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Made in ca
Sneaky Striking Scorpion

Calgary Canada

The dice based damage and defence system is a rejigged version of Imperial Assault, the proprietary movement and range widgets are very similar to Legion which itself iterated on X Wing and Armada, the card based mission system is present in many if their games in some flavour or another, as is the "rulebook is light, cards do the heavy lifting for the exceptions and modifications" philosophy.

Perhaps those things are present in other games from other companies that I've not played, but I can confidently state that those are things just from games by FFG that I've played.

If AMG weren't affiliated with FFG I'd still think this, but I'd just chalk it up to the fact that ideas get borrowed from successful products, that they're part of the same group and apparently based in the same building? Then that goes beyond coincidental.

I agree that specialty dice are the same idea and to a certain extent movement templates but I find how movement templates are provided and used significantly different across FFG products like armada’s usage for ships being the main aspect of the game is very different than xwing and not just rehashed. Game components are really a means to an end not the be all end all IMO they achieve the same effect as alternatives with traditional dice and tape measure it just attempts to be more elegant and novel at times. Funny enough there are folks after having read the rules that are disappointed that it is not Marvel Imperial Assault. Being a low model count skirmish game in the super hero arena I expect it will play differently than most FFG games. I am not going to get into KM’s MUMG which is a bit of a sore spot but I find the inclusion of most of the relevant info on the character card and not adjoining cards that cost points to position this game very differently than Xwing armada and from what I know of Legion. Attacks and super powers being on the main character card gives it a much closer feel for me to MUMG. Having missions that determine threat level that then influence how you form your team after the fact is different than what I have experienced in FFG games.
I am excited about this release but can’t really judge how the game will play until having tried it a few times. My initial observation that could be a concern was the narrow spread of power level between heroes and how it might represent a large variety in the comics. However some folks have already pointed out that power levels won’t be the sole determinant of utility in the game etc so again to soon to tell.
Made in us


I’m hoping there’s a lot more to the rules and character interactions then we’ve seen so far.

I have to think there will be...
Made in ca
Sneaky Striking Scorpion

Calgary Canada

 Alpharius wrote:

I’m hoping there’s a lot more to the rules and character interactions then we’ve seen so far.

I have to think there will be...

Not sure if this helps but one person questioned the throwing rules and what was communicated is the specifics of lets say how heavy and how far a specific character could throw something would be in the form of an attack or power on their card. So as was mentioned the system will heavily rely on the character card for detail on how something that will happen actually works. This implies to me that in the throwing example some folks will not be able to throw things around but I am good with that I think certain characters are more likely to act in certain ways and I dont mind the streamlining.
Made in us
Infiltrating Broodlord

Lake County, Illinois

I don't think there's much beyond what we've seen, Alpharius. Even most of the starter set character cards have been seen. The basic rules/stats are fairly generic, almost like they weren't meant for a super hero game at all, honestly. The main things that differentiate characters are their "bespoke" rules: the attacks and super powers on their cards.

There are more missions than what has been shown, but it sounds like it's always some variation of take and hold things or grab and escape with things. There are the Team Tactics cards. Sort of like stratagems from 40k sounds like, except you choose a certain number of them to have available in the game from the ones you've chosen to have on your roster. So there could be some interesting things on those I suppose. I'd guess that's where you'd get interactions between allied characters, like a fastball special or something. Hard to say, as I haven't seen examples of them.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/08/18 01:42:27

Made in us

If this is really the case, and combined with the odd scale choice, well, I might have to rethink all this and stick with Pulp City.

Time will tell...
Made in us
Infiltrating Broodlord

Lake County, Illinois

I take that back. I do remember seeing a team tactics card example, though I can't recall where I saw it. But it required Iron Man and Captain America, and Iron Man could use it on his activation to basically fire a beam at cap's shield and have it reflect off and hit an enemy within line of sight and some range of cap. So yeah, seems like that sort of thing will be on the Team Tactics cards. And presumably some of those will come with each model as they will likely often be specific to certain combinations of characters.

From what I've seen so far the rules seem... okay. I guess I'll have to see how it all comes together. With interesting missions it could probably be fun, but my impression is that they want the missions to be very symmetrical, which seems like it will be limiting.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

At first I was sad cause they talk about not being able to throw friendly models as that meant no fastball special. But then I remember tactic cards to colossus or wolverine might come with lol.
Made in us
Incorporating Wet-Blending

Maybe I'm confusing Asmodee with Asmodee but if you thought FFG put game lines on the chopping block, Asmodee pruned everything but one or few game lines from entire game companies.

