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Space Marines - Beginner's Guide (6th Edition Update)

scribed by Wuestenfux

"And They Shall Know No Fear"

Space Marines are the most powerful and dreaded of all the human warriors in the 40k universe. Space Marines are genetically modified, psycho-conditioned and well trained warriors. Their task is to protect mankind from perfidious aliens, degenerate traitors, and treacherous rebels. The Space Marines are few in numbers and are organized into small independent armies called Chapters. A Chapter is made of one-thousand Space Marines and is further divided into ten companies each of which one-hundred Marines strong.

When building a Space Marines army, the best place to begin is the respective Codex. It describes all Space Marine units and their special rules. However the Codex does not teach how to efficiently configure Space Marine units. Moreover, it does not teach how to synthesize units to generate a successful Space Marine army. This article deals with building a Space Marine army from basic units. It shows ways to configure units and how to use them on the battle field. Based on the configuration of units, several sample army lists are given. Feel free to play test these lists. Have fun playing 40k.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Space Marine army should I choose?

There are about 1000 Space Marine chapters in the Warhammer 40 000 universe. Ultramarines form the basis of all chapters. A few chapters have their own Codex: Black Templars, Blood Angels. Dark Angels and Space Wolves. Other chapters diverged less from the Ultramarines and benefit from their special rules like Crimson Fists, Imperial Fists, Raven Guard, Salamanders, and White Scars. The chapter of Ultramarines is a good starting point. I suggest to collect an army of Ultramarines in the first place. They benefit from the default combat tactics which is still the best combat tactics out there. It allows to fall back and regroup. Regrouping is easier in the new edtion than it was before.

What is the best squad size of a Space Marine unit?

There are six missions in the 6th edition, five of them require troops as scoring units and one necessitates to accumulate kill points. In all missions, larger squads are better than smaller ones since they are more durable and have a greater impact.

How should I generally equip a Space Marine unit?

Each unit should be given a role and it should stick to this role (close combat, hold a mission object, etc.). As a general rule, keep the unit upgrades low (10-20%).

Head Quarters

Space Marine leaders have high leadership and high weapon skill. Therefore, a Space Marine leader should generally fill a close combat role rather than a shooting role. A lone Independent Character is a dead independent character. Therefore, a Space Marine leader should generally join a unit. A leader in power armor on foot should be accompanied by a Tactical or Elite (Sternguard) unit, a leader on bike should join a larger Bike squad, a leader with jump pack should lead an Assault squad, and a leader in tactical dreadnought armor should lead a Terminator unit.

Chapter Master

The Chapter Master is a good all-round leader of an army. He should definitely benefit from his higher initiative. There are two basic ways to configure him:

Chapter Master w/ relic blade, combi-melta, melta bombs – 180 pts
Chapter Master w/ terminator armor, lightning claw, combi-melta – 175 pts

Honour Guard

A Chapter Master can lead a Honor Guard consisting of 3 to 10 high-ranked Marine officers. Each Honor Guard wears artificer armor and is equipped with a power weapon. This unit can take on MEQ and also cc oriented units with special armor-ignoring weapons like Banshees, CSM Terminators or Sanguinary Guard. But it should stay away from Terminators with a larger number of power fists or Incubi since their weapons ignore artificer armor. The squad should be given some mobility: Drop Pod, Landraider, Razorback, or Rhino. Here is the basic configuration of a Honor Guard unit:

Honour Guard squad: Champion w/ thunder hammer, 5 Veterans – 200 pts

The Champion has to challenge whenever possible. Thus depending on the enemy, he may replace the thunder hammer by an ordinarly power weapon (which has only AP 3 these days).


A Space Marine Captain is the leader of a company. He has the same stats as a Chapter Master but the latter can additionally order an orbital bombardment during the battle. There are generally four ways to field a Captain:

Captain w/ relic blade, combi-melta, melta bombs – 145 pts
Captain w/ terminator armor, lightning claw, combi-melta – 150 pts
Captain w/ bike, relic blade, combi-melta, melta bombs – 175 pts
Captain w/ jump pack, relic blade, combi-melta, melta bombs – 165 pts

