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Made in ie
Fixture of Dakka

 Alpharius wrote:
I'm in it for the building...so, could some kind soul figure out what the best way to do that would be?

I'm currently in for a Town Pledge, which I think I'd use to get a mix of 5 actual room sets (not sure if castle, wooden or Tudor) and 2 roof sets, figuring in at least a few 2 story buildings...

Does this sound about right?

Here's what a Village (5 Rooms) can build if you take 1 Roof 1 Stone Tower (better for buildings than the Castle theme), 1 Wooden Cottage and 2 Tudor - these can be swapped around a bit and still build the same. It's not optimal and there's a few compromises - The 2nd 2 Storey Tudor building needs 2 cottage parts to work and the while there is enough trims they may not be of the correct theme. The more you vary the design from a square block the more parts it takes the less you can build. I didn't work out floors as there's more than enough and there will be plenty leftover.

In total a Village set should make 2 x 2 Storey buildings and 2 x 1 Storey cottages - you could combine the two 1 storey buildngs into a single 2 storey building and have a few bits left to expand the other 2 storey buildings a bit maybe stretch 1 into an L shape?. A Town pledge should make double but I'd go Village x2 and swap the 2nd townsfolk for another room for 11 in total that might stretch to 9 buildings.

[Thumb - IMG-1094.jpg]

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2021/05/12 11:28:16

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

My D&L inventory so far is

2x D&L 1 Stretch Goals
4x D&L 2 Stretch Goals
7 Dragons

So I'm starting from scratch on the tile part but I have a nice starting pool of furniture (plus I have all Mantic Terraincrates).

My thought process is this:

I want Townsfolk and Stretch Goals

That's 29+25€

It's only 31€ more to pledge Village and get terrain plus Nubble, Pepe, Dragon... basically terrain is free.

However, if I want a useful amount, I feel like I need some more than just 1 Village. Fantasy Core is the best value by far, being more than 4 rooms worth of floors and walls for the cost of only 2 rooms or 34€. So let's add it as an Add On.

But now let's imagine I bought two Fantasy Cores for 68€. At this point it's only 17€ more to get a second Village instead, with almost exactly the same amount of tiles (1 Core and 4 Rooms) but with different style options, plus another set of SG. If I use a second KS account for the pledge I can also score a second Pepe and Dragon, at the cost of two separate shipping charges.

So here I am on two independent Village Pledges to get, probably, 2x Fantasy Core, 3-4 Dwarven Mine, 1-2 each Torture Chamber, Lava Cave and Warlock Altar, to hopefully have a good ratio of modularity vs variety (only getting 1 room in a style is very, very limited in the layouts you can do without leftovers).

But really I'm buying a second Village just to make the "free" terrain from my first Village useful. Eh? The option is constantly gnawing at the back of my mind to just cancel everything and buy a few spools of 3d print filament instead.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/05/12 11:38:04

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in de
Dakka Veteran

I am glad they added doors for the new building doorways… I really did not want to see Doorgate 2.

Is it just me or are we seeing a medieval fantasy Thor (Royal Guard) and Batman (Mountain Knight) in the stretchgoals already? Are there other superheroes I missed?

Does it feel to you like there are several different artists designing different miniatures with different aesthetics rather than a single aesthetic vision tying them all together?

My wife and I tried to get a better idea of what we would need to pledge for to creat buildings using bits we got from D&L 2. picture a roof on the hall on the right, the yard on the left with the Dwarven Forge fountain and Hagglethorn Hollow statues being open air with the half walls. Not perfect but you can see the beginning of a decent medieval fantasy church.
[Thumb - C21F1B4B-7724-445C-AEDA-8DA4E63BA2CD.jpeg]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/05/12 12:17:46

Rick, the Grumpy Gnome

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

I thought it was Black Panther, with the tooth necklace and no cape.

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

 Orlanth wrote:

We are in the same boat here. You recognise the value of the stretchgoals and see them as the main point in turning up.
I cannot advise you as to what you want. I am getting Sewers for all my village core options, my main question is how many village pledges do I want, which is linked to how many multiple stretchgoal sets and townsfolk army units do I need to make use of them properly*. Its the guiding factor.
Which rooms to buy is a true afterthought. Roofs can be handy, but city streets are a waste of plastic, get a two sided gaming mat with cobbles on one side for your urban terrain. Also your streets will have a hard edge with connectors. You can ignore the connectors edge if they are in the 'void' of a dungeon wall on the black cloth mat, or other neutral surface. But the legoised edge of a continuous terrain piece that blends onto more terrain would be jarring.
* Unless things change in the stretchgoals, or things are shaken up by a new room type that needs a lot of attention, the answer appears to be three.