With the $100 MSRP Conan Boardgame, Monolith games was *losing* money on each sale, thanks to Asmodee offering $27 per copy to buy a game that cost $35 to produce.

No, I don't care if you spend or don't spend your money on this game.

Crimson Scales and Wildspire Miniatures thread on Reaper! : https://forum.reapermini.com/index.php?/topic/103935-wildspire-miniatures-thread/ 
Made in us
Courageous Skink Brave

It's astonishing how often my opinion differs so wildly from the average person on here. I could not be more excited about this game, and it's the rules that do it for me. The IP is good, but I assumed that (like Legion) it would rely too much on the IP and not be a very interesting game. Then I read that rulebook.

The "take 10 models, then build our team from a subset of that after scenario is picked" is amazing. It's the closest I've seen a miniatures game come to the CCG concept of "sideboarding," allowing you to take utility pieces that might not be worthwhile in most matchups/scenarios, but you have them around for that one time you do need them. It will vastly reduce the times you "lose during list building" which is far too common in miniatures games.

The resource management system is clever. The fact that you get power points for taking damage from enemies is a great comeback mechanic, and makes you think twice about even something as simple as attacking someone... if you attack someone who hasn't activated yet, do you think you can do enough damage to daze them? Or are you just going to be feeding into them having a better turn? Lots of interesting decision-making there, and I love it. Feels very superhero, too... you might want to think twice about punching Groot or shooting the Hulk... it's might hurt them a bit, but the hurt that's coming back to you is going to be way worse. This also solves the "I don't want to get into charge range" problem a lot of miniatures games have where attacking first is a huge advantage; in this, attacking second will sometimes be better.

People are comparing the rules to FFG, and while I can see the similarities, these are so much more well-written and concise. I've literally had t-shirts printed with jokes about how hard FFG rules are to parse. This game has an entire paragraph devoted to defining "effects" and another one for "resolved" with plenty of clear examples throughout the book. As a rules judge, the writing of this book delights me.

All in all, if you're looking for an accurate simulation of superheroes fighting, I don't think this will be the game for you. "Cap can't hit that guy with his shield because he doesn't have enough power points right now, so he has to punch them" feels dumb and contrived. For people who are bothered by that, my understanding is that there are other games out there. But from the perspective of a gamer, looking for a game with lots of interesting decisions, resource management and risk/reward analysis, this looks like a winner of a system. I'd play a game with these rules in the blandest of settings.

But then again, I find X-Wing to be the boring, dicey cousin of the much more interesting Runewars, so my opinions are clearly not shared by the majority.
Made in us
Been Around the Block

Zetan wrote:
It's astonishing how often my opinion differs so wildly from the average person on here.

Nah, I'd say your opinions match closely with the majority of the people who have seen the game so far. Marvel's a hugely successful IP, and the fanbase is as rabid as the Star Wars one, if not even more widespread.

Dakka tends to have an unusually salty vocal user base when they see something that they're uninterested in or priced out of.

Misery enjoys company.

The game so far has had an immensely strong growth in community on Facebook, and general excitement is really high. Don't take what you see in this thread too seriously :p
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Zetan wrote:

The "take 10 models, then build our team from a subset of that after scenario is picked" is amazing. It's the closest I've seen a miniatures game come to the CCG concept of "sideboarding," allowing you to take utility pieces that might not be worthwhile in most matchups/scenarios, but you have them around for that one time you do need them. It will vastly reduce the times you "lose during list building" which is far too common in miniatures games.

This isn't exactly uncommon in narrative campaign games, like Necromunda, Warcry (on convergences), or Kill Team. Most of them have rosters that you choose your team from after the scenario is chosen. I think competitive Malifaux also has you picking the scenario and schemes, then hiring your crew.
Made in gb
The Daemon Possessing Fulgrim's Body

Devon, UK

Guild Ball also has it at tournament level, you bring a squad (of 10 I think currently, maybe 12) then each match you roll off to draft your Captain, then take it in turns adding players to your team. So while the victory conditions are fixed, you can alter how you go about achieving them based on who you choose, and also adapt to your opponents choices, but can only react on a player by player basis, you don't get to see the whole six at once.

We find comfort among those who agree with us - growth among those who don't. - Frank Howard Clark

The wise man doubts often, and changes his mind; the fool is obstinate, and doubts not; he knows all things but his own ignorance.

The correct statement of individual rights is that everyone has the right to an opinion, but crucially, that opinion can be roundly ignored and even made fun of, particularly if it is demonstrably nonsense!” Professor Brian Cox

Ask me about
Barnstaple Slayers Club 
Made in gb
Thermo-Optical Hac Tao

Gosport, UK

Malifaux does it too, iirc.
Made in ca
Sneaky Striking Scorpion

Calgary Canada

 ajax_xaja wrote:
Zetan wrote:
It's astonishing how often my opinion differs so wildly from the average person on here.

