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Nevelon’s Workbench: Jump chaplain build, terminators, triumph.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

haha, joking aside, that's alot of minis that have survived the years.

Are you going to do anything with them, or box them back up for this time next year xD?

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Zambro wrote:
haha, joking aside, that's alot of minis that have survived the years.

Are you going to do anything with them, or box them back up for this time next year xD?

That’s a big question. I could strip them and add them to my Ultras, but why? I have more then enough power armor, so what would they add? Sure, the old metals would spice things up a little, and are the ones most at-risk for a bath in the Simple Green. But I have more then two full squads of RTB01 Ultramarines, how many do I need? And while never pictured, in an pair of egg crates are 20 or so more RT plastic marines, painted in a green/yellow camo, all without helmets, that were used as our PCs mercenary force back when we played RT as an RPG. If I’m stripping marines to add to a force, they are going swimming first.

I could scavenge RT-era heavy and special weapons, but frankly, with the exception of the ML, I like the new ones better.

Which brings us to the dust covered limbo that is my BA army. While I technically could field them as an army, I don’t have the modern rules, and even if I did, I lack any of the units that could be viable. I don’t need any of the minis for other projects. I have a sentimental attachment to them as my first army. So am loath to re-paint or part with them. If I did part with them, how much trouble would it be, and would it be worth it? I’m not an e-bay user. Some of them are not painted by me. While my friend Dave has recently waived all claims of his part ownership, I’d still feel bad disposing of the hard work and skill he put into his half.

They occasionally come out for photo shoots. Dread/LR size comparisons. A display of helmet stripes and their meaning. Experimenting with the new technical paints.

But then they go back to the shelf. Waiting...

Made in gb
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


Sheer brilliance. You gad me going for some time. I was thinking, nah he couldn't, he wouldn't, would he?

I was thinking of doing something this morning along the lines of scrapping my scars in a heretic fit of rage but then started to actually like the idea so stopped myself and you'll be glad to know started painting my chaplain and a couple of Libby's.

8500 White Scars. See my blog, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571324.page
13000 Nurgle CSM http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/581362.page
3000 Dark Eldar
2000 Eldar
1500 Alien themed Nids. See my thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571308.page 
Made in gb
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot


Nice to see all the RT goodness. Got worried for a minute that you were 'joining the darkside' there...*phew*

You could always just use them as an ally force to your Ultras in say APOC etc, use them as Imperial Fists or Iron Hands, they have great chapter tactics and you wouldn't have to go buying Death Company or Nipple Marines...just an idle thought...

My combined Macragge PDF Imperial Guard and Ultramarine 3rd Co. Blog Clicky

My WAB Hundred Years War English Clicky

AlexHolker wrote:At this stage, I'm starting to think GW's CEO was just getting ready for the Rapture
Made in au
Space Marine Scout with Sniper Rifle


Rogue Trader? What's a Rogue Trader?

Joking, Those Blood Angels look really cool, as someone who hasn't had the privilege of looking at anything RT with my own eyes, It makes me wish I was born a bit earlier as I think the older models look wicked!

Good thing I finally managed to stumble onto your Blog otherwise I wouldn't have seen these beauties

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/04/02 06:09:00

'Destroy the weak'
Steel Confessors  
Made in jp
Fixture of Dakka


Love the old stuff Beaky Marines, What happened to the RT landraider? tried to make a hot rod out of it? the upper tracks should be parallel to the lower ones.

"That sound? That's the sound of me drinking all my paint and stabbing myself in the eyes with my brushes. "
My Doombringer Space Marine Army
Hello Kitty Space Marines project
Buddhist Space marine Project
Other Projects
Imageshack deleted all my Images Thank you! 
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

RandyMcStab wrote:Nice to see all the RT goodness. Got worried for a minute that you were 'joining the darkside' there...*phew*

You could always just use them as an ally force to your Ultras in say APOC etc, use them as Imperial Fists or Iron Hands, they have great chapter tactics and you wouldn't have to go buying Death Company or Nipple Marines...just an idle thought...

