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Made in us
Ultramarine Land Raider Pilot on Cruise Control


Wow. Angry man turned out great.

Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Yes, he really does look quite angry.



Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

Viterbi wrote:Loved the bit about waiting for glue sticks, but hadn't ordered them Besides that the Simmer conversion looks great and love his backstory. Also good to see you getting more terrain done, the swamp tile will be interesting to watch developing.

Thanks, but it get better because I forgot to order them again!

brushcommando wrote:Wow. Angry man turned out great.

Captain Brown wrote:Yes, he really does look quite angry.

Thanks guys, I had a look in the dakka gallery and it turns out the last (tagged) angry marine photo was five years ago! Feels a bit like dragging up a dead meme but it's an idea out of my head and into the real world

Anyway been a bit slow on the hobby due to moving onto a night shift.
I'm asleep during the day so no light for painting and my workspace is in my bedroom which is shared with my partner so no making on my days off.
But hobby finds a way...
A few hours into my sleep I was woken by the postman (bringing me the imperium magazines I've been neglecting) and then had an idea...
An idea that wouldn't leave my head so I could go back to sleep:

These things. They're annoying as they don't mesh with the modularity of the regular ZM terrain very well
And I've started making 3x3 blocks centred which the stronghold bits just don't fit into.
So my solution?
Cut the in half:

The platform piece was easy as there were already guide lines, I just scored round it with a Stanley a dozen times and then I could easily snap it in half. A quick file smooth and they're ready to go.

The wall part was trickier though but I found my previous glue bond was not so good so I broke it down to its components. I used the Stanley to make a straight grove at the top and then:

I went straight down from the top on the bottom piece and this turned out to be a bad idea.
On the inside near the middle, there is an angled outcrop of plastic that redirected my cut before I realised.
For the top piece I used the Stanley to cut some guide notches and sawed all around the outside working my way in, this gave a surprisingly (for me) straight cut.
A bit of filing, test fitting and clean up later I got what I wanted:

A strong hold piece that can go with my 3x3 system.
It's not glued in place yet as it still needs a bit of gap filling on the edges and I have to rebuild the railings slightly, but it was out of my head which meant I could go back to sleep...

*Work alarm goes off*
Made in gb
Mad Gyrocopter Pilot


Awesome work on Mr Angry and the terrain.

One and a half feet in the hobby

My Painting Log of various minis:
# Olthannon's Oscillating Orchard of Opportunity #

Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Nice solution there Guardling.



Made in us
Guardsman with Flashlight

Northern Virginia

Excellent conversion work! The corner looks natural and the walkway meshes with the rest of the fortification, impressive work as always
Made in gb
Crushing Black Templar Crusader Pilot


Oooh - a timely experiment/tutorial. Not least because a bunk of us dakkaites panic bought the stronghold on the misunderstanding it was going out of stock....

Thanks for sharing!

Relapse wrote:
Baron, don't forget to talk about the SEALs and Marines you habitually beat up on 2 and 3 at a time, as you PM'd me about.
nareik wrote:
Perhaps it is a lube issue, seems obvious now.
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Love the Angry Marine!

Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

I love how you went from deep sleep to answering the door for the postman to hey, I gotta saw that terrain in half And it looks great, amazing safe! But on another note, I hope glue sticks have now been ordered for real
Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

Olthannon wrote:Awesome work on Mr Angry and the terrain.

Captain Brown wrote:Nice solution there Guardling.



ValhallanWinter wrote:Excellent conversion work! The corner looks natural and the walkway meshes with the rest of the fortification, impressive work as always

Thank you
IGtR= wrote:Oooh - a timely experiment/tutorial. Not least because a bunk of us dakkaites panic bought the stronghold on the misunderstanding it was going out of stock....

Thanks for sharing!

No problem, I like everything in the strong hold kit, apart from the walls, the only thing they mesh with is themselves, which limits the kit IMO
Kid_Kyoto wrote:Love the Angry Marine!

