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I play orks because their codex fits my lifestyle best. 'Well', you might think. 'Do all her psyker attacks fail on a roll of 1 too?' I am sorry to disappoint you there, but that's not what I meant. What happens is that if I play a racing game like Project Gotham Racing, I will race too fast, too carelessly and end all my races rolling on the ramshackle table.

Ok, I am picky, and I might be a bit stubborn, but I try to do it according to the rules. My orks are blue (http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/262978.page), so I created fluff around it. I am new in this game (started june 2009), so i try to know the rules well. I have never before played a game like this. And i sure do like it. It's a steep learning curve, but not a stressful one.

That's about all from me :-) at this time.


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