The best lies are based on a kernel of truth I figured this would make a fun April Fool’s joke. While they don’t get the press that my Ultras do, I make no secret of my ancient BAs sitting around, and they do make cameos from time to time. That coupled with the jump pack troops that seem to be infesting my workbench made it plausible. And from a practical standpoint, I’ve been meaning to drag the boys out for a photo shoot and it was a good excuse.

I could use them for allied troops, but the question would be why? It’s not like I’ve got any units in the BAs that I don’t in the Ultras. I have considered fielding them as LotD though. Emperor know’s they’ve been lost in the warp enough to count. As for apocolyse, I guess I could use them if needed. But in my limited experience, apoc is focused more on the big guns, not the boots on the ground. That said, I do have a lot of heavy weapons, and if I needed an extra thousand points I’m sure I could find a place for them.

TheYellowSubmarine wrote:Rogue Trader? What's a Rogue Trader?

Joking, Those Blood Angels look really cool, as someone who hasn't had the privilege of looking at anything RT with my own eyes, It makes me wish I was born a bit earlier as I think the older models look wicked!

Good thing I finally managed to stumble onto your Blog otherwise I wouldn't have seen these beauties

Welcome aboard. There are some perks for being older then dirt. Access to classic retro minis is one of them. Not sure if it’s worth the aches, pains, and thinning hair, but at least I have cool toys!

Jehan-reznor wrote:Love the old stuff Beaky Marines, What happened to the RT landraider? tried to make a hot rod out of it? the upper tracks should be parallel to the lower ones.

I jokingly say it took a melta hit, but that’s actually fairly accurate. It was left on the back shelf of my car on a hot summer day. I don’t know how hot it got in there, or what the melting point of the plastic is, but I know it was close enough to do some damage. On my perpetual list of things to do is to turn it into a terrain piece. Very low priority though.

On the topic of progress, I’m done cleaning mold lines from the 4 assault marines on the bench. Torsos and jump packs were glued last night, and are awaiting magnets. Which I will probably get to today. My goal for the week is to get these guys assembled. The weather is getting nicer, snow is melting, and soon I’ll be able to prime.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Crummy lighting picture aside, here are the last of the assault marines. Built and ready to be primed. Which may actually happen sooner, rather then later. Temps have been hitting the low 60s, and most of the snow if off the ground. Of course, the melting snow has turned by yard into a swamp, so I’d like to give it a chance to dry out a bit before I grab the rattle-can and put some coats onto bare plastic.

Backpacks and flamers are magnetized. Not that I think I’ll ever use the plasma pistols, but they are there to future proof the guys. There’s the chance for access to meltaguns on assault squads like BA, and I’d want arms for that. But knowing my luck, the new option would be to replace the chainsword with a power weapon, and I’d have to do something to the other arm. But I’ll burn those bridges when I get to them. It wouldn’t be the AM’s first trip to the chop shop due to codex changes. And the flamers will work just fine for now.

Barring something odd, these should be the last jump pack marines to cross the workbench. You will, or course, see more of them over at the paint station. Now back to the sergeants/sternguard I said I was going to be working on...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Working on another HF for the sternguard squad. Tacked together ATM, figured I’d get some opinions before I glue.

Some more bits I might add on:

Don’t ask me where I got that fuel tank, I haven’t the foggiest idea. It has a dimple in the back to be compatible with a space marine. Or could be stuck on the back of a normal backpack. Sticks out a bit, might have to be cut down. The tabard and or seals I was thinking of adding to the HF shoulder, as it’s pretty bare.

One of the perks of scale creep is that the old style terminator HF is not out of place on a modern plastic marine. I’m not sure how far up I want to angle the flamer. As it’s the last thing that’s going to be glued, I can fiddle with it once everything else is set. Holding on a big lead arm with stickytac does not lend itself well to set angles.

Originally I was thinking of having the other arm holding the spare fuel canister. I kinda like the knife though. Still open for other ideas is anyone has any for what to do with that arm.

