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(Incidentally, RAW don't exist in an epistemological sense. We all interpret the rules to a degree-- and while the text makes for a good point of reference, it is impossible to play a strictly RAW game, as we can never -know- what every rule means to every player (or to the creators, or the TO, etc). What is a dice roll? (can I drop the dice from a height, can I flick it, etc] When is a unit visible? Is that unit actually in cover? Can this model really see that unit? Etc, etc. The game requires such a huge degree of interpretation that trying to argue strict RAW is an impossible task.

All actual rules disagreements come down to RAI. It's nice to refer back to the text, but there's still going to be ambiguities in the text and in people's understanding that makes RAW an ideal myth.

RAP, in my mind, are the whole point of YMDC threads. Often these will be simple "RAW" answers to questions... but, for any actual dispute, RAI becomes the order of the day, hopefully leading to a reasonable RAP decision.


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