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User:Daemon-Archon Ren

Full Army Photo


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Army List

I am building a Suns of Damnation Titan Legion for Apoc and was going for about 3k pts (4 exact) worth of Warhounds, 2-3 reavers, 1-2 Warlords and an Imperator titan to round out the list at around 9K (9 being Tzeentches magic number) The 4 scouts would be for smaller apoc,

I would probably run a list like this if I were on "my own team" for an apoc game.

An Oracle Class Scout titan 750 pts

A 'Magus' Class Reaver Titan 1350 total 2100 pts

"The Hand of Fate" a 'World Changer' class Warlord Titan 2500 pts total 4600 pts

"IX" a 'transmutation' class Warmonger Titan 4000 pts, total 8600 pts.

Silver Tower of Tzeentch, 400 pts total 9000 pts

Aetaos'rau'keres 999pts total total 9999pts.

Good for a 10k point Apoc game if I do say so myself ;)

Why I Started This Army

My group has started doing more Apoc games and I've always been a minimalist when it comes to 40K (trading less models for high effectiveness ones.) so titans are right up my alley! I enjoy thousand sons and Tzeentch so this is a "dream list" if you will. My budget for this list is about 1200$USD (tho it will probably be cheaper as I already have my Orocle, Silver tower, and I should have Aetaos by the end of June.) 1800 for the full list (3 reavers, 2 warlords etc) and my ETA for completion is HOPEFULLY mid 2011, if things work out with my GF moving down and a chunk of my Gaming group working togeather to get a house, it will probably be much faster. *fingers crossed*. I will make sure to add pictures as they come about to fruition.




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