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Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Houston, TX

Hey Warcradle, as a heads up the Marie Levau page has the Legendary Walks looking text on it.

Nice to see a steady slate of new releases!
Made in us
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran

California the Southern

That Walks Looking is a great improvement. She was one of my least favorite sculpts before.

She's going to be resin, right? Hopefully she'll be more cooperative staying together than my previous one, what with her Raging Heroes- style joints that are like a millimeter thick at most.

Poorly lit photos of my ever- growing collection of completely unrelated models!

Watch and listen to me ramble about these minis before ruining them with paint!
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Central WI

Awesome sculpts! Absolutely love the alpha and walks looking. Totally aced these warcradle! I also stopped buying dogs due to sculpt duplicates, nice to have new head and gun bits!

Any info on leveau, how she became warped (magic, rj, etc)?

Will these come with cards?

IN ALAE MORTIS... On the wings of Death!! 
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

 455_PWR wrote:

Any info on leveau, how she became warped (magic, rj, etc)?

Maybe she's always been this way...

Hopefully the art Stu was talking about the other comes to light, and reveals why she may seem a little more horrifying that previously thought.

Watching Bran sculpting this was fun, everything gets better with tentacles.
Made in gb
Martial Arts SAS

United Kingdom

 Warcradle_JonW wrote:
everything gets better with tentacles.

Quoted for truth

Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Two videos have arrived from Beasts of War.

Stu (who is leading the design and direction of second edition ) and Daren (our studio head) spent a few days with the guys from Beast of War, and here are the results.

http://www.beastsofwar.com/wild-west-exodus/union-enlightened/ - Watch Daren take on Justin to get an overview of the current state of the second edition beta.

http://www.beastsofwar.com/wild-west-exodus/beta-edition-future-wwx/ - Stu and Daren sit down with Justin and give some overview of what we have been up to, and some of the direction for the future. Plus a few sneak peeks of upcoming minis.

Next week we are at the UK Games Expo in Birmingham, come see us for some more insights and a chance to get some hands on time with the second edition.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/05/26 14:52:37

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Okay, my thoughts on the second edition Beta rules (version 2.1) Sorry for the wordiness.

Overall, I really like a lot of what WarCradle is doing with WWX.

• I like the game engine with the two card decks. On the surface it seems simple and possibly restricting, but the options available with the Adventure Cards forces players to weigh their choices at all times.

• They have continued to build and encourage the community for the game, taking time every day to interact with us. I definitely sense that they will be strong in promoting and distributing the game, which in my mind were the biggest flaws with it previously.

• I was at first taken aback by the shift in fluff as well as the army-building system, but have come to accept them both. The army-building I have actually grown to like, and it should prove to be quite flexible in the end (and should also be easily expandable given its structure).

• The models continue to look brilliant, with plans for more hard plastic kits already in process. Several new and interesting characters have also been created/shown/teased.

• All art, graphics, and print materials thus far have been great quality, and I expect the final products to be very nice indeed once published. The Beta rules look better than the actual rulebook for some games.

The second edition rules thus far seem generally more streamlined, which I like. I am a very busy person with limited hobby/game time, so cleaner and simpler works well for me. But there is one aspect about the rules that I feel needs further streamlining: The Weapon Qualities and Unit Special Rules.

Depending on what units populate your army, between the Weapon Qualities and Unit Special Rules there’s a lot of detailed things to remember during play unless one doesn’t mind referring to the rulebook on a regular basis (which Warcradle says they don’t want players to have to do…and I definitely do not want to do). None of the 26 "weapon qualities" are described on the unit profile cards and so must be remembered or referenced during play; they average 38 words in length and a few have other rules built within them. The "unit special rules" are numerous but at least they are shown on the profile cards; however nearly 20% of them give the unit one or more other special rules which are not on the cards (and again require memorization or looking it up during play). One of them even has four other special rules referenced within it, while several others reference three other rules each. Additionally, I feel that the number of overall weapon qualities and unit special rules make it unlikely that all possible combinations or interactions have been (or will be) thoroughly tested before the announced publication date. If this proves to be true, issues surely will arise resulting in numerous errata/FAQ/rules updates, etc. which was a big criticism many had of the first edition. I wonder if some of these special rules couldn’t just be removed as they are so situational or finicky. It will be interesting to see how they change during the remainder of the beta testing.