Thank you
Viterbi wrote:I love how you went from deep sleep to answering the door for the postman to hey, I gotta saw that terrain in half And it looks great, amazing safe! But on another note, I hope glue sticks have now been ordered for real

Let's not talk about the glue sticks

Just come off night shift, worked my first day and started making plots and plans when boss rings
"Can you do night shift?"
So been working away at random bits and pieces and not taking pictures as light is poor
I decided to cut a hole in one of my ZM floor tiles to make way for a lift (or hole) piece.
This left me with four little sections of tile, so in the interests of trying to stretch out my part as much as possible:

These were glued onto a T section of flooring I had already made and the notch gaps filled with 5mm I beam that had one side clipped off.
Plan is to have a wall and a storage area underneath, maybe with fencing...

I cut them out by repeatedly scoring with a fresh Stanley. Do it enough times and you'll get a clean cut through anything. Eventually.
I kept the bracing underneath intact and put a layer of plasticard over it.
Before leaving for work tonight, I used some sprue slurry to fill the gap in the edge

I also had a good go at cleaning up the ends of the strong hold walls.
I decided to trim as much as I could back to the pillar part and rebuild it with plasticard

I started with a 3(ish) mm I beam straight down the middle and a Lego frame to make sure it runs straight and then a used a plasticard chunk a few layers thick and cut/carved/filed it down to the approximate shape for the wedge

Then more gap filling with sprue slurry, it's weird colours right now as I put some of that red sprue the the SecMech stuff sometimes has.
I also did the other side and started on another piece that I forgot to take photos of.
It's a lot of effort but it fits and make me dislike the wall less, so I guess that's a win...
Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

Did me a 3x3 with stairs

I noticed the railing on the mid level platform is on the outside which stops my other 3x3s from fitting properly.
So I cut the connectors off and shortened one of the railings so it fits...


Also put together a straight section with some pipe work and one of the doors from the N17 boxset:

The door need a bit of filing and its feet removed to fit.
The pipe was a bit harder as I had to clean out bottom of the floor panel to make room. I also added some plasticard spacers (1.5mm worth) onto the pipe foot attaching it to the wall so that the pipe will butt up to the next piece.

Lastly finished the stronghold end clean up:

They fit nicely now

And actually mesh with the rest of the ZM walls!

Now I have a whole lot of painting clean up to do...
Also I did yellow railings on my stairs so now I have to change all the stronghold railings to match...
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Building and painting terrain is always an evolving art. Good luck there Guardling.



Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Great work on these pieces Guardling. The modularity you’re achieving is fantastic! Best of luck repainting all your rails yellow

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/11/16 23:56:39

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in gb
Crushing Black Templar Crusader Pilot


Nice meshing of the two together

I must say I was confused when the two didn't meet up nicely when I got the Stronghold kit out to play. As I said, a timely tutorial!

Thanks for sharing

Relapse wrote:
Baron, don't forget to talk about the SEALs and Marines you habitually beat up on 2 and 3 at a time, as you PM'd me about.
nareik wrote:
Perhaps it is a lube issue, seems obvious now.
Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

Captain Brown wrote:Building and painting terrain is always an evolving art. Good luck there Guardling.



Thank you Captin Brown
gobert wrote:Great work on these pieces Guardling. The modularity you’re achieving is fantastic! Best of luck repainting all your rails yellow

Thanks, trying for a balance between modularity and unique enough to be interesting.
IGtR= wrote:Nice meshing of the two together

I must say I was confused when the two didn't meet up nicely when I got the Stronghold kit out to play. As I said, a timely tutorial!

Thanks for sharing

Thank you, glad I can help others.

Today on Guardlings Hobby ADHD, I get distracted by my cat... I mean Tau:

Another Dakkatron posted some pictures of their Tau army that had a very similar colour scheme to mine, so I had to have a look see and realised that I haven't uploaded any pics of them to DakkaDakka...
So I spent all my hobby time digging them out and taking some pictures of the painted stuff...
I started this army nearly 20 years ago in an ugly blue and silver colour scheme and then tried to redo the paint scheme and add some eBay miniature rescues to it like ten years ago.

Crisis team, I have several teams with this load out, these are just the fully painted ones.
Also have some of the new models, but they're eBay rescues with really badly poses and I haven't been able to take them apart.

