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Made in gb
Bane Knight

I think you might be interested by some of the potential leaks from this weekend folks.

Can't say more yet (wouldn't want to ruin the fun) but if you like the Wayward Eight, then second edition might be considered shiny.

...and you will know me by the trail of my lead... 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

 Siygess wrote:
Question - per the second edition rules, which faction will allow me to field the most number of Wayward Eight? I've been looking for an excuse to buy them for a while, now, and they would be my preferred 'in' for WWX

Yes, you will be able to AND if you get all the Wayward Eight in, you will get a special bonus
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Okay, so now I am even more psyched to hear news from Salute!
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Got my free rulebook, which was incredibly thoroughly bloody nice of them! Spesh as I get the 2nd Edition for free (that's right, free, my favourite of all the prices) when it comes out.

Initially, the whole Steampunk thing is a bit of a turn off, but I'm gonna give this a shot with proxy models at least. The worst case is my local club receives a new donation, and an alternative to Infinity for people to try

Made in us
Evasive Eshin Assassin

Ok guys, someone spill the beans.
I'm looking forward to hear about the changes
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

 usernamesareannoying wrote:
Ok guys, someone spill the beans.
I'm looking forward to hear about the changes

Many bits of info making their way on FB:


(sorry, just mowed the lawn and am too lazy to post the actual things being mentioned)....suffice to say it's an entirely new game system but most of those that tried it seemed to have liked it
Made in us
Evasive Eshin Assassin

I'll be the first to admit, I'm old and terrible with Facebook.

Any 2nd edition rules leaks?

I saw the bit about the faction changes. That's not a big deal. I'm really curious about basic game mechanic changes.
Made in us

 usernamesareannoying wrote:
I'll be the first to admit, I'm old and terrible with Facebook.

Any 2nd edition rules leaks?

I saw the bit about the faction changes. That's not a big deal. I'm really curious about basic game mechanic changes.

Same here!

With my excuse being more one of laziness and not really liking Facebook's format compared to this excellent forum right here!
Made in us
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran

California the Southern

You old folks can talk rules and bookfaces and what not, I came for some sort of new model previews...

Poorly lit photos of my ever- growing collection of completely unrelated models!

Watch and listen to me ramble about these minis before ruining them with paint!
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Not sure I'll have time, but later tonight I may try to whip up a quick summary of what's been revealed thus far. Warcradle have implied that more from Salute will be revealed this week (whether from them or other gaming sources, not sure). I did manage to find a youtube video that had showed a quick pan of the "Deadly 7" models (starting around 6:13) that from what has been said will be in the new 2-player boxed set when 2nd edition comes out:


Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Okay, so I went ahead an threw together a quick list of the new edition. Bear in mind some of these statements are from gamers that tried the new rules at Salute, others (many) are directly from staff at Warcradle.

• Old stats have been replaced with: Quickness, Mind, Limit, Grit, Aim, and Fight.

• No more lifeblood, you take a wound you die. Characters are harder to kill. The vehicle damage table has gone too.

• How are boss/underboss/sidekick characters made more durable without Lifeblood?
Grit stats are generally better and abilities can make them able to re roll or make them better stats. Think of it as having a better armour save that you can buff through various means (cover, moving target etc). So now it's slightly more realistic in that if you stand still in the open and shoot at people you will get yourself killed fairly easily, but if you are hugging cover and ducking and diving around the board it's harder to hit you

• Heroes can pass wounds onto hands within 3″ or use influence to reroll the ‘guts’ stat.

• Hired hands come in units now and activate together.

• Influence or ‘fortune’ as it’s now known is for heroes only and is a very precious resource.

• The main stat drop from the card is action points they are now randomly drawn, dependent on situation you could lose or gain action points to what you have drawn (pinned down, stuck in cover etc).

• You draw an activation card at the start of the round to see who gets initiative. Then each activation you draw a card to see how many actions you can do from 1-4. Each unit / character has a maximum level of activations you can use so you need to be tactical with who you use what on.

• Activations are also costed differently so a move is one activation. A second move would cost 2 activations so a hired hand with a limit of 2 couldn’t move / move. A move followed by a shoot would count as to separate activations and only cost 1 action each

• Still based on d10 and successes are rolled against your stat vs 10. For example your aim is 6 you need to roll 4′s for a success.

• The game feels much cleaner, quicker paced and definitely has a more balanced feel. Also the activation cards give you a sense of gambling which sits nicely in a wild west game!

• Marcus Wayward will be a boss for the wayward 8.