Yeah, I'm just going a single pledge since I already have more models than I'll ever paint, so I don't need to make a new army out of the Guards, and the NPC townsfolk will likely be all the rabble I'll need for my purposes. I was hopinng that in the way one "core" can be traded for two "rooms" that it would work in the reverse way so I could trade in two rooms for a second sewers, but it doesn't seem to be the case. I've got a few different mats already, but given how limted the "room" sets are unless you have a ton of them, the streets looked like they might be the most useful since I'm more of a wargamer/skimish gamer, and am happy with card tiles for RPGS (and will buy a FDM printer eventually anyway). So in that the streets seemed not great, but better than roofless buildings. It'd be those or the gimmick "lava" room as a "maybe I'll think of something cool to do with this one day?" option...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Grumpy Gnome wrote:

My wife and I tried to get a better idea of what we would need to pledge for to creat buildings using bits we got from D&L 2. picture a roof on the hall on the right, the yard on the left with the Dwarven Forge fountain and Hagglethorn Hollow statues being open air with the half walls. Not perfect but you can see the beginning of a decent medieval fantasy church.

Without derailing this thread too much (so I won't add links) but you might be interested in some of the Pegasus Hobbies stuff as well....

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/05/12 12:23:51

Made in de
Dakka Veteran

 lord_blackfang wrote:
I thought it was Black Panther, with the tooth necklace and no cape.

Fair point, I’ll have that. Still makes me wonder what superhero is next.

As for Pegasus Hobbies, we use some of their stone walls…. albeit with some personal modifications.


Rick, the Grumpy Gnome

Made in nl
Regular Dakkanaut

I'm mostly in it for the stretch goals and minis (never enough townsfolk and furniture for me) with the tiles as a bonus. And as some others are, I'm planning on turning them all into a few extra buildings. The basic idea so far is to get the fantasy core to be used as the ground floors that have been a bit neglected. On top of that would come either the Tudor or the wood for the living quarters and then a set of roofs. I'm only a bit concerned that the Tudor will look a bit too fancy on top of the basic dungeon walls which are a bit more run-down.

Made in us
Been Around the Block

 DaveC wrote:
 Alpharius wrote:
I'm in it for the building...so, could some kind soul figure out what the best way to do that would be?

I'm currently in for a Town Pledge, which I think I'd use to get a mix of 5 actual room sets (not sure if castle, wooden or Tudor) and 2 roof sets, figuring in at least a few 2 story buildings...

Does this sound about right?

Here's what a Village (5 Rooms) can build if you take 1 Roof 1 Stone Tower (better for buildings than the Castle theme), 1 Wooden Cottage and 2 Tudor - these can be swapped around a bit and still build the same. It's not optimal and there's a few compromises - The 2nd 2 Storey Tudor building needs 2 cottage parts to work and the while there is enough trims they may not be of the correct theme. The more you vary the design from a square block the more parts it takes the less you can build. I didn't work out floors as there's more than enough and there will be plenty leftover.

In total a Village set should make 2 x 2 Storey buildings and 2 x 1 Storey cottages - you could combine the two 1 storey buildngs into a single 2 storey building and have a few bits left to expand the other 2 storey buildings a bit maybe stretch 1 into an L shape?. A Town pledge should make double but I'd go Village x2 and swap the 2nd townsfolk for another room for 11 in total that might stretch to 9 buildings.

These diagrams are really helpful. How would your estimates/plans evolve if you used the Core Sets to build a "foundation" floor, and put the Room Sets above as the second story? Presumably there would be enough walls and floors to extend any of these estimates at least one story higher, but I'm wondering if there would be enough left over to create various L-shaped extensions that might leave you short on roofs, but justify an additional crenelation or balustrade add-on to create balconies.
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

I have the whole Pegasus gothic ruins range, it's fantastic for games like Frostgrave.

As to what I'd use D&L for, I was pretty impressed with the procedurally generated dungeon game mode of Cursed City so something like that. I'm thinking 10-15 self-contained dungeon "rooms" of varying shapes and sizes and a few corridors, with randomized rotation and entryways should give enough variety. Finding enjoyable rules will be a challenge but it always is.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/05/12 12:46:48

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in gb
Highlord with a Blackstone Fortress

Adrift within the vortex of my imagination.