I also have a minor gripe about certain infantry models seemingly needing rebasing but I’m hoping those are just errors on the beta cards.

For me the issues with the special rules, if they remain as they are, are enough to push this game way down on my list of games to play. Of course, this is just my opinion…others may find these things to be no issue at all for them and think me a silly old fool, lol. I highly recommend anyone even remotely interested give the beta rules a try and come to your own conclusions. There is a lot to like with the new WWX.
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

After a very hectic but enjoyable weekend at the UK Games Expo, I thought it would be worth doing a little catch up for you fans here at Dakka Dakka.

First up, during the Friday Press session, Craig and I got a chance to talk about the game to several podcasts and youtube types. We gave a few hints about the ongoing vision of the game.

Thanks to Black Jack Legacy and Sprues and Brews for their coverage.


We also had the revised booth, taking our Salute stand and increasing the size and scope of what we can do with it. This will continue to evolve, with GenCon being our next big target. One thing we are really keen to increase is the studio model cabinets, as we want to make sure the whole range is covered, giving people a good visual guide to the factions and showing off the figures we produce, which was one of the most commented on things by visitors to the stand.

We also managed to sneak a few more hints of what is coming in the near future onto the stand, with some new artwork dotted about for the eagle eyed, and 3D prints of several upcoming models that hadn't been seen before, including the new Legendary Marie Leveau (in all her revealed glory) and the HexBeasts, which most people will likely want to grab a few of, once they read the rules for Hex in game...

I've nabbed this photo from GMorts blog (who has a great review of the whole show if you missed it here: http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2017/06/uk-games-expo-2017-overview.html" target="_new" rel="nofollow"> http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2017/06/uk-games-expo-2017-overview.html

We also recently put the render of the new Marie up, and I will see if I can sneak some more shots of the Hex Beasts out from under the watchful eyes of security in the future.

The beta is coming along nicely, we ran a huge amount of demos over the weekend, and were rewriting rules over breakfast as we tweak and refine for release. Close combat should get a little easier and characters might be tweaked down in armour to make the game even more deadly and fun.

Hopefully you folks are continuing to playtest and give us your feedback, so that we can put out the best possible version of WWX in September.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/06/06 09:33:41

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Announcing our new miniatures for release August 2017!

We are very excited to announce that August 26th will see the release of a new resculpt of the resin miniature, Legendary Ghost Wolf. We are also releasing the resin miniature version of Ghost Wolf for the first time separately outside of the Two Player Mini Starter Box.


“The Great Spirit has given our enemies to us. We are to destroy them. We know of what they are.”

These words are attributed to one of the greatest heroes of the Warrior Nation and perhaps suggest a more aggressive approach to the world than he truly represents. In his life, Ghost Wolf has been known by many names, in the manner of his people, but the sobriquet by which he now goes most accurately describes him. His quiet, acts of selfless bravery down the years have earned him a reputation as a man who cares more for the needs of others than he does for those of his own. He is deeply loved and admired by those who are close to him, idolised by those who are near and treated with a respectful caution by any further afield.

A placid and gentle soul in peacetime, Ghost Wolf is insightful and wise, fond of storytelling and enjoying the company of his extensive family. But when he is roused to anger – and it is not easy to bring him to such a state – the beast within is unleashed. When Ghost Wolf calls upon the Great Spirit’s strength and makes the connection with his spirit guide, the wolf can no longer be contained, ripping and tearing its way to the fore.

Contains one resin miniature and one base.

Pre-Order Ghost Wolf now Online or at your local stockist for £13.00.