• Army factions are now done by buying multiple posses. Each posse will be a boxed set by itself, think malifaux with each set being a unit of characters/hired hand mix. There is some keywords that are used like age of sigmar for cross faction and selecting army. For example confederate rebellion (which are now being rolled into the outlaw/misfits faction) has stonewall Jackson, his posse is x amount of points and includes stonewall, Ben Hamilton and 5 hired hands. I can then add Jesse James posse with frank and hired hands (Jesse historically being a confederate), I can could then add Annabelle Hamilton (new enlightened character, sister of Ben, sculpts looked awesome) and her posse that would be my army consisting of 3 separate posses/formations that all have the keyword confederate even though they are technically 3 different factions at the moment and could still be used in their own factions. So it adds variety that also gives you a narrative for building your forces and making your army "your guys"

• There are new Wayward Eight miniatures coming out, but of course you can use the current ones if you wish! You will want the new wayward 8, the sculpts are 10 times better and have way more character, look at for new flowing river, pretty much doing they splits with the tomahawk and sword

• Faction list:
The union
The lawmen
The hex
The order
The watchers
Warrior nation
The enlightened
The crown (new faction)
The celestials (new faction)

• Golden army are becoming outlaws being split as separate posses, so Mexican revolutionaries and the conquistadores that are heading towards hex affiliation (fountain of youth might not have been pure...).

The Chinese rail workers posse is one of the first things I asked and they are getting a release looking at a January. Of the back of that there is a full faction called the celestials coming in 2019 that revolves around the immortal jade emperor and how they want to gain control of the hex/substance.

• Ponce de Leon and his posse are like a centuries old dirty dozen and are pursuing their own plans fighting evil wherever they find it, killing natives and generally trying to conquer!

• Think of the Outlaws as regiments of renown or dogs of war where each boss and posse is really thematic and while you can ally them together in an eclectic mix of charismatic rivals, you can also use them as mercenaries and ally them into other factions creating new and exciting army combinations. So rather than old factions being folded into the Outlaws, it's more like the Outlaws have been expanded to include them.

• There are no minimums to a posse. You can just take bosses if you want (fielding an army like the Avengers). In the basic faction posse you can take any boss and any characters for that posse. Each boss also has a themed posse that has more specific requirements but even then characters appear in multiple lists.

• So I could take an outlaw faction posse and pick any outlaw boss, say Pancho Villa, Stonewall Jackson, Marcus Wayward, Jessie James, Earle Shepherd, Johnny Ringo, William Quantrill, Marie Laveau or one of the others. Slot one in the Outlaw faction Poss...See More

• About the rulebook layout for 2nd edition: Currently it’s looking like an introductory piece to explain the setting, then the rules, then a section for each faction, detailing background for each (not in a story format). Two pages per boss detailing background, Posse rules etc. Finally a page per unit, detailing background for each. Short stories (half a page each) scattered throughout. Second edition is a big book...

• All first edition units are playable.

• Confederate Rebels arent going anywhere.They are just appropriately being labeled Outlaws... this will blur the lines on what Rebels can bring to bear... think of the Jesse James trilogy... the army he built with the rebels will fit into how posse builds work in 2.0...

• There are atleast four confederate characters available this year for second edition

• Line-of-sight similar to infinity, base to base measurement, with a height related to base size not the models pose.

• Different templates. Halos work differently.

• There are free new cards available online from day one of launch.

• Faction specific decks will be released for those people who have a need of physical unit cards.

• There are plans for an app, but think more like a card gazette rather than a war room type app.

• Underbosses and sidekicks are now all 'faces'

• If you have a first edition rulebook you will get a free physical 2nd edition rulebook

• Open Beta in May

Made in us
Evasive Eshin Assassin

Now that is a summary!
Thanks big daddy.

Everything sound good. Tons of life on even the lowliest grunt made things a little cumbersome.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
The only thing I'm not too sure of is, if i like unit x i have to take hero a and b.
Of course ill wait and see how it works for sure before getting too freaked out.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/04/24 23:35:46

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

 usernamesareannoying wrote:

Automatically Appended Next Post:
The only thing I'm not too sure of is, if i like unit x i have to take hero a and b.
Of course ill wait and see how it works for sure before getting too freaked out.

Yeah, I originally was thinking the same thing, but the statements in my summary regarding that are, I think, explanations from gamers and may be a bit off. The concern was expressed on FB and Warcradle implied that there is actually more freedom to build your force than previously. I'm quite eager to see the Beta Rules once they are posted next month.

Here's a piece of art that was hanging in the Warcradle booth at Salute

And a photo of a couple of the Alpha version cards

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/04/25 00:23:06

Made in us
Evasive Eshin Assassin

Definitely looking forward to beta
Made in us

Thank you very much for that summary BigDaddio - much appreciated!
Made in gb
Bane Knight

In terms of the health thing, we know it's the biggest "huh" moment in the transition to second ed.