 DaveC wrote:
 Alpharius wrote:
I'm in it for the building...so, could some kind soul figure out what the best way to do that would be?

I'm currently in for a Town Pledge, which I think I'd use to get a mix of 5 actual room sets (not sure if castle, wooden or Tudor) and 2 roof sets, figuring in at least a few 2 story buildings...

Does this sound about right?

Here's what a Village (5 Rooms) can build if you take 1 Roof 1 Stone Tower (better for buildings than the Castle theme), 1 Wooden Cottage and 2 Tudor - these can be swapped around a bit and still build the same. It's not optimal and there's a few compromises - The 2nd 2 Storey Tudor building needs 2 cottage parts to work and the while there is enough trims they may not be of the correct theme. The more you vary the design from a square block the more parts it takes the less you can build. I didn't work out floors as there's more than enough and there will be plenty leftover.

In total a Village set should make 2 x 2 Storey buildings and 2 x 1 Storey cottages - you could combine the two 1 storey buildings into a single 2 storey building and have a few bits left to expand the other 2 storey buildings a bit maybe stretch 1 into an L shape?. A Town pledge should make double but I'd go Village x2 and swap the 2nd townsfolk for another room for 11 in total that might stretch to 9 buildings.

Thank you Dave C for your in depth workout.
I still prefer to shorten it to 1 village = 2 buildings of 4x2 2 storeys.
But that doesnt account for getting the most every piece.

While I appreciate getting the most out of every tile and wall my main problem here is that you showcase on 2x2 buildings of one or more storeys. In practicality this means one room per storey.
This forfeits the one advantage Woodhaven might have as a building system, the ability to make variant interiors (other than furnishings).

With one or two storey 2x2 buildings as the build goal I would thoroughly recommend Dakkaites getting hold of Tabletop Workshop buildings and outfit them with Dungeons and Lasers bits.


I specifically referred to Dakkaites as that advice could suffice for those who read this thread but is not a universal truth. Tabletop Workshop has been out of business since 2015, you can get their buildings and at a fair price, so long as not everyone is looking.

The above pictures showcase all six: Town House, Merchant House, Chapel, Barn, Cottage and Stables. All have the same assembly method and footprint, the Town House and Merchant House include an additional piece for a wooden floor to the upper level. Windows will be a little low for 28mm but not unreasonable for actual medieval houses which could have low windows. You will need to add a 28mm flat door to the doorway on the outside. You can overlook doing that from the inside and get away with it.

Buy smart and you can pick up a dozen of these for about the price of a Village pledge, but as with all OOP stuff prices vary tremendously.

 lord_blackfang wrote:
My D&L inventory so far is

2x D&L 1 Stretch Goals
4x D&L 2 Stretch Goals
7 Dragons
So I'm starting from scratch on the tile part but I have a nice starting pool of furniture (plus I have all Mantic Terraincrates).

Does that mean you just bought the dragon pledge and extra stretch goal boxes? If so and you havent got into the tile dungeons and evidently dont want to continue as before.
But my comments from earlier remain valid. You get enough with stretchgoals you might as well have the main pledge.

I bought some Mantic Terrain crate, but not all, it wasnt quite as a good a value, even with the Kickstarter bonuses. Mantic did a far better job with composition of its Terrain crate sets, there is a lot of useful genericity and no waste. Every model helps fill the background, tell a story or define a space.
However while composition was superior manufacturing quality is not. Terrain Crate varies from passable to utter crud. Too many fiddly things made of soft plastic, a crying shame.

The one exception was not actually Terrain crate but the scenario objective add ons (initially) for Vanguard. Not only did they do a good sculpt and use a better plastic but tghese items really tell a story and are so useful. Total recommendation coming:


 lord_blackfang wrote:

My thought process is this:

I want Townsfolk and Stretch Goals

That's 29+25€

It's only 31€ more to pledge Village and get terrain plus Nubble, Pepe, Dragon... basically terrain is free.

Correct. Don't just buy stretchgoals. For D&L2 rather than getting a stretchgoal box I would get a small Dungeon pledge get five rooms (let us assume I didnt want them for now), a stretchgoal set, a dragon of my choice and a chinese dragon. That is about even and I could sell the rooms.

 lord_blackfang wrote:

However, if I want a useful amount, I feel like I need some more than just 1 Village. Fantasy Core is the best value by far, being more than 4 rooms worth of floors and walls for the cost of only 2 rooms or 34€. So let's add it as an Add On.

