle for miniature purposes, thinner, less opaque paint that flow more easily to get into the recesses etc. It's a guess but one I made with a very high degree of confidence.

To illustrate, I have used artist inks to make mini inks, usually with the addition of flow aid, isopropyl alcohol or thinner, and using raw acrylic resin if it needs any thickening.

Made in ca
Bounding Assault Marine

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Interesting. the Vallejo Game Colour Brown ink, is it quite dark? Is it fairly neutral in hue, or is it kind of Orange?

Made in ca
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Sunny SoCal

If I recall correctly, brown is a touch orangey, sepia is the one that is more the brown someone who used the old, old GW inks. Remember though, that is easy to count with a drop or two of green if you are looking to manage the pink/orange nature of some 'browns'.

Made in ca
Bounding Assault Marine

Vancouver, BC, Canada

 MajorTom11 wrote:
If I recall correctly, brown is a touch orangey, sepia is the one that is more the brown someone who used the old, old GW inks. Remember though, that is easy to count with a drop or two of green if you are looking to manage the pink/orange nature of some 'browns'.

That's a good tip!

Is there a Sepia in the Game Colour range, or is that another ink range you're referring to?

I also have a question about Medium, particularly Citadel. If you're thinning with medium, is it fair to say, that you're not really thinning the paint, just the pigment? Is it better to thin with flo-aid, if you're concerned about smooth, consistent application?

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