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Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

It's been a while but this project doesn't disappear... it just keeps changing (as is usually the case)... especially when some new miniatures turn up . This is Big Olaf:

He's not been officially attached to the army yet... but there are certainly stirrings in the warp (EBay) and this may well end up as a very individual character model, with a particularly loyal body guard .

The Dwarf is from here:


Another day older; another day closer to death ...

BLOGNESS: http://insosworld.blogspot.com/

Shop: https://insoemporium.blogspot.co.uk/ 
Made in gb
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

Hererford, leo

Hes bloody cool, no doubt.

Made in us
Steadfast Ultramarine Sergeant

I hate squats but you've made me love the work youve done.

Hydra Dominatus

World Wide War Winner  
Made in ca
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

I absolutely love all of these conversions, great way of making an Imperial Soup army while still maintaining a strict and strong theme! Love it!

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Radukar the Wolf 
Made in ca
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

Olaf is quite nifty, i like his swinging beard

realism is a lie
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Well done Inso.

I especially liked the painted Squats and your Squat Rough Riders on the previous page.



Made in gb
Veteran Inquisitorial Tyranid Xenokiller


Beautiful Squat dude

My P&M Shenanigans (40k mostly atm)

Diary of a Inquisitor (Other Sci fi in 40k fluff and Pics)
Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot


I am currently awaiting the arrival of a second, slightly larger individual, who will be joining this one... probably as a bodyguard? It will all become clear when I get the miniature and can see it in the flesh, so to speak .

Another day older; another day closer to death ...

BLOGNESS: http://insosworld.blogspot.com/

Shop: https://insoemporium.blogspot.co.uk/ 
Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Big Olaf has a friend, you know... it's a Bulgryn bodyguard!

He started life as this:

and is quite big:

I got him from here:


Another day older; another day closer to death ...

BLOGNESS: http://insosworld.blogspot.com/

Shop: https://insoemporium.blogspot.co.uk/ 
Made in gb
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot


That is a big dwarf.

My combined Macragge PDF Imperial Guard and Ultramarine 3rd Co. Blog Clicky

My WAB Hundred Years War English Clicky

AlexHolker wrote:At this stage, I'm starting to think GW's CEO was just getting ready for the Rapture
Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

 RandyMcStab wrote:
That is a big dwarf.

I was aware it was bigger than a Squat when I ordered it but when it arrived, even I was a little surprised at how big it really was.

I quickly knew that it was a perfect choice for a proxy Ogryn Bodyguard... it'll be a disabled Squat in a robot suit or armour though (just using Bulgryn stats).

There will be some background fluff to go with it .

Another day older; another day closer to death ...

BLOGNESS: http://insosworld.blogspot.com/

Shop: https://insoemporium.blogspot.co.uk/ 
Made in gb
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot



Sounds good, my Ogryns are robots I made out of 'Ramshackle Games' robot kits.

My combined Macragge PDF Imperial Guard and Ultramarine 3rd Co. Blog Clicky

My WAB Hundred Years War English Clicky

AlexHolker wrote:At this stage, I'm starting to think GW's CEO was just getting ready for the Rapture
Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Big Olaf now has a friend...

Snorri the Giant.

Snorri glared across the field and saw the warboss, bold,
And as he glared, his anger rose and then his blood ran cold.
He knew the Warboss must be stopped, before he reached the gate,
So his ancestors infused with him and filled his heart with hate.

He leapt from off the parapet, with axes in both hands,
And as he charged the Warboss, he was joined by allied bands.
The sound of clashing steel rang out, when the enemies first met,
And in the guild's librarium, began the bravest story yet.

Snorri fought the mighty Ork, with fury rarely seen.
His bravery, the kind of which, had rarely ever been.
He brought the monster to the ground, and cleaved off his raging head.
And he stood upon the Warboss corpse as it lay there, clearly dead.

Alas his triumph was short lived, as Orks are hardy foes.
And though its head was clearly gone, it's axe, it slowly rose.
And with a final death strike, the blade met Snorri's head.
And Snorri dropped down on the field, the Squat was surely dead.

Snorri's lifeless body was, removed from off the field.
But there was the slightest heartbeat, and the hope he could be healed.
All the guilds around the lands were called and asked for aid,
But the best of all the medicae, failed and were dismayed.

Poor Snorri was alive in mind, but his body was a shell.
His arms and legs were useless, he felt he was in hell.
But a Squat called Jorgen Bursmith, had an idea in mind.
And he built some special armour that would leave his woes behind.

Now Snorri, he could fight again and he made sure that he would,
And his fame was too important, so his guild ensured he could.
But his size was far too great now and he needed to be seen,
So the guild made him a warden and he was sent to guard the Queen.

In time, the legend of the Squat, in massive armour spread...
Of the cybernetic warrior, who refused to lay down dead.
His name "Snorri the Giant", with shield and gun in hand,
Who defends the royal family, the Guild and all the land.

Another day older; another day closer to death ...

BLOGNESS: http://insosworld.blogspot.com/

Shop: https://insoemporium.blogspot.co.uk/ 
Made in us
Pulsating Possessed Chaos Marine


This thread...so good ...

Age Quod Agis 
Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

 rayphoton wrote:
This thread...so good ...

Thank you .

I am trying to keep things a little varied but also keep everything unified... to make things interesting .

I am currently working on the last of the tank company tanks... hopefully, I'll have some pictures to show off very soon.

Another day older; another day closer to death ...