Command Squad

The Captain can lead a squad of high-ranked Space Marine officers as a Command squad. This is a fluffy unit consisting of four Veterans and an Apothecary. The Apothecary fields a narthecium so that the squad will benefit from Feel No Pain. Notice there are only a few units in the game that can make use of this rule, like Nobz with a Painboy, Plague Marines, Blood Angels with a chalice in close proximity, CSM with the icon of excess, and Nurgle Daemons. Although a Command squad can be transported, the best way is to give the unit bikes.. They can act as a counter-strike unit if an enemy unit threatens the front ranks, or approach the enemy via turbo booster along a flank. Such a Command squad could look as follows:

Command squad: 4 Veterans w/ bike, melta (x2), flamer (x2), melta bombs, 1 Apothecarius w/ bike – 255 pts

Note that two meltas and two flamers form a decent combo against armor and horde. On the other hand, four plasma rifles are the best bet versus tougher enemies like MCs. Melta bombs can take care of tanks and MCs.

Master of the Forge

The Master of the Forge (MotF) is the leading Tech Marine of a chapter. Tech Marines possess the ability to repair tanks. But this is more a gimmick and thoughts in this direction should be dropped.

An army led by a MotF can field more Dreadnoughts than normal. He has access to an arcane weapon, the conversion beamer, an awesome long range anti-tank weapon. But the conversion beamer is a heavy weapon and so it is quite tricky to utilize. First, a MotF with conversion beamer on foot should join a shooty long-range anti-tank Marine unit (Devastor squad). Second, a MotF on bike is highly mobile and able to fire a heavy weapon during the movement; since a lone MotF could be dead early in the game, he should lead a small Biker squad. Such a squad could zoom around and reposition for sniping during the opening and mid-game, and it could close in and charge in the end-game.


A Librarian provides psychic support to a Space Marine army and in this way can bolster the abilities of some units or disrupt enemy plans. Each Librarian has two psychic powers per battle. Additionally, he is equipped with a force weapon that allows to slay a wounded multi-wound enemy model outright. While a Codicier can cast one power per turn, an Epistolary can cast two. A Librarian can field shooting, close-combat oriented, and defensive powers.

A Librarian is not a close-combat monster, terminator armor and storm shield aside. Avenger is similar to the doom siren, one of the best weapons in the game. Null zone is good versus Daemons and units with invulnerable saves like Seer Council, Wyches, Wraiths, and Termies. Gate of infinity provides extra mobility and is particularly good when the Librarian leads a Terminator squad with storm bolters or a Sternguard unit with combi-weapons.

A Librarian can exchange codex powers with powers from the disciplines of biomancy, pryromancy, telepathy, and telekinesis. All these disciplines contain decent powers. But as usual in 40k, not everything is guaranteed and so you have to roll for them. Here are some decent configurations:

Epistolary w/ terminator armor, storm shield, avenger or nullzone, gate of infinity - 190 pts.
Epistolary w/ bike, telekinesis - 185 pts.

One option is to take two Librarian on bike leading a Biker squad and aiming for invisibility which would make the unit more resilient against shooting and in close combat.


A Chaplain provides spiritual support to an army as he can bolter the charge of a Space Marine unit thanks to the Rites of Battle.By the way, the crozium arcanum now counts as a flail. Remember that a unit transported by a Rhino, Razorback, or Drop Pod cannot charge when the unit is inside the transport. Therefore, it is advisable to attach the Chaplain to a fast unit that is able to get the charge, like a Biker squadron, an Assault squad, or a Terminator Assault squad riding a Land Raider. Here are some basic configurations:

Chaplain w/ bike,combi-melta, melta bombs – 155 pts
Chaplain w/ jump pack, combi-melta, melta bombs – 135 pts
Chaplain w/ terminator armor, combi-melta – 135 pts


In the 6the edition, several missions require troops as scoring units. This makes troops more important than they were previously.

Tactical Marines

The Tactical squads form the backbone of a Space Marine fighting force. These units are highly flexible due to their equipment and can fulfill various roles at the battle field. Transports like Rhinos allow to move units into position more quickly to claim objectives. But sometimes they give your opponent First Blood when they are targeted asap by strength 5+ fire or Gauss weaponry.

Rhino squads can perform two roles, either bolstering an assault or occupying a mission objective that was eventually cleared before. The squad should be led by a Sergeant with melta bombs and a combi-weapon. A power weapon is optional, but can be useful in a challenge. Moreover, the squad should carry two special weapons: meltas and multi-meltas are favorable against tanks, flamers and heavy bolters or missile launchers are advisable against hordes, and plasma weapons are the best choice versus MCs and TEQ. The missile launcher is a good allround weapon against tanks and hordes.