But now let's imagine I bought two Fantasy Cores for 68€. At this point it's only 17€ more to get a second Village instead, with almost exactly the same amount of tiles (1 Core and 4 Rooms) but with different style options, plus another set of SG. If I use a second KS account for the pledge I can also score a second Pepe and Dragon, at the cost of two separate shipping charges.

So here I am on two independent Village Pledges to get, probably, 2x Fantasy Core, 3-4 Dwarven Mine, 1-2 each Torture Chamber, Lava Cave and Warlock Altar, to hopefully have a good ratio of modularity vs variety (only getting 1 room in a style is very, very limited in the layouts you can do without leftovers).

But really I'm buying a second Village just to make the "free" terrain from my first Village useful. Eh? The option is constantly gnawing at the back of my mind to just cancel everything and buy a few spools of 3d print filament instead.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

You have put up with my TED, so happy to return favour.
What you are saying is sound.
If I were late to the dungeon party and wanted in now I would do something similar.

Fantasy core is the way to go. I would get three core.

Dwarven Mine is a style that should have been made into a coreset, and just drop the word dwarven. I ended up with five mine sets in order to have enough mine for a mine. This will be inefficient the alternative to going big is going home. Make mines caves out of polystyrene and cut the cave/mine walls with a polystyrene cutter, mount them on sturdy card and make modular cave/mine sections. You could make a transition pierce and hot glue on some D&L so there can be a connector to the dungeon system all mines eventually tunnel into (or the other way around).
In hindsight I should have done that, but didn't and I have the mines now. Even so 5 sets doesn't give me that much.

All other room sets should be 0-1 until you are ready do drop a lot more. You don't really need them as rooms, even individual tiles and walls mixed in has the same effect and remember they are double sided. The Warlock tileset long wall has a huge pentagram on one side and a wall length bookcase the other. It is not subtle. Just that one wall will be enough to convey a library or fane, and remember each wall also conveys both. If you have an altar room on one side you automatically have a library on the other. The only way around that is to have the other side of the wall in the void. Now the Warlock room set is a more extreme theme product but most are like that to some extent. The Hall of Heroes does work as a room set, but you don't need that for more than one room. Hold on a moment I need to cough.... thanks for your patience.... just choking on my hypocrisy for a moment there, I have three.

Yep, I am a terrain whale.

I do believe if you drop money on D&L dungeons you will not regret the purchase, but get three village pledges worth of dungeon stuff to do it properly, though you can do with less if your budget will not stretch.
Yes do buy the open doors but expect to have some unfilled doorways and some doors left over. You can do some conversion work in some cases.

 Grumpy Gnome wrote:
I am glad they added doors for the new building doorways… I really did not want to see Doorgate 2.

They do not open though.

 Grumpy Gnome wrote:

Is it just me or are we seeing a medieval fantasy Thor (Royal Guard) and Batman (Mountain Knight) in the stretchgoals already? Are there other superheroes I missed?

I am not very observant, and completely missed this theme going on until you pointed it out.

 Grumpy Gnome wrote:

Does it feel to you like there are several different artists designing different miniatures with different aesthetics rather than a single aesthetic vision tying them all together?

It seems more to me that there is a cohesive art style, but the directing mind has the attention span of a butterfly.

 Grumpy Gnome wrote:

My wife and I tried to get a better idea of what we would need to pledge for to creat buildings using bits we got from D&L 2. picture a roof on the hall on the right, the yard on the left with the Dwarven Forge fountain and Hagglethorn Hollow statues being open air with the half walls. Not perfect but you can see the beginning of a decent medieval fantasy church.

1. Tabletop Workshop - Pre built plastic buildings. Requires successful search check to source.
2. Townbuilder Unlimited - Simplified CAD for home design generic buildings. https://www.townsmith.de/shop#versions Requires design skill checks.
3. City of Tarok - STL files. Amazing buildings at a decent price. https://www.blackscrollsgames.com/kickstarter-pledge/. Requires reading existing Dakka thread HERE

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/05/12 13:20:44

n'oublie jamais - It appears I now have to highlight this again.