My Assualt team, Equipped with plasma rifles, Fusion Blasters and Vectored thrusters, these guys did hit and runs on armoured targets. The extra thrusters are buttons from a broken calculator I had

Some Fire Warriors, these are the squad leads from three of the teams. I think only the one without a helmet is a Shas'Ui.
The all have unit designations based on the codex force organisations so like Charlie Alpha One would have been, Troops, Fire Warriors, group one. Using Charlie and Alpha seemed to human-centric to me so I made myself my own Tau phonetic alphabet using known Tau words. Sadly I don't know where I put this so can't share it with you Dakkanauts... yet...
I have also noticed that the models have the wrong flash, it's saying they're crisis suits, whoops...

Got me some good old pathfinders, I absolutely love their plastic versions by the way, I have some just not finished

Got me a prone sniper but I didn't want to use one of the weird long bases so I made him into a casualty instead, I think his railgun went onto a Kill Team member.

Drone controller and a crashed sniper drone objective.
Would you believe the drone is scratch built? Not sure why I did it

Some XV15 stealth suits

My XV25 Shas'Vre, this guy has been my best performing model ever, he had the Skyfire rule for while and struck fear into Storm Talons everywhere.
Much earlier on in his career he solo'd six(!) Khorne Beserkers in hand to hand...
Well... he killed one and all the others exploded in rage trying to slaughter him and just exploded.
Chaos is a fickle mistress.

My original Ethereal, fluff was my force was a Dal'yth colony and not a proper sept world so they imported their upper echelons from their host Sept

My newer Ethereal. When I got him I updated the my fluff, In the wake of some set backs during the fourth expansion the Tau were looking for some easy wins and upgraded the small colony with mass of new equipment and personnel and it became an official (minor) Sept world.
The old guy is still around though complaining about youngsters on their hover boards...

With that upgrade they got a "modern" broadside, he sucks. (72" S10 AP1 to 60" S8 AP1 )
My old broadsides were converted back to a crisis team, they were good while it lasted...

For some reason my Kroot have feathered hats. No idea why, it was a decision made long ago.
I don't like their colour that much as they look like skinny Orks.

This is what I want my Kroot to look like, test piece for the Blackstone Fortress Kroot.

And a Shaper, he had some really bad slippage down his face

Back then I was super into converting models so would did some models that made sense to me:

Devil fish/battle suit pilots for objectives

A fire warrior with a flamer, with short range Breachers being a thing now, this guy would be a suitable addition

And for a shooty combined arms race, Tau sure don't have as many infantry weapons as the guard.
So logically they should have a man portable missile pod. I love them, but they need rebasing...

Woo, that was a lot, I swear I'll do some more Necromunda stuff soon, got stuff in the post as well...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/11/19 22:10:24

Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

Supply Drop:

Got Nightshift today, so do I sleep or start cutting sprues?
Sprues it is...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/11/24 17:54:13

Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Really cool to see all the Tau minis. I actually started an army when I revisited the hobby 7 years ago, but it didn't last long. I have a very offensive "in your face" playstyle and it just didn't work that well with them. Sisters are the better fit for me.
But still love the Tau aesthetic and your color scheme works well!
Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

 Viterbi wrote:
Really cool to see all the Tau minis. I actually started an army when I revisited the hobby 7 years ago, but it didn't last long. I have a very offensive "in your face" playstyle and it just didn't work that well with them. Sisters are the better fit for me.
But still love the Tau aesthetic and your color scheme works well!

Thanks I had a very mobile flowy force, infantry would be in small units with a buddy unit helping them, sort of like the two fireteams in a squad IRL, one gets attacked, the other moves to cover it, etc.
But with the rising inclusion of more and more powerful units (2+ invun saves for nearly every hostile) in the meta I couldn't compete, so I stopped playing.

Anyways you'll be pleased to know I finally got some glue sticks!
So here's some sump boards put together:

Just cut another ZM tile down the middle. I used the heated nozzle of the hot glue gun to melt and rub flat the glue on the edges of the plastic where it meet the MDF.
I also tried to use hot glue to blend the sunken parts into on my corner piece but it didn't work so well
Just need some spray paint to prime and seal the MDF.