Drop podded Tacticalscan fulfill the same role as Rhino squads at the battle field. However, Drop Pods have the advantage over other transports that they can land on top of or close to an objective.

Razorback squads are defensive units that can considerably contribute to the main line of defense. The squad may be combat squadded with the heavy weapon in one combat unit and the Sergeant and the melta, plasma gun or flamer in the other one. The latter one may be transported in the Razorback to intercept an enemy unit threatening the front ranks; for larger impact, several Razorback squads should work in concert.

Foot squad: 9 Marines w/ plasma gun, plasma cannon, Sergeant w/ combi-plasma, melta bombs – 200 pts
Rhino squad: 9 Marines w/ flamer, heavy bolter, Sergeant w/ combi-flamer, melta bombs, Rhino – 220 pts
Drop Pod squad: 9 Marines w/ melta, multimelta, Sergeant w/ combi-melta, melta bombs, Drop Pod w/ deathwind – 245 pts
Razorback squad: 9 Marines w/ plasma gun, plasma cannon, Sergeant w/ combi-plasma, melta bombs, Razorback w/ lascannon, tl plasma gun – 275 pts


Scouts form the 10th company of an ordinary Space Marine chapter. They are ideal for securing objectives or dealing with tougher enemy units. Using Infiltrate they can be deployed right on top an objective or in cover with good line of sight to enemy units. Moreover, Infiltrate is useful to keep enemy infiltrators away from deploying too close to your front ranks.

A Sniper squad is a special purpose unit. First, sniper rifles can pin troops with low leadership like IG Troopers, Eldar Guardians, or Dark Eldar Warriors; pinning is valuable to silence enemy guns. Second, sniper rifles wound on 4+ with rending bonus and so are able to wound Tyranid monstrous creatures, high-toughness models like Wraithlords or Taloi, and tougher models with invulnerable saves like Greater Daemons and C'tan Shards. A Sniper squad should be deployed in the back field possibly wearing camo cloaks for increased survivability and thereby occupying a mission objective if any. Such a unit should consist of at least six to eight Scouts since they hit with their ballistic skill and no longer at 2+; a heavy bolter with hellfire shells is a nice add-on.

Another option is to run an outflanking Scout squad in a storm-pattern Land Speeder. Storm Scout units can eventually disrupt enemy plans. Such a unit can be escorted by a new flyer, the Stormtalon. This combo can be a nasty surprise for the enemy. There are basically two loadouts for such a unit. The first is to use Scouts with cc weapons and a Sergeant with meltabombs and charge units that they can tie up or kill. The second is to make the Storm a gunboat with bolter Scouts.

Sniper squad: 5 Scouts w/ sniper rifle (x4), heavy bolter, camo cloak (x5), Sergeant w/ sniper rifle, camo cloak – 116 pts
Storm Scout squad: 4 Scouts w/ bolter (x3), heavy bolter, Sergeant w/ melta bombs, combi-melta, Landspeeder Storm – 150 pts


Elite units fulfill a supporting role in a Space Marine force. One of their main tasks is to clear or contest objectives. This kind of task can only be achieved by larger squads, while smaller units generally do not cut it.

Sternguard Veterans

The Sternguard Veterans form a new elite type unit. They carry bolters with special ammunition that can be perfectly adapted to various situations on the battle field. The ammunition is effective against units with low armor saves deployed in cover (dragon fire), high toughness creatures (hell fire), units in carapace armor (kraken), and MEQ (retributor). On the other hand, the bolters can be upgraded to combi-weapons; combi-plasma versus heavily armored units or monstrous creatures, combi-meltas versus tanks, and combi-flamers versus hordes.

A Sternguard Veteran unit should be transported similar to a Tactical squad. However, the favorable transport is a Drop Pod since the unit can immediately unleash fire upon landing. Moreover, the unit can be combat squadded upon arrival and thus can target two enemy squads at once.

Drop Pod Sternguard squad: 10 Sternguard w/ combi-melta (x10), melta bombs (x5), Drop Pod w/ deathwind – 375 pts

A particularly nasty tactic is to let a Librarian with gate of infinity lead a drop podded Sternguard Veteran squad. For this, some of the Drop Pods should be equipped with locator beacons for safe landing of the Librarian's squad.