Ghost Wolf’s prowess in times of war is nothing short of mythological. When he transforms, he metamorphoses into something beyond terrifying. The bestial form, wreathed in blue spirit fire is a sight that reduces his enemies to quivering heaps of jelly and which galvanises his own people to acts of greatness. He has led the Warrior Nation in skirmishes against the settlers whose intrusion into their native lands has resulted in so much destruction. Always, the goal is the same. To protect the very ground and air which they all share.

His anger and sorrow at being unable to aid his daughter, Walks Looking, as she fights her own private battles is a personal tragedy for him, but he will not turn his back on her. Their relationship is a complex one, more formal than perhaps it once was.

In more recent times, Ghost Wolf has been instrumental in making headway into opening diplomatic channels between the Warrior Nation and the other people of the west. He holds great respect for the Lawmen, particularly Bass Reeves with whom he has frequent discourse. For his part, Bass Reeves believes that Ghost Wolf’s advice, often tempered with rationality and clarity of thinking, is the best he has ever, or will ever receive.

Contains one resin miniature, with two weapons choices, and one scenic base.

Pre-Order Legendary Ghost Wolf now Online or at your local stockist for £20.00.

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

We are very excited to announce that September sees the launch of the new edition of Wild West Exodus!

You can now pre-order Posse and Starter Sets for Warrior Nation, Enlightened, Union, Lawmen, and Outlaws. The coming months will see more sets, particularly releases for the Order, Hex and Watchers.

These new Posse Boxes are a fantastic milestone for Warcradle Studios as they include the first resin miniatures from our new state-of-the-art resin production facility. We are using the very best in technology and materials to bring these miniatures to you. We will keep you up-to-date on this exciting new development.

Posse sets will give you all the miniatures you need to get your favourite faction onto the tabletop. These are expanded further as Starter Sets which add to the Posse with the rules, dice, cards, tokens, templates and much more. For those hobbyists who already have a bunch of miniatures that you want to get playing with, the rulebook and the additional components are available in a box on their own called the Rules & Gubbins Set.

Wild West Exodus is also bringing out new Introductory Sets. These include everything in the Rules and Gubbins box as well as two taster posses. That way you can give the game a go without having to commit to any one faction straight away. If that sounds like a plan, then Wild West Exodus: Gunfight at Red Oak is the set for you! It's time to settle the score between Jesse James and Wyatt Earp once and for all...

Read all about it in our newsletter from today: http://bit.ly/2wxJ2hZ
Made in us
Evasive Eshin Assassin

is the replacement rulebook offer still on the table?
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

If you were at Gen Con you would have noticed that we announced some of our future releases.

Cast your eyes over these 3D renders of some of the future miniatures releases for Wild West Exodus.

Deadly Seven

Earle Shepherd, Adam Knox, Black Blood, Faraday, Kodiak, Razors Li and Vanez make up the new Deadly Seven plastic posse set.

Cor Caroli

This plastic hands set allows you to build 5 Cor Caroli Nyx or Luminant

Viridian - Chigoe / Locust set

This is a plastic set that enables you to build 3 Viridian as either Chigoe or Locust.

Viridian Clade Posse

This resin and plastic posse set allows you to build the Viridian Alpha, Chigoe Beta, and Locust Beta as well as 3 Viridian Locust or Chigoe.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/08/25 09:29:11

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Second Edition is just around the corner

Have you registered for your FREE beautiful full-colour, 144-page, softback of the Second Edition rules yet? This Dark Council Edition Rule Book, with extra content, is only available to those who sign up before September 17th 2017!

For full details on how to register please see bit.ly/2x9CdpB

All our Rules & Gubbins Sets and Faction Starter Boxes will also contain a full-colour, 128-page, softback version of the rule book! This will hold all you need to know to blast away those pesky Outlaws (or whatever, I mean, I'm not bias or anything)...


You all loved our last Live Stream on Facebook so much that we have decided to host another Live Stream Q&A on September 15th!