Right now with the knife out, I’m getting a fun attitude from this guy. “Suit up for bolter drill again sergeant? Can’t we grab the jump packs and go vanguard? Just once? <sigh> dibs on the heavy flamer, I want to be on point if we get stuck in!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/04/04 01:45:54

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Lost a little of the pose when glued. Oh well, I'll live. Also done is a sarge with a c-melta. Magnetized.

Made in gb
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


Looking good mate. How's the weather? Is it nearly priming time? You'll get through about 10 cans of primer with how long you've been waiting, lol

8500 White Scars. See my blog, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571324.page
13000 Nurgle CSM http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/581362.page
3000 Dark Eldar
2000 Eldar
1500 Alien themed Nids. See my thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571308.page 
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 McManiak wrote:
Looking good mate. How's the weather? Is it nearly priming time? You'll get through about 10 cans of primer with how long you've been waiting, lol

Gusty winds and scattered showers, not a good day to prime.

The to-prime box isn't as bad as you'd think:

Drop pod
4 assault marines
Tac sarge
HF sternguard
Spare bits and backpacks.

I guess I could add re doing the vanguard to the list, they only got a light partial coat out of the last can. But overall, a reasonable volume. Might be two batches worth, particularly if I put some more stuff together.

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

You got a lot in that box...

Any idea what order your going to paint them in?

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Zambro wrote:
You got a lot in that box...

Any idea what order your going to paint them in?

I haven't the foggiest idea.

I should do the drop pod first, but I have a lot of hate for those things. But that and the two guys I just finished are more likely to find their way into a list.

The assault marines would be quick and easy to do. Banging them out would let me check a few more boxes off my "one mini a week" goal, which I'm pretty sure I'm woefully behind on. They would also let me formally close the book on the battle company apocalypse formation. If I was a betting man, I'd put my money here.

The LSS is another strong contender. I don't have one already and they look like fun.

The razor is boring and practical. It will probably end up sandwiched between two fun projects.

And who knows, there might be more stuff in the box before the weather clears.

Made in gb
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


You are teasing us with a "what may come" line there mate. Spill the beans.....

8500 White Scars. See my blog, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571324.page
13000 Nurgle CSM http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/581362.page
3000 Dark Eldar
2000 Eldar
1500 Alien themed Nids. See my thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571308.page 
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 McManiak wrote:
You are teasing us with a "what may come" line there mate. Spill the beans.....

When I was rummaging though my bits box and extra sprues I had the thought to put together some more sternguard. But instead of normal guys, I was thinking about a small deathwatch killteam. I've got some wolf and DA bits, and a few inquisition shoulder pads from the commander set. Might do a squad of 5, or just a few as advisers attached to a sternguard squad.

Or the venerable dread. I had the sprues out looking to poach one of the heads, reminded myself how cool the kit looked.

We'll see what whimsy strikes me.

Made in gb
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


Do the kill team man, that would be awesome. You should do the dread after painting the razorback, it will make you feel better...

8500 White Scars. See my blog, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571324.page
13000 Nurgle CSM http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/581362.page
3000 Dark Eldar
2000 Eldar
1500 Alien themed Nids. See my thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571308.page 
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

The sky is blue and cloudless, the trees aren’t bent in half from the wind, and the temperature is in the mid 50s. For those about to prime, we salute you!

Basic can of white primer from Home Despot. Nothing fancy, but also half the price of the hobby branded stuff. I forget what I payed for it, picked it up last fall in a trip with a bunch of other things for the house. Tested it on some sprue, went on fine, no fuzz. Then on an old metal mini to check to see if it obscured details (figuring it would be easier to strip if problem arose) seemed fine.

So after a chunk of time outside in the fresh (although slightly propellent tinged) spring air, we get to here:

If The Wife asks about the white spot, I’ll just tell her it’s a persistent patch of snow. It’ll mow out anyway, not like I’m spraying on the deck or on the driveway.