Terminators are amongst the greatest heroes of mankind. These bold warriors wear tactical dreadnought armor and are equipped with terrifying weapons. A large Terminator squad is certainly a shock and awe unit for the enemy. A full Terminator squad is a decent main supporting units. Deep striking is less risky in the new edition. Moreover, Terminators got better in cc since power weapons and special armor ignoring weapons are only AP 3.

A maxed-out Terminator squad can field two heavy weapons; cyclone missile launchers and assault cannons are anti-light-tank and anti-infantry, while heavy flamers are anti-infantry and particularly anti-horde. My favorite loadout is this:

Terminator squad: 10 Terminators w/ cyclones (x2) – 460 pts

Assault Terminators

Terminators should be brought as soon as possible into the thickest melee. For this, larger Terminator units are preferable. There are two ways to field a Terminator Assault squad, either as a shock and awe unit that deep strikes or as a transported unit led by a Terminator Chaplain for increased impact.

Terminator Assault squad: 10 Assault Terminators w/ thunder hammer (x7), twin lightning claws (x3)  – 400 pts
LR Terminator Assault squad: 6 Assault Terminators w/ thunder hammer (x4), twin lightning claws (x2), Land Raider Crusader – 490 pts


Dreadnoughts are powerful war machines that can be as lethal at range as in close combat. However, tanks became rather vulnerable in the new edition. Moreover, Venerable Dreads got a hit as the venerable upgrade only works against penetrating hits. But any hit increases the hull points left. Furthermore, Dreads are more vulnerable in cc, because grenades hit in the same way as any cc weapon. Dreadnoughts can fill a shooty role with two heavy weapons (autocannons) or with heavy flamer when deployed in the backfield waiting for outflanking units like Genestealers, or a supporting role when drop podded. Here are some basic configurations:

Dreadnought w/ twin linked autocannon (x2) – 125 pts
Dreadnought w/ multimelta, twin linked heavy flamer, Drop Pod – 150 pts

Fast Attack

Fast attack units are supporting units filling gaps in the combat line. They can be used in several roles: harassing the enemy, assault based, counter-striking or as shooty support.

Assault Marines

Assault squads are fast and hard hitting units in close combat. They are useful in fast armies consisting of Rhinos and in shooty armies serving as counter-strike units. But there are better assault units out there in the 40k universe and so one should be careful what to assault.

Assault Marine squad: 9 Marines, Sergeant w/ power weapon, melta bombs - 215 pts

The unit may be upgraded with two plasma pistols (vs MEQ or TEQ) or with two flamers (vs hordes).

Vanguard Veterans

The Vanguard Veterans are veterans that can be equipped with jump packs. If so, they benefit from the special rule Heroic Invention which allows to charge upon landing. But this can be a gamble since the unit can eventually scatter and the charging range is another indeterminate. Nevertheless, this tactic can be used to silence enemy guns. The BA equivalent of this unit is the better choice due to the rule of Death of Angels. Here is a basic configuration:

Vanguard Veteran squad: 4 Veterans w/ jump packs (x4), Sergeant w/ power weapon, melta bombs, jump pack – 195 pts


Landspeeders are fun to play. They are fast but fragile. They are fast skimmers and so can fire two weapons when moving only 12 inches. Moreover, the squadron rules improved and so make squadrons of Landspeeders slightly better. Landspeeders with two multimeltas are anti-tank, Speeders with two heavy flamers are anti-infantry, and Speeders with assault cannons and heavy bolters can effectively fill gaps in the combat line. Moreover, Typhoon pattern Speeders are good allround skimmers versus armor and infantry.


Bike squadrons are still odd units, since they are rather expensive and have only one basic attack in close combat. Moreover, CSM Bikes are became much cheaper in the new codesx and now are considered as competitive. As said, a Biker unit could be used to support a Librarian or two on bikes casting some nasty powers like invisibility or puppet master. Bikers gain an cover save while moving flat out. As a rule, a Bike squadron should either move flat out or shoot (and eventually charge). A shooty unit should include an Attack Bike for increased impact; the weaponry of Bikers and Attack Bike mainly depends on the enemy. A harassing unit can zoom down a flank threatening a shooty enemy unit or an enemy tank. Finally, close combat oriented Biker squadrons are only advisable in Biker armies.