We will be posting updates about this Live Stream event over the coming weeks, keep your eyes peeled...

Feel free to post any questions you have on the event wall: bit.ly/2elWmy0

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Feast your eyes on this sneak peek at Infernal Investigations, the new characters created for Wild West Exodus' Lawmen faction.

Which is your favourite? We're finding it hard to agree at Warcradle Studios so let us know in the comments below!


Mercury Jones
Helena Miller
Furio Montoya
Jedrick Powell
Blackhoof 20-20
Ida Saxon
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

This month has seen the release of the new edition of Wild West Exodus, next month brings with it some old and new favourites!

Make sure to pre-order your brand new Juiced Hex Beast from your bricks-and-mortar or online stockists - he is truly a fantastic beast to behold! This is released alongside the new Civilians Set II - after all, what beast doesn't want to scare some civilians? Both of these new items are resin and cast in our very own resin production facility! We're very pleased, can you tell?

We have also re-packaged some old favourites, from the Rebel Snipers & Dixie Scouts to the Brave Youngbloods & Hunters, make sure to check the whole of Octobers pre-orders so you don't miss out on any of the new edition products!

Check out our newsletter for our new October releases

Made in us
Evasive Eshin Assassin

hi warcradle.
should we have received our replacement rulebook yet?
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Dark Council edition books will be starting to ship, don't worry - just lots to get out!
Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

Enjoying watching some of the videos over on BoW at the moment.

When are the new rulebooks likely to come out for general release I wonder?

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Reynoldsburg Ohio

Is GTS currently your only distributor in the US?

You were on Alliance for a little bit, but have since been removed from the Manufacturers list

Are you going to be getting with Alliance again?
Made in us
Evasive Eshin Assassin

hi warcradle team,
now that the book is official i was wondering if there are final drafts of the cards and a place to download them?
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Houston, TX

 usernamesareannoying wrote:
hi warcradle team,
now that the book is official i was wondering if there are final drafts of the cards and a place to download them?

I'm not with warcradle, but I think they're now finalized here.

2nd edition physical product will ship with the new cards, and decks will be released in November.

I do gotta say seeing the conquistadors in the warrior nation left me scratching my head. They, uhh.. didnt exactly have a good relationship with the indigenous folks lol. But since I'm all in on WN, looks like I'll be grabbing a few more Spaniards!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/10/04 18:02:27

Made in us
Evasive Eshin Assassin

thanks bossk!

yeah, some of the match ups are confusing me too.
i'm hoping that it will make more sense when i get to see a rulebook.
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Central WI

The Spaniards are still part of the outlaws too. Im assuming the thought is the warrior nation is now central american, north american, worldwide indians. The conquistadors moved into central america, so now they work together.

Warcradle, any news on restocks? I initially had waited to purchase minis until they were released (don't like spending money a month ahead of a release for a general releas item). I see almost everything sells out before release. Due to that I am learning and changing my purchasing habits, preordering more.

I see many newer minis are in a state of being recasted/restocked for weeks... or even longer. I know a person who preordered ghost wolf and never got him yet (preorders were in august, release september, it's now october). The friend who preordered didnt get the mini yet and the mini is listed as being out of stock/recasted. Same thing with legendary leveau. So even preorders are not being fulfilled due to stock issues or slow restocking.

I see all the 2nd edition starters sold out before release. Will this be a trend? I hope restocking is faster with days or one to two week turnarounds like outlaw minis had. Sucks waiting weeks or more to get more awesome wwx goodies!!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/10/04 23:44:21

IN ALAE MORTIS... On the wings of Death!! 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Anyone wanting to see a more unbiased review/gameplay of the new rules (let's face it, BoW is a shill-machine):

There are some technical difficulties along the way, and it's a LONG video, but worthwhile IMO

Made in us
Evasive Eshin Assassin

4 and a half hours...?!?!
long is an understatement

feel like summarizing it?

on a side note i was wondering if anyone knows how close the preview rules are on the website compared to the final product?

i'm anxious and dont want to wait
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

 Pacific wrote:
Enjoying watching some of the videos over on BoW at the moment.