Hopefully nothing bad will happen as these guys finish drying. They are back inside now. <crosses fingers>

But now that the to-prime box is empty, we need to fill it again. Last night I cut 5 marines worth the deathwatch off the sprues, and it’s off to mold lines. I’m still on the fence on a few things though. The first is warger. Right now they are all just bolters. If I wanted to be a little more fluffy and fun, I’d do things like give the dark angel a combi plasma, and the Imperial Fist the Heavy Bolter. And while they would look cool on the shelf, they would probably stay there. Giving them all plain bolters makes it much more likely they would see the table. I guess I could magnetize, but because there guys are their own paint scheme, the parts would not be compatible with the rest of my army.

Right now we’ve got:
A Dark Angel. Lots of bits from the ravenwing sprue here. Which actualy brings up a question I don’t have an answer to: Do the ravenwing have the DA logo on their shoulder, or just the ravenwing one? And if they go into the deathguard (a great cover to look for the fallen) which would they keep on their one chapter colored shoulder pad?

A Space Wolf. I think I need to tone down the wolfy-ness of this guy. Right now he’s got the wolf pelt back, the wolf skull shoulder, wolf backpack, and a wolf talisman necklace. While I know it’s entirely in character for him to be Wolfy Wolf McWolfson, of the Space (wolfie) Wolves, I think I need to cut back a little. Probably switch him to a normal back, without the pelt.

One of the sternguard shoulder pads looked more like a raven then an eagle with a small bird head and upswept wings. So a member of the Raven Guard will join my merry band. Beakie head, obviously. If I go for style over substance, he will lead the squad and get a lightning claw.

Two guys left don’t have and special bits to make them stand out. One I’m going to do as a White Scar. I know the Deathwatch paints the armor black, but you can still have honors, trophies, and purity seals and the like. What do the red jags of the tribal markings fall under? I know one of the reasons they leave the one shoulder colored is to honor the spirit of the wargear. Would hiding the marking also dishonor the armor? I might just paint some back on anyway, over the black in BFtBG. Just because the Scar had to paint it black doesn’t mean he can re-apply the proper markings in the blood of his foes.

The last guy I think is going to be either a Imperial or Crimson Fist. Trying to get a good spread of chapters here, and I like these guy’s style. Imp. Fists will add a much needed splash of color, but Crimson have more history.

Made in gb
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


Love the white patch mate. Also the introduction of a white scar makes me feel somewhat happy. Not sure about the markings as I really don't know about deathwatch.

8500 White Scars. See my blog, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571324.page
13000 Nurgle CSM http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/581362.page
3000 Dark Eldar
2000 Eldar
1500 Alien themed Nids. See my thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571308.page 
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Ok, Dakka, you win. In an effort to make the deathwatch bolters a little special, I drilled the barrels. What a pain.

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

 Nevelon wrote:
Ok, Dakka, you win. In an effort to make the deathwatch bolters a little special, I drilled the barrels. What a pain.


Paint time

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/04/07 07:26:28

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Chaplain Cassius (130pts)

7 man Scout Squad (82pts)
4 BP/CCW, 2 shotguns, sarge w/ BP/CCW, melta bomb

10 Man Tactical Squad (195pts)
Flamer, Missile Launcher, Rhino

Land Speeder TML/HB (75pts)
Stormtalon Gunship w/Skyhammer (125pts)

Land Raider (250pts)
Predator (140pts) TLLC/LC

I said the next list I made was going to be a Ultramarine armored column lead by Cassius. This Saturday is the monthly doubles tournament at my FLGS, my friend has the day off (barring issues) and it’s time to load up and roll out. I really wish I had some of the new stuff painted. If I did, there would be vanguard vets in the LR, and the scouts would be in the LSS. But I refuse to put unpainted plastic on the table. So the scouts are going to ride to battle in style Close combat scouts lead by Cassius charging down the assault ramp. There will be blood and guts everywhere. Probably my own, mostly, but it will be glorious The rest of the list is the usual suspects. Only thing of note is I swapped out the main gun on the pred. Lets see if the TLLC is worth the new points.