Nah, I'd say your opinions match closely with the majority of the people who have seen the game so far. Marvel's a hugely successful IP, and the fanbase is as rabid as the Star Wars one, if not even more widespread.

Dakka tends to have an unusually salty vocal user base when they see something that they're uninterested in or priced out of.

Misery enjoys company.

The game so far has had an immensely strong growth in community on Facebook, and general excitement is really high. Don't take what you see in this thread too seriously :p

I just chalked it up to what I like to refer to the Star Wars phenomena. There are a ton of fans for the first movie. With each consecutive movie as more and more are released it makes it much harder to like them. Maybe it’s comparing to the earlier versions maybe it’s the growing amount of material and complexity contradictions as something gets bigger. I find that with the amount of games available today people are often looking for a holy grail which none of them live up to based on everything else that is available. Besides the fact that the sheer volume of options that are constantly being released are an ever present distraction for many to focus on time intensive TT games.
Made in us

I've heard that there were a lot of previews of upcoming models at the GAMA Trade show but...I can't find them!

Anyone know more?


Finally found this:


Yay for Taskmaster!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/03/12 02:40:20

Made in gb
Martial Arts SAS

United Kingdom

I was just wondering the same thing. Good find!

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Tacoma, WA

Everything released, or confirmed to be released this year so far

CP01 Core Set
CP02 Dice
CP03 Range Tools
CP04 Hulk
CP05 M.O.D.O.K.
CP06 NYC Terrain Pack
CP07 Black Panther & Killmonger
CP08 Shuri & Okoye
CP09 Venom
CP10 Ghost-Spider & Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
CP11 Thor & Valkyrie
CP12 Loki & Hela
CP13 Vision & Winter Soldier
CP14 NYC Commercial Truck
CP15 Corvus Glaive & Proxima Midnight
CP16 Gamora & Nebula
CP17 Rocket & Groot
CP18 Star-Lord
CP19 Black Dwarf & Ebony Maw
CP20 Drax & Ronan the Accuser
CP21 Green Goblin
CP22 Cosmic Terrain Pack
CP23 Doctor Strange & Wong
CP24 Hawkeye & Agent Black Widow
CP25 Thanos
CP32 Punisher & Taskmaster

CA01 Midtown Mayhem Game Mat
CA02 Roundabout Knockout Game Mat
CA03 Cosmic Game Mat

CK02 Launch Kit
CK03 Crisis Day Event Kit
CK04 Initiation League Organized Play Kit
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Really excited for Dr. Strange bringing the Defenders affiliation. Lots of cool characters to bring in under that banner.

I've been blown away by this game in general. I've gotten in more games of it than everything else combined since Thanksgiving. It's got one of the most fluid and varied scenario and list building systems I've played, which has gone a long way to get every model on the table for multiple games.
Made in us

 LunarSol wrote:
Really excited for Dr. Strange bringing the Defenders affiliation. Lots of cool characters to bring in under that banner.

I've been blown away by this game in general. I've gotten in more games of it than everything else combined since Thanksgiving. It's got one of the most fluid and varied scenario and list building systems I've played, which has gone a long way to get every model on the table for multiple games.

Initial reviews were rather mixed, with more leaning negative then positive.

It is good to read that you're having fun with it - I really want to have a good superhero game that is supported and...the Marvel Universe is a bonus, of course!
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Curious what negativity you heard? I haven't found much beyond the models being expensive and general fears of FFG from people that missed the handoff at the presentation.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Here's my review from launch. I was woefully disappointed in the core experience, but admit after a lot more releases, it would likely improve. Still a very board-gamey, experience and really shallow IMO...


11527pts Total (7400pts painted)

4980pts Total (4980pts painted)

3730 Total (210pts painted) 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Guardians of the Galaxy is the end of the month, the others are next month...

II picked up Thor and Valkyrie last week, Loki and Empress the week after that.

I don't know why they paired up Winter Soldier with Vision... He should have been paired up with Falcon, and Vision and Scarlett Witch should have been a box.

Opinions are like …

Here's the beef, ladies'. https://gamersweb.co.uk/2019/12/09/pax-unplugged-marvel-crisis-protocol-previews-atomic-mass-games/

I'm loving that Green Goblin, but I have to say it- This game is pretty cool.

And BTW- Check out the Scenery Packs in the background... SWEEET!!!!