Anti-Armor Biker squadron: 5 Bikers w/ melta (x2), Sergeant w/ combi-melta, melta bombs - 175 pts
Anti-Infantry Biker squadron: 5 Bikers w/ flamer (x2), Sergeant w/ combi-melta, melta bombs - 165 pts
Anti-TEQ or -MC Biker squadron: 5 Bikers w/ plasma gun (x2), Sergeant w/ combi-plasma, melta bombs - 185 pts

Assault Bikes

Assault Bike squadrons can be fielded in two configurations. A full squadron with heavy bolters is a good anti-infantry unit, while a unit of two or three Bikes with multimeltas is a decent anti-tank unit. An Attack Bike squadron should always turbo boost unless it is shooting.

Scout Bikes

Scout Bike squadrons have the Scout ability that allows them to make a free move of 12" before the game or to outflank when coming from reserve. A Scout Biker squadron is a perfect harassing unit, say by zooming down along a flank. The squadron can field up to three grenade launchers and so can provides a mobile fire platform against a horde army.

Scout Bike squadron: 5 Scout Bikers, Sergeant w/ melta bombs - 135 pts

Storm Talon

This is one of the newest flyer in the 40k universe and only accessible to vanilla Space Marine chapters. The Storm Talon comes with a twin linked assault cannon and a twin linked heavy bolter. The latter can be replaced by a twin linked lascannon, a typhoon missile launcher or a skyhammer missile launcher. The Storm Talon is an escort craft and so can be attached to a unit in reserve like a Landspeeder Storm, and must move on within 6" of this unit. Both units come in on one reserve roll. It can also hover strike and can forgo moving in order to receive a +1 to BS against certain targets and weapons become pinning. The Storm Talon can also be used for air defense. Flyers usually have AV 11 or 12 and thus the skyhammer missile launcher in combination with the twin linked assault cannon is a decent choice to take on flyers.

Heavy Support

Heavy support units fill a supporting role in a Space Marine army. They can be used to weaken enemy ranks, to clear mission objectives or to provide fire support for advancing units. The new rules make tanks more vulnerable than in the former edition.


Devastator squads carry up to four heavy weapons and can be considered as the hard hitters from the backfield. A squad should carry four heavy weapons and contain some ablative wounds for increased durability. In particular, a maxed out unit can be combat squadded iso that both units carry two heavy weapons. Here are some useful configurations:

Anti-Armor Devastator squad: 10 Marines w/ missile launcher (x4) - 230 pts
Anti-Light-Infantry Devastator squad: 10 Marines w/ heavy bolters (x4) - 230 pts
Anti-Heavy-Armor Devastator squad: 10 Marines w/ plasma cannon (x4) - 270 pts


Vindicators are very powerful tanks able to destroy heavily armored troops and tanks by one volley. The blast rule has improved in the new edition since any tank under the template is hit with full strength. The only downside is the small range of the cannon.. Vindicators can hold a flank or the center of the combat line, or advance with a mechanized army providing fire support.


Predators are heavy tanks that can give decent fire support. The destructor pattern tank equipped with autocannon (turret) and heavy bolters (sponsons) is well-suited against light infantry or light tanks, while the annihilator pattern tank equipped with autocannon or twin linked lascannon (turret) and lascannons (sponsons) is decent against tanks and heavy infantry.


Whirlwinds are tanks that can be used against lightly armored units. They carry besides the good old ordnance pie plate another ordnance weapon (castellan) that ignores cover and so is decent against lightly armored units deployed in cover or squads that have a decent cover save like Pathfinders or Harlies.Two Whirlwinds are suggested against horde armies to make full effect of their armament.

Land Raiders

Land Raiders are the largest tanks in the game. They allow the transported troops to disembark and charge in the same turn and come in three variants. The Crusader pattern is the best transport in the game. It can transport up to 16 Marines or 8 Terminators. The Crusader's weapons are primarily anti-troop and so complement the purpose of the tank. The Redeemer pattern is quite similar to the Crusader pattern. It has a smaller transport capacity and carries special heavy flamers that are decent versus MEQ. Finally, the basic version of the Land Raider comes with two twin-linked lascannons and thus is basically only effective when stationary.

Thunderfire Cannons

Thunderfire cannons are long-range artillery-type platforms that are new in the Space Marine arsenal. Each Thunderfire cannon is operated by a single Tech Marine shooting four volleys in each turn and so piercing holes in a horde army or units that benefit from cover saves like Pathfinders or Harlequins.