In the P&M department a pair of assault marines are working their way across the paint bench. Hopefully done by the end of the week. Mold lines cleaned from 3/5ths of the Deathwatch. I had the thought of gearing them as a 200 point kill team, in addition to the basic bolter counts-as sternguard. Will need to think about how I’d equip them, or what else I’d need. The idea of a 5 sternguard/5 scout list could be fun, or just work out 200 points of vets. Need to think on this some more. I’ve not actually played killteam, so don’t have a solid grasp on what’s needed/expected.

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Thats an interesting list you have there. LRs are hard to take out, so your scouts should see some CC. And a chaplain to boot... should see some positive outcomes

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Zambro wrote:
Thats an interesting list you have there. LRs are hard to take out, so your scouts should see some CC. And a chaplain to boot... should see some positive outcomes

It might just be my own doubts showing, but I’m reading "Thats an interesting list you have there” as “You are going to Dieeeeeeeee” I recognize I’m playing a far from effective list.

Putting the list together was an interesting exercise. The goal was to include both Cassius and the LR in a mechanized themed list. Doing it in a 1k list was rough. I like Cassius, but a chaplain on foot has some issues. And if I stick him in the LR, I can’t fit a terminator squad in there with him. The command squad I have is a mish-mash of useless stuff, and far to many points if fielded as-is. (Note to self: put together a new one.) So right now my options of what to put in the big box-o-death are quite limited. If I was makeing a 1,850 list with the same goals, I’d have a drop pod contingent I could stick the good chaplain in with (sternguard) while the LR took the termis.

To provide some extra context, may partner for the doubles game should be primarily SoB, possibly with IG allies. The IG would in the form of some vendettas for air cover. Which is one reason I’m a little more focused on long range fire then normal. There should be enough melta and flamers on the SoB side of the army. And because I’m not sure if the IG flyers are going to show up, I need the talon for keeping the skies clean. Although, push come to shove, I can aim enough LCs up into the sky to knock things down. Not the best use of the tanks though.

Made in gb
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot


I think it looks fun, the only problem with armour heavy is you don't get much out of the UM Doctrines. I get that you're doing themed mechanized etc but it's a pity.

I like Cassius too but I've yet to use him, I hope to get the time to finish off my conversion of him soon and then slap some Nids about..

Let us know how the event goes, I'd be interested on how you got on..

My combined Macragge PDF Imperial Guard and Ultramarine 3rd Co. Blog Clicky

My WAB Hundred Years War English Clicky

AlexHolker wrote:At this stage, I'm starting to think GW's CEO was just getting ready for the Rapture
Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

 Nevelon wrote:
It might just be my own doubts showing, but I’m reading "Thats an interesting list you have there” as “You are going to Dieeeeeeeee” I recognize I’m playing a far from effective list.

haha... well, I was trying not to say it xD

But seriously, the LR should be tough enough to drop off your scouts, and with the chaplains re-rolls and plenty of attacks combat should go your way. Plus, your partner can pick up some of the slack.
A LR is a big investment in a small list. Let us how it works out

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

OK. While I have no problem “forging a narrative” and pushing some dysfunctional list across the table, it might be a little unfair to my partner in a doubles tournament to be shackled with a crappy list. So let’s revisit my plans, hopefully with a slightly more effective list. Goals remain the same: Cassius and LR.


LR, w/ assault temies (2xLC, 3xTH)

5 sniper scouts
10 Man tac squad. MM/M, c-melta on a vet sarge. Drop pod

5 Man assault squad. 2xFlamers, Power sword on vet sarge, drop pod

I could put the tacs in a rhino instead, but I like the option of the AV or anti-infantry pod to choose on the first turn.