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2020/03/12 23:26:41

At Games Workshop, we believe that how you behave does matter. We believe this so strongly that we have written it down in the Games Workshop Book. There is a section in the book where we talk about the values we expect all staff to demonstrate in their working lives. These values are Lawyers, Guns and Money. 
Made in gb
The Daemon Possessing Fulgrim's Body

Devon, UK

 Alpharius wrote:
 LunarSol wrote:
Really excited for Dr. Strange bringing the Defenders affiliation. Lots of cool characters to bring in under that banner.

I've been blown away by this game in general. I've gotten in more games of it than everything else combined since Thanksgiving. It's got one of the most fluid and varied scenario and list building systems I've played, which has gone a long way to get every model on the table for multiple games.

Initial reviews were rather mixed, with more leaning negative then positive.

It is good to read that you're having fun with it - I really want to have a good superhero game that is supported and...the Marvel Universe is a bonus, of course!

I've only played one starter game, but it was enough to convince me to buy some expansions, and fire up the 3D printer for some oversized terrain.

There's a lot to like about the game, to me it feels like an odd mix between X Wing and Guild Ball, although it is probably more accurately a mix of X Wing and Warmachine, I simply play GB a lot and not WMH. Guild Ball also stems from a Warmachine design background though, so the DNA is there.

Because it is inherently objective based, that is what brings the balance between the über smashers and the squishier heroes, the squishier models invariably have greater speed and mobility which makes them more capable of capturing objectives, which is ultimately how you win.

There's no real limits on list building except points, but there's a nice soft mechanic that encourages fluff (your team needs to be 50%+ your affiliation in order to benefit from a character's leadership ability eg. Cap has and Avengers ability, Red Skull is the Cabal etc.) So far we have Avengers, Cabal, Asgard, Wakanda, GOTG and Spider Villains on the way, plus I suspect there's going to be a Children Of Thanos or some similar title when Corvus Glaive etc and Thanos himself land.

Another interesting design space is how heroes change once they flip their cards. Cap actually gets better (because he can do this all day, right?) whereas Black Panther loses what is initially a superior version of one of Cap's abilities (vibranium suit is > than vibranium shield after all) and gains a less effective, more expensive version. Then Hulk doesn't flip, he just gets angrier and smashier until he passed out.

Reservations are: price. Although it seems spendy, I recently realised that it actually isn't any more expensive than X Wing, and I don't generally have too much issue with the cost of X Wing expansions. I guess it feels more expensive because of the double packs of models. Which leads me on to my other negative, which is it looks like it might be vulnerable to Pokémon syndrome. They might be in danger of repeating the sins of X Wing 1.0 in that by packaging cards with models, you may feel manipulated into buying heroes you don't want for cards in the box. It's also much harder to get images of cards for printing out to play casually/experimentally, which I have issue with, either sell your rules separately or make the info freely available without have to drop money on the product. Don't hide the rules in the box.

MCPDB is an invaluable resource right now, and as long as they don't get C+D'd into oblivion, that won't be too much of a problem.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/03/13 00:22:55

We find comfort among those who agree with us - growth among those who don't. - Frank Howard Clark

The wise man doubts often, and changes his mind; the fool is obstinate, and doubts not; he knows all things but his own ignorance.

The correct statement of individual rights is that everyone has the right to an opinion, but crucially, that opinion can be roundly ignored and even made fun of, particularly if it is demonstrably nonsense!” Professor Brian Cox

Ask me about
Barnstaple Slayers Club 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Tacoma, WA

I was initially very sceptical of the game, and thought the rules looked very shallow, but I ended up picking the game up anyway.

It's the best miniature game I've played in a very long time.

It sets up quick, plays fast, has a ton of depth that is not immediately apparent that will reward skilled players, but there's a nice amount of variance and built in mechanics to prevent feelsbad moments that it's casual friendly as well. With the design of the objectives so far, there isn't a dud model in the game. Seriously, every model has a purpose.

The Team Tactic cards are not obtrusive enough to make it feel like a CCG, but they provide a nice amount of spice and decision points to add interesting moments. A lot of them are very thematic. The models are sweet and you could get away with only ever needing ten of them. (you're going to want them all)

It has multi player variant "Raid" modes designed in to the game, once of which is free on their website. The core set is tremendous value. You can have two people playing full size missions straight away out of one box, with terrain.

