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The Righteous

This is my Space Marine Army with my own Chapter... The RIGHTEOUS. Basically a Vanilla, (Ultra Marine) chapter. Troop heavy, can plop 2500 pts. of Marines on the table with over 80 models!!! Razorbacks and Dreadnaughts all have interchangable weapons systems. Razoreback can be converted quickly to Rhinos for more Troop carrying capabilities.

Entire Army on display.

Units, starting with Troops.

Razorback. Vet. Sgt. Bolt Pistol and Power Sword. 4 Bolters & 1 Flamer.

Vet. Sgt. Storm Bolter. 7 Bolters & 1 Flamer.

Razorback. Vet. Sgt. Bolt Pistol and Power Fist. 4 Bolters & 1 Plasmagun.

Vet. Sgt. Storm Bolter. 7 Bolters & 1 Flamer.

Razorback. Vet. Sgt. Bolt Pistol and Power Sword. 3 Bolters, 1 Missle Launcher & 1 Meltagun.

Scout Squad Sgt. Bolt Pistol & Chain Sword 1 Bolt Pistol & Sword 2 Bolters & 1 Heavy Bolter.

Units: HQ

Rhino Captain Azarias, Iron Halo, Bolt Pistol & Power Sword. Apothecary, Vet. Sgt. Bolt Pistol and Power Sword. 5 Bolters & 1 Flamer.

HQ Option

Librarian Draco, Storm Bolter, Force Weapon, Terminator Armour. Sgt. Power Sword & Storm Bolter 4 Storm Bolters with Power Fists.

HQ Master and Chaplain.

Master Tyrainious, Artificer Armour Bolter & Power Weapon. Chaplain, Kleitos (Reclusiarch)

Units: Elites

Dreadnought - Argos.

Dreadnought Damianos.

Units: Fast Attack

1st Assault Squad. Vet. Sgt. Bolt Pistol and Power Sword. 5 Bolt Pistol and Chainsword & 1 Plasma Pistol & Chainsword.

Vet. Sgt. Bolt Pistol and Power Fist. 7 Bolt Pistol and Chainsword.

Units: Heavy

4 Missle Launchers. 5 Bolters.

I have played this Army at Tournaments, cCubs and a few stores. Most games however have been at home with my son and or wife. Certainly a fun Army as one gets some real looks when I start deploying close to 80 models in a 2K game :).

Comments are welcome and I hope you like the Pics!!!



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