It is by tea alone I set my mind in motion. By the juice of the brew my thoughts aquire speed, my mind becomes strained, the strain becomes a warning. It is by tea alone I set my mind in motion. 
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

Regarding the doors, I feel like the default 3 open doorways per room set is plenty, and as for functional doors, most of us probably prioritize just being able to mark doorways as open or closed, not really fussed about literal working hinges. So it wouldn't be too hard to CAD up printable doors that can just be popped in and out of the doorway, especially as Archon released doorway STLs so we already have a digital negative image of the shape.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/05/12 13:26:43

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in gb
Highlord with a Blackstone Fortress

Adrift within the vortex of my imagination.

The doorways are fragile enough with HIPS plastic. 3d printed doorways will likely fall apart lickety split.

I wasn't too enthusiastic about that 'solution'.during the door problem.

n'oublie jamais - It appears I now have to highlight this again.

It is by tea alone I set my mind in motion. By the juice of the brew my thoughts aquire speed, my mind becomes strained, the strain becomes a warning. It is by tea alone I set my mind in motion. 
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

I mean just print a door "cork" you can plug into the plastic doorway.

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in ie
Fixture of Dakka

KipCujo wrote:
 DaveC wrote:
 Alpharius wrote:
I'm in it for the building...so, could some kind soul figure out what the best way to do that would be?

I'm currently in for a Town Pledge, which I think I'd use to get a mix of 5 actual room sets (not sure if castle, wooden or Tudor) and 2 roof sets, figuring in at least a few 2 story buildings...

Does this sound about right?

Here's what a Village (5 Rooms) can build if you take 1 Roof 1 Stone Tower (better for buildings than the Castle theme), 1 Wooden Cottage and 2 Tudor - these can be swapped around a bit and still build the same. It's not optimal and there's a few compromises - The 2nd 2 Storey Tudor building needs 2 cottage parts to work and the while there is enough trims they may not be of the correct theme. The more you vary the design from a square block the more parts it takes the less you can build. I didn't work out floors as there's more than enough and there will be plenty leftover.

In total a Village set should make 2 x 2 Storey buildings and 2 x 1 Storey cottages - you could combine the two 1 storey buildngs into a single 2 storey building and have a few bits left to expand the other 2 storey buildings a bit maybe stretch 1 into an L shape?. A Town pledge should make double but I'd go Village x2 and swap the 2nd townsfolk for another room for 11 in total that might stretch to 9 buildings.

These diagrams are really helpful. How would your estimates/plans evolve if you used the Core Sets to build a "foundation" floor, and put the Room Sets above as the second story? Presumably there would be enough walls and floors to extend any of these estimates at least one story higher, but I'm wondering if there would be enough left over to create various L-shaped extensions that might leave you short on roofs, but justify an additional crenelation or balustrade add-on to create balconies.

The main limitation is the number of roof pieces you will only get 4 buildings from a roof room set. You can definitely use the Fantasy core to build the ground floors and stretch the footprint but keep in mind that there will be no windows on the ground floor if you do that. I certainly wouldn't use fantasy core on the first floors just to add height. 1 Roof, 1 Fantasy Core, 2 Tudor and a Balustrade add on will get you something like the attached you should get 2 versions of the first design so again 4 buildings. There will be a good bit of fantasy core left over.

Orlanth I agree as I said these are suboptimal designs to maximise bits the more you use the less buildings you get 3x2 or 4x2 would give greater flexibility but half your number of buildings. I've mocked up a Castle House that I think will need 2 Castle rooms, 1 Roof, 1 Tudor, 3 Battlements and probably 1/2 a fantasy core for the ground floor. That's a village in one building with some bits left over. Open doors can also be used as archways.

[Thumb - IMG-1095.jpg]

[Thumb - IMG-1096.jpg]

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/05/12 14:11:23

Made in de
Dakka Veteran

Considering the fragility of the functional doors that folks keep taking about, I am ok with permanently doors. I prefer that to open doorways on the exterior.

We are not getting into 3d printing any time soon.

Tabletop Workshop is something we will keep our eyes open for. We have used Renedra before (and I will likely used Renedra Middle Eastern buildings in the future) but have not tried Tabletop Workshop yet.

EDIT: I really wish we could get more stone tower and wooden walls without windows. The boarded up look of the Fantasy Core set puts me off using the Fantasy Core set walls as windowless stone walls.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/05/12 14:12:58

Rick, the Grumpy Gnome

Made in gb
Highlord with a Blackstone Fortress

Adrift within the vortex of my imagination.

 lord_blackfang wrote:
I mean just print a door "cork" you can plug into the plastic doorway.