Spent a while just rearranging pits of plastic to get ideas on what to build and came up with a bit of pipe winding around a pillar:

A bit of cutting pipes up and gluing them back together:

Some of the pipe feet broke when I was trying to take them off for repositioning, but that worked in my favour as I was able to put half of one one the floor and glue the other half to the ZM pillar

Also mocked up my first tall piece:

I'm thinking about putting a lift on the other side and maybe another section of the silo. Also not sold on the platform covering the silo, tempted to do some "liquid" inside the silo peeking out...

with that idea, I sorted out the bits I would need with the intent of saving parts that wouldn't be seen.
I'm going to use plasticard square tube for the platform parts between the two levels and then figure out how to blend the silo to the ZM stuff later.
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Terrain construction does sometimes take a mock up or two before one is happy with the plan...and sometimes even the plan changes afterwards.



Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

There’s something very 40k in a pipe going round an obstacle that it could just go straight past! I love it (and also realise you’ll probably put another pillar there )! The quarter pillar fits surprisingly well, and it definitely needs some glowing liquid inside it

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

Captain Brown wrote:Terrain construction does sometimes take a mock up or two before one is happy with the plan...and sometimes even the plan changes afterwards.



I agree, mock ups are very useful if you're trying to make stuff modular.
Also no plan survives contact with the enemy, including myself

gobert wrote:There’s something very 40k in a pipe going round an obstacle that it could just go straight past! I love it (and also realise you’ll probably put another pillar there )! The quarter pillar fits surprisingly well, and it definitely needs some glowing liquid inside it

Thanks, I was thinking of putting a door in, just to hammer home the ridiculousness of it.
But alas that kind of kink (I'm pretty sure) is actually a safety feature, something to do with the liquid getting to much momentum
I've mostly seen it on aerial photos of long distance pipelines, sometimes they go up and over instead, but lying flat is probably cheaper

Onto what I've been doing this... Week?...
I don't know, I haven't seen sunlight in a while...

Been gluing this together, it's been slow, regular glue is not holding it properly because I'm using the double walls to make single walls.
So sprue slurry it is, and little scaffolds made of mega blocks.
Also not shown is the back which is currently drying, in my disorganized haste to find something weighty I used a replica firearm to hold it down, so thought it prudent not to post that here...
I did however swap out the regular wall ends/caps with the offcuts from the pillar assembly, further saving my precious ZM bits.

One day I had to go into town whilst I should of been sleeping and popped into my FLGS and then came out with two more boxes of Necromunda figures...

Enforcers, also got the shield guys
After having a look at the sprues I was annoyed with their weapon options, not enough shotguns, not enough hitty sticks, the pistols are stub guns, and somehow no Bolters.
Also dislike the helmets they look to much like Primaris Marines to me
So I got chopping, the arms from the Scion kit blend well, but I just used the hands. There were no right hand hitty sticks, so made my own with a bit of (bad) pinning.
Face is from the Starstriders heavy, and beret is from a Scion head I didn't like the look of

Wots all this then?
I may pull his head off later down the line and replace it with the sallet like helmet some of the Skitarii have.

Got some base colours for a paint scheme for you to judge, but I'm dreading what you're going to say:

Yeah... I'll see myself out...
Made in gb
Calculating Commissar

Reading, Berks

There are bolters on the sprue, they just don't look like marine bolters, and bolt pistols aren't a thing until you can get to a trading post sadly... so they don't include those at all.

I like the edging on the double height walls. Might need to do something like that when I get around to rebuilding some elements

Made in gb
Fighter Ace


I really like the colour scheme for those Tau, glad you dug them out for a photo shoot!

Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

endtransmission wrote:There are bolters on the sprue, they just don't look like marine bolters, and bolt pistols aren't a thing until you can get to a trading post sadly... so they don't include those at all.