Downsides? The expansions are expensive, and a lot of the kits are fiddly to assemble. Also, there's no X-Men yet. That's it.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/03/13 00:59:52

Made in us
Perfect Shot Dark Angels Predator Pilot

Right there with you. Love the game, models, and how each models rules feel fluffy and still decently balanced. I'm a big fan of terrain and they have a decent amount of that too. Plus there are several stl files to 3d print terrain. Added bonus, punisher was leaked to be released.
Made in gb
The Daemon Possessing Fulgrim's Body

Devon, UK

Well, to be fair, I'm not sure how much announced at GAMA qualifies as a "leak" but Punisher and Taskmaster are on the way. ;-)

We find comfort among those who agree with us - growth among those who don't. - Frank Howard Clark

The wise man doubts often, and changes his mind; the fool is obstinate, and doubts not; he knows all things but his own ignorance.

The correct statement of individual rights is that everyone has the right to an opinion, but crucially, that opinion can be roundly ignored and even made fun of, particularly if it is demonstrably nonsense!” Professor Brian Cox

Ask me about
Barnstaple Slayers Club 
Made in us
Nihilistic Necron Lord

There was a lot of complaining about the dice from the table next to me that was playing it this week. Not sure how much of it was just luck and hyperbole though.

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Tacoma, WA

 AduroT wrote:
There was a lot of complaining about the dice from the table next to me that was playing it this week. Not sure how much of it was just luck and hyperbole though.

While attacking, each die is a 50% chance of success so it's just looking for 4+ essentially. Gamers should be used to that. To be fair, crits explode, and crit failures can't be rorolled so it can feel a bit swingy at times.

Sounds like gamers just complaining, like usual.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

 Azreal13 wrote:
So far we have Avengers, Cabal, Asgard, Wakanda, GOTG and Spider Villains on the way, plus I suspect there's going to be a Children Of Thanos or some similar title when Corvus Glaive etc and Thanos himself land.

Which leads me on to my other negative, which is it looks like it might be vulnerable to Pokémon syndrome. They might be in danger of repeating the sins of X Wing 1.0 in that by packaging cards with models, you may feel manipulated into buying heroes you don't want for cards in the box. It's also much harder to get images of cards for printing out to play casually/experimentally, which I have issue with, either sell your rules separately or make the info freely available without have to drop money on the product. Don't hide the rules in the box.

Black Order affiliation was announced in the Corvus Glaive box and was leaked a little while back. It's Thanos and the 4 from the movie. They also announced that Dr. Strange will lead the Defenders, which will include Hawkeye, Valkyrie, Hulk, and Spiderman.

I think there's some Pokemoning in the game, but its not because of the cards. One of the nicer things is that the vast majority of the cards in the expansions require the character in that expansion to play, so there's not really a sense of needing to buy a model for the cards inside. That the core set comes with far more cards than you can use on its own that are mostly the core of what you'd want to bring anyway. I'm actually finding myself playing with very little beyond the core set and the cards that require the characters I'm playing with.

The more likely draw is the scenario cards, which do a really good job of shaking things up due to the way the two types of scenarios overlap. For those unaware, there's always a static set of objectives, and a set that you can pick up and carry. The different combinations keep things varied while also making sure there's a need for both mobile and durable characters in your roster. I think if you don't want a character with a scenario card, its a pretty easy thing to proxy or play when a friend who does have them brings them, but that element stands out to me as a bigger draw than the tactics cards. That, and they've done a good job of making at least one character in ever pack enticing. I mean.... its Thor and Loki and Venom and Panther and...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
WUWU wrote:
 AduroT wrote:
There was a lot of complaining about the dice from the table next to me that was playing it this week. Not sure how much of it was just luck and hyperbole though.

While attacking, each die is a 50% chance of success so it's just looking for 4+ essentially. Gamers should be used to that. To be fair, crits explode, and crit failures can't be rorolled so it can feel a bit swingy at times.

Sounds like gamers just complaining, like usual.

They use the exploding dice in a really interesting way I find. It helps that they only explode once and only on 8's instead of 6's in dice pools that are more in the 4-6 range. It generally results in +1 maybe +2 dice in the roll, but does a good job of making dramatic moments where the extra die means there's rarely a zero chance roll. I think the more dicey aspect is just that its an opposed roll game, where a very lucky offensive roll vs a very unlucky defense is more impactful than if one or the other happened. The game's healthy/injured mechanic generally does a decent job of putting a cap on this, but the sense that something just exploded because of dice can definitely happen, but that's true of most games.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/03/13 13:47:35

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Hearing all the positivity makes me wonder if I should be refreshing my review. I did go out of my way to say six months of additional releases could shake things up, as a lot of my complaints were, in part, new-game-itis, where it just begged for options/diversity.

The least I can do is put my money where my mouth is, so I just ordered all the post-release characters, and will give it all a play before reevaluating. :-)

11527pts Total (7400pts painted)

4980pts Total (4980pts painted)

3730 Total (210pts painted) 
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