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Hey guys, Rennoc215 here.

So... Sorry about the lateness of this post (Been to lazy to actually make this page).

I have been observing these forums for over a year now, And only recently have I paid enough attention to make myself an account.

On this page I will post my different Ideas and my models/armies as they evolve.

Hive fleet Tactica:

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[Fluff] Hive fleet tactica has hit hard mainly near hive fleet dragon (Look it up in fantasy flight's game "Deathwatch"), spending most of it's time dueling with the Tau and Space marines, but they may attack a passing craftworld if it is convenient. Hive fleet tactica makes a great use of 'stealers and will strike when a location is at its weakest.

Tomb fleet Tactica:

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[Fluff] Tomb fleet Tactica appeared out of the mists on Daegon 5, a forge world where workers would strangely disappear, never to be seen again. They seem to be having the most conflict with the tau, as they are impeding the movement of progress. The active lord, Nae-446 has devised a dastardly plan to harvest the life from all the surrounding systems so that when they awaken their lesser C'tan, Kro-vesh, the awakening will be undisturbed, and Kro-vesh may once again rule as a mighty C'Tan!

Other armies:

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Modeling Ideas and models made for fun:

Currently working on gathering bits to continue my work on my Masters of Orion 2 models.


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