I like the edging on the double height walls. Might need to do something like that when I get around to rebuilding some elements

Huh, you learn something new every day...
I have had an issue with new models where I haven't been able to easily identify what many weapons are because they just don't fit the design language that I know.
The edging is 4.8mm Plastruct square tubes, the actual Necromunda bits are 5.0mm, but no-one is going to notice a 0.2mm difference unless there a few of them...

Ragsta wrote:
I really like the colour scheme for those Tau, glad you dug them out for a photo shoot!

Thanks, I don't see a lot of Tau on Dakka, other than the occasional outrageously cool art piece so I never really bothered putting pics up.
Maybe I'll make sorting them out another project for me to ignore later...

Anywho, another update, so quick after the last one!

Put me some control panels and cables on my round the block pipe to give it some interest also slapped on some dryad bark to hide any exposed plastic.

While I'm on that topic, it's worth mentioning I had to file off a small bit of the pipe feet in order to get the section to sit flat on the ZM floor tile as shown in red

Made a plasticard filler for the top of my silo tower

And here it is to test it's fit.
Those end caps are from the pillars rather than the walls to use left over parts and save bits. This meant I had to trim down the sides yet leave a tab to fit. There's some pretty ugly work on the inside with carving and sprueglue...
I may replace the top level with some SecMech flooring but its a noticeable bit bigger the the ZM bits, I can make it work, but the lift is going to be an issue
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Finally glue sticks!!!!!!

Great work you've been doing, the terrain is looking grander every time you post new pics. The enforcers are lovely models, that being sad I only build five as sisters conversions and sold the other five off

Regarding the color scheme you are going to try to emulate the Judge Dredd scheme, aren't you I think it will work well, once there's some shading and highlights on. Maybe do the cap in red, although that may be a bit over the top.
Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

 Viterbi wrote:
Finally glue sticks!!!!!!

Great work you've been doing, the terrain is looking grander every time you post new pics. The enforcers are lovely models, that being sad I only build five as sisters conversions and sold the other five off

Regarding the color scheme you are going to try to emulate the Judge Dredd scheme, aren't you I think it will work well, once there's some shading and highlights on. Maybe do the cap in red, although that may be a bit over the top.

Thanks, definitely going with the Judge theme, trying to break away from doing everything "stock" as it were. Not sure on the berets yet, I'm thinking of black or blue with red trim, similar to the Judges helmets.
Also pondering converting them to storm troopers.
Definitely going for looks cool with them, so expect shotguns and maybe some real Bolters.
Gonna do some research for names, can't remember to many of them from the comics

And on to my progress...
Back on dayshift now so I've had plenty of time to make some real progress rather than just picking at stuff:

Started by trimming some SecMech platforms from the plasma tower things and glueing it to a another square from the bits box

The top side got a trim back for the lift and a bit of plasticard ...

Used bits of sprue to fill in the gap for the silo piece and sprueglue to hold it together.
When I finally got it together I noticed that it was a bit wonky

I also made some more mock ups of terrain:

Some pipes, it took a while to figure out how to make it go in a corner, when I glue it up I'll probably put some more gubbins around it...

Definitely having a straight up silo, thinking of some supports or platforms to line it up it with the rest of board

Also did the dome,

Glued some sprue supports underneath to help lock it into the board grid.

As I started gluing it together, I decided to change it around.
The pipe coming off the side was a pain in the bum to do and is two different pipe corners chopped up a sprueglued together

That's all for now
Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

Some base colours:

Not sure on what colour to do the dome, maybe blue?

My hobby ADHD, mostly Necromunda, with a splash of regular 40k... 
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

You’ve been busy Guardling! A nice blue would be good on the dome, or maybe a yellow?

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Nice idea/job to make the tower plug into the board.

Is that smoke coming out of your tower?



Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

Been, uh, busy lately, new Halo game came out and it hasn't been disappointing like the last two.

Pulled myself away for a bit to do something constructive and started painting some scarabs from the Imperium magazine.
Now gotta divide which Blackstone base I want to use.
Not to toot my own horn but I seem to prefer my hand made one to the Dragons rest one...

My hobby ADHD, mostly Necromunda, with a splash of regular 40k... 
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