BLOGNESS: http://insosworld.blogspot.com/

Shop: https://insoemporium.blogspot.co.uk/ 
Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

I have just finished sculpting my tank company commander:

More musing, here:


Another day older; another day closer to death ...

BLOGNESS: http://insosworld.blogspot.com/

Shop: https://insoemporium.blogspot.co.uk/ 
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

6 foot underwater

Great work, as usual

cyborks & flyboyz : http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/300067.page
heretical ramblings : http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/302773.page
imperial preachings : http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/303365.page
Da Waaagh-ky Races : http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/325045.page
Briancj: You have the Mek Taint, MT, and the only thing we can do is watch in horror/amazement.

Made in us
Posts with Authority

Boston-area [Watertown] Massachusetts

This thread is SO much fun to watch!


Falling down is the same as being hit by a planet — "I paint to the 20 foot rule, it saves a lot of time." -- Me
ddogwood wrote:People who feel the need to cheat at Warhammer deserve pity, not anger. I mean, how pathetic does your life have to be to make you feel like you need to cheat at your toy army soldiers game?
Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Thanks ... I'm glad you are enjoying the trip .

I've started painting the latest tank now... still WIP but it's a start:

Another day older; another day closer to death ...

BLOGNESS: http://insosworld.blogspot.com/

Shop: https://insoemporium.blogspot.co.uk/ 
Made in us
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps

Great work - Big Olaf and the commander are really outstanding examples of space dwarf kind!
Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Cheers ...

Just decals to go now :

1x Tank commander with Vanquisher.
3x Punisher.
3x Annihilator.
3x Battle Cannon.
1x Engineseer Chimera.

I think I need to add a Hydra for a bit of air support... so that will probably turn up at some point .

Another day older; another day closer to death ...

BLOGNESS: http://insosworld.blogspot.com/

Shop: https://insoemporium.blogspot.co.uk/ 
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Fab stuff, especially your acquiring about 10% of the world production run of that World War Toon/Meng Panther

Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

I know that I have always said "no bikes" but I managed to get a bunch of Mantic bikes and I thought that they could be Hearthguard Bikers (Spacemarine Scout Bikers) to add to the "high echelon" (Spacemarine) part of my army. Obviously, a small amount of conversion is necessary to make them fit in with my other Hearthguard... so that is what I have started doing .

I have snipped the unarmoured torso off the rider and have added a Steel Warrior torso (trimmed down) and head. I have also beefed up the legs and added the standard arms. I still need to convert the arms but as a test conversion, I think it is working so far...

Existing Hearthguard troopers:

Another day older; another day closer to death ...

BLOGNESS: http://insosworld.blogspot.com/

Shop: https://insoemporium.blogspot.co.uk/ 
Made in us
Posts with Authority

Boston-area [Watertown] Massachusetts

I like the bikes.

Falling down is the same as being hit by a planet — "I paint to the 20 foot rule, it saves a lot of time." -- Me
ddogwood wrote:People who feel the need to cheat at Warhammer deserve pity, not anger. I mean, how pathetic does your life have to be to make you feel like you need to cheat at your toy army soldiers game?
Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Cheers ... They fit the bill, don't they?

I'm calling this bike finished... after all, I have another 11+ to go so I want to keep things relatively simple :

Now... on to the next one

Another day older; another day closer to death ...

BLOGNESS: http://insosworld.blogspot.com/

Shop: https://insoemporium.blogspot.co.uk/ 
Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

There's nothing like a big hobby slump to make you try and finish the more obscure things that lurk on your work-bench...

This is Dash Hound... a speedster to go with my little collection of superheroes:

I have also been painting Primaris Space Marines... which isn't something I would usually do. Hopefully, I'll get back to sorting out these bikes sometime soon:

Another day older; another day closer to death ...

BLOGNESS: http://insosworld.blogspot.com/

Shop: https://insoemporium.blogspot.co.uk/ 
Made in us
Posts with Authority

Boston-area [Watertown] Massachusetts

I do not understand why 'Ape' is not named and painted like 'Alf'.

Falling down is the same as being hit by a planet — "I paint to the 20 foot rule, it saves a lot of time." -- Me
ddogwood wrote:People who feel the need to cheat at Warhammer deserve pity, not anger. I mean, how pathetic does your life have to be to make you feel like you need to cheat at your toy army soldiers game?
Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

 Briancj wrote:
I do not understand why 'Ape' is not named and painted like 'Alf'.

It's easy to understand... I chose to use him as a superhero so I painted him differently and changed his name. Why just be the same?

Another day older; another day closer to death ...

BLOGNESS: http://insosworld.blogspot.com/

Shop: https://insoemporium.blogspot.co.uk/ 
Made in us
Posts with Authority

Boston-area [Watertown] Massachusetts


They all look great as a group, wonderful work!


Falling down is the same as being hit by a planet — "I paint to the 20 foot rule, it saves a lot of time." -- Me
ddogwood wrote:People who feel the need to cheat at Warhammer deserve pity, not anger. I mean, how pathetic does your life have to be to make you feel like you need to cheat at your toy army soldiers game?
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

6 foot underwater

Where did that Alf mini come from? That would make a great little gift for my brother.

cyborks & flyboyz : http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/300067.page
heretical ramblings : http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/302773.page
imperial preachings : http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/303365.page
Da Waaagh-ky Races : http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/325045.page
Briancj: You have the Mek Taint, MT, and the only thing we can do is watch in horror/amazement.

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