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Coming Soon The Centria Army Groupes are unequie in the fact that they are made up of 4 seperate planetary regiments, leading to a massive size compared to other Guard armies. The regiments include Lyoma Mech Guards, Saraian Red Berets, Feria Urban Storm Leigon, and Calliua Royal and Imperial Trenchers. The Centria System was isolated by a warp storm for 3000 years, leading to deviations from Imperial practices. The planets joined together to defend the system against chaos and orks. Though the planets differ greatly from each other, they work together well. Lyoma is the most agricultural world in the Centria system, but they do boast the best armoured units in the system and several large cities, they are generally considered the capitol of Centria. The Lyoma government is republic and elected Imperial Governer. Feria is one of the production centers of the system. Their planet is primarily made up of urbanized areas, the non urban areas are polluted. The Feria Urban Shock is considered to be some of the galexy's best urban fighters. Their governmet is a faciest governmet. Saraia is a jungle world that produces mostly guerilla soldiers and rubber and special luxery products. They only barely avoid a death world designation. Saraia is ruled by a counsel of elders. Calliua is a great Hive/Forge world that manufactures 60% of the Centria Army Groupe's equipment. The surface of the planet outside the hive walls is a massive nuclear wasteland. The Calliua Royal Hives and manufactiuroms compose 45% of the hive surface area and are ruled by a King or Queen, they are rivles of the Imperial Trenchers. The Imperial Hive Districts make up 55% of the Hives, they are ruled by a leader known as a Kaiser. Both Royal and Imperial Trenchers excel at trench warfare and seiges. The Royals excel at attrition wars due to their massive numbers, the Imperials excel at storming fortresses and trenches. The Ministorium, Mechanicus, and Munitorium consider them to be heretics for their less than devout nature, their disregard for regulations, and use of non STC tech. Their fate was sealed by a radical inquisitor lord, Aron Calas Davies. The said Inquisitor Lord =][= declared them "Great Imperial Worlds" that "Serve the Emperor loyaly and smite his enimes, their unorthodox methods meant nothing" So the Centria army groups began to act against the orks alongside commisar yarrick.

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Why I Started This Army

I love kitbashing and gasmasks, but I also love cadian pattern stuff so i built an army that can combine the three.


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