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

That list looks good, too. I like the drop pod contingent. Gives you some anti-tank / anti-infantry options for turn 1 (and it gets your AMs out for a game xD)

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Turns out, the doubles had been bumped up to 1,200 a person. I knew this a bit ahead of time, so was able to modify my list. Basically the last one with extra FA from the first one. Small turn out, 4 teams total. “Small” is relative; 4 doubles teams makes for 8 40k players. One of the guys who was at adepticon last week told a story about chatting with someone who’s 40k play group was 2 other guys, and was floored that our area sent a dozen guys out there.

Pack shot:

Ally shot:

10 sister seraphim squad (2xinferno pistols, plas pistol sup.)

2x HF/M plas pistol superior squads in a MM immolator
2x exorcists
3x penitent engines

(As a P&M note, I painted all those tanks and about half of the seraphim. Not that this is a great detail shot)

We were both playing list we thought were slightly dysfunctional. Which was a little liberating.

First game was vs. IG and demons. Same demon player from my last tournament: squads of plaugeberers, bloodletters, GUO, 2 soulgrinders. IG was a bunch of basic russes, a chimaera, vendetta (only flyer that day besides mine), some squads of guardsmen, a psyker, and some officers. Mission was hold the home objective, and kill one of the partners. Could have been secret, but neither side made any effort to conceal that the SoB and IG were the ones handing out the VPs. The demons mostly pushed forward while the guard shelled from the backfield. I dropped forward aggressively, rampaging though the guard lines (with some support) while the Sisters shot and slowed down the demon rush. Against aggressive armies that push forward, the penitent engines don’t need to walk across the table. 2xHF on each, plus the CC blenders are nasty when they can be brought to bear. LR took an unlucky LC hit and blew up midfield, but the terminators made a last turn 10” charge though cover to harvest a VP from a guard squad. We managed to push the demons off of our objective at the last moment (never got close to theirs) and won on VPs. We killed a -lot- of guardsmen.

Second game was necron/DE (Boats, boats, boats) DE had 2 of the big transports, some bikes, scourges, talos, small transport w/HQ. Necron was a pair of ghost arcs, monolith, some tesla gun skimmer thing, two scarab swarms, and a wraith/destroyer lord squad. Long table deployment, Purge as primary, relic as secondary (which was ignored by both sides) They came at us full throttle. Bloody game. My LR was half eaten by scarabs (down to AV7) but they were then flammerd off by some friendly sisters. I then had a few more round of blasting things before the monolith came over and rammed me to death. Glorious. When the dust cleared from the bloody conflict, we ended up loosing by a single VP. close and fun game.

Third game was DA ravenwing with a Imperial Knight, and Imp. Fists. with a unit of grav cents, CM, ADL, and a pair of melta squads in pods. He also had a TFC. Unfortunately, the guy who’s marine army it was had to go, so it was being played by a friend. Who didn’t necesarily remember everything about it, and hates TFCs, so wasn’t firing it on principle. This is another game where they can at us VERY aggressively. The bikers scouted forward, and then rushed forward on their turn. We took them apart. I charged one unit with the termis, dropped my assault squad next to the other one and flamed it. The PEs took apart a drop squad of fists, and we shot most of one bike squad to death while the termis crushed the other. Turn two saw the end of the last of the raven knights in CC. Our soulution to the Imp. Knight. was to surround it with melta, with the seraphim on one side, my pod of melta behind, and long range fire from other angles. This didn’t work quite as planned. The angels scatterd right up in front of it and landed pretty much every hit. Even knights with shields up dislike flying gunslingers with inferno pistols, and it went up in a giant explosion. This killed most of the seraphim, and a few other troops that were a little too close. With most of their army in ruins at the end of turn two, the game was pretty much over. A few more turns of puppy-kicking as we rolled over the table purging the ragged survivors ensued, and ended with them being tabled by turn 5.