However, between re-rolls from fortune, the guts rule on faces and the ability to palm off damage to other nearby models, bosses and faces tend to be dropped in between two to four wounding hits, which from my discussions with first ed players roughly matches the older damage system.

Vehicles and big beasts can similarly take a few more wounding hits before hitting the dirt.

What this does do is free you up from tracking wounds or marking damage on the cards, which can get messy.

We know it's an unusual stance to take in a game, but why do all games have to use the same/similar mechanics?

...and you will know me by the trail of my lead... 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Central WI

Huh, well I guess I'll have to try it to see. I loved WWX due to the western theme and altetnate american history story. Loved all ten factions and the historical characters remade into alternate universe characters.

I really liked how wwx played, it was similar to other systems yet unique. I loved how damage was tracked (usually used small dice to count damage on cards... wasn't hard or messy). It reminded me of cbt or alpha strike. Seems like a lot of what made wwx the game it was is going away, and it will be more or less similar to infinity or swa with single wounds.

A bit dissapointing that factions are combining (like the confererates and Mexicans are just becoming outlaws). These factions being seperate helped wwx with its historical yet futuristic appeal. The crown and celestials... seems like the wwx western cowboy theme is going away. It's becoming a global steam punk game instead of a futuristic western game.

Just some initial observations/opinions based on limited information, but interested to see and hear more. I've bought everything made for wwx so far, so it will be interesting to see where the game goes.

IN ALAE MORTIS... On the wings of Death!! 
Made in us

You've summarized many of my initial misgivings here as well, 455_PWR.

We'll see how it plays out at launch though...
Made in us
Crazed Troll Slayer


Honestly have to say I love everything about that announcement.

Clearly, without a doubt, WarCradle getting their hands on this property has been the best thing that could possibly have happened.

For a game and a setting that I once loved, spoiled and destroyed by a bitter relationship to a degree that I never imagined myself caring again... I'm excited. This legitimately seems very cool.

Thank you guys for posting this here, where at least I can see it.
Made in us
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran

California the Southern

The icing on the cake would be seeing this game get more widely into distribution.

Hopefully with the 2nd edition we see that come to fruition.

Big fan of the background, especially after finding out my great great grandfather (a self styled Southern gentleman) was on pretty good terms with those James and Younger boys.

Poorly lit photos of my ever- growing collection of completely unrelated models!

Watch and listen to me ramble about these minis before ruining them with paint!
Made in gb
Bane Knight

I would say, moving the Golden Army and the Confederates into Outlaws doesn't really change much other than the badge that appears at the top of their card.

They still can be run as pure forces if that's what you love, it just represents them not being large enough forces to stand alone unlike some of the other factions.

Playtested all afternoon, and I will say that if faces and bosses dying too easily is a worry for you, currently they feel almost too tanky, even with only one wound.

...and you will know me by the trail of my lead... 
Made in us
Evasive Eshin Assassin

Why the heck do they call them faces?
Made in us
Crazed Troll Slayer


Like face cards in a poker deck. They're characters.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Reynoldsburg Ohio

 Alpharius wrote:
You've summarized many of my initial misgivings here as well, 455_PWR.

We'll see how it plays out at launch though...

I'm in the same boat as you, I loved the gameplay and the setting. I just rarely ever got a chance to play because of the smal playerbase. Hopefully the changes aren't too drastic. I really won't know until I see the new rules.
Made in us
Evasive Eshin Assassin

between 8th and this i know im excited for a change.
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Yeah, really not sure how I feel about this complete rule overhaul.... was it really necessary? I thought 2E was just going to be improving a few things here and there, addressing balance problems and such... not totally changing the way the game plays.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

I also have had some concerns about the announced changes, but the more I see and hear the more open I am to it. I fully plan on having a go with the Beta Rules once they start the open testing, and giving Warcradle every chance to win me over with the new edition.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Reynoldsburg Ohio

On a more positive note, last night I went through my Lawmen and made a todo list in my head of what I still need to paint. 1st up, my intercepters. Then WIld Bill, Then Legendary Wyatt
Made in us
Crazed Troll Slayer


Overhaul was 100% necessary. The original game was fun and all, but it was horrifically balanced and overly complex in its stats for individual models.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Reynoldsburg Ohio

 Pugnacious_Cee wrote:
Overhaul was 100% necessary. The original game was fun and all, but it was horrifically balanced and overly complex in its stats for individual models.

Lets agree to disagree.
I respect you too much to argue with you Pug. At least you were never part of the "Everything is Rainbows and Candy" crowd.

Here's to being able to play the game and not being afraid of saying the wrong thing and getting ostracized for it.

Like I said earlier I can't have an opinin about the new rules without reading and playing them
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