Just downloaded the files for a look. Only the doorways are available, which is same as what I had heard.

 DaveC wrote:

Orlanth I agree as I said these are suboptimal designs to maximise bits the more you use the less buildings you get 3x2 or 4x2 would give greater flexibility but half your number of buildings. I've mocked up a Castle House that I think will need 2 Castle rooms, 1 Roof, 1 Tudor, 3 Battlements and probably 1/2 a fantasy core for the ground floor. That's a village in one building with some bits left over. Open doors can also be used as archways.

I like your castle design, good use of the product..

I prefer mine:
Zvezda Medieval Stone Castle

Made of modular subsections which makes the kit very useful for kitbashers. 1:72 scale, but only the doors are to that scale, 28mm models work fine so long as the doors are replaced. Oddly the battlements and windows are better with 28mm.
or the 'upgraded' version:
Zvezda Royal Castle

Has wall section upgrades and added bitz. Usually substantially more expensive.

Do shop around for this stuff. I bought out the Zvezda castle stock of a small model shop outside Paris which had been sitting on some shelves for about a decade. Very shop worn but undamaged, you could just tell it was a cobweb gatherer. This is odd as these sets go out of stock rapidly elsewhere. anyway I bought two of each kit, and a Lancelot castle set which looks very kitsch but is compatible and has unique bitz for castle building.
Unlike Woodhaven you will have to glue the keeps together, though you can make the wall sections separately and the towers. The Medieval Stone Castle was late rerun, I bought my pair of that kits from a German website which does get restocks. You can find all this stuff if you look for it hard enough, and can get a decent price if you are patient.
You get a working portcullis and drawbridge in each set if that helps. Though interiors are NOT sculpted so you will need to handle that yourself. But with a little planning (evidently a stregth of yours) you can have a very good semi modular quality castle set, and yes Archon products can furnish the castle and provide interior walls of the keep.

 Grumpy Gnome wrote:

Tabletop Workshop is something we will keep our eyes open for. We have used Renedra before (and I will likely used Renedra Middle Eastern buildings in the future) but have not tried Tabletop Workshop yet.

EDIT: I really wish we could get more stone tower and wooden walls without windows. The boarded up look of the Fantasy Core set puts me off using the Fantasy Core set walls as windowless stone walls.

Renedra has nice stuff but it is not modular or easy to kitbash.

Now Warlord Games has active stock of Tabletop Workshop buildings and imply they can be made to order. So maybe they have the licence and molds, but are not actively plugging the line and are only selling on request.
However, it promises to be an active source and may be worth a check. The website is hard to navigate to get to the items.


You might be better off contacting Warlord Games and asking for the rest. You can get them now though. Price is not bad for a building, keep them one room per level though, that is not unusual for medival houses, but glue in some Archon furniture bits. You may wish to not use the base thy come with to avoid the interior raise and better use 28mm minis inside.
For doors get Mantic doors if you cant get old GW ones and make a press mold and make a veneer of the door out of green stuff, file the 25mm door flat and add the new door.

n'oublie jamais - It appears I now have to highlight this again.

It is by tea alone I set my mind in motion. By the juice of the brew my thoughts aquire speed, my mind becomes strained, the strain becomes a warning. It is by tea alone I set my mind in motion. 
Made in de
Dakka Veteran

Being located in Germany, ordering directly from Warlord Games is a hassle since Brexit…. Which is a shame, I used to order from them directly, particularly during their sprue sales…. but not the last one, thanks to Brexit.

Rick, the Grumpy Gnome

Made in ie
Fixture of Dakka

I actually have 2 Zvezda castles some parts are out of scale for AoS others like the walls have no defined scale. They are a great source for kit bashing alright but I wouldn’t use one out of the box. I intend to use the Zvezda castle wall panels to make the lower retaining walls where dual sided detail isn’t required if I go ahead with Castle House to save on material costs it will probably end up nearly 2 foot x 1.5 foot and needs to be game friendly.

The Renedra castle is nice but getting onto the pricey side and there are so many gaps that need filing it just doesn’t go together well.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/05/12 15:23:45

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

 Orlanth wrote:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
I mean just print a door "cork" you can plug into the plastic doorway.

Just downloaded the files for a look. Only the doorways are available, which is same as what I had heard.