We left before results were determined (the other guys were still playing their last game) so I don’t know the final standing. Fun was had by everyone though. Some random musings on the results:

Penitent engines might be made of glass, but they pack a pair of HFs and can still blender things in CC. Respect them.
LRs full of termis are pricey, but can still work. I was glad of the LC/TH mix. Not every target needs the hammer, and the re-roll on the wounds helps get rid of ones. Even against an army packed full of things to kill it (necron with gauss and scrabs) the LR still got it’s licks in. But it is a lot of points in one box, and a lucky LC took it out in the first game.
If you listen carefully, you can hear the dice laughing. The dice were extra moody yesterday, on all sides. One highlight was the exorcists, who despite the pair of them fireing non-stop for 3 games, never shot more the 4 missiles.

New paint on the table was limited to the assault marines on foot. And just the BP/CCW ones, the sarge and flamers were borrowed from elsewhere. I’m liking this squad. Even when I scatter away from my target, the 6” deploy and the length of the template still burns things. While AMs might not be the best CC unit in the game, they were up to the job of butchering guard, necron warriors, and ravenwing knights. Cassius, obviously did some of the work there.

Army goals were to get the LR and Cassius on the table. The LR did well for itself, showing that the old beast still has some fight left in it. Cassius has hate to spare, and shows no sign of slowing down. He personally killed and IG primaris pysker, the traitor officer in charge of that army, and a handful of his closest troops. Later he carved his way though some necrons warriors, and was working on the necron lord when time was called. Last game he put down Sammael and his last knight biker, and crossed the table to put the final wound in on a grav cent that was involved in a lengthy slap-fest with a tactical squad. I will take his survival in all three games as a sign of his approval, which should put down any rumors about my disloyalty to Macragge.

OK, this is getting a little bit long. The day was full of fun details, but I need to stop. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Wow, I suddenly feel overwhelmed about how many people play my my FLGS. We have 24 people playing in the campaign + an unknown number of people who aren't... But I guess its because we are in Cardiff, which is the capitol of Wales. And being a capitol city drums up a lot of gamers.

Game one sounds fun. a 10" charge through terrain? I bet the guard player was pissed

And you butchered a list with a knight in? Congrats. I've never played a Knight, but i'm sure it was no easy feat.

I guess some higher power gave you a thumbs up for Cassius. Sounds like he really pulled his weight.
*Picks up the marine book to look at his stats...*

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/04/13 14:36:15

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Zambro wrote:
Wow, I suddenly feel overwhelmed about how many people play my my FLGS. We have 24 people playing in the campaign + an unknown number of people who aren't... But I guess its because we are in Cardiff, which is the capitol of Wales. And being a capitol city drums up a lot of gamers.

Game one sounds fun. a 10" charge through terrain? I bet the guard player was pissed

And you butchered a list with a knight in? Congrats. I've never played a Knight, but i'm sure it was no easy feat.

I guess some higher power gave you a thumbs up for Cassius. Sounds like he really pulled his weight.
*Picks up the marine book to look at his stats...*

The guard player was laughing at it. The dice were all over the place, and the game was mostly decided at that point.

One really fun perk of Cassius is when there is just one guy left in the squad with him, and you get to use the average toughness score of 6. While it’s fun when it happens with the last guy of the squad, one of these days I want to set up a buddy comedy piece where I team him up with another HQ and just fight my way across the table. My thought for this under the last codex was with Lysander. 2+/3++ 4W EW is a tough enough nut to crack, but add T6 to that for extra fun. With allies these days there are more options to choose from, possibly an inquisitor.

Our tactics for the knight was multiple threats, multiple angles. It’s armor is not all that good for something it’s size, it only has 6 HP, and the shield can only point in one direction. And it does not make you immune to fire, just gives you a 4++. The bonus melta gives you on the damage checks was important. The extra HP from the explodes results on the chart is what did it in. We got lucky killing it with the first squad, but if they didn’t do it, we had it’s number. The LR and the seraphim were in front, a pair of exorcists on the side, and my drop pod of melta behind.

From a Knight tactics POV:
They are tough, but not invulnerable.
Screening units are your friend.
Even in death, they serve. The big bada-boom at the end did more damage the it’s battlecannons.

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