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User:5th C Dark Angels

Full Army Photo

i am playing this dark angels army through the standard space marine codex, while the dark angels codex is still viable and the special characters and abilities within it are good i find that the higher point costs and the inability of take certian new units like the ironclad deadnought as a major short coming. i am hoping for a new codex in the future and when it arrives i will without hesitation transfer back to it, but in the meantime i find that the standard marine codex is a bit better.

missing from this are 3 attack bikes, 10 tactical marines, a dev team, and a whirlwind wich are all in various stages of assembly and painting

Unit Photos

This is Cypher the fallen a chaos lord model that i have worked into my army and i play him as a chapter master or a captain

i made this banner using the emperior generals kit from warhammer fantasy. i also have magnets between the standard and the bearer so that i can swap standards and use this as a battle feild objective if i so wish

the polearms that the two vet's at the front carry i custom build using the blade of a chain sword, the arm and shaft of a thunder hammer, and the base and counder weight is a shaved down dwarf hatchet

this is my rendition of deathwing master Belial, he is a standard terminator lord model

Army List

1500 point list i recently played this list in a local tourney. in three battles i tabled my first opponent ( hordy orks) beat my second opponent by one kill point ( hordy Guard) and got wiped in my third match by deep striking new nids monster build

HQ - Captain - 150 o Melta Bombs – 5 o Plasma Pistol - 15 o Power sword – 15 o Auxiliary Grenade launcher - 15


- Tactical squad - 185 o 5 additional marines - 80 o Flamer - free o Missile Launcher – 10 o Melta Bombs– 5

- Tactical Squad - 185 o 5 Additional Marines - 80 o Melta Gun - 5 o Plasma Cannon - 5 o Melta Bombs - 5

- Scouts -95 o 4 Sniper Rifles o Camo Cloaks X 5 – 15

- Sergeant Telion - 50

Dedicated Transport - Rhino - 35


- Dreadnought - 125 o Twin-Linked Auto Cannon - 10 o Missile Launcher – 10

- Iron Clad Dreadnought - 140 o Hurricane Pattern Bolter – free o Chain fist with Heavy Flamer - 5

Fast Attack

Land Speeder Squadron - Land Speeder “A” - 70 o MultiMelta – 10 o Heavy Flamer - 10

- Land Speeder “B” - 90 o Heavy Bolter – free o Typhoon Missile System – 40

- Land Speeder “C” - 70 o MultiMelta – 10 o Heavy Flamer - 10

Heavy Support

- Predator - 85 o Auto Cannon – free o Heavy Bolter Sponsons – 25

- Predator -85 o Auto Cannon – free o Heavy Bolter Sponsons – 25

- Vindicator - 125

Total Points: 1490

1000 points Dark Angel s force

this is a 1000 point force that i am using in weekly 1000 point matches at the local store. the whirlwind is a new addition and i am eager to play test it in my army.

HQ - Captain - 130 o Plasma Pistol – 15 o Auxiliary Grenade launcher – 15


Tactical squad - 185 5 additional marines - 80 Flamer - free Missile Launcher – 10 Melta Bombs– 5

Tactical Squad - 185 5 Additional Marines - 80 Melta Gun - 5 Plasma Cannon - 5 Melta Bombs - 5

Dedicated Transport Rhino - 35

Fast Attack

Land Speeder Squadron Land Speeder “A” - 70 MultiMelta – 10 Heavy Flamer - 10

Elite Iron Clad Dreadnought - 140 Hurricane Pattern Bolter – free Chain fist with Heavy Flamer - 5

Heavy Support

Predator - 85 Auto Cannon – free Heavy Bolter Sponsons – 25

Predator -85 Auto Cannon – free Heavy Bolter Sponsons – 25

Whirlwind - 85

Total: 1000 points

Why I Started This Army

i really just like the look and feel of the army. the robes, the watchers in the dark, and of course being the 1st legion of the emperor is pretty cool and is something that you can hold over other latter legions. the fluff behind the legion is also really cool stuff, the fallen, watchers in the dark , where the primarch is and the theories on why cypher is heading to terra to kill the emperor


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