Yes, but the doorway is a negative image of the door, shouldn't be hard to trace the hole and CAD up a matching door. If nobody else will I'll do it for the themes I buy.

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Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in gb
Highlord with a Blackstone Fortress

Adrift within the vortex of my imagination.

 Grumpy Gnome wrote:
Being located in Germany, ordering directly from Warlord Games is a hassle since Brexit…. Which is a shame, I used to order from them directly, particularly during their sprue sales…. but not the last one, thanks to Brexit.

I could help there. Though I would have to reship without the packaging or otherwise altered in a way to make the product second hand then it has an arbitrary value You don't need instructions to assemble (which on the box lid inside).

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 DaveC wrote:
I actually have 2 Zvezda castles some parts are out of scale for AoS others like the walls have no defined scale. They are a great source for kit bashing alright but I wouldn’t use one out of the box. I intend to use the Zvezda castle wall panels to make the lower retaining walls where dual sided detail isn’t required if I go ahead with Castle House to save on material costs it will probably end up nearly 2 foot x 1.5 foot and needs to be game friendly.

AOS isn't 28mm anymore. D&L doorways would likely actually help a lot to make a Zvezda castle function for AOS. Primaris marines can fit in (most) D&L doorways.

 DaveC wrote:

The Renedra castle is nice but getting onto the pricey side and there are so many gaps that need filing it just doesn’t go together well.

Thanks for that. I was going to buy a Renedra keep to mix it up a bit as a stand alone item. But I had not heard from someone who built one. I certainly didn't need an extra keep, maybe I will not bother.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/05/12 15:30:41

n'oublie jamais - It appears I now have to highlight this again.

It is by tea alone I set my mind in motion. By the juice of the brew my thoughts aquire speed, my mind becomes strained, the strain becomes a warning. It is by tea alone I set my mind in motion. 
Made in de
Dakka Veteran

Thanks for the offer Orlanth. I used to live in the UK for a decade, so have people there who can do the same but it is very generous of you to offer. I hate bothering folks with things like that in general, except on very rare cases. It is nice to see someone offer to help a relative stranger on the internet though. Thanks for that.

Rick, the Grumpy Gnome

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

Breaking news, Archon will be throwing in sprues of sculpted Woodhaven bases to cover all Townsfolk and Stretch Goal minis.

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Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
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Fixture of Dakka

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Breaking news, Archon will be throwing in sprues of sculpted Woodhaven bases to cover all Townsfolk and Stretch Goal minis.

I assumed they came with the bases but at least this confirms they do

Ok to be clear on this. It meant to be a surprise for you but OK, let me blow it. Every model, including SG will have sculpted bases. We have prepared a pack (sprue full of bases) that will go with townfolks (as shown on miniature renders) and the same pack will go with SG models. So there will be for sure a bit more bases to choose from when you assembly your models, plus it will give you some assembly flexibility. Some model : Troll, Giant, Dragon and 48h model will have their own sculpted base that will be on models sprue (as they will be probably separate sprues). That pack will also include that necromancer base.

So that's 120+ 25 and 50mm sculpted HIPs bases as well included for the €85 pledge - GW charge €30 for 70 sculpted bases.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/05/12 19:48:47

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

And now also a confirmation in the comments that Sewers and Lava Cave will be offered in the same array of transparent colours.

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Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in us

 Vain wrote:
 Orlanth wrote:

It sounds very wrong.

Town grants you 11 rooms, 1 Townsfolk and 1 stretchgoal set for 169 Euro.
2x Village grants you 10 rooms, 2 Townsfolk and 2 stretchgoals for 170 Euro

Dilute all City or Town pledges into multiple villages. To buy the extra room for a Village pledge will cost 17 Euro, to buy an extra stretchgoal costs 25 Euro.


1. More stretchgoals are better, and you would be advised to pick up D&L1 and D&L2 stretchgoals as they will furnish your buildings.

Thanks a bunch for this comment. I didn't realise difference this would make.
Definitely going to do this to take advantage of duplicated Stretch Goals and Villagers at the cost of 1 room.

Indeed - thank you for the breakdown!

 DaveC wrote:
 Alpharius wrote:
I'm in it for the building...so, could some kind soul figure out what the best way to do that would be?

I'm currently in for a Town Pledge, which I think I'd use to get a mix of 5 actual room sets (not sure if castle, wooden or Tudor) and 2 roof sets, figuring in at least a few 2 story buildings...

Does this sound about right?