When are the new rulebooks likely to come out for general release I wonder?

If you are talking about the large hardback rulebook with all of the extra content in it, this is due for release end of November.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Digclaw wrote:
Is GTS currently your only distributor in the US?

You were on Alliance for a little bit, but have since been removed from the Manufacturers list

Are you going to be getting with Alliance again?

Our current distributor in the US is Golden distribution, we are however talking to other US distributors about taking the full range.

If you are interested in being a stockist you can contact us directly on trade@warcradle.com

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 usernamesareannoying wrote:
hi warcradle team,
now that the book is official i was wondering if there are final drafts of the cards and a place to download them?

You can get access to all downloadable assets for the game via this link, which is kept updated. Each faction page has all of the cards in a single PDF if you need it.


Automatically Appended Next Post:
 455_PWR wrote:
The Spaniards are still part of the outlaws too. Im assuming the thought is the warrior nation is now central american, north american, worldwide indians. The conquistadors moved into central america, so now they work together.

Warcradle, any news on restocks? I initially had waited to purchase minis until they were released (don't like spending money a month ahead of a release for a general releas item). I see almost everything sells out before release. Due to that I am learning and changing my purchasing habits, preordering more.

I see many newer minis are in a state of being recasted/restocked for weeks... or even longer. I know a person who preordered ghost wolf and never got him yet (preorders were in august, release september, it's now october). The friend who preordered didnt get the mini yet and the mini is listed as being out of stock/recasted. Same thing with legendary leveau. So even preorders are not being fulfilled due to stock issues or slow restocking.

I see all the 2nd edition starters sold out before release. Will this be a trend? I hope restocking is faster with days or one to two week turnarounds like outlaw minis had. Sucks waiting weeks or more to get more awesome wwx goodies!!

Thanks for the message, due to the popularity of these models, the production team have been pulling extra shifts to catch up. I am pleased to say that item such as the Gun Dogs, Ghost Wolf, Legendary Marie Laveau and more are now complete. If you don't already have you should see yours very soon.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2017/10/05 17:09:03

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Central WI

Warcradle, thanks for the fast reply! I had hoped my post came out right, with the right tone (was just curious, love what you guys do and will buy everything wwx you make).

That's what I thought, it seems wwx is selling faster than it ever had! (which means great things for the community, game, growth, etc) I know minis are being released each month, and I'm sure it's hard to keep up production with past, present, and future models with increased worldwide demand - not to mention the big release of 2nd edition. Really looking forward to the wayward eight, seven models, and 2nd edition card packs!

Ive been a fan since the beginning of wwx, and am happy to see where the game is going. Keep up the good work

Really liked the video. The board was great, great choice of a gaming mat and mix of terrain.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/10/05 18:06:03

IN ALAE MORTIS... On the wings of Death!! 
Made in us
Evasive Eshin Assassin

any eta on action/adventure card decks?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
and on a side note i have a question...

when i create a posse, lets say i choose enlightened.
when i look at the enlightened faction posse it says "in an enlightened force, instead of a theme posse, burson carpathian may take this enlightened faction posse.

what if i dont choose carpathian as my boss?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/10/06 13:46:30

Made in us
Evasive Eshin Assassin

and now i have ANOTHER question =P

i was looking at the preorders and i was just wondering if the kits like the enlightened seekers and widowmakers are just repackaging of the old hand kits or are the something new entirely?
Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

warcradle wrote:
 Pacific wrote:
Enjoying watching some of the videos over on BoW at the moment.

When are the new rulebooks likely to come out for general release I wonder?

If you are talking about the large hardback rulebook with all of the extra content in it, this is due for release end of November.

That's great! Don't have anything for the game so far so was hoping to use this as a starting point (along with a starter set perhaps)

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

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