The new rule book provides several fortifications that can be include in a 40k army. The most prominent is the Aegis Defense Line (ADL). It provides a good cover save at either side and so is quite useful on boards with sparse cover. It can be upgraded with a vox caster to reroll reserve rolls, with an icarus lascannon, or with a quad gun. Both weapons provide air defense which is lacking in the Space Marine codex besides the Stormtalon who can fight flyers on a regular basis. The ADL could be manned by a Tactical Marine or a Devastator. A Techmarine would also be an option but he cannot bolster only ruines and not an ADL. On the other hand, bonuses for cover can be combined with the ADL. A prominent example is camo netting for IG tanks giving them a 3+ cover save.


The new edition allows to integrate an ally detachment into a Space Marine strike force. It is clear that Space Marines can take other Space Marine chapter as allies. Besides these, there are two other decent choices.

Imperial Guard

Imperial Guard (IG) relies on fighting doctrines that are very different from those of Space Marines. Nevertheless, Imperial Guard is able to fill gap in the gun line of a Space Marine army. Useful IG units are CCS with special weapons, camo cloaks, Master of Ordnance, Veterans with special weapons, a Vendetta squadron, Manticore, Basilisks and Leman Russes (in squadrons).


Tau are fighting for the Greater Good. Their fighting doctrines are similar to those of IG. Moreover, they are also brothers in arms to Space Marines which makes them appropriate allies. Suitable Tau units are Commander, Fire Warriors, Crisis, and Broadsides.

Sample Army Lists

Space Marines armies are usually shooty forces which stay back softening up the enemy before charging him. The army should be able to combat the enemy at all threat ranges (from 48 inches to 12 inches), cc should always be the last resort. In the following sample lists the larger lists are build upon the smaller ones. This approach is cost effective and the limited number of unit types allows the beginner easier control of the army.

Army List - 500 pts

In small point games, you need numbers in the first place.

Librarian - 100
9 Tactical Marines w/ plasma gun, plasma cannon, Sergeant w/ combi-plasma, melta bombs - 200
9 Tactical Marines w/ flamer, missile launcher, Sergeant w/ power weapon, combi-flamer, melta bombs - 200

Army List - 1000 pts

In the following army, the two Tactical squads are combat squadded (5 Marines incl. Sergeant and special weapon go in the Razorback, the other unit is deployed in cover) and the Librarian joins one unit in the Razorback.

Librarian - 100
9 Tactical Marines w/ plasma gun, plasma cannon, Sergeant w/ combi-plasma, melta bombs, Razorback - 240
9 Tactical Marines w/ flamer, missile launcher, Sergeant w/ power weapon, combi-flamer, melta bombs, Razorback - 240
Dreadnought w/ twinlinked autocannon (x2) - 125
Landspeeder Typhoon - 90
Landspeeder Typhoon - 90
Vindicator - 115

Army List - 1750 pts

Librarian w/ terminator armor, storm shield, gate of infinity, nullzone - 140
10 Terminators w/ cyclone (x2) - 460
9 Tactical Marines w/ plasma gun, plasma cannon, Sergeant w/ combi-plasma, melta bombs, Razorback - 240
9 Tactical Marines w/ flamer, missile launcher, Sergeant w/ power weapon, combi-flamer, melta bombs, Razorback - 240
5 Sniper Scouts w/ camo cloaks, heavy bolter, melta bombs - 100
Storm Talon w/ skyhammer missiles - 155
Landspeeder Typhoon - 90
Landspeeder Typhoon - 90
Vindicator - 115
Vindicator - 115

Army List - 1999+1 pts

Librarian w/ terminator armor, storm shield, gate of infinity, nullzone - 140
10 Terminators w/ cyclone (x2) - 460
9 Tactical Marines w/ melta, multimelta, Sergeant w/ combi-melta, melta bombs, Rhino - 225
9 Tactical Marines w/ plasma gun, plasma cannon, Sergeant w/ combi-plasma, melta bombs, Razorback w/ lascannon, tl plasma gun - 275
9 Tactical Marines w/ flamer, missile launcher, Sergeant w/ power weapon, combi-flamer, melta bombs, Rhino - 235
Dreadnought w/ twinlinked autocannon (x2) - 125
Storm Talon w/ skyhammer missiles - 155
Storm Talon w/ skyhammer missiles - 155
Vindicator - 115
Vindicator - 115


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