Here's what a Village (5 Rooms) can build if you take 1 Roof 1 Stone Tower (better for buildings than the Castle theme), 1 Wooden Cottage and 2 Tudor - these can be swapped around a bit and still build the same. It's not optimal and there's a few compromises - The 2nd 2 Storey Tudor building needs 2 cottage parts to work and the while there is enough trims they may not be of the correct theme. The more you vary the design from a square block the more parts it takes the less you can build. I didn't work out floors as there's more than enough and there will be plenty leftover.

In total a Village set should make 2 x 2 Storey buildings and 2 x 1 Storey cottages - you could combine the two 1 storey buildngs into a single 2 storey building and have a few bits left to expand the other 2 storey buildings a bit maybe stretch 1 into an L shape?. A Town pledge should make double but I'd go Village x2 and swap the 2nd townsfolk for another room for 11 in total that might stretch to 9 buildings.

Thank you too Dave - your breakdowns and sketches are fantastic, and very helpful!

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/05/12 22:17:49

Made in gb
Highlord with a Blackstone Fortress

Adrift within the vortex of my imagination.

Why does Archon do as they do? Why do they have an entry pledge which is more efficient than higher level pledges, unlike most Kickstarters.

The answer is that they make more money by channelling your thinking.

Think on this: What is your pledge? Village, town or city? Small, medium or large dungeon?

Multiple villages most here now say, and multiple small dungeons. We can see a bargain, or at least most people can. Some cant and buy their pledge, but two thirds are in it at village level and a high proportion of those will be in at multiple village level, either now or in the pledge manager.

Everyone likes a bargain and we see the bargain in the large free stretchgoals, and we know to get two villages over a town and three villages over a city.
What this means is a genuine saving, but not necessarily less spending.
What Archon has done during this is to condition us not to think 'what is your pledge', but 'how many pledges will you make'.
Multiple pledges need not stop at two or three, whereas if there are larger pledges, while you can buy more most will not even think to do so.

Do not think you are playing the system by making multiple village pledges and maxing out stretchgoals. Archon are fine with that. Though they did overdo it last time and the free dragons became a loss leader.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2021/05/12 23:21:39

n'oublie jamais - It appears I now have to highlight this again.

It is by tea alone I set my mind in motion. By the juice of the brew my thoughts aquire speed, my mind becomes strained, the strain becomes a warning. It is by tea alone I set my mind in motion. 
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

Ha ha very true. It's like the Medium drink that is the worst value for money and exists only to sell Large drinks.

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40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in gb
Highlord with a Blackstone Fortress

Adrift within the vortex of my imagination.

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Ha ha very true. It's like the Medium drink that is the worst value for money and exists only to sell Large drinks.

Not quite, all sizes sell, and there is a mental jump between buying the supersize and buying two. On that note I only order from the £1 menu at McDonalds and Burger King. However most people come in for the big burgers costing £4, I get four burgers for that and end up with more, and more variety than the delux burger because I mix in the chicken and fish burger options. But I do not consider the bigger burgers to be a mental channel for the £1 menu, most people don't order the budget items. That being said I don't go to burger joints often, normally only when travelling.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
We have crossed the 800K Euro threshold and the giant is unlocked.
Archon have been quick on this to update the campaign screen to show this milestone has been achieved already.

Remember the giant is one per customer, not one per pledge.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/05/13 14:40:29

n'oublie jamais - It appears I now have to highlight this again.

It is by tea alone I set my mind in motion. By the juice of the brew my thoughts aquire speed, my mind becomes strained, the strain becomes a warning. It is by tea alone I set my mind in motion. 
Made in ie
Fixture of Dakka

€800,000 reached and the Giant is unlocked as mentioned it’s 1 per backer not pledge and it’s not included in the €25 SG pack. I'd say the funding is about 4 days ahead of schedule as this was probably a last 48 hour goal. The troll might be doable today as well

Vote for a fountain design - classic is like the AoS one but it's my preferred choice as it's generic.

Fire Elemental sculpt

Wooden Cottage Room is finished and tooled and is now rapid delivery - remember if you are pledging for multiple villages keep all the Rapid Delivery stuff in the same pledge set as you pay RD postage per pledge.

And the base sprue WIP

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/05/13 14:57:39

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

I'm going to be the angry whale again and say they might as well not do votes as the most generic option always wins, and in my book generic does not mean "most useful" it means "I already have this because 5 other companies already sell it"

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Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
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